The Christmas Ornament (Evergreen Lake: Under the Mistletoe) Chapter 36 88%
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Chapter 36



Waking up with Reindeer naked in my arms is better than I remember, probably because that Christmas we snuck around I only got to wake up with her once. That was ruined when Dad came into my room at stupid a.m. to see if I wanted to go ice-fishing with him—FYI, I did NOT want to go ice-fishing with him—but thankfully, he didn’t notice Reindeer, but at the same time, how did he not notice the naked goddess beside me?

“Morning, Reindeer,” I utter when I see her looking up at me.

“Morning, Mad. Sleep well?”

“Like the dead. Some sex fiend kept me up all night long.”

“Ha, the same thing happened to me too.” She rolls to her side to grab her phone off the bedside table. Pulling her into me, I snuggle into her from behind. My morning wood digs into her ass. I wriggle my hips, trying to slip a quickie in before we start our day, but Reindeer quickly pulls away and rolls over to face me. “I will say it again, and I will keep saying it. No lube, no ass.”

“One of these days, I’m gonna shock you and I’ll have lube. ”

“It won’t be a shock because I can’t wait to feel your pierced cock in my ass.”


“Really-really. Now, I’m going to have a shower and then we should look at maybe venturing outside today.”

“Ugh, do we have to people? Can’t we just stay here naked forever?”

She laughs and shakes her head. “You’d soon get sick of seeing just me naked.”

“Never. A thousand years seeing you naked will never be enough.”

“You say the sweetest things to me. Now, up. We have shit to do ... plus, it’s Christmas Eve.”

She climbs out of bed and heads into the en suite. A few moments later, the sound of the shower echoes into my room. She pops her head around the doorframe. “You coming? I might need help washing my back.”

Seeing her naked AND wet, yes fucking please.

Quicker than the Flash, I jump out of bed and join her in the shower. We get each other dirty, again, before we wash ourselves clean and hop out.

Since Reindeer only has her wedding dress as an outfit option, I loan her a pair of sweatpants and a shirt. We agree to head to her place for some clothes after we eat.

While I finished getting dressed, she heads into the kitchen to start on breakfast. Before joining her, I quickly call Dennis to check on things. This storm got wild overnight and I want to be sure he’s coping. He told me to stay with Reindeer when I spoke to him yesterday, but he shouldn’t be at the station alone during a storm, or in the lead-up to Christmas.

“Hey, Sheriff,” Dennis says when he answers.

“How you doing? Things all good? ”

“All good on the home front, nothing I can’t handle. Been out plowing.”

“Is that code for something?”

“Ohh, the Sheriff’s got jokes.”

“You know it.”

“But seriously, everything is fine here. Nothing I can’t handle.”

“That’s good to hear, umm, how are things on the Sydney front?” I’m met with silence and that speaks volumes. “You want me to come in?” And that question is coming from Maddox his friend and not Maddox the sheriff.

“No, I’ve got this. How’s Ruby holding up?”

At the mention of Reindeer, a smile forms on my face. “We’re good.”

“We’re?” he repeats. “You finally make your move?”

“Fuck off, asshole. You’re as bad as the G-team, but if you must know, we’re good. She’s good. I’m good. It’s all good.”

“That’s a lot of good.” He chuckles. “But seriously, I’m happy for you both. Who knew getting stood up at the altar would have a happy outcome?”

He’s not wrong there. When I heard what that pindick weasel did, I was pissed off, but the silver lining of that shitshow: Reindeer and I finally got our chance.

“Fate has a way of working her magic in a roundabout weird and wonderful way.”

“Just don’t fuck it up,” then he softly says, “like I did.”

I’m not sure what to say to that since I don’t exactly know what he did. “Okay, well, if you need anything just holler and I’ll be there.” Again, I mean personally and not professionally, even though I’d be there for that too.

“Same goes for you, Mad, and if I haven’t said it already, I’m glad you’re the new sheriff. The town is in good hands.”

We say our goodbyes, and I hang up. Walking out of my bedroom, I stop and watch Reindeer. She’s at the stove, dancing away while bacon fries in the pan. Dean Martin is singing her song “Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer” and I start humming along.

Reindeer looks over her shoulder at me and winks. Turning her attention back to the stove, she continues to wiggle her butt and sing while I make my way over to her. Resting my hands on her hips, I begin to sway along with her and sing my version of the song. “Ruby the red-nosed reindeer, has a very, very sexy butt. Maddox would like to fuck that sexy, sexy butt.”

Reindeer giggles and looks over her shoulder at me. “That last line doesn’t rhyme.”

“I don’t need it to rhyme to talk about fucking your butt.” She shakes her head and turns back to the stove. Sliding my hands around her hips, I slide them up and cup her boobs in my hands, grinding myself on her ass. “I very much want to fuck your ass, Reindeer.”

“And I very much would love that too but…”

“But what?” I ask since she drifted off.

“We’ve discussed this plenty of times. You don’t have any lube, and there is no way that pierced anaconda is getting anywhere near my ass without proper lubrication.”

“Makes mental note to add lube to the shopping list.”

“You do that,” she states matter-of-factly.

Switching off the burner, she shoves me out of the way with her ass and pops the omelette pan under the broiler. The she spins around and drapes her arms over my shoulders and walks me back to the other side of the kitchen. “After breakfast, I need to go home and change and then get to the shop?—”

“But you’re on leave.”

“Not my shop,” she refutes. “I meant Hanson’s, but I probably should go and check on Read Between the Wines.”

“We can do that, but what do you need at Hanson’s? ”

“Apart from more food, we need to get some lube so you stop droning on about my ass.”

“Lube or no lube, I will always obsess over your ass, have you seen it?”

“Only in the mirror,” she says with a shrug.

“Well, as someone who has seen it up close and felt it…” I slide my hands down her back and squeeze said ass. “It’s delectable, Reindeer, and I cannot wait to fuck it.”

“I’m starting to think you only want me for my ass.”

“I want you for more than just that but your ass, definitely a bonus.”

She nods and from the look on her face, I can see her brain is ticking away. “Do you have coconut oil?”

“I think so.” She eyes me in a “well, get it for me” kind of way.

Pulling away from her, I walk over to the pantry and have a look and way in the back—pun intended—I find an almost full jar. Grabbing it, I spin around and hold it up. “What do you want this for? I don’t think I’ve used it with an omelette before.” It seems like an odd combination but she seems happy we have some.

“It’s not for breakfast.” She walks over to the broiler and flicks it off.

“Then why do you want this?” She walks toward me and rests her hands on the counter beside me. She eyes the jar in my hand, not uttering a word, then she looks back to me. “What …” But the question dies on my lips when she drops my sweats, leans on her hands, and thrusts her ass out, wriggling it. She stares at the jar again and, finally, it clicks in my brain.

“Fuck, I love you,” I tell her as I begin to remove the lid. Dropping it to the countertop, it clatters and circles around and around before coming to a stop. Digging my fingers into the jar, I pull them out and hold up the blob of coconut oil. Stepping behind her, I slap her bare ass cheek. “Spread ’em,” I command.

She complies and I slide my oil-covered fingers into her crack. A moan slips free just as she turns her head toward me before I cover her mouth with mine. I push my tongue into hers as I work my fingers into her ass.

“Please,” she begs, and who am I to deny her.

Dropping my pants, I oil up my dick that has been rock-hard ever since I realized what she wanted the oil for. Stepping behind her, she leans down onto the countertop and pushes her ass out. Gripping her hips, I slide my dick between her cheeks. Lining my shaft up to her oily puckered hole, I gently ease the tip in. She hisses and I stop. “You okay?”

She nods.

“Should I keep going?”

Again she nods.

Pushing in farther, her hiss turns into a moan once my cock is fully in her ass. Holding on to her sides, I start to move my hips back and forth. She lets out a pleasurable whimper and it’s music to my ears. Pulling out, I push back in, and soon, I find a rhythm that has her inner porn star coming out.

“Your pierced dick feels amazing in my ass,” she mewls as I continue to thrust into her tight hole. Her ass hugs my cock and I’m close to exploding but I want her to enjoy this for longer than two point five seconds. Sliding my arm around her, I massage her clit before I insert a finger into her pussy.

“Yes,” she pants as I shove a second finger into her, curving them around to hit her magic button. An indescribable sounds slips through her lips and I feel her body beneath me tense up. She lets out an ear-piercing screech, mumbles a husky, “Fuck, I’m coming,” and her release drips down my hand. With her muscles clenching tightly on both my fingers and my cock. I too explode, spilling my seed in her ass, squeezing her hips as her ass sucks every last drop out of me.

She collapses onto the countertop, breathlessly panting. I stand behind her, panting like I just ran a marathon, with my dick still lodged in her ass. She turns her head and looks at me over her shoulder, she looks sleepy yet sated. “How was that?”

“I have no words,” she tells me.

“That good, huh?” She nods. “Fuck, I love you.”

“I love you too,” she replies. “But do you think you can let me get up? When you’re not in the throes of passion, this position is not very comfortable on the hip bones.”

“Shit, sorry.”

Pulling out of her, I help her up and then I lift her into my arms and walk her back into my bedroom and through to the shower. Dropping her to her feet, she reaches in and turns the water on. Once it’s to temperature, she steps under the spray. Standing here, I watch the water cascade down her body. Crossing my arms, I lean against the tiled wall and admire her as she cleans herself up.

That was the sexiest thing I have ever seen or been a part of, and I can’t fucking wait to do it again. If I thought I was obsessed with her ass before, now it’s next level.

Reindeer lifts her gaze and stares at me, I see nothing but love and admiration reflecting back at me, it’s exactly how I feel about Reindeer.

My smile widens when I realize, all my Christmas wishes have come true and it’s only Christmas Eve. I already have the most perfect gift ever, Reindeer, and her love.

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