Rowan Kelly is on my couch right now.
How can I possibly sleep knowing that? He spent the entire day with me and the boys, taking us out to eat after we shopped and then stopping by his house to pack a few things and pick up his dog, Duke. Then we all played Monopoly, which Sam gleefully won. I cooked frozen pizzas for dinner and the boys got sleepy while watching The Grinch and went to bed.
It was a perfect day. Furniture I’ve never even dreamed of owning is being delivered to my house on Monday. And I don’t feel all that guilty about how much it cost because Rowan made sure I didn’t overhear the final price.
I think it was enough for Droolius Caesar to get his surgery because Sharon hugged both Rowan and me before we left the store.
As excited as I am about the furniture and the great day the four of us had together, I’m practically buzzing over Rowan being in my living room right now.
Speaking of buzzing...I look over at my bedside table, where I keep a toy locked inside a little box because you never know when one of my boys might open the drawer.
I could get it out, resolve the desire that’s pooling between my thighs, and go back to sleep. Rowan has the whole weekend off, and he mentioned taking us shopping for a Christmas tree tomorrow. I want to be energized for the day and cook dinner tomorrow. Something that feels fancy but is still easy to make, like pasta carbonara. My boys think I’m a rock star chef when I make that.
What if Rowan hears the buzzing of my toy, though? That would be super embarrassing.
Well, mostly embarrassing. I kind of like the idea of him knowing I’m in here toying with myself. Surely that would make him at least knock on the door?
It would be worth it if he did. I’m so turned on knowing he’s out there that it’s distracting. It’s been building all day long. The way he cut up Tate’s chicken strips for him at lunch and gave Sam his gloves when Sam’s hands got cold while we were shopping stirred something inside me.
Then he kept giving me that sexy, secret smile while we were playing Monopoly. No woman could maintain a normal core temperature with him smiling at her like that.
I deliberately sat in a chair when we watched a movie because I didn’t trust myself not to sneak my hands into his lap beneath a blanket.
He said yesterday that he needs time to figure out if he can be the man I need. I need him right now, though. I need him to remind me I’m not just a mom, a paralegal and a responsible homeowner, but also a woman.
A woman who hasn’t had sex in almost two years. And the last sex doesn’t even count because I wasn’t even close to coming. My vagina has endured a serious drought, and there’s a very tall drink of water right in my living room at this moment.
I can’t sleep like this. I throw the covers aside, turn on my bedside lamp, and check my reflection in the wall mirror. It’s probably not helping my arousal level that I’m wearing a short, silky, black chemise with skinny straps. I push my boobs up—just in case, then throw on my worn pale-purple terrycloth robe and tie it at the waist.
“Hey,” Rowan says when I walk down the stairs to the living room.
Oh. Holy. Jesus. He’s wearing dark-rimmed reading glasses, looking at his phone. And he’s shirtless, the blanket I gave him lying a little higher than waist level. His chest is even more sculpted with muscles than I imagined it would be.
I want to launch myself at him like a kid doing a belly flop into a pool. But I keep my cool.
“Hey. Just up to check on the boys. Is there anything else you need?”
I could bring him a drink. An extra pillow. Maybe climb onto his lap, straddle him and ride him like a wild horse I’m trying to tame?
He shakes his head. “I’m good.”
Ah, excellent. I’m the only one feeling like a horny teenager. I look down and quickly walk back to the stairs, bunching up the sides of my robe at my chest to hold it closed so he doesn’t see the lingerie I’m wearing.
When I get upstairs, Sam is tucked under his covers, his lamp that projects stars onto the ceiling lighting his face in a soft glow. I kiss him on the cheek and tiptoe out of the room, pulling the door closed behind me.
When I get to Tate’s room, he’s sprawled out on top of the covers, still dressed in the clothes he had on today. He must have been really tired. At least he took his shoes off.
I leave him like he is, kissing his forehead and sneaking out of the room, closing his door.
My heart hammers with anticipation as I walk back downstairs, Rowan’s gaze locked onto me.
“I like your robe,” he says with a smirk.
“Can’t be walking around naked,” I quip.
He sets his phone down. “You’re naked under there?”
I pretend to consider. “I might have a little something on.”
His Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows. At least I know I’m having an effect on him.
“So you’re going to bed, then?”
I fake yawn. “Probably should. I might read for a few minutes.”
“Are you interested in a goodnight kiss?”
I’m interested in a lot more than that, but I’ll take what I can get. The answers I run through my head over the course of the next two seconds— sure, okay, yeah —all feel lame, so instead, I just nod.
He pushes his blanket away and stands up. I press my lips together so I don’t embarrass myself by gasping over his abs. They’re better than the oiled-up ones I see on fitness models because his are all natural. He’s wearing lightweight dark-gray sweatpants, the black waistband of his underwear barely peeking out from the top of the waistband of his pants.
Since he doesn’t own a weapon, he’s brought a metal baseball bat over in case Jake shows up. It’s propped against the arm of the couch, within his reach when he’s lying down. I feel safer knowing he’s here.
I approach him, still clutching my robe. He looks down at me, brushing a few strands of hair out of my face and gently putting his other hand over my fingers.
“You’ve got a death grip on that robe.”
I exhale a nervous laugh and release it. Heat radiates from his eyes as they lock with mine for just a second before he lowers his lips to mine. The kiss is slow and sweet, but the way he wraps his arms around me and pulls me against him is primal. I slide one hand around his lower back, the fingers of my other hand winding into his hair and tugging.
He groans and kisses me deeper, his hold on me so tight that my feet leave the ground when he stands all the way up. I force myself to pull my lips from his.
“Take me to the bedroom,” I say breathlessly.
“You sure? The kids might catch us.”
“No, they’re heavy sleepers. Just be quiet.”
He bends slightly and picks me up again. I wrap my legs around his hips and my arms around his neck, grinding against him as he walks up the stairs.
His eyes darken with desire as he groans in response. I keep doing it, enjoying the payoff.
Once we get to my bedroom, he sets me down on the bed and silently walks over to the door, closing it gently.
I get to my knees and unfasten the robe, quickly sliding out of it and throwing it to the floor. He takes in my lingerie, his erection prominently outlined in his pants.
My bedside lamp is the only illumination in the room as he walks over and puts a knee on the bed, bending to whisper in my ear.
“I won’t be able to control myself if I get in this bed with you. I’m gonna do something else, and you’re gonna stay completely quiet. Got me?”
I nod, butterflies taking flight in my stomach. He moves from the bed, then takes my hips and moves me to the edge of the bed. When he gets on his knees, I instinctively press my knees together, wanting what’s coming but nervous at the same time.
He hooks his fingers around the sides of my black bikini underwear, sliding the fabric down my thighs, over my knees, to my ankles. Then he takes my hand and helps me stand up. When he pulls the chemise off over my head, I want to cover myself, but there’s nothing to use.
He puts his hand on the small of my back and pushes my hips into his. I feel his rock-hard erection against my lower belly and my lips part.
He feathers kisses over my jawline, keeping his hand on my back.
“You’re so beautiful,” he says in my ear. “Lie back and let me take care of you.”
He releases his hold on my back and I immediately miss the close contact. Then he puts his hands on my shoulders, easing me back to a sitting position.
I lie back, shaking slightly. I’ve never let myself be so exposed to a man, but I don’t want this to stop. He kisses my inner thighs softly, the backs of his fingers grazing over my stomach and moving higher until they brush over my nipple.
Quiet. I have to stay quiet. But it’s hard when I haven’t been touched by a man in so long--and never like this. Never as if touching me is the prize.
He kisses his way up one inner thigh, his warm breath on my skin giving me goose bumps. Meanwhile, his hand is teasing my nipples. I have to put a hand over my mouth to hold in my moans.
Then he moves to my other leg, kissing his way down my inner thigh to my knee, and slowly back up again. It feels like a blissful eternity. I’m already wound tight when he gently runs the tip of his tongue up my slit and back down again.
I move my hand away just long enough to breathe out and in again, my fingers tugging at his hair.
Time stops as he slides his tongue inside me. He moves one of my heels to his shoulder so I’m pressing against him and allowing him greater access.
He licks and sucks my folds, teasing me until I’m so close to coming and then moving back to my inner thigh. He doesn’t know that I’ve never come this way. No man has ever taken the time to make it happen.
It’s intense, having him wind me up like a doll he has complete control of. He knows just how much pressure to use, exactly how fast or slow to go to get me closer and closer--right on the edge.
I’m moving my hips, grinding against his face in a desperate attempt to finish, but it’s no use. He gets to decide when it happens. It’s so unbelievably hot. In the past, I’ve had to get myself off during sex, usually by getting on top.
But Rowan is in full control here. When a whimper accidentally escapes me, he hums against my clit with satisfaction. He doesn’t move his mouth away this time. Instead, he uses his tongue to bring me up to the peak and then, finally, blissfully over it.
My back arches off the bed and it takes every ounce of self-control I have to stay quiet as I come harder than I thought possible. All the times he got me close and then backed off have built me up to a frenzy.
It lasts and lasts, his expert mouth not quitting until I sink back to the bed, sated.
He wipes a hand down his face and stands up, grinning. I just smile, unable to form words.
Putting a knee on the bed, he leans back down to whisper in my ear.
“That was a goodnight kiss. You’ll get one every night I’m here. Sleep well.”
With a quick, soft kiss to my lips, he leaves, never looking back.
I stay like that for a few minutes, smiling up at the ceiling.
That. Was. Incredible. But also, I think Rowan just ruined all other men for me.