The Cursed Queen (Dragon’s Curse #1) Sera 30%
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The days leading to the dragon crowning festival flew by like shooting stars. Virgil continued practicing riding on top of Andriel while I stayed in my bedchambers, going through all the texts of enchantments I'd collected over the years. With each passing day that went without me taking my medicine—or rather, the dragonsbane—my magic flow grew stronger. Enchantments that were once too powerful for me to cast were now becoming easier for me to cast.

The flames I concocted also grew with time. Now I could engulf my hands with flames and let it trail up my arms. Over time, the fire changed in color, turning from its normal red and gold color to an amethyst-purple shade. It was beautiful, but I wasn't sure what the color change meant, or if it provided anything new besides appearance.

If I wasn't studying, I either helped mymother with preparations for my birthday and the Dragon Crowning Ceremony, or scoping out the hidden tunnels with Virgil for a quick escape. Thanks to his experience as a druid knight, he knew all the shift change schedules, plus any blind spots around the kingdom.

With everything that needed to be done, I could barely grasp that I was turning twenty-one tomorrow. Everything else was more important than celebrating another year of my birth. Though, this year seemed to have been filled with surprises. Between pretending to be ecstatic around my mother about the upcoming ceremony, and spending all hours of the night studying and planning. I would be up on the podium with my mother, watching the ceremony begin. That meant I couldn't help Andriel and the others out.

"I could not go," I pointed out. "We rush to the stables while everyone gathers at the coliseum and break out Andriel and the other two dragons."

Virgil shook his head. "No, I'm going to need you to go. Doing so will provide a distraction to the queen while I work on rescuing the dragons."

I almost argued that I wasn't going, but something prevented me from saying anything. The knowledge that Mother and I would be alone up on that podium. Secluded enough to talk, and hopefully get some answers. If I was abandoning her and the Zeffari Kingdom, I'd want to face her one last time. To confront her and demand explanations. It may be my only chance since the next time we'd meet would likely be on the battlefield.

"Fine," I relented. "But what of the guards?"

"Don't worry about me, . I can take care of myself."

"I know you can, but you'd still be outnumbered."

"Who says I'll be alone? Since I'm the best-ranking knight to be promoted to dragon rider, this year, that means I get to pick my dragon first. Once I break the seals off Andriel, he can help me."

That did nothing to ease my worries. So many things could still go wrong, and this was something we could not afford to mess up. But I had to trust in Virgil, and hope that he and Andriel would be okay.

My eyes looked down at the interior map of the castle, but my focus wasn't on that. In less than a day, Virgil and I would leave the Zeffari Kingdom with the dragons. Everything would change.

"?" Virgil cocked his head in my direction. "Something on your mind?"

I licked my lips before leaving my head back and sighed. "What do you think the outside world would be like? I never left the kingdom before, much less the Atheynia Region. I know not what to expect outside these walls."

"Your guess is as good as mine." Virgil chuckled, then wrapped an arm around me and pulled me to his side. My head instinctively dropped to his shoulder, relaxing into his embrace. "Whatever is out there, whatever we may face, at least we'll face it together."

A soft smile formed on my lips, happy to have someone like Virgil in my corner. I'd never be able to repay him for all the sacrifices he was making for me. He was leaving behind his entire life. His family. He was doing it for me, and I felt bad that he had to abandon everything.

"Are you going to miss her?" I whispered.

"Miss who?"

"Your mother."

Virgil stiffened. "Of course I will. I could only hope that she'd be fine without me. It's not as if she could come with us."

I almost suggested we could try. I knew he'd fear for her safety once he was gone. Virgil was the only thing his mother had since his father had passed. She'd always greet me warmly when she spotted me around the castle. His mother was another good one. Someone who didn't judge me for my lack of talents. Maybe it was because of my friendship with Virgil. I only hoped his involvement in this escape wouldn't have dire consequences for his mother.

"I may not be as connected to you as Andriel, but even I could feel the worries wafting out of you," Virgil said.

Looking up at him, I noticed the faint stubble of hair peppering his jawline that I otherwise wouldn't have seen from a distance.

Virgil's hold on me tightened. "We're going to make it through this."

"I know," I said, and I did. But it didn't stop the fears from festering. I guess it didn't matter how scared we were, so long as we kept going. Tomorrow began the first step towards my independence and the liberation of dragons.

Happy birthday to me.

We wrapped up our plan before packing up and turning in for the night. Sneaking out without being spotted was now a sport for me, one that I was becoming a professional at. Looking to see nobody in my vicinity, I stepped out of our hiding spot and proceeded to casually walk back to my chambers. Just as I turned the corner, I noticed someone standing outside my chamber doors. I almost turned back around to run, but upon further inspection, I realized it was Vivienne.


Vivienne turned to the sound of my voice, relief washing over her. ", thank the gods. I've been looking all over for you. Where in blazes have you been?"

I felt bad for worrying her, but I tried my best not to wear my emotions on my face. "I was out."

"Out? That's all I'm getting from you?" Vivienne scowled. "Talk to me, . What's been going on with you?"

Oh, how I wish I could tell her. I so desperately wanted to include her, to believe she'd consider my actions noble. I couldn't, not when we were so close to making our getaway.

"There's nothing to talk about." I shrugged nonchalantly and walked over to her. "I was with Virgil. He and I were planning something for my birthday tomorrow. Just the two of us."

Vivienne eyed me curiously. "Is that right?"

"It is, and might I remind you, it's not your place to question me. You're my servant, not my guardian." I hated using that tone with her to make it sound like she was nothing more than a hired hand. What choice did I have?

Vivienne looked as if I'd slapped her, which hurt more than any betrayal. I hated the disgruntled look I put on her, but it soon morphed into disappointment.

"Of course, your highness. My apologies," Vivienne muttered. She stepped out of the way, which left me able to reach my door. I wanted to apologize to her, but I needed to hold firm. Any show of weakness would have me cracking.

"." I had the door halfway opened when I froze at the sound of Vivienne calling my name. "Whatever has been going on with you, I just hope you know I'm on your side. I will always be on your side."

That sounded like a hint. Like she knew I was plotting something, and that I had her support. My grip around the doorknob tightened as a war ensued in my head. To tell her, or not to tell her.

"Thank you," I got out through a choked voice.

Before I lost my nerve, I hastily entered my chambers and slammed the door behind me. My back pressed against the door as I finally let out the breath I'd been holding. My eyes squeezed shut as fresh tears ran down my face.

Vivienne, I hope you can forgive me someday.

Feeling exhausted and defeated, I changed out of my dress and into my nightgown. Before the dragon crowning ceremony, I'd pack up anything in my chambers I could sell and have it ready for Virgil to collect. I wasn't sure what would happen to us, but I couldn't imagine that I'd be welcomed into the dragon's den. Once we made sure Andriel and the others were home, Virgil and I would be on our own. Therefore, we would need money to live off for a while.

Laying in bed, sleep wouldn't come to me. All I could think about was what would happen in the morning. My mind raced over all the plans we made, making sure there were no errors we overlooked. Everything seemed cut and dry, but nothing was foolproof. Something could go wrong and that made me nervous.

I wasn't sure how much time had passed since laying there with my working mind. I must've dozed off at some point because I stirred to the feel of something stroking my cheek. A hand, it felt like. My eyes took a moment to open, my vision blurring at first. But once it cleared, I found myself staring into the face of Andriel above me.

"Hello, darling." Andriel's voice rumbled softly.

"Andriel?" It couldn't be. I was in the castle. In my chamber. It should've been impossible for Andriel to be here.

"Yes, it's me," he said.

"But... how?" Andriel was in my bed, naked as the day we were born, and hovering on top of me. My body instantly grew hot at how close we were. How his naked form was mere inches from my body. I had to lick my lips because of how dry my mouth went.

"With Virgil's help. An invisibility enchantment, plus and secret passage into the castle. I can't stay for too long, but I at least want to have one night with you before we leave."

Oh dear, I was going to owe Virgil big for this. But I still couldn't believe he would do this for me. For Andriel. Now that he was here, I ached for his embrace. To feel every inch of him.

Unable to reign in my urges, my arms wrapped themselves around his waist and pulled him down to me. Andriel went willingly, his hands on my face as his lips brushed against mine. It felt like a dream. The most beautiful and sensual dream I ever had, and I never wanted to wake from it. Andriel brushed his tongue along my lips, and I eagerly opened for him. He soon enveloped my mouth with his, taking ownership of me. I whimpered as the kiss deepened, my body writhing beneath him. The feeling of his cock pressed against my lower belly, hardening at an instant. I wanted more. Wanted to feel his length. To taste it. To feel it inside me.

Andriel's lips left mine, but began peppering kisses all over my face. He then brought it down my neck, trailing down to my collarbone. Every kiss be left felt hot against my skin. My lower region tingled as I felt myself getting wet. More, I needed more.

"Please," I panted, my body arching to grind against his.

Andriel smirked as he slowly moved lower. "Don't worry, my princess. I promise to leave you sated and satisfied."

His hands slid up my legs, sliding into my nightgown and pulling it up. Exposing more of my body to him. He motioned for me to sit up. I did, and he pulled the nightgown up and over my bed, leaving me naked and hungry for more of his touches. His eyes never left me as his mouth and hands explored every inch of my body. They partially shifted, revealing the dragon inside him, but I didn't fear it. I knew Andriel would never harm me.

These weren't the touches of a monster. Not when they felt so damn good.

His lips trailed lower and lower until they stopped near my pussy. Andriel had my legs spread apart, then brought his face closer, deeply inhaling the scent of my arousal and groaning in satisfaction.

"Mmm, your body craves me just as much as I crave you," Andriel growled, and the sound sent shivers up my spine.

"Yes," I moaned.

Andriel brought his face closer to my folds. I felt the moment his tongue slowly lapped up my wetness and over my clit. The pressure sent jolts of electric pleasure up my body and I let out a shaky breath.

"Shh. We don't want anybody to hear us, do we?"

I shook my head, biting my lower lip to prevent myself from crying out again. It was a painful challenge to keep my mouth shut, especially with the way Andriel worked his tongue up and down my pussy before shoving it inside me and devoured me. My body shuttered to the slurping sounds ringing in my ears. The feel of his tongue and mouth on me, the way it turned my body into a writhing mess, had me seeing stars.

My hand reached down to run through his thick hair. My hips bucking against his face, needing to chase the pleasure building inside me. I needed to cum. I felt myself getting closer to the edge as he hit a spot inside me that almost had me burst out a cry of pleasure. What saved me was biting down on my tongue. Even with the taste of blood in my mouth, I still thrust into his mouth, needing my release like I needed my next breath.

Just as I was about to beg Andriel, I felt the pressure building inside me. Covering my mouth with both of my hands, I muffled out my groans as I exploded into Andriel's open mouth. I felt as if I couldn't stop. It just kept coming and coming. When it was finally over, I collapsed onto the bed, my hair sticking to my face as I willed my heart to slow down.

Andriel lifted himself up and once again hovered over me. His tongue licking his lips with a cheerful expression on his handsome face.

"You taste just as good as I envisioned," he said.

"T-That was... wow," I said, unable to say more at that moment.

Andriel laughed. "Oh, we're not done yet, my mate. Not until I make you mine."

"Do it, then. Take me. Take everything."

His pupils darkened at my words. His still-hardened dick twitched as trails of precum leaked from the tip. I wanted to lick it up. To find out how he tasted. I wanted so much more, but we were on a timeline right now. Hopefully, we'd have another chance once this was all over. I could see myself building a life with Andriel. Even fall in love with him. We barely knew each other, but our souls were connected. The strength of our bond far exceeded logic. Fuck logic. All I cared about was him.

Grabbing under my thighs, Andriel lifted my legs up and rested them over his shoulders. His cock now lined with my pussy. I gripped the sheets, anticipating when he'd push himself into me.

"Relax, my mate." Andriel soothed. "I won't hurt you."

"I trust you," I whispered.

His expression brightened. He gripped the length of his cock, directing it to my wet folds, then slowly thrust his hips forward. My walls slick walls welcomed him in with little resistance. My breath clogged in my throat as Andriel's intrusion filled me. He grunted through gritted teeth, my body clenching around his cock, not wanting to let him leave.

"Fuck, you're so tight," Andriel growled, leaning over me and bending me in half. His cock thrusting deeper into me.

He pulled out to the head of his cock, then pushed back in, starting a slow rhythm of going in and out of me. Soon, the pace quickened. The heat of our melded bodies filled the room, making it hard to breathe. My insides grew hot as he fucked harder into me. His dragon eyes showing again, and the heat inside my belly growing hotter.

It should've frightened. I felt panicked, but before I could express my worries, Andriel's lips crashed into mine. I cried into his mouth as his throat rumbled. The heat intensifying, but it didn't hurt me. It flooded throughout my body, warming me from the inside out. I felt myself growing stronger, more alive. Like I was dead the whole time, and like a phoenix, I was rising from the ashes. Andriel rumbled in his throat as he was getting close to coming inside me.

My arms went around his neck, holding him as close to me as possible without hurting him. A silent plea not to leave me. I wanted to feel him filling my insides with his seed. I wanted to be claimed by him. As soon as his movements grew frantic, I knew it was coming. Andriel roared into my mouth as he thrust into me as far as he could go, his release exploding. My back arched as I whimpered in his embrace, feeling his cum filling me to the brim.

The kiss slowed as we both laid lifeless on the bed, our bodies entangled into each other. I could stay like this forever.

Andriel leaned back from the kiss, caressing my face like I was a precious jewel. His hand brushed off the damp hair off my face.

"Mine," he growled with finality.

I nodded sleepily. "Yours."

I tried to stay awake, not wanting to waste this moment with him. But the sex sucked all the energy out of me, and I couldn't find any to keep my eyes open. Andriel held me in his arms until I drifted.


A dragon's anguished roar, the rattling of chains, and the whistling of the wind...


When I awoke the next morning, my covers were over me, and I was alone. For a moment, I thought I dreamt the whole thing, but when I sat up and felt sore between my legs, I knew it wasn't. Also, the fact I was naked under the covers was another indicator.

I couldn't believe I had sex. I made love with a dragon shifter. My mate. Delight washed over me as fell back into bed, using my sheet to cover my face to hide my embarrassment. I squealed gleefully. Last night was the best night of my life. I felt rejuvenated. But then I winced as I felt a searing pain along my core. I winced and doubled over, feeling as if something was clawing at my insides. I was about to call for help, but it vanished as quickly as it came. No pain, no tightness, nothing.

"That was strange," I said in a strained voice.

Maybe Andriel fucked me a little too hard. I snorted at that. If that was what sex with your fated mate felt like, I'd endure the pain a million times over.

When the reality of today hit me, the smile on my face dimmed. It was morning. That meant it was my birthday. The time for action was now. Before Vivienne knocked on my door, I pushed myself out of bed and put on my nightgown before letting her in.

She walked in with breakfast like always, but the usual smile she'd often greeted me with was absent. "Good morning, princess. I have your breakfast here."

Damn, I knew this was my doing. I should leave it alone, but I didn't want to leave her like this.

"Viv, I'm sorry," I said somberly. "I shouldn't have talked to you like that. You're more than just my chambermaid. You've been more of a mother to me than the queen, and deserve more respect than I gave you. I hope you can forgive me."

My words seemed to have done the job of cheering her up. "Of course I can. And I'm sorry for sticking my nose into your personal affairs. I only ask because I'm worried about you. You seem different these past few days. Your mind is all over the place. You're walking with purpose like you're plotting something."

I winced at her words. Clearly, I wasn't doing a good job of masking my emotions around her. I wasn't worried about Mother, seeing as she never paid attention to me. So I doubt she suspected anything, but Vivienne was more perceptive. She knew me better than Mother, so of course she'd notice how different I'd been acting.

"Vivienne, I—"

"You don't have to explain anything." Vivienne cut in. "Just remember what I told you. Whatever you decide to do, you have my support."

I wouldn't push her. Whether she knew the specifics of what I was planning to do, it didn't matter. She would be at my corner.

"Thank you," I said instead.

"You're welcome. Now, let's get you dressed for your big day."



"You look beautiful, ," Vivienne complimented, stepping away from the mirror to allow me to inspect my appearance. It was a velvet green gown with gold trimmings and belle sleeves. The top half of my hair was braided to the back and styled to look like a crown. My father's pendant hung around my neck, the jewel in the center sparkling in the sunlight.

I took a deep breath, nervous about what would happen today, but I passed it off as birthday jitters.

"Are you ready, Princess?" Vivienne asked.

"I am." I nodded.

The two guards Mother sent to retrieve me arrived moments later, escorting me through the halls and out of the castle. A horse-drawn carriage awaited me by the front entrance. One guard opened the door for me, and I sat inside, mother already seated across from me.

"Well, it's about time, sweetheart. I know it's your birthday and all, but that doesn't mean you get to be fashionably late," she lectured.

"You're right, mother. My apologies," I forced myself to say.

The horse started moving, and we were off, my eyes looking out the window as we drove through the Zeffari Kingdom. Many onlookers watched us passing by, cheering, waving, and wishing me a happy birthday. My mind wasn't on the people. It was on Virgil. With me out of the castle, he could now begin his part of the plan, breaking the seals off Andriel and the other dragons. I sent a mental prayer to the gods for Virgil's success.

"phina, pay attention!" I jumped out of my skin at my mother's demanding tone. "Honestly, here I am going out of my way to give you a special birthday, and you're sitting over there daydreaming. Is this the thanks I get?"

If only I could tell her what I thought of her. "No, Mother. My apologies once again. I guess I can't stop thinking about the ceremony. Thank you so much for doing this for me. You're the best mother ever."

I almost vomited at that last statement, but knew it would brush her ego and forgive me faster.

I was proven right when she plastered a satisfied smirk on her face. "That's more like it. I'm glad you can appreciate all that I do for you. Don't worry, my dear. Even though you won't become queen, you can still help me rule the kingdom. I'm sure we can find something best suited for your condition."

Oh, I'm sure you will. I rested the urge to roll my eyes.

The rest of the carriage ride was quiet, thankfully. When we arrived at the large coliseum, the crowd dispersed and cheered for our arrival. To think I would've loved this before learning the truth. The idea of seeing dragon riders arriving and sparring with one another, displaying their strength to me for my birthday. To watch Virgil become a dragon rider himself. Now I hated everything about it—hating what they were forcing the dragons to do. I'd never understand how I was so blind from the truth of it all.

A set of guards led Mother and me out of the carriage and into the coliseum. We were escorted to the right corridor towards the podium, where we'd have a full view of the action. Two thrones sat at the top, with a little table between them. A tray with a teakettle and cups sat atop, waiting for us.

"Isn't this lovely, phina?" Mother asked, as we both took our seats. "All of this is for you. Happy birthday, my child."

"This is lovely, Mother. I can never thank you enough," I said with a faux smile plastered on my face.

The next part of my plan began. Mother and I sat and chattered as dragon riders flew to the open arena, the crowd cheering as they all gathered and prepared themselves for the ceremony. After a moment, Mother stood from her seat and raised her hands to silence the crowd.

"People of Atheynia, welcome to this year's Dragon Crowning Ceremony!" She announced, the crowd eating out of the palm of her hand. "I want to thank you all for being here to celebrate this momentous occasion, and to celebrate the birth of your princess. This is Princess phina's twenty-first birthday, and to celebrate, we moved the ceremony early to honor her. In a few moments, we will begin promoting our talented knights to the title of dragon rider. They will then select the dragon of their choice and join the ranks of our mighty army."

The crowd erupted as the excitement of the events to come hung in the air. I clapped to play my part and watched as Mother sat back down. "Isn't this exciting? You get to watch our fierce dragon riders in action, finally."

"Very exciting," I agreed. "But I have one question, if you don't mind."

"And what's that, darling?"

"When are you going to tell these people that we're kidnapping and forcing dragon shifters to submit to our kingdom?"

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