The Devil We Know (Ends World #5) 18. An Irish Canoodle 30%
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18. An Irish Canoodle


An Irish Canoodle


Camilla McDonough showed up later that same evening.

And when I say showed up, I mean she managed to infiltrate our warehouse, the spitting image of Carolina.

To say I was a little confused is an understatement.

Also, seriously perturbed.


And also not at all surprised, given the reputation of the Irish.

Of course, Carolina thought it was hilarious and even started joking around about how easy it would be for her to get away without me even knowing she’s gone.

And Antoinette just fueled this with her own laughter and teasing.

With Camilla’s point being made, she went on to explain exactly how she was going to get us in under the enemy’s nose, and then it was decided that we would attend the upcoming wedding as guests of Seamus Killeen.

Since we know how we’re going to get in, we just have to decide what we’re going to do once we’re there. Are we going to allow this wedding to take place? Do we sit back and wait for a sign from Matt that it’s our turn to step in and fuck around? Or do we just do what we always do: wing it and see what happens?

We decide that Darius, Antoinette, and I will go under Camilla’s magic and that we’ll take point on the extraction mission. Mostly because we need someone on the outside who can take charge if things go to shit.

Being near the end of his US tour, Declan had to return to LA to keep his shows on track. So, Anton and Agatha came to assist Lilith and Carolina with managing the behind-the-scenes maneuvering. They’ll wait on the outskirts of the property, out of sight, so if things go well, they can just pick us up, and if things go shit, they can come in and light the place on fire.

After hours of sitting in the chair, the reflection that blinks back at me is unrecognizable. It’s amazing but also disconcerting, and then two strangers pop up in the mirror behind me, and I jump, staring in shock at who must be Darius and Antoinette.

“Isn’t it amazing?” Antoinette asks. “Like, I could get used to this.”

Darius laughs, turning his head from side to side, getting all of the angles of his new face as he replies, “It is amazing. Also disturbing.”

She smiles brightly. “Disturbing how? We can be anyone we want to be.”

He raises his brows, his eyes meeting hers in the mirror as he says, “Yes, and so can anyone else.”

The smile drops from her face, and she frowns as his words sink in, and then she replies quietly, “Oh, shit. You’re right.”

Carolina appears behind me, one of her hands coming up over my shoulder, sliding across my chest. She whispers into my ear, “Well, do you think you might have some time for your wife before you go?”

I shake her off, sputtering, “You stop that.”

She laughs, and Darius and Antoinette join her. Antoinette eyes Darius in the mirror again as she says, “I totally get it.”

He gives her a decidedly smug look as he replies, “Likewise. We can literally be two strangers in a bar right now.”

Carolina straightens, her hand moving to my shoulder as she says excitedly, “You could be three strangers in a bar right now.”

I bristle, narrowing my eyes as I grit out, “All of you fucking cut it out.”

“Oh, this could be fun,” Antoinette exclaims.

Carolina steps closer to Antoinette, her hand coming up, her fingers tangling in Antoinette’s now-blonde hair, the smile on her face coy as she leans in and whispers, “Fancy meeting you here.”

I jump up from my chair, whirling around on them as I say, “Really? Do you really think this is the time for joking?”

Darius turns and leans against the desk in front of the mirror as he says nonchalantly, “Like you’re one to talk about when it’s appropriate to joke.”

I cross my arms over my chest, grinding my teeth together, and then Carolina says, “Of all the bars in all the world, you had to walk into this one.”

Antoinette throws her head back, laughs, and then steps closer to Carolina. She wraps an arm around her shoulder, leaning in so she can whisper words into her ear that I can’t make out. Carolina giggles in response, and Darius chuckles beside me, throwing his elbow into my side. “You really need to lighten up, Tony.”

I turn and glare at him. “If you ever get into the baby-making stage of your relationship, maybe you would understand.”

Antoinette gasps beside me and then asks, “Really? Baby making?”

Carolina rolls her eyes at me, then gives me a middle finger and explains, “Well, we’re not not trying to avoid pregnancy. But we’re not necessarily actively trying to make a baby, either.”

Antoinette cocks her head at her as she says slowly, “That sounds to me an awful lot like trying to make a baby.”

Darius snorts beside me as he retorts, “Regardless of if you are or are not, it’s not like she’s going to get pregnant canoodling with Antoinette.”

Antoinette and Carolina both nod in agreement, and I groan, realizing that nothing I say will stop these assholes once they get started.

I’m torn between shutting down their nonsense and teaching them a lesson.

I glance over at Dare, who’s eyeing me quizzically. I roll my eyes and say, “Don’t fucking tempt me, man.”

He laughs as he says affably, “Temptation is the spice of life. I thought you knew that.”

I shake my head, unsure of the best way to proceed, given I’m well aware of how Carolina and Antoinette get when they get together and have an idea in their heads.

I look over at the two women, still standing exceedingly close together, giggling naughtily. I finally look back at Darius and say, “Well, if there was ever gonna be a time, I suppose it would be when you look like a complete fucking stranger.”

He barks out a laugh that draws the attention of both women, and Antoinette asks suspiciously, “What’s so funny over there?”

Darius shrugs and answers easily, “Oh, nothing. Just a conversation amongst strangers.”

Antoinette’s lips twist, and she squints but says nothing. Carolina crosses her arms over her chest and says, “I get the feeling the boys are up to something.”

Antoinette nods. “Quite obviously.”

It’s my turn to smirk at them as I retort, “Maybe we are. And what are you going to do about it?”

I know these words are a mistake as soon as they’re out of my mouth, but it’s too fucking late for regret. They look at each other, and I grimace, and Dare laughs, elbowing me again as he whispers, “Way to go, buddy.”

The two women step closer together, and they’re about an inch and a few seconds away from fully embracing when I panic. We really don’t have time for this shit right now.

Out of time and out of options, I say loudly, “You two want to see something?”

Startled, the two women step away from each other and turn to look at me questioningly, and for a moment, I freeze, fully unsure of where the fuck I thought I was going with this. And then I do the only thing that I can think of.

I close the distance between Darius and me, my hands reaching, grabbing him on both sides of his head. I yank him closer to me, and all he can do is give a small grunt before I press my lips against his forcefully.

He freezes, momentarily stunned, and I grip his head harder, my eyes meeting his questioning ones intently. I give him a little shake, hoping he’ll get the point to go along with it.

There’s never been any hidden agenda between the two of us throughout our friendship. It’s not like we have any unrequited sexual feelings toward each other, but we’ve known each other long enough and been in enough questionable situations to know when you just kind of roll with it. And so, after a brief hesitation, that’s what he does.

Darius shifts closer, his entire demeanor changing as one of his hands moves to the back of my head, and he steps into me fully. Our eyes are still locked, and I see the humor glimmering in his, even as their typical golden hue is now more of a green to try to blend in with the Irish crowd.

We both do our part to play our roles convincingly, our lifelong friendship and complete dedication to our partners fueling the show.

Antoinette whisper-shouts behind me, “It’s happening. Carolina, it’s happening.”

I recognize the whimper being hers, and then she replies, “I know. And it’s so weird because it doesn’t look like them. Should we like it or not? I’m so confused.”

Antoinette cries, “I know. I don’t know what to think.”

Darius and I continue our show for a few moments more before pulling back at the same time. He grins at me, and I laugh because he looks so different that it is almost like kissing a stranger.

It’s not like Dare’s the first man I’ve kissed before, and though I can honestly say I’m not typically sexually attracted to men, I’m not opposed to some canoodling for the enjoyment of others. I’m well aware he feels the same way, especially with the concessions he’s made throughout his relationship with Antoinette to accommodate her flair for the wild.

I turn around and face Carolina and Antoinette, and they’re grinning stupidly, occasionally giggling. I give them a stern look and then say, “That will have to tide you over for now.”

They both nod, continuing to giggle, and I turn my attention back to Darius, who’s now leaning back against the table as if nothing happened.

He sighs and then says, “I guess we better get back to business.”

I nod and ask, “Do you think that took care of their curiosity?”

“Not a fucking chance,” he answers without hesitation.

“That’s what I thought,” I respond. “What do you think they’ll do next?”

“I think you know the answer to that.”

“I do. But I’m sure that will be a story for another day.”

I walk around Carolina, snagging her hand and pulling her along with me as I say over my shoulder, “Come along, kids. We got fuckin’ work to do.”

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