The Fall Guy (Eastward Prison Story) 3. Kaden 20%
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3. Kaden



Sonia stares at the picture of her husband for the longest time. It’s grainy, but there’s no doubt Kai is behind the wheel. We both know that’s not me in her car, and they have the registration blown up on one of the photos. The mystery is why I’m sitting here instead of him.

“What have you told them?” she asks as tears fill her eyes. She had to tell a few white lies about her job to let us have privacy. I guess my brother isn’t the only one with wavering morals.

“Nothing yet.”

Watching her face fill with sadness isn’t as fun as I thought it would be. The pleasure I was hoping to feel from seeing a kink in Kai’s halo doesn’t come. Knowing my brother isn’t perfect is one thing but sending him to jail is entirely different. Dread sits heavy in my stomach. If only there was someone else that looks like us to take the fall.

“Jacob is going to grow up not knowing his father,” she says, before bursting into a full-on ugly cry. She wipes snot on the back of her hand, which is the most unattractive thing I’ve ever seen her do.

“They’ll let you visit,” I say, making her wail louder.

“He’ll be absent from all the milestones and important moments in his life. I’ll have to make all the hard decisions about what he can and can’t do. I’m going to be a single mum, and it’s not even because my baby daddy doesn’t want us. What am I going to do?” She puts her hands up to her face while her gaze clouds over. Her face glows red as the blood rushes close to the surface.

“My mum and I can help,” I say. I’m unsure what family she has, but Mum’s always there for her.

“You? You can’t even look after yourself,” she says, blinking back the water in her eyes.

“No need to be harsh. Without my brother, you might need more from me. You know, to comfort you, spend my money, and pick your kid up from school,” I say, although the words taste weird in my mouth.

I’m laying it on thick as I don’t do nurturing. I’m the one you usually don’t rely on. The last resort, if you want to put a tagline on it.

“The best thing you can do for your family is to tell the police they have the right man.” She dries her tears so she can look deep into my eyes. Her emotions are too raw for me to read perfectly. She’s desperate to save her husband at any cost.

“You can’t be serious.” I stare back in disbelief.

He’s the one who’s supposed to bail me out, not the other way around. Even if he said he wouldn’t, he’d always pay for my lawyer or pick me up from a bad situation. I’m not this guy.

“Kai’s not made for prison.” She really is going there. It’s strange how everyone has a vice that will make them forget their morals. It would be funny if it wasn’t so dreadful.

“What and I am?”

Nobody chooses to go inside a jail cell. It’s not a cheap hotel with food and a good gym. The guys I know who have gone down have had to navigate a whole new playground of trouble. I don’t want to watch my back every minute of the day.

“You’d survive it, whereas Kai will never be the same again.” She leans forward, giving me a great view down her top. My gaze moves down from her face before returning back up to meet her eyes.

“Did he tell you what he did?” I ask. That’s the million-dollar question. How much does he tell his wife, and what will she really do to support him? Do wedding vows actually mean until death do us part?

She pushes the hair out of her face like she’s trying to comfort herself. “He’s probably just scared.”

“That’s a no then. Maybe he’s more resilient than you think.” She didn’t say he was terrified. She said he’s probably scared, making me think they still haven’t had the hard conversation.

She chews on her lip, eventually breaking the skin and drawing blood. Her cupid’s bow reddens as the blood leaks from her skin. It’s tempting to lean in and touch the pretty mess she’s made, but I resist.

“Please, Kaden. I’m begging you. Don’t break my family apart. I need Kai. He’s everything to me, and I can’t raise our son without him.” She clasps her hands together in a plea.

“You have no choice.” I stretch my arms over my head while letting my legs go wide under the interrogation table. Sonia will seek out weakness. I want to give the impression I don’t have any.

“Please. I’ll do anything.” My attention snaps back to her face so I can see the emotion. Desperate is a good look on her. It’s sexy, and maybe I’m sick in the head for thinking about it. Deflecting the guilt which is deep in my gut I stay strong. Enjoying her raw intensity is my coping mechanism.

“What could you possibly offer me?” I shake my head, breaking our stare.

She’s insane for even asking me to take the blame. Why would I help them when they’ve made it clear I’m a disappointment. Why should I start being anything else now?

She stands from her seat and approaches my side of the table. My eyes follow her, but she’s putting me on edge. What is she doing?

Her arms fling wide, and she wraps them around my shoulders. My posture stiffens as I go rigid. Quickly, I get to my feet, trying to pull away. I’m not an affectionate guy, not even for family. A greeting kiss on the cheek is all I can handle.

“What about a new start when you get out? We can take you in and get you away from the Cyclones.” A hint of optimism twinkles in her eyes.

Here’s me thinking she didn’t know what gang I was in. Clearly she knows more than I realised. “Are you going to let me sleep with you guys so you can keep an eye on me?” I mock. A low chuckle rumbles up my chest. “You’re more na?ve than I thought if you think you can help me. Only I can walk away from the Cyclones, and that wouldn’t be pretty. I knew what I was signing up for and I pledged my life to them.”

“We could keep up with your rent and look after your things while you’re inside.” She takes a step toward me, and I take one back.

“Or you could let my brother pay for the crime he’s done.” I shrug like this situation is so simple.

“We both know it won’t be long until you’re in jail of your own accord.” Her mouth falls open as if she’s shocked by her open words. “Please, Kaden, do this for me, for him.” Her voice turns sickly sweet, but I’m not being guilt-tripped. Playing hardball is more my style and I’m ready to push a few of her buttons. I’d rather deal with her anger than emotional tears.

“I’ve always thought you were a good mum to Jacob and have a beautiful body but that’s it. We’re not close, and neither are Kai and I. We owe each other nothing. His bullshit isn’t mine to sort out.” I lay out my thoughts in a blunt blow, hoping she’ll back off.

“I’ll get on my knees and beg if it’ll help. Just please…” She reaches for the waist of my sweats, and it takes me a minute to realise what she’s offering. I’ll admit my dick stirs a little before I push her away. My interest in Sonia is pure fantasy, but deep down I’d never act on it.

“Times up,” someone shouts outside the holding room and bangs on the door.

My heart beats frantically, and Sonia looks distressed. It’s enough to make my head spin.

“Get me a lawyer and give me some time to process,” I say.

Time to think about the details of our situation won’t make anything clearer but my head needs a breather. False hope isn’t something I’d usually offer, but my thoughts are all over the place. This has been a fucked-up day, and being alone in a cell is sounding appealing right now.

“Don’t do anything stupid,” she says, while her lip starts to quiver again.

A male police officer enters the room, and she’s forced to step away. She begs with her hands as she finally drags herself from the room.

It’s a couple more hours before my lawyer turns up, and they officially charge me.

My conversation with Jarred Burgess is just as productive as the officers’. I tell him nothing, and he quickly gets frustrated with me. It’s my face in the pictures, the evidence is stacked against me, and he thinks I should explain what happened to him. Trust isn’t something I have faith in, and I’m not ready to give anything away yet.

I’m exhausted by the time I’m forced into a cell for the night. The mattress might as well be made of straw, and the blanket is itchy as fuck. Lying on my back, I stare at the ceiling, hoping sleep will come quickly.

Even the thought of telling my brother his wife offered to blow me doesn’t settle the gigantic moths fluttering in my stomach. I thought hell would freeze over before she treated me like a human being. Maybe that’s what’s happened; Satan’s sauna has finally turned to ice, and I have to figure out the lesser evils.

Should I help my brother or watch his life turn to shit?

If I go to jail, what will be left for me when I get out, if I get out? Instead of sleeping, my mind stays in overdrive.

Why was my brother out so late at night when his family was tucked up in bed. Why was the child on the street when he should’ve been asleep? Was Kai intoxicated? After he lectured me at Mum’s birthday about drunk driving, why did he do something so stupid?

Is he really the good one, or does he hide his darker side better than I do? There are so many questions, but unfortunately, the clock is ticking on both of our fates, and I don’t have any of the answers.

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