F our men were ushered in, patted down, and relieved of their weapons tae speak tae me.
I received them in the center of the courtyard, surrounded by my men and guards. Cailean, Fraoch, and Sean stood just behind me. I was irritated at havin’ my mornin’ interrupted: we were waitin’ for Quentin and Lochinvar, we had plans tae make.
Cailean looked pensive.
Chef Zach rushed up, tugging his sleeves down over his tattoos. He had a questionin’ look, Fraoch shook his head so he stepped near enough tae listen, keeping a watchful distance.
I said tae the men, “What business have ye? Ye told the guard that ye needed tae speak tae me and hae interrupted my day.”
The leader claimed tae be an envoy of the English King, Edward. “I am carrying a message for the Scottish Lord, Magnus?—”
He held out a scrolled paper.
“—who has stationed himself in Stirling Castle and must submit himself to the English Crown.”
“Nae, there will be nae submitting. I am Mag Mòr, King of Scotland, I am not a mere lord, I daena answer tae any crown.”
“Then I am to inform you that Edward would like to meet you at the fields of Kippen?—”
Cailean looked shocked. “This is a call tae battle? Ye are askin’ the Scottish King tae fight on Scottish lands? Kippen is mere miles away!”
Fraoch said, “This is madness. Tell Eddie that he must come tae Stirling at once tae seek permission tae be on Mag Mòr’s lands.”
“No, no, there will be no battle... King Edward demands your presence at a peaceful negotiation, one that will benefit England and Scotland, mutually.”
I narrowed my eyes. “Continue with the message.”
He continued, “At the fields of Kippen on June 20, 1291?—”
Chef Zach checked his watch and whispered, “That’s tomorrow.”
Fraoch said, “I am busy on the morrow, we will hae tae plan it for later in the week.”
The messenger continued, “—while Edward looks forward to a beneficial and peaceful treaty with the Scottish Lord Magnus, he will remain encamped and will gather forces until Lord Magnus complies to the request.”
I huffed. “If I meet Edward and we come tae an agreement, he will remove himself and his army from the lands of Scotland?”
“He offers his deepest assurances that he will remove his armies after the successful completion of the negotiation.” He shoved one of his men forward. “To that end we offer Thomas Harden, second cousin of King Edward, to accompany your entourage and ensure your safety.”
I scoffed.
Fraoch said, “A second cousin? If I wanted m’second cousin dead, this is just what I would do with him.”
The messenger continued, “King Edward also gives you this holy relic as proof of his steadfast commitment to the peaceful negotiations to come.” He handed me a silk-wrapped bundle. I untied the cord and drew the silk open tae see a gold cross.
I said, “Tomorrow?”
The man nodded, “Yes, my lord. I also have this letter, it provides his promise of safe passage.” He passed me a scroll.
I scoffed again. “He wants tae give the rightful King of Scotland safe passage on his own lands? This whole thing is ridiculous, I am Mag Mòr, I say who steps foot on my lands — what exactly does Eddie believe we are negotiating? It seems Eddie is trespassin’ upon the lands of Scotland, without permission.”
Fraoch said, “Instead of negotiating ye ought tae tell him tae get off yer lawn.”
“I agree.”
The messenger said, “Is that the message you want me to carry to King Edward?”
I shook my head. “Nae, let me speak tae m’men.”
I drew my men tae the side and asked, “What dost ye think?”
Cailean said, “Tis outrageous that he is standin’ on yer land, but we daena hae time tae build our army. Kippen is close by, if he has men with him, they could be in our park by sundown.”
I nodded, “Aye.”
Zach said, “You’re a time traveler, maybe you should go to London and make the same demands there.”
I chuckled. “Walk up and demand a negotiation with the king at his castle in London? Tis an interesting idea.”
Fraoch said, “We will hae our weapons later today, that will give me more confidence. We could tell him we will meet him next week, that will give us time tae prepare.”
I said, “But he could grow an army in the meantime. He will be more intractable.” I looked at Sean, “What dost ye think, brother?”
“He is a king, wanting tae negotiate with another king, I think ye ought tae meet him. Ye hae more power — he is campin’ in a field, ye hae a castle on a hill. By the end of the day ye will hae weapons. Tomorrow ye will hae strength and we can raise an army if ye need it.”
I said, “What if this is a trap?”
“He has given ye a hostage and an oath, he sounds desperate tae my ears. I think ye hae the upper hand.”
I nodded. I looked around at the rest of the men. “Ye agree with Sean?”
Zach said, “I don’t know, I guess it doesn’t hurt to talk.”
Fraoch said, “We talk, fine. But I daena hae tae be nice.”
Cailean said, “I will kill the second cousin at the first sign of trouble.”
I smiled. “I ken ye will, Cailean, ye are in charge of the cousin.” I added, “Alright, we are decided.” I stalked over tae the messenger and said, “Tell Eddie that Mag Mòr will meet him on the morrow for a peaceful meeting about our mutual benefits.”
The messenger said, “Yes, Lord Magnus.”
“Och nae, this is disrespectful. I am Mag Mòr.” I glared. “Ye ken, I hae grown irritable, ye think this is how tis done? Ye walk right up tae my castle and tell Mag Mòr tae attend a meetin’ on yer command?” I made m’self laugh, heartily.
My guards stepped closer tae the men.
I said tae Sean, “Did ye ken, Sean, that this is a thing ye can do? Ye could gather two men, and ride tae another kingdom, England, for instance, ride right up tae their castle and demand a meeting?”
Sean said, “I dinna realize twas possible, but now I ken.”
I said, “Ye could do it, with m’blessing, go command kings tae meet ye. Spain, France, ye could go anywhere and demand kings do what ye say. And who are ye?” I looked at the messenger. “A nobody bringing a message from a nobody king.”
Sean chuckled, “If I were doin’ it I would at least be the brother of the king.”
I said to the messenger. “Who are ye?”
“The king’s first cousin on his wife’s side.”
“A nobody for a nobody king. Dost ye remember, Fraoch, that we met King Edward?”
“I do, twas after a day of games. I was verra good at the?—”
The messenger interrupted, “What is the point of this?”
I ignored him. “Aye, Fraoch, and what was our impression of the English King?”
“Ye thought he was the blusterin’ wind from the back-side of a loch frog.”
The man growled. “Daena speak ill of the king.”
I said, “He is not my king. In Alba I am the only king, Mag Mòr.”
The man glared.
I raised my chin and glared back, then said, “Ye can go, tell Eddie I will be there on the morrow.”
He turned on his heels and I watched him leave.
Cailean sent a guard tae take the second cousin down to the dungeon.
Fraoch took some of the guards to follow the messenger away from the castle.
I took Sean tae the fields in King’s Park tae wait for Colonel Quentin and Lochinvar. We waited all day. Then Sean returned tae the castle for guard duty and Fraoch and Chef Zach met me in the fields for more waiting.
But Colonel Quentin and Lochinvar and m’cache of weapons never arrived.