The Cuffing Season Contract 16. November 20- Wilder 50%
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16. November 20- Wilder

Being sucked off is like eating pizza. Sometimes, an expert makes the pizza, and it’s decadent and orgasmic. Other times, it’s greasy and cheap.

Both are amazing and have their virtues.

It’s obvious that she hasn’t had many dicks in her mouth. That knowledge turns me on to levels I haven’t felt in a long time. Even if she’s inexperienced, I can teach her to do it the way I like. But her lips are thick and wet and sliding over my length. At the end of the day, that’s all that matters. I’m in heaven in her warm bed with expensive sheets, and her head bobs over me in a steady rhythm as I curl my hands through her soft hair.

“Come off it a little,” I whisper, stroking her cheek. She looks up at me with doe eyes, and I bite my lip. Fuck, that’s sexy. “Take a long lick up the length and flick your tongue just under the head.”

She nods, accepting my instruction, and does what I ask. “Flatten your tongue,” I huff, my breath catching. “Now come down on it as far as you can, then ease back and suck. Just like that.”

My eyes close, my breath hitches, and pleasure comes over me in waves as I rock into her mouth. She gags a little when she goes down as far as she can, but we can work on her gag reflex over the remaining months.

“Look at me when you blow me,” I whisper, fisting her hair and thrusting into her mouth. Just a little. Not enough to hurt her or make her puke on my dick. It’s hard not to face fuck her, but this isn’t my first rodeo, and I restrain myself.

She focuses on me, tears welling in her eyes at the length and width of me. I can’t look away, and I try not to shut my eyes again. “You look so fucking beautiful with my dick in your mouth,” I coo, wiping stray spit away from her chin.

I hold back my orgasm, wanting this to last. I know a lot of women just want it over with and wish we’d come when we feel like it, but I like to savor my oral sex. I need something else to concentrate on.

“Have you ever had someone eat you out while you sucked them?”

I don’t know why I asked. I know she hasn’t. I think she’s barely been fucked, much less practiced enough to become a sixty-nine aficionado. Her eyes widen in fear, and I chuckle. “Don’t worry. We don’t have to.”

She comes off my dick with a slurping noise that almost makes me come just from the sound of it. “I want to try. This is about trying new things for a few months, right? I’m just intimidated.”

I smile down at her. “Swing around.”

“Swing around?”

“I don’t know if you know how this works, but you’re going to sit backwards on my face.”

She hesitates. “I’m scared of that position.”

“Why are you scared of sixty-nine? It’s just doing the same things we’ve already done to each other at the same time.”

“You’ll think it’s stupid.”

“I think a lot of what you say is weird, but I never think it’s stupid.”

She clenches the sheets, and I thrust my pelvis toward her face, missing the feel of her mouth. “You have to promise not to laugh.”

“I’m thoroughly fascinated as to what’s going to come out of your mouth.”

“It’s just that, well, my…you know,” she says, waving her hand at her butt. I furrow my brow, confused. “My butthole will be in your face. I mean, you’ll be staring at it or hitting it with your nose.”

“Is that a problem?” I ask, not understanding the issue. “I’ve never had any complaints about that little nose nuzzle before.”

“Isn’t it a little unnerving that my butthole will be so exposed?”

I sigh and stroke her hair. “It’s just a body part, Savannah. You’ll be able to see mine if you go all the way down on my dick. And I do hope you’ll go all the way down on that dick.”

“That’s not a helpful argument, Wilder.”

“What if I promise to close my eyes?”

“I don’t know.”

I push her head back to my dick. “It’s fine. Maybe someday I’ll open you up enough to let go with me.” She opens her mouth to take me back down her throat, and I stroke her hair. “Maybe we can get in the shower sometime. You can let me get you good and clean before we take care of each other. Then, you wouldn’t have to worry or be self-conscious.”

She nods and bobs her head on me. I give her little commands like “faster” or “lick there,” and she does what I ask each time. She adapts to my sighs and moans, redoing things that make me arch my back and letting go of things that don’t work for me. Every moan from my mouth congratulates her when she does well, and I force myself to stay still and not react when she does something I don’t like. It’s the best way to teach her.

My pelvic area and some of my abdomen is soaked in her spit, and she backs off, wiping her mouth and looking up at me with apologetic eyes. “That’s good, Savannah,” I whisper. “Guys like it more when it’s wet and when you get your spit on it.”

“Really?” she asks, and I can tell her throat hurts. Her voice is husky.

“Slide up here.”

“But you’re not done,” she whines, wrinkling her brow. “You finished me. I need to finish you.”

I laugh and run my hands through her hair. “I’ll finish elsewhere. You can swallow a mouth load of me another time.”

She kisses her way up my chest and nips at my neck. “That feels so good, Savannah,” I mutter, closing my eyes. I could stay on my back forever and let her kiss me, my cock hard against her stomach and still covered in her spit. But my dick needs to get this show on the road.

I flip us over until I’m on top of her, and she grinds into me, wrapping her legs around me. “Do you want something?” I ask against her lips.

“You. Just you,” she sighs. “I want this so bad, Wilder. It’s been so long for me.”

She squeezes her eyes shut and pants against my shoulder. “Do you have condoms in here, or do I need to go to my room?” I ask, unsure if I can walk with my dick so hard and wet.

“I have some,” she says, running her hands up and down my back. “I got some when you moved in.”

I pull back a little and look at her. “Have you wanted me since day one, Savannah?”

“On some level. They’re in the nightstand.”

I reach over, open the drawer, and rifle through it for something that feels like a box of condoms or something small in a foil package. “Wait! I’ll get them,” she yells, pushing me off her so hard that I grip the mattress to keep from falling off the bed.

“What the fuck, Savannah? Why don’t you want me to look in the drawer?”

“Nothing! No reason.”

A laugh bubbles up from my chest, and I pin her back to the mattress, stroking her hair back from her face as her skin flushes. “Savannah Smart, do you have a sex toy in that drawer you don’t want me to know about?”

Her eyes widen, and I know I hit the mark. I nuzzle her cheek and scrape my stubble across her face on the way to whisper into her ear. “Because you know we can have fun with that, right?”

“I think our levels of sexual adventure are a little out of sync,” she says below me, but her body trembles. She’s not completely against any of this.

“Is it a vibrator?”

She covers her face with her hands, hiding from me. “Why do you want to know?”

“You don’t exactly look like the anal bead type. I’ll go with standard vibrator, probably with some kind of silicone woodland creature on the end.” I bite my lip and raise my eyebrows at her. Fuck, I want to bury my dick inside of her. “Or maybe a vibrating wand-like thing.”

“It’s just a stupid vibrator. Don’t laugh at me.”

I run my tongue up her neck and her cheek until I reach her ear. I kiss her earlobe and breathe into her hair. “I won’t laugh when we use it to make you come again while I’m inside of you.”

She squeaks and trembles against my body like she’s cold, but I know there’s no way in hell she’s cold with my naked body on top of her. I smile and reach over to the nightstand, fumbling through it until I find a free-floating condom at the bottom of the drawer. Her eyes meet mine, and I smile and bite my lip as I lay the condom on the pillow next to her head and put my hand back in the drawer, searching until I feel something shaped like a seven-inch dick buried in the back.

I pull it out and stare at the purple vibrator with a rabbit attachment. “So, this is my competition,” I murmur, shaking my head.

“Something tells me it’s no competition.”

I set the vibrator on the other side of the pillow and reach for the condom. My dick is on fire and throbs against her warm slit, and I make short work of opening the package and rolling it on my cock. It hurts as it goes on, my dick so desperate for her.

I nudge her legs further apart, and she sharply inhales, maybe expecting pain. Then again, she’s only been with one guy. It probably did hurt the last time she did this. I stroke her chin and make her look up at me. “It’ll feel good this time.”

She nods, and I slide into her inch by inch, easing myself into her tight hole. A groan escapes my mouth, and I suck in gulps of air to control myself from pounding her into the headboard. “Fuck, Savannah.” She whimpers under me and swirls her hips around, grinding against me like she wants more. “Do you want more?” I ask, pushing into her deeper.


I fill her to the hilt and run my tongue across her throat and shoulders. Fuck, she feels just as good as I imagined. That shower pouf can’t even come close to the feel of her wet warmth squeezing me.

I pull back and press into her again, and she grips my butt harder, pulling me into her again and again. The scent of her is in my nose, and the bed squeaks in quiet rhythm under us, causing the headboard to tap the wall. I kiss everything I can reach, and she bares her throat to me, tossing her head back in either pleasure or begging me to kiss her there more.

“Have you ever been on top?”

She shakes her head, and I roll us over before she can form words. The look of surprise covers her face, and I smile up at her as I rub my hands over her nipples. “Fuck me, Savannah. You can be the boss tonight. You’re in control.”

I grip her hips and move her back and forth over my cock until she catches the rhythm and can do it herself. Once she’s moving and throws her head back, I run my hands anywhere I can reach. Her thighs. Her hips. The small of her back, gripping her to move her back and forth on my dick just the way I like it.

When she’s enjoying herself, as evidenced by her sighs and muscle spasms in her thighs, I reach for the vibrator and turn it on. Her eyes pop open at the buzzing sound, but she keeps riding me. “What are you going to do?” she asks. “Are you going to rub that on my clit?”

“Is that where you want it? I was thinking somewhere else.”

She squints in confusion, and I smile an evil grin. “If you can keep riding me like a good little equestrian Olympian, I’ll take care of the clit. Your friend here can do something else.”

I move the vibrator to her butt crack and place the rabbit against her asshole just as she jumps a little at the sensation. “I bet you never put it there, huh?” I smile.

She shakes her head, trembling and gasping at the feel of my cock knocking on the front door and the vibrator at her back door. I bring my thumb to her clit and rub her in a clockwise motion, enjoying the feel of her pussy clenching on me as her eyes shut in sheer rapture. She grips my pectorals, squeezing them like she’s feeling me up, and I smile. She can touch me anywhere she can reach. Her warm hands on me are comforting. In fact, I can’t remember the last time I’ve felt so comfortable with a woman. Like I didn’t have to worry about emotions or pleasing her physically. I’ve already pleased Savannah once tonight, and I love that she wants to please me next, completely oblivious to the fact that I’m not done with getting her off.

“Lean forward a little more so I can suck on your tits while I fuck you,” I beg, desperate for something to do with my mouth.

She does as I ask and whines, calling my name as I clamp my mouth around her breast. She bucks against my dick and squirms at the vibrator on her ass while my thumb causes her to gasp. In a way, I’m jealous that women have all these places to drive them up the wall and can easily come again so quickly.

She arches her back, pushing her tit further into my mouth, and I suck on it like I’m hungry for anything she gives me. She pulls at my hair and braces her other hand on the headboard to fuck me, rocking on me so hard that she grinds against my balls. Her thighs and stomach tremble as wetness covers my dick, and her pussy convulses with another orgasm. “Wilder!” she moans.

I let her moan and curse like a sailor through her orgasm. I don’t understand half the words that fly from her mouth as she moans gibberish and squeezes her eyes shut. Only when her body stops trembling do I roll her over again and bring my hand to her throat.

“That felt so good when you came on me, sweetheart. Do you want me to come for you now?”

“Yes, Wilder! Please,” she whines under me, running her hands on my ass, back, and shoulders.

Her nails graze my skin in light strokes, and I throw my head back as I pound into her so hard she’ll feel me tomorrow. Our thighs smack together, but we ignore the sounds that would be deemed embarrassing if we both weren’t in the throes of passion. She leans up and kisses my neck as pleasure moves up my back and butt, moving all the way to my toes, and my knees shake against the blankets.

My orgasm doesn’t come in waves this time. It’s like a punch to the face as my balls contract and empty into the condom as I grip her hair and moan her name, my jaw tight and my teeth clenched.

We stay together and catch our breath for several minutes, her hands idly running up my back and my hands winding in her hair as I kiss her temple. “Fuck, that felt good, baby,” I mumble when my mouth can find words.

She reaches over and shuts off the still-running vibrator, tossing it on her nightstand and wiping a stray hair back from her face. “I’ve never known it to be like that,” she says, her breath still catching.

I kiss her neck and don’t reply because I’m not sure what to say or how else to respond. It scares me that I haven’t known sex to be like that, and I’ve had a hell of a lot of it.

There’s no way that sex with her this time will clear my head of thoughts of her. I’m greedy and know that I’ll be desperate for her every night and probably many mornings. What the hell did I just do?

I’m totally and royally fucked.

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