The Christmas Ornament (Evergreen Lake: Under the Mistletoe) Chapter 13 32%
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Chapter 13



Driving along the road, I see a naked figure on the end of a dock before they jump into the water. Then another figure appears and after doing a little dance, they too jump back into the water. “The cold weather has brought out the crazy people,” I mutter to myself as I pull into the driveway and when I see where I am, I shake my head and hold back a smirk.

Rolling down the driveway toward Tweedle Naked One and Tweedle Naked Two, I continue to shake my head as I watch my sister and her best friend frolic naked on the dock. Flicking on the siren, they both turn toward me. Shock is written all over their faces, and I chuckle to myself as I turn off the engine.

Pulling my hat on, I climb out of the car and hear splashes. The girls have jumped back into the lake to cover their nakedness. Opening the trunk, I grab out two blankets and walk toward the dock. “Really? Skinny-dipping?” I call out. “In this weather?”

“I dare you to join us,” Sabbi calls out, ignoring the fact she’s naked in the daylight or that I’m in my uniform.

“Sabrina.” I use her full name to hopefully reiterate the seriousness of the situation. “I’m the new sheriff. I can’t just go skinny-dipping on a Sunday afternoon.”

“Chicken,” she goads, and then Reindeer starts flapping her arms up and down while making chicken clucking sounds. Soon both of them are squawking like chickens. My sister knows I never back down from a dare … but I’m on the job.

“Sab, I’m working?—”

“Don’t you officially start Monday?” Reindeer asks. “’Cause, if so, technically, you aren’t working-working, which means you can accept the dare.”

Then my sister adds, “And if you don’t, you will forever be known as a chicken.”

And once again, they start with the clucking sounds.

Staring down at the two lunatics swimming in the freezing water, something inside of me snaps when Reindeer stares intently at me and mouths the words, “I dare you.” That challenge snaps my restraint, and I begin to unbutton my shirt. Dropping it to the dock, I kick off my shoes and socks. Popping open the button on my trousers, I lower the fly and push my pants down. Standing on the dock in nothing but my briefs, I stare down at the girls. “Turn around,” I tell them.

“I’ve seen your dick before,” Sabrina states.

“Yeah, when I was like five,” I snap. “Now turn around so I can complete my dare.”

“Fine,” she hisses and spins around. “You too, missy,” she says to Reindeer. “You’re about to be married, and there’s only one dick you should be staring at.”

“If you’ve seen one dick you’ve seen them all,” she says to my sister.

“I disagree. Some are long and thin. Some look like little toadstools. Some are thick and girthy. Some are circumcised, while others are not. Some are pierced. Some?— ”

“For someone who’s only been with one guy, you sure know a lot about them,” Reindeer teases her.

“It’s called porn, Ruby, and you should know; you sell it daily.”

“I don’t sell porn. I sell romantic experiences that just so happen to feature men with gorgeous long dicks and they know how to bring a girl to her knees with said gorgeous and long dick.”

Having had enough of hearing my sister and her best friend talk about male anatomy, I lower my briefs and jump before I can talk myself out of this stupid idea. Holy fucking coldness, Batman, I knew the water would be chilly but I wasn’t expecting it to be this cold. “Fuck me sideways,” I splutter when I surface.

“Takes your breath away, huh?” Reindeer says, splashing me.

“That’s the understatement of the century,” I tell her. “Now, wanna tell me how you two ended up skinny-dipping?”

“Well, we were in the hot tub drinking and doing shots and then one thing led to another, and well, here we are.”

“Only you two would end up doing this.”

“Umm, hello, didn’t you and Chris Douglas do exactly this in your senior year?” At the mention of Chris, I smile. I haven’t thought of him in years. Maybe now that I’m back, we can reconnect and we can start when I pick my truck up from him. I was lucky all I did was bust the radiator when I crashed ’cause this time of year, it’s hard to get parts and I hate the rental I have. I can’t wait to get my truck back.

“That was in the past. I’m the sheriff now. I need to be responsible.”

“So responsible that at the goading of your sister and her best friend, you stripped and jumped into the lake,” Reindeer states matter-of-factly .

“Shut up,” I throw back at her before I splash her.

“So tough,” she taunts.

“I’ll show you tough.” Before she can process what I’m up to, I have my arms around her waist, my hand brushes the underside of her breast, and as I lift Reindeer into the air, it hits me she and I are naked … with my sister. At that thought, I quickly throw her into the water.

“Asshole,” she coughs when she resurfaces.

Shrugging at her, I waggle my eyebrows at her and then it’s on. She launches herself at me, and before I know it, she’s on my back, trying to dunk me. She pushes herself up on my shoulders and tries to push me under, but I’m too strong for her, and she slips down my back. Her naked breasts slide over my skin, and I can feel her tight and taut nipples grazing me. They are stiff and pebbled from the cold—hard enough to cut steel.

Sliding my arm behind me, I tug her around me and my cock brushes against her stomach, at the realization I’m naked, she pushes off of me but not before her eyes widen. We stare intently at one another, each of us breathing heavily and I’m not sure if it’s from the exertion of our play fighting or something more.

The moment, however, is interrupted when Sabrina calls out, “Cannonball,” just before her ball-shaped body crashes into the water, soaking Reindeer and me.

An all-out water fight breaks out. The three of us are splashing each other and trying to dunk one another. Even though it’s colder than a witch’s tit, I can’t remember the last time I had this much fun … even if what we’re doing at the moment is illegal.

We all take turns cannonballing and splashing, with a rule of “no looking.” I’m happy to oblige when it’s my sister’s turn, but I will admit, I sneak a peek or two when it is Ruby’s turn. Her body is just as lithe and stunning as I remember. Her arms are toned and her stomach is flatter than a pancake.

“Well, well, well,” a deep voice sings out, “What’s going on here?”

When I look up to the dock, my eyes widen when I see Deputy Drew standing there with his hands on his hips and a shit-eating grin on his face. If I thought crashing my car upon my arrival was embarrassing, being caught naked with your sister and her best friend in the lake, well, that’s a whole other level of embarrassment.

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