A few days have passed since Kaden cut along my collarbone, and the scar has a pretty pink pucker. I wear my shirt undone so my wound is displayed like a branding. I’ve seen members of the Cyclones studying it, and it seems to have done wonders for Kaden’s street cred.
What they don’t know is the reason I’m smiling. I grab a clean towel from the rack and take it into the bathroom. Setting the water running, I remove my clothes. I whistle a tune as I step into the cubicle.
Kaden looks my way when he enters but quickly averts his eyes. He takes residence in the stall next to mine. My dick hardens against my will and I try to keep it down. I’m in desperate need of some alone time with my hand.
Quickly, I clean myself so I can head back to my cell. I get new clothes, brush my teeth, and head out of the bathroom. Dropping down onto my bed, I start to stroke my length. My balls ache with the need for release. Doubling my speed, I bring myself close to the edge.
Kaden enters, and I force my hand to move away. My dick screams in protest, but I don’t want him to know how much he’s getting to me. It’s one thing for him to know I’m interested but a completely different one for him to know I’m begging for a release.
He takes his time putting his toothbrush away and adjusting his bedding. I concentrate on slowing my heart rate. It pains me when Kaden settles on his bed instead of leaving. Turning onto my side, I take a few long frustrating breaths before finding my phone and boot it up.
Ends have been tied up.
That means Jono’s reward money has been claimed and the job has been signed off.
I reply.
Another message immediately comes through.
Another 10k has been offered for Kaden.
I stare at the screen. Who can Kaden have pissed off enough to up their price? He doesn’t seem like a threat. Even in the middle of the gunfight in the gymnasium, he didn’t look dangerous. He was out of his depth.
I’ll think about it.
I reply before switching off the device. There’s another hitman walking inside these walls. If I don’t do as I’ve been asked, someone else will.
Most of the day is quiet, and neither of us leaves our cell unless we have to. By lights out, we’re more than comfortable in silence. I usually do my own research on a target, but I don’t have access to the internet. Something isn’t sitting right with this request. Rebooting my phone, I ask for more information.
Why him?
Do you know why he’s in jail?
He critically injured a child.
I reply. It was all over the news, but I’m reasonably sure it was just a miscalculation rather than malicious. Are the kid’s parents out for revenge, is that what this is about?
Did he?
I frown. Okay, now I’m confused. I ask a few more questions but only get radio silence. Frustrated, I shut off the phone, choosing to stare at the mattress above me.
It takes Kaden longer than usual to settle, and I’m in tune with his every movement. He tosses and turns, huffs and puffs. I’m about to call him out on his shit when he jostles himself over the edge of the bed, landing on the floor. He paces the cell, performs star jumps and jogs on the spot. When he goes down to do press-ups, I move from my bed.
“That isn’t going to settle your mind,” I say.
“And what do you know about what I need?” He is strong, easily going down to the floor and back up again.
“I’ve already told you more than once.” Being trapped in confinement can send anyone stir crazy. Settling one’s mind is the only way to survive. The exercise is a distraction not the solution.
“After a boring day, I need to burn off some steam.” He keeps a steady rhythm while stretching out his muscles.
“Okay,” I say, joining his workout. I’m not going to get any rest watching him so I might as well join in.
“What are you doing?”
“Trying it your way.” We sweat together until we’re exhausted—sit-ups, planks, jogging on the spot, and more star jumps. I’m knackered when we’re done. The cool floor feels good against my face as I try to catch my breath.
“Why don’t I ever see you jogging outside?” he asks.
Ignoring his question, I ask my own. “Why do you sit with the bulldogs?”
He rolls his eyes like it’s a stupid question. “They’re my people.”
“Are you sure they can be trusted?” I need to assess who his enemies are; they may be closer than he thinks.
He frowns. “They’ve not given me any reason to doubt them.”
“Okay.” I sound unsure even to myself.
“What aren’t you telling me?” He’s still breathing heavily, but I don’t miss the edge to his voice.
“I’m not sure what you mean.” I turn onto my back so I’m staring at the ceiling.
“Don’t play dumb with me. You’re a smart guy, so give it to me straight.”
“That’s a loaded statement.” I give him a pointed look. “We both know I’m gay.”
“Fully into men? You’ve never looked at a chick?” I’m surprised he let me change the subject.
“Well, if it helped me land her boyfriend in the sack, I might.” I shrug with a cheeky smile.
“You’re terrible.” He shakes his head.
“What about you?” I suck my bottom lip into my mouth. The way he’s reacted to me I’m pretty sure he’s never given into any urges around men, but I’d like to know his thoughts.
“Oh, I’ve looked at girls. Banged a few too,” he says with a cocky attitude.
“Only a few?” I’m baiting him for more than a playful reply.
“You know what I mean.” He rolls his eyes before copying my position on the floor so we’re both looking up.
Talking more bluntly I breach the subject I’m more interested in. “What about guys?”
“I’ve never done that.” He shakes his head, but doesn’t look disgusted by the question.
“Would you like to?”
I’m probably a glutton for punishment, asking him to spell it out for me. It would be better to be shot down now than continue to rub up against him. I turn him on, I know that, but I’ve no idea how it makes him feel.
He scrubs his hand down his face. “Before prison, I was never really bothered about sex. But now I’m not sure how I will go a couple of years without it. There’s nowhere private to just knock one out.”
He avoids my question, which gives me some hope he isn’t completely repulsed by the idea. “Tell me about it. This morning, I was almost ready to climax, and some asshole ruined the fantasy in my head.”
“Oh yeah? What was the fantasy?” He waves his hand in the air. “Actually, don’t answer that. I’m not sure I want to know.”
“Have you seen the guy in the Victoria Ainsworth boyfriend cardigan advert?” My tongue darts out, and I lick across my bottom lip.
He lets out a chuckle. “No, but I’m guessing you’ve seen it a few times.”
“He’s delicious.”
“You’re insufferable.”
“What, just because I fantasise about men? Are you jealous it wasn’t you?” I say it as a joke and don’t expect him to answer.
“That’s not it. You’re just always surprising me. I’m never sure what you’ll say or do next.”
“It’s a bit like you. No one has ever caught me off guard, but you did.” I gesture to the mark on my shoulder.
“Yeah. Maybe I shouldn’t have done that.” He covers his eyes with the palm of his hands.
“Was that almost an apology?”
“No.” He scowls, dropping his arms back to his sides.
I laugh. “No? Really? It’s a good job I wasn’t offended then. I kind of enjoyed it.” I wink at him, and I swear he blushes.
“Tell me why you questioned the Cyclone’s loyalty to me.”
Usually, I wouldn’t care to give anyone answers, but I like Kaden and I’m undecided if I want him to die. This is a foreign concept for me, but I find myself feeling protective. I don’t want anyone to touch him, except me. “It’ll cost you.”
“I should’ve seen that coming. I don’t have much to trade. What is it you’re looking for?”
“A blowjob.”
He shakes his head. “Not happening.”
I don’t hold back my smile as amusement tinkles my thoughts. I’d already known the answer before I asked but I wanted to see his reaction. “Never say never. What about a hand job then?”
“How do you do that?” He looks intensely into my eyes like he’s trying to read something I’m not willing to share.
Do what?” I ask innocently.
“We’re talking about something serious, and you lower the tone.”
“Oh, I’m serious.” Pulling back my lips I hide my smile.
“I know you are. But if I can’t trust my gang members, I’m totally screwed.” He briefly covers his eyes again, clearly frustrated.
“If you screw me, you won’t need them.” I raise a brow when our gazes align once more.
He climbs to his feet and offers me a hand up.
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
I’m not sure if he realises what he’s implied or he’s just trying to end the conversation, but my smile feels sinister. You have no idea how persistent I can be, Kaden. I’m a patient man, and a few more days without a release won’t kill me.