The Duchess’ Desperate Deal (Forged Alliances #2) CHAPTER 23 48%
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HANNAH FOUGHT HARD to beat down the jealousy coursing through her veins like a river of fire. She had no right to it. She knew it. The nature of her arrangement with Gabriel did not entitle her to any possessiveness where he was concerned. But she couldn’t help the way she felt.

It didn’t help that the woman was strikingly beautiful, with warm, sun-kissed, caramel skin. A dark silk cascade of hair that framed lovely features. And her eyes...they were deep and expressive. Accentuated by thick eyelashes, and darkened with kohl, they gave her a mysterious allure that would draw every male with a pulse.

Next to her, Hannah felt pale, plain, and unsophisticated. No wonder Gabriel was in no hurry to bed her. If this was the kind of women he was used to consorting with.

“Anjali has never been my mistress.”

Her gaze captured his. Looking deep into his eyes. Seeking. She didn’t believe him. He wasn’t precisely lying. Maybe it was a half-truth? She just knew they had been involved somehow. There was an ease, a sort of connection between them that was faint, dampened, but undeniable. She swallowed bitterness as she imagined them locked in a lover’s embrace.

But what did she know about Gabriel’s affairs? She had never asked. Did he have a paramour at the moment? She had assumed... How incredibly na?ve of her. Of course, a man like him would have someone, maybe several someones.

“And yet the two of you seemed awfully familiar with each other. Do you deny any involvement with her?”

Gabriel hesitated, shifting from one foot to the other. His gaze avoided her. Her heart plummeted. It was as good as a confession.

“We were lovers once,” he admitted. “For a brief period, a long time ago.”

“I see.”

Who would have thought that jealousy could cut so deep? Despite the debauchery taking place around them, until now, she had been enjoying herself. She had spent a good part of the afternoon poring over the licentious book Gabriel had insisted on buying for her. It had given her ideas. Sparked desire. She had been looking forward to experiencing passion in his arms. But now... How could she ever compete with that gorgeous woman? Or any others he might have? She wanted to leave this place. Wished she had never come.

“Hannah, look at me.”

Gabriel’s voice, steady and warm, commanded her compliance. Her gaze landed on his face.

“There’s nothing between Anjali and me now. There hasn’t been for years.”

His sincerity was evident, and yet... “But you two seem to be on friendly terms with each other.”

He nodded once. “We are friends, of sorts.”

With a knot in her stomach, she forced herself to ask the most difficult question. “Do you have a mistress at the moment?” She needed to know. And yet wasn’t sure she could withstand the answer if it was yes.

“Absolutely not. I wouldn’t do that to you. Or any woman.”

He smiled one of his amiable smiles, feathered his fingers across the exposed portion of her cheek.

“I’m not in the habit of keeping a mistress. They are expensive luxuries that I’ve never been able to afford. Yes, I’ve had affairs. Always with women who are willing and sophisticated enough to understand the nature of our relationship. However, my last affair ended over a year ago, and I haven’t had the time or inclination to pursue another relationship. All my focus has been on saving my estate.”

“I’m sorry. I have no right to question you—”

“You have every right,” he interrupted her. “I’m here with you. All my attention is for you and you alone.”

His heated eyes left no doubt he desired her. But was that enough, when he had women such as the proprietress of this club falling at his feet? She wanted to believe him yet felt so inadequate. Unsophisticated.

“But she is so beautiful. How can any man not want her?” The shameful admission escaped her lips before she could hold it. Oh, wasn’t she a pathetic case? She was making everything worse...

“You are beautiful too, Hannah.” He stepped into her space. His hands dove underneath her domino, coming to rest, warm and possessive, on her bare shoulders. They massaged her with expert skill, his touch turning her insides to warm honey. “But there’s more to desire than physical beauty.”

“Is there? I mean, of course there is, I know that.” She was having trouble forming coherent thoughts while his wonderful hands touched her like that. “But I thought men’s desire was simpler, more straightforward...”

“Not for me. I desire you because I like you. But it’s even more than that. There’s something very specific about you that calls to me. I’m drawn by your essence.”

“Gabriel...” Her voice was wispy, almost smothered by need. One of his hands molded the back of her neck, so strong, so supportive. She leaned her head back, and he rewarded her by leaning closer.

His warm lips slid across hers once, twice. So soft, velvety. And yet the contact rippled sensation throughout her body. Her hands came to rest on his chest, feeling his quickening heartbeat. The knowledge that he was not unaffected either set fire to her blood, emboldened her to deepen the kiss. To open her mouth and capture his plush lower lip between her teeth.

He groaned, the sound a vibration deep within his chest. His hand tightened on her nape, bringing her closer. The other one snaked around her waist to hold her flush against him. The next moment, she was swirling through the air.

He had lifted her and carried her inside one of the alcoves. In the relative privacy created by the shadows, the kiss turned ravenous. He was devouring her mouth with single-minded savagery. And she was responding in kind. A distant corner of her mind sounded the alarm that maybe this wasn’t the place. They were both losing control, and as she had observed before, these alcoves did not provide any real privacy.

Her back touched a wall padded in velvet, and he leaned her into it, pressing his body to hers, overwhelming her senses with the feel of him. Her hand drifted, caressing over the hard sinew of his chest, lower over his flat stomach, venturing daringly close to his member. Seeking the proof of his desire. Sure she would find it at the apex of his legs.

He didn’t disappoint. A strangled sound, something between a gasp and a groan, escaped him when her hand cupped his hard flesh over the fabric of his trousers. He pressed into her, his hips thrusting in a movement reminiscent of the sexual act. Her flesh liquified in a rush of lust. It had been so long. And never had she felt so much contained power, so much desire waiting to be unleashed upon her. For her.

Damn her skirts. If it weren’t for them, she could press her aching center into that hard flesh. Maybe find a surcease for the clawing need devouring her.

“Hannah,” he panted in her ear. “I need to taste you.”

“ are,” she breathed. “And I’m tasting you.”

Her lips found his again and captured them. Her tongue invaded his mouth, tangling with his. He indulged her, losing himself in the caress, sucking her tongue with exquisite sensuality. She moaned, wanting to meld with him. But then he retreated. When she went to follow, the hand at her neck tightened, holding her in place.

“Not your mouth, although I could drink from it forever.” His hand slid from her back towards the front of her skirt, pressing down at the middle. “Here.”

Her eyes were as wide as saucers. Did he mean...? Surely not. He couldn’t possibly... Not here, not now. Her bewilderment must have been evident. Either that or he could read her mind because he gave her a wolfish smile.

“Yes. That’s exactly what I mean.” His mouth slid to her neck, nuzzling her, eliciting goose bumps that spread all over her body. “Do you remember the couple we saw earlier? Did you see what the man was doing between the woman’s legs?”


“I noticed your expression,” he went on, unrelenting. His lips sucked at her neck, nibbled her ear. “You were shocked, but also intrigued. Do you want me to show you what it feels like?”

“But here? Now?”

“Yes. No one will see you.” He looked straight into her eyes. “I wouldn’t expose you. You are mine alone.”

The possessiveness of his tone sent a thrill down her spine, but... “How?”

He smiled, pressing a quick hard kiss to her mouth, before crouching at her feet. “Trust me.”

And with those words, he disappeared under her wide skirts.

She only had a moment to wonder what he intended before his hot mouth found the opening in her drawers and branded the inside of her thigh with a kiss. She almost toppled over with surprise, but his powerful arms grabbed her legs, steadied her.

“Lean against the wall. Relax.” The sound of his voice, coming from within her skirts, should have been humorous, but she found the last thing she wanted to do was laugh with his hands and mouth wreaking havoc with her sanity.

He wrapped his arm around one leg, steadying her while he scooped the other and draped it over his shoulder. Opening her to him, his mouth was at the perfect vantage point to access her womanly place.

A wave of self-consciousness engulfed her. This was wicked. She was so exposed...

The first swipe of his tongue over her center had her leg buckling with shocking pleasure. She would have fallen if not for the support of his arm and shoulder. His arm tightened around her leg.

“I got you. I won’t let you fall.” He spoke against her curls, his humid breath mingling with the moisture seeping from her center. “Fuck, you taste so good, my heart. Yes, soak me with your desire.”

He lapped again, his tongue sliding between her lips, parting them, spearing into her depths and then coming to home with exquisite accuracy over the bundle of sensation where all her pleasure centered.

She moaned. Loudly. Her hands closed around his head over the fabric of her skirts. The maddening man chuckled.

“Shhh. Be quiet if you don’t want people coming over to watch.”

Oh, goodness gracious. How was she supposed to keep quiet when he did that?

Another gasp escaped her as his wicked, wicked tongue took another swipe at her bud. She brought her hand to her mouth, biting her finger to keep the sounds to a minimum. Her head fell back against the padded wall, and she stopped fighting. Stopped trying to resist the overwhelming pleasure taking over her body.

And then he went in earnest. His tongue swirled, lapped, licked, rolling her bud, tightening and heightening the pleasure. She felt like a clock wound too tight. The springs about to snap. If she didn’t release soon, she would shatter. She raced towards the release, desperate to achieve it... and he eased back.

“Gabriel...” she sobbed.

She couldn’t see it, but she fancied she could feel his smile against her flesh a moment before a long finger slowly penetrated her.

It was his time to moan. “You are so hot, so wet, so fucking tight.”

His finger eased out, and she almost whined a protest, but his touch returned. This time two fingers. Sliding, deliciously stretching her.

“I can hardly wait to slide my cock inside you.” His words had the double purpose of arousing her, while the vibrations of his voice stimulated her flesh. “It’s going to feel so good. For both of us.”

The slow slide of his fingers in and out, coupled with his tantalizing words, had created a frenzy of need. She moved her hips, but her position, his hold on her, did not allow her to move freely. She was at his mercy. A recipient of whatever he wished to bestow upon her.

That aroused her even more. This time, a whimper escaped.

“I know, darling. I’ll make it better in just one second. But let me savor this.”

His fingers curled inside her, stimulating a point of such exquisite pleasure it unleashed a dangerous need. She fought to open her legs further, bear down on his hand, his mouth. But he wouldn’t let her.

“I’ve been dreaming of doing this for so long. But it’s even better than I had imagined,” he crooned.

He lapped at the bud while his fingers continued their magical caress inside. She was giving in to the wave, going under, tiny mewls escaping her throat, when a man and two women walked past their alcove. They didn’t bother to look inside, preoccupied with their own pursuits, but it brought the fact they were in a public place crashing down on her mind. She tensed, the moment receding.

But Gabriel gave no quarter. As if sensing her distraction, he redoubled his efforts, and she was powerless against the onslaught of his skilled mouth. The entire club could stare at her right now and it wouldn’t stop the climax that was barreling towards her at an alarming speed.

It scared her, this uncontrollable passion. She wished they were away from this club. In a proper bed. In private. She feared she was going to cry out. Shatter, tumble. Lose control. But his arm tightened around her. It seemed to say what his mouth was too occupied to utter at the moment. Trust me. He had told her those words several times.

And she did. Taking a leap of faith, she let go. Gave in to the pleasure. Gave in to him, to them. To the energy they created. The climax swelled, exploded. Overtook every corner of her body. Radiating from the place at her core to reach her fingertips. She cried out, hoping the music from the ballroom below drowned out her sounds. Her legs gave out under her. But Gabriel was there. He didn’t let her collapse. He supported her throughout the crisis he had brought on, encouraged it. Extracted every last drop of pleasure from her climax. And then soothed her, brought her back to the ground gently.

Only when she could stand on her own did he emerge from under her skirts. His usually neat hair had become mussed, his mouth glistened with her juices, and his eyes shone with an emotion she could not name but found an echo in her heart. Holding her gaze, he brought up his right hand. His fingers were dripping with her release. She didn’t have time to feel embarrassment before he brought those fingers to his mouth and sucked them clean. Closing his eyes and humming in pleasure, as if he were tasting the most delicious delicacy.

The gesture undid her. Reaching out, she grabbed him by the lapels of his coat. His eyes widened for an instant, but he offered no resistance when she pulled him towards her. Responded with alacrity when she assaulted his mouth in a savage kiss. He gave her everything she wanted, and all the things she didn’t know she needed.

This man was magnificent. And he was hers. She could sense it in the way his arms held her. In the way his mouth consumed hers, holding nothing back. And she feared she was just as much his to command. If he wanted to take her here, in front of everyone, she would let him.


But he gentled their kiss. Only to whisper in her ear the words that ignited another raging fire of need.

“Let’s go. Now that I’ve had a taste, I can’t wait to have all of you.”

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