I kneel in the damp soil, my fingers sinking into the earth as I plant another seedling. The sun's barely peeked over the horizon, but I'm already here in the garden. It's become my sanctuary, a place where I can breathe without feeling like I'm suffocating.
"Careful with that one," Elara, an older woman who has been her for a few months, says. "It's got a nasty bite if you're not gentle."
I nod, my eyes fixed on the delicate leaves. Everything here's different from what I knew before. The plants are vibrant, almost alive in a way I can't explain. Some have teeth, others change colors, and a few even seem to whisper. It's beautiful and terrifying all at once.
My hands shake as I pat the soil around the plant. I can still feel the phantom weight of those damn shackles. I flex my wrists, reminding myself they're gone. I'm free now. But am I really?
A twig snaps behind me, and I whirl around, heart pounding. It's just another gardener, but my pulse doesn't slow. I force a smile, but it feels more like a grimace.
"Sorry," I mutter, turning back to my work.
The others are kind, but I can't shake the feeling that it's all temporary. That any moment, I'll wake up back in that cell, cold stone against my back and darkness pressing in.
I lose myself in the repetitive motions of gardening. Dig, plant, water. It's soothing, in its way. The earth doesn't judge, doesn't expect anything from me. It just is.
As the garden comes to life around me, I catch snippets of conversation. Laughter, jokes, plans for the day ahead. Normal things. Things I used to take for granted.
I want to join in, to feel that easy camaraderie. But every time someone gets too close, I tense up. My mind screams danger, even though I know it's not. It's exhausting, being on edge all the time.
But here, with my hands in the soil and the scent of green things growing all around me, I can almost believe in a future. One where I'm not just surviving, but living. It's a fragile hope, as delicate as the seedlings I'm tending. But it's there, taking root in the fertile soil of Aurelius.
I'm hunched over a row of star-shaped fruits, their silvery skin shimmering in the morning light. My fingers brush against their delicate stems, marveling at how something so beautiful can exist in a world that's been so cruel.
A shadow falls across my work, and I tense. My heart races as I look up, ready to bolt. But it's Volezimir, the demon who arrived yesterday. His massive frame — and yes, he is massive; at least eight feet tall — blocks out the sun, yet there's something oddly comforting about his presence.
And he's also so attractive it's hard to think straight around him. Tall, muscular, with those stunning eyes. I can only imagine how useful those horns must been when stradd?—
"Zylpha," he says, his deep voice rumbling like distant thunder.
"Volezimir." I lean back and wipe my hands on my pants. "What brings you by the gardens."
A dangerous smirk dances across his lips. Dangerous to me because it makes my heart stutter. "I found a hidden waterfall while exploring, and I thought… Would you like to see it?"
I hesitate. Every instinct screams at me to refuse, to retreat to the safety of solitude. But there's something in his golden eyes that draws me in. They're nothing like the cold, cruel eyes of the dark elves who held me captive.
"I... I don't know," I stammer, hating how weak I sound. "Is it far?"
He shakes his head, a small smile tugging at his lips. "Not too far. We'd be back before midday."
I shouldn't trust him. He's a demon, for crying out loud. But there's an earnestness in his expression that makes me want to believe him. And if I'm honest with myself, I'm curious about this waterfall. I never do something just for fun. I can be honest with how cautious I usually am.
"Okay," I hear myself say, surprised by my own decision. "Let me just finish this row."
As I work, I can't help but steal glances at Volezimir. He's intimidating, sure, with his towering height and those impressive horns. But there's a grace to his movements that belies his size. And his deep charcoal skin... it reminds me of the dark elves, yet it's different. Warmer somehow. It doesn't strike the fear in me that I thought it would — like Lamain did at first.
I shake my head, trying to clear these confusing thoughts. I shouldn't find him attractive. I shouldn't want to trust him. But I do, and that scares me more than anything.
When I'm done, I dust off my hands and stand. "Lead the way," I say, hoping my voice doesn't betray my nerves.
As we leave the garden, I feel a flutter of excitement in my chest. It's been so long since I've felt anything but fear and resignation. This tiny spark of adventure, of connection... It's terrifying and exhilarating all at once.
I follow Volezimir through the lush jungle, my senses on high alert. The path is narrow, forcing us to walk single file. His massive form parts the foliage ahead, making it easier for me to navigate.
"Watch your step," he rumbles, glancing back at me. "The roots here are tricky."
I nod, focusing on my footing. The air grows heavy with moisture, and I can hear the distant roar of falling water.
Suddenly, the jungle opens up, revealing a breathtaking sight. A waterfall cascades down a cliff face, mist rising in an ethereal cloud. Rainbows dance in the spray where sunlight breaks through the canopy.
"It's beautiful," I breathe, momentarily forgetting my wariness.
Volezimir grins, revealing sharp teeth that should terrify me but somehow don't. "I thought you might like it."
We settle on a sun-warmed rock near the pool at the base of the falls. The mist cools my skin, a welcome relief from the jungle's oppressive heat.
"So," I start, unsure how to break the silence. "Demon life. Lot of stealing children and razing villages?"
He barks out a laugh, startling a flock of colorful birds from a nearby tree. "Oh yes, that's our breakfast, lunch, and dinner. How'd you know?"
I can't help but smile. "Oh I've just heard things here and there. Though I imagine you'll run out of villages one of these days."
"Perhaps," he quips. "But that's a risk I'm just going to have to take."
We fall into an easy silence, broken only by the thundering of the falls. I should feel uncomfortable, alone with this massive demon. But there's something... safe about his presence.
I've spent my entire life on high alert, trying to defend myself. But for the first time, with Volezimir, I can feel myself relaxing. Like I know he'll take care of me, and I need that.
"I hard Lamain say that he came from an island…Is that where you live?"
He nods. "Galmoleth. It's a floating island."
I blink slowly, digesting those words. "What was it like?" I ask softly. "Living on Galmoleth?"
Volezimir's expression grows distant. "Cold," he says finally. "Not in temperature, but... in spirit. Everything's about power, about proving yourself. It's exhausting."
I nod, understanding all too well. "Sounds familiar. Different context, same shit."
He looks at me, those golden eyes filled with curiosity. "Tell me about your life. Before... everything." I hesitate, memories threatening to overwhelm me. So he adds, "If you want."
But his gaze is patient, without judgment. So I talk. About growing up an orphan, about scraping by on the streets. About learning to survive in a world that didn't care if I lived or died. About always fending for myself, and never knowing how to trust someone.
Volezimir listens intently, asking questions here and there. His presence is oddly comforting, like a solid anchor in a storm.
As the afternoon wears on, I find myself relaxing more than I have in years. We swap stories, his tales of demon politics and arena fights a stark contrast to my scrappy street survival.
"You know," I say during a lull in conversation, "for a big, scary demon, you're not half bad company."
He grins, that dangerous smirk that sends a shiver down my spine. "Don't let it get out. I have a reputation to maintain."
I laugh, the sound echoing off the rocks. It feels foreign, but good. Like something I'd forgotten how to do.
As the sun begins to dip towards the horizon, painting the sky in brilliant oranges and purples, Volezimir stretches and stands.
"We should head back," he says, offering me his hand.
I hesitate for a moment before taking it, his skin warm and rough against mine. He pulls me up easily, and I'm struck again by how strong he is.
We make our way back through the jungle, the path seeming shorter now that I know where we're going. The air is thick with the scent of night-blooming flowers, their perfume almost intoxicating.
As we walk, our hands brush against each other several times. Each touch sends a jolt through me, like static electricity but warmer, more alive. I can't tell if it's accidental or intentional, and I'm not sure which I prefer.
We reach the clearing where my treehouse stands, its wooden structure blending seamlessly with the surrounding trees. Volezimir walks me to the door, and suddenly I'm acutely aware of how close he is, how I can feel the heat radiating from his body.
I wait for my body to lock up, for the fear to hit me…but it never comes. I almost want to lean into him, and the thought alone stuns me. Never have I let someone get this close to me.
We stand there for a moment, the air between us charged with something I can't quite name. I want to invite him in, to see where this spark between us might lead. But fear holds me back – fear of being hurt, of being vulnerable.
Volezimir seems equally unsure, his golden eyes searching my face. He opens his mouth as if to say something, then closes it again.
Finally, I manage a shy smile. "Thank you for today," I say softly. "It was... nice."
He returns the smile, and my heart does a little flip. "I'm glad you enjoyed it. Perhaps we could do it again sometime?"
I nod, probably too eagerly. "I'd like that."
We linger for another moment, neither wanting to be the first to leave. Finally, Volezimir takes a step back.
"Goodnight, Zylpha," he says, his voice deepening and I'm surprised that I like it.
"Goodnight, Volezimir," I reply.
As I watch him disappear into the gathering darkness, I can't help but feel a mix of excitement and trepidation. Something's changing, and I'm not sure if I'm ready for it. But for the first time in a long while, I'm looking forward to tomorrow.