T hree years later
The door swung open. I was expecting Richard and Lizzie’s dour-faced butler, but instead it was Lizzie herself. Dressed in one of her usual Victorian gowns, this one a stunning cobalt blue taffeta, she flew into my arms. “You’re back! Finally!”
I staggered back a step, but then hugged her tightly. We had become close friends over the last few years. Despite her now being a world-famous couture designer, she had even taken the time to custom design all the gowns I had worn on my European concert tour.
Roman and I had just spent the last six months touring all the most famous music halls of Europe where I got to play piano with some of the best orchestras in the world. It had been an absolute dream come true.
When Lizzie finally released me, she grabbed my left hand and lifted it up. Then frowned. “Still no?” She shook her head as she called out over my shoulder, “Seriously, Roman? When are you going to make an honest woman out of Aurora?”
Roman came up behind us and wrapped a protective arm around my waist as he kissed the top of my head. “Don’t blame me. I propose at least once a week. This one keeps saying no.”
The servants filed past to get our bags out of the car, then they ushered us into the dark and imposing entrance hall. Richard emerged from his study. He gave me a chaste kiss on the cheek before giving Roman a curt nod. “Roman.”
Roman nodded in return. “Richard.”
Their relationship had thawed a great deal over the years, thanks in large part to Lizzie and my efforts, but the brothers were still standoffish with one another. Although Roman had repeatedly argued that Lizzie and I were too American with our familiar approach and that they were simply being properly British with theirs. The fact that I had lived in Britain most of my life didn’t seem to deter his argument.
Lizzie hooked arms with me and led us into the parlor where there was a warm and cheery fire started. “Tell me all about Austria. Was the Musikverein as glorious as it appears in pictures?”
“Even more so. It was like performing inside a golden music box. I’ll tell you all about it, but first I want to give baby Richard a hug.”
Roman chimed in. “Yes, where is Billy ?”
Richard, who had been pouring us all a glass of sherry from the sideboard, tossed a frown over his shoulder. As he handed Lizzie and me our glasses, he corrected Roman. “ Richard is in the nursery. I’ll ring for the nanny to bring him down.”
It was an ongoing battle between the brothers. Richard and Lizzie had named their son Richard after Richard and his father. Roman, for obvious reasons, hated their father, so he had refused to call his nephew by his given name, preferring his middle name, William. And, knowing Richard’s dislike of nicknames, he’d gone one step further by calling the boy Billy.
I gave Roman a warning look, but he just winked in return.
Moments later, baby Richard came toddling into the room. “Aunt Rora! Aunt Rora!” He was too little to say Aurora. I swooped down and gave the adorable toddler a hug as I picked him up and settled him on my lap. He was a beautiful child with his mother’s arresting emerald green eyes and his father’s thick, wavy hair. He clapped his hands animatedly. “Present! Present!”
“You are just so cute!” I exclaimed as I gave him another big hug.
The child pulled back with a frown. “Too tight, Aunt Rora,” he scolded as he patted me on the cheek.
Roman placed a hand on my shoulder and leaned down to whisper in my ear, “You can have one of your own if you just say the magic word.”
I stuck my tongue out at him.
Baby Richard clapped his hands in delight at the gesture.
Roman wasn’t teasing when he claimed he had asked me to marry him every week for three years. Every week, he came up with a new way to propose to me. Some were romantic, some silly, some very creative, like the time he had me following a piece of purple string from the bedroom door to the bed only to find it attached to his cock with my engagement ring dangling from the end. Although I did get him to stop hiding the ring in food after I almost swallowed it with a bite of fluffy meringue.
Roman snatched baby Richard out of my arms and swooped him around the room like an airplane before hugging him close. “Should we show your father what a great present Uncle Roman and Aunt Rora got you?” Roman smirked at Richard, who groaned in response.
That was another game the two played. Roman delighted in getting baby Richard any present that was loud, messy, or required hours of assembly just to torture Richard. Today it was a custom-made tiny drum set.
When the men left the room, Lizzie leaned over and touched my knee. “When are you going to put that poor man out of his misery?”
I took a sip of sherry. “Soon. I just want to play a few more games first.”
She shook her head. “One of these days you’re going to find yourself tied up and gagged facing a bishop.”
I laughed. “It would make for some interesting wedding photos.”
I checked over my shoulder to make sure the men were not within earshot before leaning in and whispering, “So, is everything all set?”
Lizzie placed a finger to her lips and stood. She crossed the parlor and said loudly, “When you finally say yes, you better let me design your wedding dress.” She then softly closed the doors and rejoined me on the sofa. “Yes. Jane is coming up from London later tonight.”
“Oh, are you sending a car? I should text Eleanor and let her know. Maybe they can travel together.”
Lizzie waved me off. “Already taken care of. They won’t be here in time for dinner, but they will arrive by ten.”
“I know Eleanor can only stay a few days.”
“Jane took off the whole week from work, so between her and Nanny, baby Richard will be fine.”
I nervously looked at the closed parlor doors and paused for a moment to make sure the men were not approaching. “So we’re all set?”
Lizzie nodded. “Yes, there’s just one problem, I?—”
I grabbed her forearm to warn her just as the doors opened and the men returned. “No, we didn’t have time to see the ballet while we were in Vienna, but Roman has promised to take me back there one day. Hello, gentlemen! Did Richard like his new present?”
Roman crossed the room and sat on the arm of the sofa, beside me. He kissed the top of my head. “Billy loved them. He’s banging away on them now.”
Richard smirked at Roman, then turned to me. “Please say yes to my half-brother soon, so I can start returning the favor when you have children.”
A bell rang in the room.
Lizzie smoothed out her silk taffeta dress as she stood. “That’s the warning bell for dinner.” She held out a hand to me. “I made the most fabulous dress for you.”
Although Richard had finally relented and allowed electricity to be installed in the ancient estate, they still very much lived a Victorian lifestyle during the time they spent here. It was actually quite fun to visit. Lizzie always made me the most wonderful Victorian-style dresses to wear to dinner whenever we visited.
As I stood, Roman clasped my hand and drew me in close. “Remember the rules.”
While Lizzie had a lady’s maid to assist her in getting into the complicated undergarments and bustles, Roman always assisted me.
I held a proprietary hand to his chest. “We only have an hour before dinner is served.”
He winked. “Then you better hurry.”
He gave me a playful slap on the ass as we left the room.