Rowan takes one look at my short-sleeved yellow button-up dress shirt, striped tie, men’s dress pants, huge glasses and short, floppy wig with a part down the middle and busts out laughing.
“Dwight Shrute?”
I smile at him. “And let me guess, you’re Sal.”
He takes a step back, puts his hands on his hips and pops one hip out. He looks ridiculously awesome in his dark, bell-bottom pants, floral-patterned dress shirt unbuttoned halfway down his chest, a fake carpet of black chest hair showing, and a thick, stick-on, black handlebar mustache.
“Did Sal know you guys were doing this?” I ask.
“Yeah, he loves it. No attention is bad attention to him.”
Dom and Tess’s party is in full swing. Tess has their house decorated with fake spiderwebs and life-sized horror villains like Pennywise and Jason Voorhees. Witches on brooms and bats hang from the ceiling and strobe lights flash in time with the music, the regular lights off in every room for effect.
I just got here because Tate had a hockey game this afternoon. He’s still so young and new to the game that he’s learning to skate more than anything, but my heart melts every time he looks up in the stands and finds me and Sam, his face lighting up when he sees that we’re watching him.
We had to race home after the game and get the boys’ bags packed for the party at the Foxes’ house. Beau’s parents are the unofficial Coyotes team grandparents, and they always include my boys in the parties they host for the players’ kids. Sam and Tate were practically bouncing with excitement on the drive over there because they always have so much fun.
“Even dressed like Dwight, you’re still beautiful,” Rowan says.
My stomach does a somersault. “You’re sweet, thanks.”
“I like that you went for something funny instead of just going as a sexy nurse or whatever.”
I wrinkle my nose. “Yeah, I wouldn’t make a good sexy anything.”
His gaze rakes down my body and then up again before he leans in close and whispers in my ear, his warm breath giving me goose bumps.
“Now that’s not true at all. You’d be so sexy that you would’ve barely made it through the front door before some other guy swooped in and stole you away from me.”
I keep my expression impassive, not letting on that my core temperature just went up a few degrees. “Have you recently completed a course in flattery? Because this is textbook stuff here.”
He grins. “I’m just trying to lock in that date. When did you say you’re available?”
Ben’s wife Stella approaches us, clapping as she looks at me. “You understood the assignment. I love your costume.”
“Love yours, too,” I say.
She’s dressed as Mario from Mario Brothers , the mustache so long it covers her mouth.
“Ben and I are Mario and Luigi, but obviously he had to be Sal for this party. Guess who’s definitely not getting laid tonight in that porn star getup?” She laughs, sounding a little tipsy.
Ben approaches, clapping Rowan on the shoulder. They start talking about football, and Stella takes my arm and leads me toward the kitchen.
“Tess made the most amazing punch,” she says. Once we’re out of earshot of the guys, she leans in closer. “Rowan can barely keep his tongue in his mouth when he’s around you. Are you into him?”
“I do really like him. But after the stalking situation, I decided not to date anyone for a year. Rowan keeps reminding me it’s been eleven months.”
She puts a hand over her heart. “I love a persistent man. Are you going to give him a shot?”
“I don’t know. I think he’s great, but what if he’s just asking me because I’ve said no and he likes the challenge of it? I have two kids, and?—”
“I completely get it. You have to look out for yourself and your kids first. If it helps any, Ben has never said anything about Rowan that was a red flag.”
We reach the massive punch bowl, which is being cradled in the arms of a skeleton. Stella takes a cup from the stack on the island, ladles a full cup and passes it to me, then fills one for herself.
“Thanks.” I take a sip and cough. “Wow, my sister was generous with the booze.”
I have to work tomorrow, but since the boys are at a sleepover and I don’t get out much, I’m going to enjoy myself tonight and sleep here.
“So, how’s the new house?” she asks.
“It’s really good, thanks for asking. My boys are so thrilled to have their own rooms. I feel like such a rock star mom. I’m sure it won’t last, but I’m enjoying it for now.”
We walk over to an unoccupied corner of the kitchen—well, occupied only by a mannequin dressed like a vampire--and she gives me a wistful look. “Ben and I aren’t telling many people, but we’re trying to get pregnant.”
“Aw.” I smile at her and squeeze her hand. “Good luck, girl.”
“Thanks. We’re trying not to overthink it.” She rolls her eyes. “I guess I should say I’m pretending not to overthink it, but I totally am. We’re in a phase where we know I’m not pregnant and I’m not in my getting pregnant hormone zone, so I’m drinking and having fun tonight. Maybe we’ll actually have sex for fun tonight, no pressure.”
“Sex.” I say it longingly and sigh. “Remind me what that’s like?”
“It’s been a year? Girl, any single man at this party would be thrilled to go home with you tonight. I mean, if that’s what you want.”
“Hey!” Tess is coming toward us, her green-painted face and prosthetic nose transforming her into the Wicked Witch of the West.
“I thought you said you were wearing a costume?” I give her a confused look and Stella bursts out laughing.
“This bitch.” She hugs me. “Did you try my punch?”
“I’m having some now. I think I’ll be drunk after four sips.”
Tess takes a gulp from the cup in her hand. “Hey, a kid-free night is a treat. We have to maximize the enjoyment.”
“Is Zee here?”
“He’s staying the night with a friend.”
I give her a pitying look. “The old staying the night with a friend bit? I remember it well. I’m sure you do, too.”
“No, he really is.” She furrows her brow. “I mean, I’m pretty sure he is. I’m keeping an eye on his phone location.”
“Well, if you think he’s lying and having sex with a girl instead, I’m riding shotgun when you go bitch him out in this.” I gesture at her costume.
She laughs. “Dom wanted to have a quickie earlier and he asked me to put a bag on my head. I refused and kept cackling and calling him my little pretty . He couldn’t even get hard.”
We laugh and toast with our cups, Tess’s expression serious when she finishes drinking.
“Do you think I should go check on Zane?”
“No. First of all, you can’t drive like this. And you have to accept that, at some point, he will have sex. He’s almost eighteen. All you can do is tell him to wrap it before he taps it and hope he listens.”
She sighs heavily. “Yeah, wait until I tell you that when your boys are his age.”
“Oh, it won’t be an issue for me. My boys are both becoming priests.”
The song “Monster Mash” comes on and Tess does a spin of celebration. She drags me and Stella to dance with her in the living room. The punch is making me feel light and happy.
I squeal when “Thriller” starts because Tess and I learned the dance as kids and we do it every Halloween. Every year we lived together, we did it in our tiny little living room at least ten times every Halloween season. I’m going to miss our impromptu dance sessions.
After a couple hours, lots of dancing, and four cups of punch, I see Rowan standing in the dining room. When I catch his eye, he smiles.
“Hey,” I say as I approach. I stumble and he puts an arm out to steady me.
“Easy. You doing okay?”
I grin and do a little dance with my hips, the alcohol making me carefree. “I’m great. How about you?”
“Better now that you’re here.”
His teammate Colby takes that as his cue and nods at us before walking away. Rowan’s gaze on me is intense, making me feel like we’re the only people here despite the laughing and loud music surrounding us. I sip my punch, suddenly nervous.
“C’mon,” he says, taking my hand and leading me out of the dining room.
My heart races as he leads me back through the kitchen, weaving through costumed partygoers engrossed in conversations. He takes me to the laundry room, closing the door behind us.
The sounds of the party dulled; I swear I can hear my own heart pounding. Is this what a year away from men has done to me? I’m sweaty and breathless as Rowan moves closer to me, looking down into my eyes.
“It’s hard to take you seriously in that costume,” he cracks.
“Oh, I can...” I take off the costume glasses and put them in my pocket. “Does that help?”
He nods, his smile sliding away. “You’re so beautiful, Cam. And you’re funny and sweet and smart as hell. I’ve wanted to take you out since the first time we met, but I don’t want to make you uncomfortable, so if you don’t want to, I’ll stop mentioning it.”
Just the thought of him becoming distant makes me frown. No. I don’t want him to stop mentioning it. I like our flirtation, and even though it’s scary as hell to think of risking heartbreak again, I think I’m ready.
“I want to,” I say softly.
His whole face lights up. “You’ll go out with me?”
I nod. “I’m sure I’ll be rusty after a year away from dating, but--”
As I’m talking, he rips off his fake stache, giving me a little smile before his lips find mine and he cups my cheek with one of his huge hands. I like that I didn’t even have time to freak out about it. With a little moan, I grab a handful of his shirt and pull myself closer to him. He wraps an arm around my waist and deepens the kiss, his tongue brushing against mine.
God, it feels good to be kissed. And Rowan is damn good at it. His body is as hardened with muscle as I fantasized it would be, and he smells faintly of pine and leather.
He slides the wig off my head and moves his hand from my face around to cradle the back of my head. When his other hand presses against the small of my back, our bodies align and I feel his erection pressing against my midsection.
He pulls back, his breath warm on my lips.
“Goddamn,” he says softly. “I have to stop or...” He rests his forehead against mine and laughs a single note. “We’re going on a date. I got ahead of myself.”
I’m glad we’re too close together for him to see how giddy my smile is. That kiss was wow . Definitely the best first kiss of my life. What if this is really something, and I could end up as happy as Tess is with Dom?
Now I’m the one getting ahead of myself. I deflect with humor.
“Did you want me to wear the Dwight costume on our date? It seems to be working for you.”
He laughs. “Pass. Just come as yourself.” He brushes a soft kiss onto my forehead and I inwardly swoon. “Does this mean you’ll finally give me your number?”
“So we’re finally doing this. A real date.”
“A real date. But you know my schedule is complicated with my boys, and you travel--”
He silences me with a finger on my lips. “We’ll figure it out, Cam.”
I nod, his decisiveness and certainty sending a thrill straight to my heart. Waiting nearly a year to accept a date was something I chose for me and it had nothing to do with any specific man. But it feels pretty amazing to know that Rowan is still here. And he still wants me.