Chapter One
Sunshine. Sweet, bright warm sunshine.
I couldn’t have been happier laying there in our rear garden admiring the view of the cloud-free sky. The beautiful manor house glistened in the late-afternoon sun and the leaves on the trees bent at the slight breeze that blew past. Everything was perfect.
Too perfect. Like the handsome dragon man who lay beside me on the grass. I turned my head to admire his perfect features. His eyes were closed and a soft smile lay on his lips. The slight breeze ruffled his hairs and one of them lay askew over his nose.
I made to brush it away but his hand shot up and gently grasped my wrist. His eyes opened and fell on me. Even after all this time his penetrating gaze still made me blush. He drew my hand to his lips and kissed the back of my fingers.
“Have you found your proper rest?” he asked me.
I snorted. “It’s very restful here, yes.”
“Then you’re happy?”
I snuggled close to his side and rubbed my cheek against his shoulder. “Very happy.”
He looped his arm around my shoulders and drew me closer. His soothing warmth made me sleepy. I could have fallen into his arms and never gotten out and would have been in perfect bliss.
But bliss never lasts forever.
Will sat up and furrowed his brow as he looked to the distance. His stiff stance sent off warning bells in my mind and I sat up. My gaze invariably followed his and I beheld a blemish on the otherwise clear sky. The horizon to the west showed a faint shadow of something.
I squinted at the object. “What is that? A storm cloud?”
“Yes, but not in the way you’re thinking,” he told me as he climbed to his feet. He took my hand and pulled me up. “Go inside.”
I dug my heels into the grass and yanked on his arm. “What’s happening-” A sudden dizziness swept over my mind.
“Rose!” Will shouted as he caught me in his arms. He cradled me against his chest and looked me over with eyes filled with fear. “What is it? What’s the matter?”
I cupped my forehead in one hand and shook my head. “I-I don’t know. I suddenly don’t feel very well.”
Will pursed his lips before he lifted me into his arms. He carried me into the cool house where Raines met us. “Sir, what is the matter?”
“My wife almost fainted outside,” Will told him as he paused long enough to catch his servant’s eye. “Prepare for guests. The western horizon is darkening.”
A grim expression appeared on Raines’ face but he nodded his head and hurried off. Will carried me upstairs and to our room where he lay me on the bed. He knelt beside me and grasped my hand in one of his. “How are you feeling now?”
I turned my head and smiled at him. “I’m fine. I guess I got too much sunshine.”
He grabbed the folded blanket at the end of the bed and drew the cloth over me. “Stay here and rest. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
He stood but I grabbed his hand. “What’s going on? What was that cloud?”
Will stared at the wall in front of him as his brow darkened like the horizon. “Dragons.”
I blinked at him. “Dragons? Like you?”
A sneer touched the corner of his lips. “Not like me. They’re the council and what they want I cannot guess.”
I tried to sit up but my faintness hadn’t improved with his vague answers. The world spun around me and I dropped back onto the pillow. Will knelt beside the bed and grasped my hand between both of his.
“I promise you there’s no danger from them or anyone else,” he swore as a heavy knock came from downstairs. Someone was rapping on the door. He scowled at the bedroom entrance. “I have to go. I’ll be back in a moment.”
Will reluctantly slipped away and out of the room. I heard his hurried feet move down the stairs as the pounding increased. The door opened and a flurry of footsteps swept into the house. The floorboards clattered with the sound of their heavy boots and the air filled with their throaty complaints.
“About time!” an older gentleman snapped.
“Were you intending to keep us out in the cold?” a woman joined in. Her comment struck me as rather weird and I turned my head to look out the sunny window.
“My apologies,” Will replied as someone shut the door behind his guests. “I was preoccupied with other matters.”
“Matters more important than greeting the council?” the woman snapped.
“A moment.” The voice that spoke was different than the first two. It belonged to a gentleman and was as soft as the pillows beneath my head. “We have not come to invade you, Lord Thorn, but to give our greetings to your wife.”
“Is that all you wish to see me about, Lord Allard?” Will questioned him.
“What do you mean by that, hatchling?” the first gentleman piped up.
“Only that you have flown over a great distance to come here merely to see my bride when you could have met her at Mirum,” Will countered.
“You have not learned an ounce of manners since we last met,” the woman scolded him.
“Enough,” Lord Allard interrupted, and his stern voice silenced the bickering. “We did have other motives in coming here at this moment in time, Lord Thorn, but we do wish to see your wife.”
“My wife is currently taken ill,” Will replied. “Perhaps you may see her another time. Raines will show you to your rooms and I will join you in the parlor as soon as I am able.”
A huff came from the woman and a grumble from the other man, but they allowed Raines to lead them up the stairs. The set of heavy boots paused at the top of the steps. “Aren’t you coming, Lord Allard?”
“In a moment, Lord Ware,” the other lord promised.
The trio of footsteps continued and the hall fell silent. I strained my ears to hear anything more and I was rewarded when I detected a pair of light footsteps moving across the creaky boards. They came to the bedroom door and the entrance opened. Will stepped inside and behind him came a tall and slim gentleman. He was about seventy in appearance with gray whiskers and a smooth chin. His gray hair was combed back in a manner that suited his gaunt face. He wore a suit of fine linen and a gold watch hung on a chain attached to his breast pocket.
He smiled at me and I felt an immediate warmth flow over me. Will made sure to close the door before he led our guest over to the bed. I eased myself to a seated position as the two lords reached me.
Lord Allard looked me over for a moment before he nodded. “You are very lucky, Will. She is quite beautiful. All the more so for her condition.”
Both Will and I stared at him in confusion, and Will had a slight touch of worry over him as he caught his friend’s eyes. “Condition?”
Allard chuckled. “Have you not guessed? Your wife is pregnant.”