The Dragon Lord’s Bride Box Set Chapter 9 8%
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Chapter 9

Chapter Nine

I threw myself onto the floor of the wagon and wiggled my way to the rear of the box. The ropes cut into my hands and ankles, but I ignored the pain as I shoved my shoulder against the rear board and pushed myself up the wall to hang my head over the back. The curtain slapped hard against my face, but I didn’t care. He’d come to rescue me from these horrible people, and that was all that mattered.

“Thorn!” I shouted as I tried to sit up. “Over here!”

The dragon swooped down and I had to force myself not to shrink back from those fury-filled eyes. He stretched out his front claws and wrapped them around my arms. I couldn’t help but yelp as I was lifted out of the back of the wagon and treaded air.

One of those blood-red eyes caught mine, and I didn’t so much hear the words as feel them. I’m going to unbind you. You’ll need to climb up my arm and onto my back. Do you understand?

I nodded. He used one of his claws to slice through the ropes that bound my hands and feet. The wind whipped over the raw flesh and made me wince, but I couldn’t focus on the pain. I clung to his arm and he helped me up as much as he could with his arm hand. Fortunately, his scales weren’t very smooth and provided little handholds that allowed me to climb up his limb. I eased past his wing and gingerly slipped onto his back. He had a wild mane of thick fur-like hair that trailed down from the top of his head nearly to his wings. I grabbed a couple of clumps of that and pressed myself against the curves of his spine.

I’m going to fly faster. Hold on.

I tightened my grip and he put on a burst of speed. My rescue had made us fall behind, but with a few pumps of his wings, Thorn caught us up to our foes. He swooped past the wagon and the box. Sergio gaped in horror at us as Thorn stretched out his clawed hands and cut the tethers that bound the horses to the vehicle. The steeds, freed from their anchor, bolted down the road while the wagon itself coasted to a stop.

Sergio and the women tried to flee into the woods, but Thorn opened his mouth. Even from behind, I could feel the terrible heat that emanated from his jaws. He blasted out several searing fireballs. The balls of flame struck the line of trees just in front of the escaping trio and lit the trunks on fire. Confronted by a wall of flame, my kidnappers skidded to a stop and spun around to face Thorn. He landed in front of the wagon and his tail pounded the ground like that of a furious cat.

Sergio fell on his knees and clasped his hands together. “Please don’t kill me!”

Sonya let out a wail and clung to her older counterpart. Maria hugged her and glared at the pleading man. “You stupid fool! Only thinking of yourself!”

I won’t kill any of you if you tell me what I desire to know Thorn told them.

Maria pursed her lips, but nodded. “Ask and we’ll answer.”

Why did you seek to kidnap this woman under my protection?

“F-for her blood, My Lord,” Sergio spoke up. “As your bride, she has the dragon touch.”

Thorn scoffed. Then you failed in your mission before you even began.

Sergio blinked at him. “What do you mean?”

Thorn nodded at me. She hasn’t consumed any of my blood. Any drop you steal from her won’t help whoever hired you. As for that topic- He marched forward so his shadow loomed over the cowering man, -who hired you?

Tears sprang into Sergio’s eyes and he began to blubber. “I-I don’t know who hired us. It was a contract through the Agency. I swear it!”

“He’s telling the truth!” Maria spoke up as she cradled the terrified Sonya in her arms. “We were hired on commission and the money was paid in advance. We were to deliver the girl to the Agency and that’s it.”

Which Agency? Thorn questioned her.

She nodded in the direction of the far-off mountains. “The one in Mirum. I don’t know any more than that. They slipped me a note and some money under the door of my room.”

You swear on your life that what you say is true? the dragon lord questioned her.

She held her head high and lifted her chin. “I swear on the graves of my ancestors that everything I told you is true.”

Thorn studied her for a moment longer before he jerked his head over his shoulder. Leave. Now. If I find you’ve returned then I can’t guarantee that you will leave. Ever.

“But the wagon. . .” Sergio whimpered.

Come for it tomorrow morning. It will be on the outskirts of my domain Thorn promised.

Maria nodded at the dragon lord before she led Sonya away. Sergio followed, and soon they had disappeared around a bend in the road.

A shaky breath left me, and it was as though I deflated. I slumped over his back and closed my eyes.

I felt him turn his head. Are you well?

I furrowed my brow. “I think so, but I could really use a long nap.”

Then rest he told me as he stretched out his wings. We will return to my home.

I gladly slipped into a deep slumber aboard my personal air travel.

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