I could hear men’s voices. I pulled m’self awake. It smelled like Scotland, the air felt like Scotland, I felt damp. “Och nae, did we make it?” I blinked my eyes, there was a blazin’ light makin’ it difficult tae see.
Fraoch’s voice said, “Och, tis good tae see ye, Og Lochie, ye made it!”
Chef Zach said, “I’ve never seen that tried before.”
“What?” I looked down, I had a Big Gulp drink poured on me, the cup, lid, and straw tossed around. I glanced over at Ash, she was wakin’ up, shifting and moving. She had her Big Gulp turned over on her stomach, soda spilled everywhere.
I moaned, “Och, this was not a verra good idea.” I added, “Yer lights are too bright.”
Chef Zach said, “Oh, shit, right.” He and Fraoch pushed their lamps up so they lit the sky.
Magnus said, “I ken ye need a moment tae recover, but tis the middle of the night?—”
Fraoch said, “Och, tis the middle of the night in King's Park, we hae all the time in the world.” He smacked a bug on his cheek.
I said, “And what a fine Scottish night. But alas I am covered in soda — Ash?”
She mumbled, “Yeah?”
“We need tae get up tae go. We are covered in soda.”
She sat up and pushed the hair from her eyes, blearily. “That sucks , I’m furious my Sprite spilled. Are the peaches okay?”
I looked in the shopping bag. “Aye.” I stood and heaved her up. We met each other’s eyes at the moment — her thought, You will always heave me to my feet? My thought, Aye, always.
Magnus said, “I am verra glad ye are here, but where’re m’supplies, Lochinvar? We need weapons.”
“Nae worries, they are comin’ in the next load.”
“But we hae the English King threatenin’ us. He sent scouts ontae my lands.”
I groaned. “Och nae, truly?”
“Aye, ye ought tae hae brought the weapons.”
“I am sorry, Magnus.” I shook my head. “I regret it, they remain at Balloch, Colonel Quentin will bring them when he comes?—”
Magnus interrupted, “Day after tomorrow, Lochinvar, a great deal could happen afore then.”
I groaned again. “I ken, I am sorry, I just... I came directly from Florida, because... I wanted tae get married.”
Fraoch narrowed his eyes. “Ye dinna bring the weapons, Og Lochie, because ye wanted tae get married?”
“Aye, tis not m’best decision makin’, Fraoch, I will agree, but tis what I hae done. I wanted tae marry Ash first thing.”
Fraoch shook his head. “Och nae, ye are goin’ tae be the death of me.”
Magnus said, “We hope he winna be the death of anyone — but Lochinvar, ye are goin’ tae get married? Tis good news, verra good news.”
Zach brought their horses near and guards surrounded us.
Fraoch said, “Och ye are a softy in yer auld age, Og Maggy, the lad dinna bring yer weapons and ye are goin’ tae be joyful?”
Magnus said, “Aye, daena misunderstand, I am verra disappointed he dinna bring the weapons. He dinna even bring his horse, tis as if he has forgotten everything.”
A guardsman gave us a horse, I helped Ash up, she whispered, “I have to?”
I whispered back, “Wheesht — aye, ye must, Ash, ye canna walk. Put yer hand here.”
I pushed her up and climbed intae the saddle behind her. A look of amusement passed between Magnus and Fraoch.
I held her around the middle and directed our horse tae follow behind Dràgon. “In m’defense, I dinna ken the English King was threatenin’ ye.”
Fraoch said, “Chef Zach, dost ye hear him makin’ his excuses?”
Chef Zach chuckled, “Leave me out of it, no one would trust me with bringing the weapons.”
Fraoch said, “True, we wouldna ask ye tae, but we would trust ye tae do it if asked.”
I said, “Och nae, Fraoch, I wanted tae come get married, I dinna consider the rest of it. I will ride Ash up tae the castle and then go get the weapons, I will leave before dawn.”
Magnus said, “Ye canna, the turn around is too tight, ye need the three-day window...”
I exhaled. “I dinna think about that… but I daena hae tae. I could risk it.”
Magnus said, “Tis fine, Quentin will bring them, we might as well accept they arna here now. We will make do.”
Ash said, “I am so sorry, I’m the one who talked Lochie into all of this, I just had no idea.”
I said, “Ash, tis not yer fault, twas my responsibility.”
She said, under her breath, “But we were supposed to be a team. I forced you to marry me, you haven’t slept in days, I feel really bad about it.”
“Tis fine, Ash, daena worry, they are just harassin’ me, tis a normal occurrence.”
I saw Magnus, able tae hear us, nod his head, then he said, “But ye ken, Fraoch, a weddin’ is always a good thing, ye ken tis.”
Fraoch was riding along behind us. “Aye, tis, a verra fine thing. When I am not so irritated I will tell Og Lochie that I am verra pleased about it.”
Magnus chuckled and said, “When dost ye want tae hae the ceremony, Lochinvar?”
I scowled, “I hoped as soon as I arrived, but tis as dark as a bear’s arse at midnight. What time is it?”
Chef Zach said, “Midnight.”
I huffed. “I suppose tis too late.”
Magnus said, “On the morrow we will plan it, we will hae a verra big feast, the priest will marry ye, if we wait for the followin’ day Colonel Quentin will be here, twould be good tae hae the full family?—”
“I would like tae do it first thing in the morn?—”
Magnus turned in his saddle. “In the morn! What is yer hurry?”
I chewed my lip. “Tis important that I marry her in front of m’family afore we continue on with each other... ye ken?”
Magnus nodded and turned back around. “Aye, I see, ye must be married.”
“Then, naething else matters, all else will wait, first thing in the morn we will gather in the chapel.”
Fraoch said, “But what of the feast? I was promised a feast.”
Chef Zach said, “One minute ago!”
“I was already looking forward tae it.”
Ash said, “I brought peaches and flour to make some peach pies.”
Fraoch said, “Tis official, I hae forgiven Lochinvar for everything.”
Chef Zach asked, “You ever made peach pies in a medieval kitchen before?”
Ash shook her head.
He said, “Me neither, I haven’t figured out how the hell the kitchen works yet?—”
Magnus said, “Ye daena hae tae cook here, Chef Zach, but I would appreciate if ye oversaw the work. Just give the ingredients tae the cook, tell him what ye want.”
Chef Zach said, “Have you met me, Magnus? That seems unlikely.”
Magnus laughed.
The castle was in front of us, our path inclined as we rode up the hill. Sean emerged from the gates tae welcome us.
I asked Magnus as we rode through the gates. “Has there been a room set aside for us?”
Magnus said, “Aye, I will hae ye shewn tae?—”
“Ash needs the room, I will sleep in the barracks for the night.”
Magnus said, “Och, I see, Lochie, aye.”