I stayed in the recovery room for three days, resting and replenishing my strength. As boring as it was, I welcomed the chance to take a breath without the need to watch my back or plan an escape. As expected, my half-transformation was still visible in my appearance. I tried not to think about it too much, although the wings pressing down along my back took some getting used to. Freya checked in on me from time to time, as did Virgil, Andriel, and Lord Igneel. I couldn't help noticing that I'd yet to see the other three who claimed me as their fated mates since arriving here. Part of me wondered if they purposely refused to see me. The mere thought brought with in a sting in my heart.
I didn't know these men, but already I was feeling the effects of our fated connection. I wanted to learn more about them. To discover why fate deemed them to be a perfect match for me. At least they were all striking in their own unique ways; unlike me in my half-dragon state. I'd need to talk to them soon.
By the end of the fourth day, I was free to leave the cavern. Relief eased me, like taking in a breath of fresh air. The first person I saw after stepping out was the dragon lord himself, who waited for me at the mouth of the cave. It still felt weird to consider him as a father to me, but it wasn't unwelcoming. Lord Igneel assured me that the news of me being the lost dragon princess would remain a secret from the rest of the den until I was more in tuned with my dragon. There was no telling how the public would react to the news, considering many still voiced their concerns about having true druids staying with them. That was, according to Andriel.
Virgil was still taking residence with Andriel, to which my mate didn't mind. Virgil wasn't permitted to wander about without Andriel accompanying him. I could tell from his expression when he told me he wasn't happy to have a babysitter, but we weren't in the Zeffari Kingdom any longer. This was a new territory for us, so having a dragon shifter watching over him wasn't a bad idea.
"Princess." Lord Igneel dipped his head in acknowledgment.
I did the same. "My lord."
"How are you feeling?"
"Much better overall, but I'm feeling a little stiff from being stuck in bed all that time," I said, stretching my arms over my head and arching my back.
Lord Igneel smiled before tapping the bottom of his scepter to the ground. "Understandable. But now, if you'll follow me, I will show you where you'll be staying."
Nodding, I followed behind as he guided me up the narrow stone path. A swarm of dragons in their beast forms guiding up, down and all around. Some going through the dozens of corridors only to return with arms full of those violet gems I'd seen on Lord Igneel's scepter and throughout the cave.
"What are those jewels?" I asked.
"They're Zenitar Crystals. Right now, they're empty vessels, but we can use them to store the souls of the lost, and our own dragonfire to help store our magic or use them to enchant weapons."
Upon further inspection, I noticed how similar they looked to the amethyst crystal embedded in my pendant. On instinct, my hand went to the spot where the body of the pendant was hidden underneath my shirt. The warmth of the gem could be felt through the thin fabric.
"Is this the only place where Zenitar Crystals could be harvested?" I asked.
"Yes, but we distribute these to other regions for trade. Though lately, we've had to limit our travels significantly."
I didn't need to ask why when the answer was the reason I was here. Dragons were safe here, from the looks of it, but traveling to other regions left them vulnerable to attack. Another pang of guilt hit me.
"I hope there's something I can do to make it safe for dragon shifters to travel again," I said.
Lord Igneel looked my way with an approving look. "Your determination to protect and aid us is most admirable."
I gestured towards the hoard of dragons. "Well, they're my people too. There wasn't much I could do as princess back in the Zeffari Kingdom, but I'm hoping things will be different here."
"And I will help you reach your goal. I've already planned to have your mates train you in magic and combat."
My feet remained planted on the ground as I froze in shock. "You did what now?"
Lord Igneel chuckled. "Worry not, Daenerys, you will be well taken care of."
"I-I don't doubt that, but why assign the task to them?" I asked, not bothering to correct him when he called me Daenerys. I wasn't sure I was willing to officially change my name, but for my dragon lord father, I found I didn't mind him calling me that. It felt right.
"First, because you need to get to know them before deciding what to do about being mated to all of them. Second, right now, they're the only ones I trust to look after you. While I may have decreed that you and your druid knight friend are honored guests here, that did little to mend the malice most of them feel towards druids. They would never outright harm you, but that doesn't mean they won't express their hatred towards you."
I already expected as much. My time here may not be all flowers and sunshine, but the one thing I wouldn't do was cower in the heat of their distaste for me. I've had many years of practice dealing with people who turned their noses up at me. Those who thought I wasn't capable of ruling in Queen Verania's place because of my lack of magical talent. It hurt to feel like I was never good enough during my youth, but as I got older, I learned to hold my head up and not show weakness. I would do the same here.
"I'll be fine," I said confidently.
The dragon lord grinned as he reached out and tugged a lock of my hair behind my ear. "I know you will, my dear. Now come along. The sooner I show you to your new quarters, the sooner you can start your training."
We didn't talk the rest of the way. Lord Igneel passed by several caves decorated for living arrangements. Some had a tarp covering the doorway for privacy. Finally, we stopped in front of one cave that was covered with a thick violet tapestry embroidered with dragons and butterflies. Lord Igneel pulled it to the side and motioned for me to step inside. Heart fluttering, I slowly walked forward. I gaped as my eyes roamed about. The cave was small, and not as lavish as my chamber back in the Zeffari Kingdom. It was roughly the size of the storage room, wide enough for me to stretch out my arms without touching the walls. The cave had a sleeping cot, a wardrobe cabinet beside it, and a table and chair across from it. Torches were mounted and lit on either side of the entryway, giving the space enough light to see. On the desk was a stack of books that I'd like to check out later.
"I know it's rather small, but I think it would do for now," Lord Igneel said from behind. "Overtime you'll be able to expand it further back, but you'll need help for that. We shifters rarely retire to our caves unless we're resting or changing."
He stepped inside and tapped his knuckles on the side of the wardrobe. "I've taken the liberty of having clothes made for you here. Taking into consideration of your wings, we've also had the backs of your shirts and dresses cut midway to make it easier."
"You did all this for me?" I asked in awe.
"Of course, I did. You're my daughter." Lord Igneel's demeanor saddened. "I know that may take some time to get used to."
"It will," I agreed. "But I'm glad to be your daughter."
That seemed to pierce through his cloud of sorrow. "I'm glad you are too."
Lord Igneel cleared his throat. "Now then, I'll leave you to enjoy your new cave in peace. Someone will be by momentarily to begin your training."
I nodded and waved him off as Lord Igneel exited the cave, the tapestry closing behind them. I took that moment to let out a breath. My mind was still taking a moment to grasp that I was here, in the home of dragon shifters. Though my dream of being a dragon rider waslong forgotten, what hadn't vanished was my love and fascination for these mighty beings. More so now that I knew the truth. I sat down on my cot as I looked down at my hands; the skin still rough with scales and my onyx-colored talons. These were the hands of a dragon, my dragon. A part of me was tempted to swipe them through the walls to find out how sharp they were, but refrained from damaging my new home the second I got it. Instead, I got up and went to the desk and inspect the books. Picking up the one on top, I inspected the title on the cover.
"The History of Behemoth, the Dragon God."
I hadn't realized that the dragons had a god they worshipped. Before I knew it, I was seated at the desk and was reading before I felt, rather than heard, someone approaching. I turned back, my claws out in front of me, expecting an attack as the tapestry pulled back and in walked my newest visitor. The familiar face greeting me had me relaxing. I didn't know his name, not yet, but I recognized him as one of my fated mates, one I rescued along with Andriel. The one with the dark hair and almond-shaped eyes that watched me intently as he entered my cave.
He wore a black jacket and trousers with silver embroidered trimmings and gems that glittered when hit with the light of the torches. His clothes hugged his lean frame perfectly, showing the outline of his biceps and slim waist. His high cheekbones looked sharp enough to cut stone, and those pouting lips enticed me.
The man noticed my stance and halted, raising his hands. "Easy, Princess. I come in peace."
I dropped my claws and stood up, offering an apologetic smile. "My apologies. I'm a little on edge after everything that's happened."
"I understand, but trust me, I'm the last person you should feel threatened by." With his hands resting on his side, the man bowed in greeting. "My name is Ryu of Quolong. Lord Igneel has asked me to assist you in your magic training."
"R-Right." I quickly stood and offered a bow in return. "I'm phina of the Zeffari Kingdom, though I'm sure you remember that."
Ryu rose back up and rested a hand against his heart. "Of course. How could I forget the lovely young woman who had a hand in rescuing me from my imprisonment? It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Princess."
"Please, just would be fine."
Ryu dipped his head. "Of course, ."
Ryu struck me as someone with refined poise and sophistication. The kind you'd expect from someone of noble or royal background. Not what I'd expect from a dragon shifter, at least not the ones I've met so far. But there was also something about him. His flow of magic wasn't the same as Andriel or even Lord Igneel. It was almost as if there was something more to him, but I couldn't place it.
My thoughts drifted to the sound of Ryu's soft chuckling. "Your intense staring is making me blush, . Do I pass your inspection?"
Now it was my turn for my face to redden. "U-Um, I apologize. That... that wasn't... what I was doing."
Smirking at me, Ryu's eyes crinkled with amusement. "Is that so? Shame, I was curious to know if you found me appealing enough."
A squeak fell from my lips, and I quickly covered it to avoid any other sounds from spilling.
Ryu laughed. "I'm joking. My apologies for riling you up."
"No need to apologize," I said, my voice mildly cracking. "Do not mistake me, I find you, uh... handsome."
"Oh?" Ryu quirked a brow.
"Yes, well, uh." I cleared my throat, feeling warmer than before. "Shall we do it? The training, I mean! Not... uh... never mind. I'm so embarrassed."
I turned away from him, feeling mortified with myself. My flustered emotions reminded me of when I first met Andriel, but even then, I wasn't spitting out word vomit like I was now. I wanted to crawl onto my cot and curl up into a ball to save myself from further humiliation. This was my first interaction with one of my mates other than Andriel, and already I was making a fool of myself. I dared not to find out what Ryu must've thought of me.
A hand rested on my shoulder, and I looked back to see Ryu. His expression showed no signs of amusement or indifference. If anything, those dark opalescent eyes the color of cocoa beans filled me with comfort. I could also see the faintest flicker of flames dancing within their depths. The tension along my body eased immediately.
"You never need to feel embarrassed around me, ," he said, his voice smooth and sweet like fresh honey. "And just so you know, I find you lovely as well."
"Surely not with me looking like this," I said dryly, feeling inadequate in my current state.
"On the contrary." Ryu took one of my clawed hands in his before bringing it up to his face and leaned forward to press a kiss against my knuckles. "I find your partial shift most alluring. Strong, yet graceful. A perfect blend of your human and dragon forms."
By the gods, the charm this man possessed. With his looks and sweet words, I knew he could warm up even the coldest of hearts. I couldn't help wondering how many women had been fighting for his attention, and suddenly I felt anger at the possibilities. How could I feel hatred towards the idea of women fawning over him? Was this the power of our fated bond?
"I bet you say that to all the women," I dryly commented, noting how it came out of me without a thought. My face scrunched when I realized what I said.
Ryu blinked. "What women?"
Well, he didn't look upset with me. That was a start.
"Surely someone with your ethereal beauty has women throw themselves at you," I stated, this time knowing what I said and didn't care. I simply spoke the truth.
"You think a have a gaggle of women fighting for my attention?" Ryu snorted as if the notion was ridiculous.
"You don't?"
"Not even close." Ryu chuckled. "I'm considered an abomination among my peers."
"Excuse me?" I asked, my voice raising. "What in all of Iferia would make them consider you an abomination? How dare they? I have half a mind to go after everyone who would say such a thing to you!"
Ryu's eyes widened at my outburst. Hell, I surprised myself. I couldn't fathom what would make others deem him an abomination when he looked nothing short of beautiful. While I didn't know him that well, it still didn't sit right with me.
Ryu froze for a few seconds before startling himself back to reality. He coughed just as regained composure. "Well, as much as I appreciate you willing to go to war for me, how about I help you learn to control your dragon first?"
"That sounds better," I said, thankful for the change of subject.
I followed Ryu through a stone corridor that took us outside. Once I was close to the mouth of the cave, I looked down and wish I hadn't. I never would've realized it inside the mountain, but I was high in the sky. As in, the grassy terrain and any sign of villages were much too low for me to see through. One slip, and I'd crumble to nothing. I shivered and glued myself to Ryu.
"Calm yourself, ," Ryu soothed. "You won't fall."
"Then what are we doing here?" I asked, my voice shaking.
"We're going to start with teaching you how to use those wings of yours."
"What?" I started backing away from the crazy shifter and the mouth of the cave. "Oh no. No, no, no, no, absolutely not. No, I refuse."
Ryu jogged over to catch me, taking my hands and trying to gently pull me back inside. "Come on, it won't be so bad. And I'll be with you the whole time."
Was he insane? "Did you not hear me? I said no. Furthermore, no!"
", really, it will be all right. I'll shift and you'll be on my back the whole time. With our mental bond, you'll be able to hear my thoughts like you've been able to hear Andriel's. Have faith in me and have faith in yourself."
It wasn't that I didn't have faith in Ryu; it was more that I didn't have faith in the strength of my wings. Trying to learn to control them was hard enough. Moving my wings took muscles I had never had before. My body wasn't used to the new ligaments that were now connected to my back. I wanted to learn, but I was afraid to.
Sensing my fear, Ryu said, "A dragon's first flight is always frightening, but over time, we all learned to ride the wind as easy as breathing. And soon you will too. Trust me."
I had to do this. If I could learn to fly, I'd be one step closer to returning to the Zeffari Kingdom and rescuing all those poor shifters still under captivity. I needed to do this, for their sake and my own. I took a couple of breaths to slow my racing heart, then stood taller.
"Okay, I can do this," I said, sounding more confident than I felt.
"Perfect," Ryu beamed at me, then immediately jumped out of the cave.
I screamed his name, rushing towards the edge to see him drop. I was about to shout for help when I noticed Ryu's body was soon engulfed in blue flames. It erupted and grew in volume, then shot upward as a bluish-green dragon broke through and took to the sky. My mouth hung open in shock as I took in the majestic beast that was all Ryu. He flew in a slow circle, then flipped backward before diving towards the mouth of the entrance, where he hovered in front of it, his reptilian eyes on me.
"Sorry if I startled you," the sound of Ryu's voice echoed in my head, the same gruff bravado that masked Andriel's voice when he spoke telepathically.
I hadn't appreciated Ryu's dragon form before, but now it was right in front of me and I was amazed by its beauty and how it differed from Andriel's dragon. Much like the man himself, his dragon was much leaner than I'd seen, more serpent-like. The scales along his body were mostly the color of jade, but as his body moved under the light of the sun, the colors shifted to a shade of blue that reminded me of the ocean. His face also had spiked features that were more akin to silver, which gave the appearance that he was wearing a helmet. His horns were also curved differently from mine. Instead of arching back on his head, they curved outward, then up and looped to the center, taking the shape of a disconnected heart. I then looked at his wings, which continued to flap to keep him airborne. The sails were ochre colored.
"Beautiful," I breathed out.
My hand went out tentatively, resting against the top of his snout. As expected, he was warm to the touch. My heart fluttered from the contact, urging me to draw closer to him. I needed to be near him. I needed to feel his warmth all over. Ryu seemed to also feel the effects of our fated bond. His eyes, which were a swirl of blue, green, gold, and violet in this form, hooded with affection. Words like mate and mine echoed throughout my mind.
He must've forgotten what we were supposed to have been doing, as did I, if I were honest. When the spell was over, he brought his head back, only to hold out his massive claw in front of me. It barely fit the mouth of the corridor and looked like it could crush me with ease.
"Get on," Ryu's voice rang.
Right. He was supposed to teach me to fly.
I gulped, but stepped into his open palm. His claws didn't close around me like my fears expected it to. Instead, he hoisted me up and rested his claw against the spot between his neck and his wing. I was afraid to move. One wrong step I could plummet to my death.
I didn't want to be a coward. I wanted to do this.
Taking a leap of faith, I jumped forward and plopped into the center of his neck.
An oomph was pushed out of me when I landed belly first onto the scaled surface of his neck. Thankfully, I wasn't jostled to the side or slid back. Surprisingly, the scales kept me firmly in place. I did it. I landed on Ryu without falling. As much as I hated thinking about it, I now understood why dragon riders needed saddles and stirrups to climb up onto them. It was frightening enough mounting onto Ryu the way I did. Ignoring thoughts of dragon riders, I sat comfortably and clung to the ridges of his scales when Ryu took off.
"Are you ready?" Ryu's voice rang.
"Yes," I said out loud.
Ryu let out a low roar before his wings flapped with added strength, allowing him to bolt upward. Pushing his body forward, Ryu took off with me holding on tight as the wind current pushed against me. It also rang loudly in my ear, which would've made it impossible to communicate had it not been for the handy ability to speak directly through our minds. I wasn't sure where my mate was taking me, but I trusted his judgment. My only fear was a potential attack from dragon riders if they spotted us. Perhaps we should've had someone else accompany us.
"Where are you taking me?" I sent a mental message to Ryu.
The slight pressure along my temple warned me of Ryu's incoming response. "Fear not. We won't be venturing too far from Dragon's Peak Mountain. I only wanted us to have a clearer path for us to practice."
True to his word, Ryu sailed through the mountains until the rocky terrain below us cleared to a large body of water surrounded by greenery.
"This is Reinfield Lake. The surrounding forest is where we hunt for livestock and vegetation. This is also the perfect spot to test your flight."
So, we traded a stony death for a watery death should I fall. That made sense.
"Are you sure about this?" I asked.
"You'll be fine, I promise. Now try to move your wings."
Doing as instructed, I focused all feelings on my back and tried moving the ligaments of my wings. They shuddered with minimal movement, but they didn't stretch out or flap. I coughed out the breath I'd been holding and groaned in frustration.
"Remain calm," Ryu said, sensing my agitation. "It'll take some time to get used to them. Keep trying."
I relaxed my senses and tried again, looking for the foreign movements along my back and focusing on them. It felt strange, like something was pulling back my skin, but it didn't hurt. Closing my eyes, I imagined my wings lifting to stand proud before stretching out to the sides. I felt the weight of my back shifting shakily in the beginning, but smoothing out with more finesse.
When my eyes opened, I looked to either side of me and beamed when I saw how far my wings had stretched. "I did it!"
"Good," Ryu's voice sounded proud. "Keep moving them. Let your body get used to their movements."
I did as he said, commanding my wings to arch back, forward, up over my head, then folding into itself against my back.
"Excellent work, . Now, try to flap your wings downward to pick up the wind current. Let it lift you off your feet."
This would be the part that worried me, but I'd made it this far. My wings once again expanded and raised over my head. Imagining the motion, they flapped hastily. I gasped as I felt my body lifting off Ryu's back. Panic seeped into my concentration, causing me to lose my balance as I dipped to the right. Forcing my wings to stop, I dropped and landed on my shoulder with a grunt.
"Are you okay?" Ryu's massive dragon head turned to face me, one eye directed at me.
"I think so." I winced as I pulled myself back to a sitting position. "Sorry."
"Don't, just try again," Ryu said.
A part of me was afraid to, but fear would only leave me crippled. I had to try again. Motioning for my wings to move again, they frantically flapped again. The force of them pushing down on the wind currents had me floating up again. The fear of being off my feet had my heart hammering, but I willed myself to stay calm. My wings flapped harder, lifting me higher as I was now an inch off Ryu.
I was doing it. I was flying.
Mouth agape, I marveled at the impossible taking place. I was flying on my own.
It was hard to read Ryu's expression in his dragon form, but I felt that the gleam in his giant eye watching me meant he was pleased with my results. It was only the beginning of my training, and I knew I'd improve with more practice. Soon enough, I'd be able to ride the winds all on my own. I used to dream of flying. Not this way, but as a dragon rider. I wanted the chance to experience the freedom that came with soaring through the skies. To not feel imprisoned within the confines of my bedchamber.
I was no longer locked away like some dirty secret. This... this was what true freedom felt like, and it was glorious.
Eventually, my wings ached with exhaustion. They stopped, letting me fall ungracefully back onto the safety of Ryu's back. I needed to learn how to land better.
Ryu's dragon head dipped. "Excellent. Now take a moment to rest, then we'll try again."