The Games We Play (Love at Royal Ridge #2) 4. Jensen 16%
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4. Jensen

Chapter 4


N o amount of Californian sunshine beating down on Jensen’s face would alleviate the scowl he’d worn for the past three days. The week since that fateful night at the Topaz blurred together, closing the end of May with an unforgettable implosion of life as he knew it.

Those five days crawled by too slowly, leaving a bitter taste in his mouth to wash away with the itch to drink. Luckily for him, the Royal Ridge had his promised salvation at the bottom of a bottle.

What a great fucking start to June.

The sea breeze buffeted against his cheeks, racing along the stretch of road winding past the cresting waves of the Pacific Ocean. Sunlight and wind flitted freely with the convertible top of Jensen’s car rolled down. The clusters of palm trees lined the road into the Royal Ridge, his summer vacation since the company developed the property almost fifteen years ago.

“Jensen?” Beside him, Piper scrunched up in the passenger seat. Although her eyes hid behind pink cat-eye sunglasses, he sensed the weight of her gaze on him. “I’m really sorry about Delaney.”

“Pipes, please don’t apologize again. Nothing about this situation is your fault,” Jensen sighed, trying to be gentle. She had seen Delaney riding the elevator to the pool deck during the party, which led to Jensen’s finding her with Easton. Somehow, Piper convinced herself that she had done something wrong.

After finding out about the cheating, Jensen filled his family in and asked for some space to process. They all agreed, but Piper suggested she stay with him until they left for the corporate retreat in Del Mesa.

Jensen couldn’t say no to her. He gave his little sister the bedroom and took the couch, refusing to use the bed he and Delaney shared. He couldn’t bring himself to change the sheets, knowing what the smell of her lavender perfume would do to him.

Piper, however, didn’t take his dismissal. She rubbed over her sleeved arms, forgoing a tank top despite the sweltering weather. Her throat bobbed as she said, "But my text was why you found her with that guy! You wouldn't have seen that, and now you don't get to enjoy your favorite trip."

“It would’ve ruined the trip more if I proposed to her and found out later on that she was cheating. You saved me months of heartbreak.”

“I guess so.”

“You’re my hero, Pipes.” Jensen ruffled her hair, ignoring her squealing and the playful smacking against his wrist while driving up to the entrance of the Ridge. His little sister’s text worked like divine intervention, so he owed her a little gratitude. She opened his eyes to what his lovestruck brain refused to see.

The cheating. . . the lies about how much she loved him. . . and the fact that Piper and her never got along. The last one came as a raging shock to him, but Piper’s sniffly confession about how Delaney treated her differently than Hayley because of her weight had doused his rage in a truckload of gasoline.

He should’ve seen the signs, but he hadn’t. No one else played a role in the tragedy of his romantic life besides him and Delaney.

Jensen swiped them in, speeding through the shining gates for the roundabout. Knowing the roads like the back of his hand, he brought them to the semi-packed parking lot. Yet, his luck found them a parking spot in the closest row to the main building.

Jensen switched the top closed and leaned over the center console to wrap Piper in his arms, squeezing her tight. “Don’t worry about me, okay? It’ll make me happy if you have a good time for the next month.”

“But–” Piper tried to protest.

“Do it for me? Please?”

“Okay. I’ll have fun for the both of us.”

“Thank you. Now, let me grab our bags.” Jensen helped Piper out of the car, hustling to grab their bags from the backseat. He slung his duffle over his shoulder with ease. Piper snatched the handle from him playfully when he tried to take both suitcases.

Jensen and his little sister walked side-by-side over the simmering asphalt and the paved roads lined by swaying palm trees. Piper stuck to his side when groups of people passed them on the narrow footpath, but Jensen didn’t mind.

The two ducked under the archway of the main building, greeted by the loud whirring from the air conditioner working overtime whenever the automatic doors slid open. Faint touches of tropical spa oils scented the air inside, leaving Jensen's head a little fuzzy as he inhaled.

A few feet from the door, the rest of the Ramsey clan waited in the lounge with its burnt orange leather chairs and glass tables hosting a mountain of brochures from the local businesses. His mom and dad's heads pressed together, exchanging hushed conversation behind their hands. Conversely, Hayley glared at the nearest wall, fiddling with her lime green earbuds.

Piper rushed forward, tugging her suitcase behind her. Her eager beeline caught the attention of his parents and Hayley, whose eyes jumped over her to Jensen standing by the door.

He planned to join them, ready to put on a brave face instead of being angry, but Hayley abandoned her three bags at their parents' feet and sprinted to Jensen. She hugged him tighter than she had in years.

“I hate her,” Hayley mumbled into his shoulder. Jensen didn’t have the energy to defend Delaney. “How are you holding up?”

“I’m managing. Piper’s been keeping me occupied with movie marathons and making my favorite dishes.” Jensen rubbed Hayley’s back, feeling the tension melt from his sister’s shoulders.

Unlike Piper, Hayley and Delaney used to be close. Endless conversations about how the two would be sisters-in-law rattled in Jensen’s head, but the anger in Hayley’s eyes promised the death of those dreams. All the unspoken slights and ill feelings came out in light of her betrayal. No one in the Ramsey clan mourned for Delaney; she betrayed them as much as she stuck a knife into Jensen’s chest.

Hayley kept an arm looped around his waist when the two wandered over to the rest of the family. She passed Jensen into the arms of their mom, who crushed him in the tightest hug of all.

Jensen’s chin rested on her shoulder. “You should have the ring back. I don’t want it near me right now.”

“Of course.” His mom pulled back and cupped her hands together. “Did you bring it with you?”

“I did. Didn’t feel comfortable leaving it in my place.”

“I understand.”

Jensen passed the ring box to his mom’s accepting hands, watching her fingers curl over the dark velvet to shield it from his eyes. He turned to his dad but found himself buried in a hug instead. Yeah, he needed a dad hug.

“Do you want to talk about it?” his dad asked.

Jensen shook his head. “I’d rather not. I feel talked out.”

“Alright. I'm always happy to lend an ear if you change your mind. You should check in and get some rest before dinner. You look exhausted.”

Not wanting to admit that he hadn’t slept more than five hours a night, Jensen headed for the front desk with his bags in tow. He approached the nearly empty line, save for the lone worker and a tall, leggy blonde standing with her back facing him.

But as he drew closer, the voice smacked him with recognition. “I’m here for the Hidden Oasis corporate retreat.”

“Can I get your name, Miss?”

“Daisy. Daisy Riggs.”

Jensen hung back, digging his sweaty hands into the pockets of his linen shorts. He and Daisy hadn't spoken a word to one another since that night. Several people commented on the quiet around the office, earning a few glares from colleagues for their lack of tact.

The girl behind the counter, wearing a name tag with 'Maisie' written in neat font, typed a few things into the computer. Clearing her throat, she said, “The computer says you’re booked with another guest who hasn’t checked in yet.”

“That shouldn’t be,” Daisy replied. From how fast she responded, Jensen swore he overheard a little terror in her voice. Daisy never panicked. “I called several days ago to detach my rooming assignment from Easton Keller. He and I can't be in the same room."

“Yes, that’s reflected in the notes here. No, you’re roomed with someone else. . . a Jensen Ramsey,” Maisie read aloud to Daisy.

But Jensen choked on his damn tongue, announcing his presence to Daisy and Maisie. “You’ve got to be kidding me!”

“For once, I agree with him,” Daisy’s voice shook when she turned around. Her face drained of all its color when her eyes landed on him. “We need to be separated.”

“I’m afraid that’s not possible, Miss. You and Mr. Ramsey have missed the twenty-four-hour period for any room changes. The Ridge is also at full capacity for the next few weeks, so no replacement rooms are available." Maisie frowned, eyes jumping between Daisy and Jensen.

Daisy whipped around, stepping forward to protest, but Jensen blocked her with a hand across her stomach. “Daisy, we can’t fight this.”

“You really want to room together?” Daisy hissed under her breath.

“No, but what other choice do we have? You know I’m right—”

“I hate this. I hate everything about this.”

"That makes two of us," Jensen mumbled under his breath, dodging a wicked glare from Daisy as he stepped to the counter. He slid over his ID to check in. "Can you tell us if our rooming arrangements have space for two beds?"

“Absolutely, Mr. Ramsey! You and Miss Riggs are staying in the Bluff Building in one of the Villas. It’ll be a two-bedroom suite with an ensuite bathroom, a connected living room, and a full kitchen area. The Villas face the ocean and have balcony access in each room. They're our most luxurious accommodations.”

“Alright. Consider us checked in.”

“Here are your keys and spare copies for you and Miss Riggs. Do you need someone to help you with your bags?”

"We'll manage," Daisy grumbled, snatching up her key and the extra copies. She flipped her sunglasses down, grabbing her suitcase. Jensen knew from the smoke escaping her ears and the hellfire blazing in her dark eyes that she was pissed.

"Have a good day." He nodded to Maisie before he grabbed his things and walked alongside Daisy. Neither of them said a word when passing by his family, who witnessed the latest blow to Jensen's pride.

The trip kept getting worse by the minute. Surviving for a month in close quarters with Daisy sounded borderline impossible.

The two escaped from the prying eyes of those in the lobby, trading air conditioning and too much noise for stuffy summer heat and silence. Jensen trailed behind Daisy, who stomped down the pavement in her wedge sandals. The breeze kicked up the long coral skirt of her summer dress, fabric tangling around her ankles to slow her down.

Jensen caught up to her, managing to keep pace. He and Daisy remained together for the short walk to the Bluff Building. They ducked inside and followed the terracotta tiled floors, counting the brass numbers on the white walls.

Eventually, they found the lucky number 707 toward the end of the hall. Jensen and Daisy paused outside the door. Neither moved to open the suite, and they stood with their bags and the keys to the room.

“We should go inside,” Jensen said, breaking the silence first. His dad's suggestion that he should get some rest sounded all too tempting after this morning’s shitshow and the remaining fallout with Delaney.

“Yeah,” Daisy whispered. She swiped the key to the mechanical chirp and the green light across the keypad. “Let’s go.”

Jensen pushed the door open and let Daisy in first with her bags, squinting at how bright the room glowed. With sunlight filtering through the glass doors to the balcony, the white and tan palette of the room glittered in the daylight. Pops of blue in the room tied everything together with the sight of the ocean over the nearby bluffs.

His eyes flitted between the two sliding doors on opposite sides of the room, past the kitchenette and driftwood dining table, with their opaque and smudged glass. Each revealed a king-sized bed, a private balcony, and an ensuite door. As promised, the suite's layout left enough room for his and Daisy's personal space.

Daisy marched toward the left bedroom, dropping her bags in the doorway. “Unless you have any reservations, I’m taking this room.”

"None," Jensen replied, his voice slipping back into the usual irritation Daisy invoked. "Whatever Your Highness wants."

“Shut up. I don’t have the energy to deal with you today. How about we agree to stay out of each other’s way for the next month?” Daisy scoffed when Jensen passed with his bags. He dropped them at the foot of his bed in the other bedroom, staring at Daisy in her doorway.

“Fine by me.”

“Good. Don’t go through my shit while I’m at the spa.”

Jensen watched Daisy stuff a few items in the loose tote dangling over her forearm and close her bedroom's sliding door. She marched toward the front door, but Jensen had already turned his back when the door slammed shut.

He kicked off his sneakers by the foot of the bed, climbing into the plush mattress, content to sink in face first. Daisy could blow off steam at the spa because he would be too busy catching up on sleep to care.

Life seemed less bleak with a full stomach.

Rising from his place at the dinner table, Jensen straightened the lapels of his suit jacket, smiling at his family. As his dad suggested, sleeping the afternoon away until the heat dwindled helped his mood. He hadn’t stirred from the embrace of his bed until his phone buzzed with a call from his mom, reminding him of their dinner plans.

If Daisy returned after her spa visit, she left him alone as promised. They might survive the month stuck together after all.

“Thanks for dinner,” Jensen leaned against his chair. He soaked in the swaying overhead lights and the sea breeze waltzing through the open doors of Abalone, the most popular fine dining spot at the Ridge. “I had a good time.”

“We’re glad. It’s nice to see that smile again.” His mom grasped his hand with hers, sitting next to him. The implication cut deep, yet Jensen hung onto that smile for his family’s sake.

Several days of endless shit beat him down, but things should start looking up. Piper said something that stuck with him during dinner, lodging between his ribs. Make the retreat a fresh start.

Jensen clung to the idea like a promise. A month should put the whole cheating scandal behind him. With nothing but the sunshine, the pool, and good food demanding his attention, he had his choice of distractions. He didn’t have to worry about the shareholder vote either, able to enjoy some much-needed peace.

Jensen sighed. “It’s nice to have a reason to smile again. I should head in for the night.”

“We’ll see you for breakfast tomorrow at Bayside, right?” Piper stared expectantly. Jensen leaned over to ruffle her hair.

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Jensen promised softly, making his way around the table for hugs. His parents and sisters split two rooms in one of the other buildings, so he walked back to Bluff alone. “If I suddenly go missing, my roommate did it.”

Hayley and his mom gasped, struck by the nonchalance. Jensen exchanged a look with his dad, the last one on his walk around the table, who chuckled. "Try not to murder my protégé."

“She’s more likely to get me while I’m sleeping,” Jensen snorted, but the gentle slap of his dad’s hand against his chest sent him on his way. He wandered into the summer evening, greeted by ink-colored skies and the faintly visible stars. Palms swayed in the distance to the ocean’s soft crashing against the rocks below the Ridge. The lack of people allowed peace to spread its presence across the resort.

Jensen walked down the pavement alone, burying his fingers into the tight knot of his tie around his neck. He loosened it while he moved away from the Waves Building, passing by the occasional group or a car curving around the roundabout.

His hands slipped into the pockets of his slacks, leaving the undone tie to hang around his neck limply. Up ahead, the rippling and neon blue waters from the four pools between the Palm and Bluff Buildings illuminated the path to his room.

Jensen paused on the road, staring into the water where several dark silhouettes frolicked in the shallow end. Laughter carried across the roundabout, loud enough to echo over any cars, and the knife stuck in Jensen’s chest twisted a little deeper.

Thoughts of a night swim left as quickly as they came. At the risk of what-ifs haunting him until he couldn’t sleep, he watched the strangers swim for another moment. Then, he continued on his way.

Jensen almost made it to the Bluff Building before something new caught his eye, stopping him in his tracks. That time, however, it was the amber light trickling through the open doors of the Sunset Vermouth Bar.

Next to the Bluff Building, Sunset Vermouth shared the same architectural styles as the rest of the Ridge. Yet, the inside exuded classic speakeasy vibes—soft jazz streamed through the open doors, luring passersby into the hardwood flooring and the smokey lighting straight out of the twenties.

Jensen stared through the open doors when his wandering eyes spotted her alone at the bar. Wrapped up in a classic black dress, Daisy leaned forward while staring at the shelves behind the bar.

She ran her finger along the rim of what appeared to be whiskey, not drinking or nursing it to her chest. She sat there, unmoving.

With nothing better to do and a newfound urge for a drink, Jensen ducked into Sunset Vermouth, strode over, and claimed the seat beside Daisy. "You're supposed to drink it, not poke at it like it's Brussels sprouts."

"I don't mind Brussels sprouts," Daisy spoke without glancing his way until he climbed onto the stool. She turned her face, adorned with her sharp eyeliner and a frown painted cherry red. “I lost my appetite. So, I shouldn’t be drinking at all.”

“Oh? I'll have what she's having." Jensen waved to the bartender, an older gentleman dapperly dressed like he and Daisy. Beside him, Daisy huffed in unabashed amusement.

“Guess that means you’ll have to start with the Pink Whitney shots topped off with edible glitter.”

“Not what I meant, but I’m never too good for glitter. Bring it on.”

“Hilarious.” Daisy picked up her whiskey for a drawn-out sip. “Put my companion here on my tab. Whiskey, neat.”

“So, should I ask why you’re drinking your sorrows away with. . . three fingers of whiskey at ten at night? Rooming with me isn’t that unbearable already,” Jensen asked, leaning an elbow on the bar to get a better view of Daisy’s face.

Strands of her blonde hair framed her face in loose waves while the rest piled onto her head in a neat bun, casting shadows over her face. Her eyes became the same shade as the whiskey sitting in her glass in the dim lighting.

For lack of a better word, she looked haunted.

“Unless you want your night ruined, I’d advise against it,” Daisy hummed, lifting the glass and holding it to her lips without drinking. But when Jensen didn’t contradict, she sighed. “I had a dinner reservation tonight but couldn't bring myself to eat after seeing Delaney there."

“Delaney’s here? By herself?”

“No. With Easton. The two looked cozy at dinner, feeding one another from their plates and playing barely-concealed footsie under the table. It killed my appetite, which is a shame because I had planned to enjoy the restaurant's tiramisu for the last three weeks. Another thing Easton ruined for me.”

Jensen’s head spun hard like he downed those shots Daisy joked about, enough to induce an upset stomach. He might’ve uninvited Delaney, but she scored another plus-one slot on the trip.

Fuck all his other plans. He should drink his sorrows away, too.

“They came together? I need that drink now.” Jensen’s jaw clenched. He graciously accepted the whiskey from the bartender, watching him scuttle back to polishing glasses in the corner. They had the bar to themselves for their pity party.

“And to think I felt bad for her dating you. It’s the other way around now,” Daisy snorted into her glass. Jensen might’ve been offended another time, but that sounded damn close to a compliment.

“I'll take it." Jensen poured some whiskey down his throat. The burning blossomed, but the warmth stoked his battered ego. He nursed the glass close to his chest.

“I'm sure there's a silver lining in here somewhere.”

“And what would that be?”

“Neither of us will be distracted by relationships, so we can invest all our attention in the promotion.” Jensen’s eyes abandoned the sight of his glass for Daisy, whose eyes lifted from giving the wall the thousand-yard stare.

“You have a point there. Still, it sucks to be cheated on, especially by someone below your league.” Daisy took another tentative sip, hesitant compared to Jensen’s chase of a whiskey buzz.

He stopped mid-sip, swallowing. "You think Delaney is below my league?"

Daisy’s eyes caught his. She arched a slender brow at him, face painted in curiosity. “I was talking about Easton and me. When I said I helped him get the job at the company, I meant that. His lackluster personality helped him score no offers while barely scraping the bottom ten percent of his graduating class at UCLA. I built him up and let him treat me like his manager."

Her eyes never broke his, not even as the two drank in unison. Her slow sips were wiser than him, racing to the bottom of the glass, searching for some relief. The thought of Delaney running around the Ridge with another man punched a hole through his bravado.

Jensen finished his glass, not realizing he tipped the rest of the liquor down his throat until the heat shot straight to his head. The world numbed around the edges, fuzzy and tingling with warmth like the sun rose back over the horizon to shine on him.

Daisy leaned toward him, sliding his glass out from his hand. “Do you want another one?”

"I shouldn't, but yes. Are you getting another?"

“Probably not. This is number two for me. If I drink more than this, I might as well let the tipsiness take me on a trip.”

“Okay, one for me, and we'll close the tab?" Jensen offered to Daisy, who nodded, signaling the bartender for another. While the bartender poured him another glass, he watched Daisy abstain from her drink.

Jensen’s right pocket burned before he instinctively slipped his hand into it, searching the space for something that wasn’t there. Days with the ring box hidden in there imprinted its shape. Without it, he felt lighter.

He glanced over at Daisy when the bartender slid him a new glass of whiskey, seeing her eyes on him. Her stare became hard to ignore, much like the whiskey in their glasses. Such an intoxicating shade of brown. . . had they always brightened so brilliantly, swirling into a new shade with kaleidoscopic ease?

His thoughts blurred together, yet Jensen could barely blame the liquor. He lifted his drink into the air, still holding Daisy’s gaze. “How about a fuck you to Delaney and Easton?”

“Hah, sure.” Daisy lifted her glass, too. “Fuck you, Delaney and Easton. . . it’s too late to cry over cheaters, so I hope their relationship is a flaming trainwreck.”

“Amen.” Jensen nodded. Their glasses clinked together, filling the bar with more than their commiseration. The two stilled while simmering in the silence of the summer night, sharing a whiskey where they usually swapped bitter words and snark. Their eyes held firm in their linked gaze, allowing an understanding to pass through.

And again, they drank.

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