I stumble forward, my feet dragging against the rough cobblestones as my captors pull me through the bustling marketplace at the port of Vhoig. The shackles around my wrists ache as they nearly crush the bone beneath from how tight they are. But I grit my teeth, refusing to give these dark elf bastards the satisfaction of hearing me cry out.
"Move it, human filth," one of them snarls, yanking on the chain.
I shoot him a glare, wishing I could get out of these chains and wipe that smug look off his face. But the shackles keep me in place, keep me from lashing out and trying to slit his throat as I did when he first yanked me off the streets, just another piece of merchandise to be sold off to the highest bidder.
The marketplace teems with life around us. Merchants hawk their wares, their voices rising above the general din. The air is thick with the scent of spices - cinnamon, saffron, and others I can't name. Under different circumstances, I might have found it intoxicating. Now, it just makes my head spin.
My eyes dart frantically from side to side, searching for any opportunity to break free. But the crowd parts easily for my captors, dark elves commanding respect and fear even in this chaotic setting. No one dares meet my gaze, let alone offer help.
"Fresh stock here!" the leader of my captors calls out, his voice booming. "Strong human female, perfect for hard labor or a good fuck." He cast a look over at me with a grin, eyes roaming and making my skin burn. "A great one," he shouts.
My stomach turns. I've heard whispers of what happens to human slaves in dark elf households. Death would be preferable.
A potential buyer approaches, eyeing me like a piece of meat. I bare my teeth at him, earning myself a sharp slap across the face.
"Feisty one, isn't she?" the buyer chuckles. "Might be fun to break her spirit."
"Fuck you," I spit, tasting blood in my mouth.
Before either can react, a blinding flash of light suddenly erupts in the marketplace, dazzling colors dancing across my vision. I blink rapidly, trying to clear the spots from my eyes. The dark elves holding my chains curse and stumble, momentarily disoriented.
Before I can process what's happening, I feel a presence at my side. Slim fingers work deftly at the locks on my shackles. There's a soft click, and the metal falls away from my wrists.
"This way," a woman's voice hisses in my ear. A hand grabs mine, tugging me forward.
My legs move on instinct, following the pull. We weave through the crowd, taking advantage of the chaos. My heart pounds in my chest, adrenaline surging through my veins. Is this real? Am I actually escaping?
We duck into a narrow alleyway, the sounds of the marketplace fading behind us. The woman releases my hand, and I lean against the cool stone wall, gulping in air.
I gasp for air, my lungs burning as the woman releases my hand. We're pressed against the cool stone of the alley, hidden in shadow.
"I'm June," she whispers, her bright green eyes darting to the alley's entrance.
"Zylpha," I answer. "Why did you?—?"
She shakes her head. "We need to move. Now."
Before I can respond, angry shouts echo from the marketplace. June grabs my wrist again, and we're off.
We burst out of the alley and into a narrow street. My bare feet slap against the cobblestones as we sprint, dodging startled pedestrians.
"This way!" June hisses, yanking me down another twisting alleyway.
My heart hammers in my chest. I can hear the pounding footsteps of our pursuers, getting closer with each passing second.
We emerge onto a wider street. Colorful laundry hangs overhead, flapping in the sea breeze. June ducks under a low-hanging sheet, pulling me with her. I stumble, nearly losing my footing.
"Keep up!" she urges.
A dark elf's enraged face appears at the end of the street. "There!" he bellows.
We veer sharply to the left, knocking over a cart of fruit. The vendor's angry cries fade as we plunge into the maze of back alleys.
Left, right, right again - I lose track of our path as June leads us through the twisting streets. The shouts behind us grow fainter, but I don't dare hope we've lost them.
We burst out onto a main thoroughfare. The salty tang of the sea fills my nostrils as I spot the docks ahead.
"Almost there," June pants.
A spell crackles past my ear, singeing my hair. I yelp, ducking instinctively.
"Faster!" June cries.
We weave through the crowd on the docks, dodging sailors and merchants. My lungs are on fire, legs trembling with exhaustion. But the alternative - being recaptured - spurs me on.
I watch as June leaps from the dock a little ahead of me, landing on a small and hidden ship that I realize must have had a cloaking enchantment since I hadn't seen it moments before.
I sprint toward the ship, my heart pounding in my ears. June's already on board, her nimble fingers working frantically at the knots holding us to the dock. The dark elves are closing in, their angry shouts growing louder with each passing second.
"Hurry!" June yells, her voice tight with panic.
I push my burning legs harder, willing them to carry me just a little further. The gap between the dock and the ship looms before me, a chasm that seems to widen with each step. I'm not going to make it. The thought flashes through my mind, cold and terrifying.
Just as I reach the edge of the dock, ready to leap, something strange happens. An invisible force slams into my back, propelling me forward with unnatural speed. I sail through the air, arms windmilling wildly. For a heart-stopping moment, I'm sure I'm going to plummet into the murky water below.
Instead, I crash onto the ship, rolling awkwardly and scraping my elbows raw on the rough wood. Gasping, I scramble to my feet and whirl around.
There, standing at the edge of the ship, is a hooded figure. His hands are raised, crackling with arcane energy. It was his magic that pushed me aboard, I realize with a jolt.
But there's no time to dwell on it. The dark elves are mere feet away, their faces contorted with rage. One of them raises his hand, a spell forming at his fingertips.
The hooded figure moves with lightning speed. He thrusts his palms outward, and a wave of shimmering energy erupts from his hands. It slams into our pursuers, freezing them in place. Their bodies go rigid, eyes wide with shock and fury.
"Go!" the figure shouts, his voice strained with effort. "I can't hold them for long!"
June doesn't need to be told twice. She yanks the last rope free, and the ship lurches away from the dock. I grab onto the railing to steady myself, my heart still racing.
As we pick up speed, I can't tear my eyes away from the frozen dark elves on the dock. Their faces are locked in expressions of impotent rage, fingers outstretched toward us. The hooded figure maintains his stance, magic pulsing around him like a visible aura.
I stumble onto the deck of June's ship, my legs trembling beneath me. The wooden planks creak as we rush across, my bare feet stinging from the splinters. June's red hair whips in the wind as she moves with purpose, her hands flying over ropes and pulleys.
"Hold on!" she shouts.
The ship lurches beneath us, and I grab onto the railing to keep from falling. My heart pounds in my chest as I watch the port recede, the angry shouts of our pursuers fading into the distance.
I collapse onto a crate, my legs finally giving out. June crouches beside me, concern etched on her freckled face.
"Are you hurt?"
I shake my head, still struggling to catch my breath. "Why... why did you save me?"
June's green eyes soften. "Because no one deserves to be a slave." She stands, offering me a canteen of water. "I'm taking you to Aurelius."
I take a grateful swig before asking, "What's Aurelius?"
"It's a sanctuary," June says, her voice filled with warmth. "An island forgotten by the rest of Protheka. A place where humans can live free."
As June speaks, describing lush jungles and hidden treehouses, I feel a spark of hope ignite in my chest. A place without dark elves, without the constant fear of capture and enslavement. It sounds too good to be true.
"And you're... offering me a place there?" I ask, hardly daring to believe it.
June nods, a smile spreading across her face. "A chance at a new life, Zylpha. No more running, no more hiding. You can be free." Her eyes dart to the other end of the ship and I see more women — some men and children, too — huddled together. "Where anyone can be."
Tears prick at the corners of my eyes. I blink them back, overwhelmed by the sudden rush of emotion. "I... I don't know what to say."
"Say yes," June says simply, extending her hand.
I look at her outstretched palm, then back at her face. In her eyes, I see kindness, determination, and a fierce protectiveness that makes me feel safer than I have in years.
I take her hand, sealing my fate. "Yes."
"That was a close one," the hooded figure says as he sits down, flipping the hood back. And I gasp because he looks like a dark elf…with horns. Something I thought was a rumored nightmare, something meant to scare children.
A demon saved me.