THE THUNDERING OF THE horses’ hooves hitting the ground as they galloped over the terrain echoed the thumping of Gabriel’s heart. He couldn’t remember ever being this... this what? He couldn’t even define his feelings. Angry? Yes. Hurt? Definitely. Aroused? Frustrated? Yes, and yes.
Damn her! Damn her for wanting to use him only like a stud. Why that bothered him so much, he couldn’t say. But it did. Maybe she only had been trying to be helpful, but he felt dismissed. Almost as if she wanted to use him and discard him. All while having as little contact as possible with him. Keeping him at a distance. He would not countenance it.
He had been aware, though, that he must not make her embarrassed. Could she really be that innocent? He had to tread delicately where she was concerned. It was more than evident that even if she had agreed to this crazy scheme, she was ill at ease with it.
And him? Was he at peace with this decision? Had he carefully analyzed and sorted through all the complications? After the initial pleasure of bedding her, there would be a world of pain. He didn’t fool himself, thinking he could have a dalliance with this woman and then dismiss her from his mind.
If their plan was successful, she would bear his child. He would put a babe in her. The thought sent a thrill right through his body, coalescing in his groin, as if his balls and cock were celebrating the possibility. He wanted to see her swell with his child. Wanted to claim her and mark her as his.
But he couldn’t. That was the whole point of the deal, right? He had to get her with child and then step back. Bow out. This was just a business transaction. He was doing it for his estate. And because the duke had asked.
Could he do that? He already felt mighty possessive of her, even though she wasn’t his. With his past lovers, he had never been possessive. They had just been casual liaisons that lasted a few days or a few months, and then they both went their separate ways with no hard feelings. He had never thought about offspring, except to avoid them.
Why was she different? Why did he have the feeling it would not be uncomplicated this time? Because she was different. To him, she had always been different. Since the moment he met her, he’d felt a special attraction. A connection. A feeling he had suppressed with all his might because it was inappropriate. But now?
Now he was invested, body, soul, and future. And he realized he wanted the same from her. He would have her wholehearted surrender or nothing at all. But she wasn’t ready to give it.
The problem, he realized, was trust. He had broken down some barriers yesterday when he kissed her. Yes, he could conjure her desire, but the rest of her resistance would not be conquered by instigating sex before she was ready.
And once he had realized that, the path forward presented itself clearly before him. What he needed to do was stoke the flames he had sensed in her yesterday when he kissed her.
After racing back to the house, he requested to speak with the duke. The footmen guided him to the ducal chamber, where he found the old man propped up on his pillows, having breakfast while his valet and a footman attended to him. Hannah was nowhere in sight. Good. He wanted to speak to the duke alone.
“I agree to the bargain,” he said without preamble upon entering.
The duke’s gaze brightened with pleasure, then he dismissed the servants. When at last they were alone, he said, “I’m happier than I can express, and grateful.” But then his eyes sharpened and focused on Gabriel’s face, and concern clouded his gaze. “Are you sure you are fine with the agreement? You seem... tense, for lack of a better word.”
Gabriel studied the duke. This man had sired him. He probably would never think of him as his father, but still. There was a connection. Affection, even. And yet he was thinking of taking his wife.
The fact that it was the duke himself who had requested it didn’t make it any easier. No less because he wanted to go much further than the terms of their agreement required. Yes, he was conflicted. But he was also resolved.
“I’ll be fine. How about the duchess? Do you think she will be fine with the results of our deal?”
The duke studied him for an uncomfortably long time. What did he seek? Gabriel shifted from foot to foot like an errant schoolboy before catching himself and meeting the old man’s knowing gaze square on.
“You care about her.” It was not a question, so he need not answer. “You could marry her after I’m gone.”
“I don’t want to think about that.”
“Ah, I see. Guilt, my old friend, I recognize you. You need not feel guilty about that, Gabriel. I will die whether or not you marry her. You should marry her. It would be the best outcome. It would make me happy.”
“How about what Hannah wants? Have you considered she might have a preference in the matter?”
“I think she is not indifferent to you.”
“Be that as it may, there’s a big difference between feeling attracted to someone and wanting to marry that person.”
“Not for Hannah. For women like her, desire and love go together.”
“We are playing with fire. No, worse. We are playing with lies and volatile emotions. I am afraid things will not go smoothly.”
“No, they rarely do.” The duke let out a sigh that seemed to deflate his whole body. “Gabriel, my boy, the path to anything worthwhile is often hard and crooked. I’m sure there will be difficulties, but I believe the two of you can overcome them. And in the end, it will be worth it. Even if nothing comes of our scheme, if an heir doesn’t result from your liaison, I think it will result in happiness for you and Hannah.”
“I hope you are right, Your Grace. Because, for better or worse, we are committing to this course.”