J ake waited as patiently as he could.
They had a long walk. They worked on the party planning a little, which really consisted of Samuel telling him what he and Lars had decided on.
They had lasagna and a bit of TV.
But once Grant had been fed and washed and put to bed, Jake knew he couldn’t wait any longer.
He stood, holding out a hand to Samuel. “You ready to head to bed, honey? We can wash up a little, but I’m done waiting.” His body was telling him it was time to cement the mate bond.
“I—I have to tell you. I’ve never—no one’s ever wanted me. No one’s ever tried.” Those beautiful eyes were shimmering, so worried.
“That’s because you’re meant to be mine, love.” He reeled Samuel in for a kiss before they headed to the bedroom. “And I haven’t exactly had a ton of offers.”
“That’s insane. You’re so fine…” The way Samuel stared at him made his eyes cross.
“Well, it’s a small town. And while some folks are happy to hook up…” He shrugged. “I was waiting for someone.”
“Me. You were waiting for me.” That confidence was as sensual as anything he’d ever experienced.
“I was.” They walked directly to the bathroom, where he pulled off his sweater, Samuel’s curious gaze locked on him. Jake wasn’t ashamed of his body at all, even if he was probably way more confident as a dragon…
“You’re beautiful,” Samuel whispered. “Can I touch you?”
“Of course you can.” He held out his arms to let Samuel come to him.
Smiling, Samuel moved closer, hands on his chest, warm and not at all tentative, which was kind of wonderful. He’d half expected Samuel to be scared.
“So hard. You have amazing muscles.”
Jake chuckled. “I work hard down in the shop.”
“And moving snow.”
“That too.”
“I’ve read a lot about sex, you know.” Samuel kept on touching, fingers dry, dancing over him.
“Have you?”
“Mmmhmm. I do love books. They’re so instructional.”
“So what do they tell you to do?”
“Touch someone in the places that I like to be touched.”
“I think that sounds like a great initial plan,” Jake said very seriously.
“I do too.” Samuel pulled off his sweater, baring a perfect, lean, silvery chest.
“So if I touch you here…” He thumbed one of Samuel’s tiny nipples.
Samuel’s eyes went half-lidded. “I say I like that.”
“Then you know I probably do too.”
“Right.” Samuel reached up, stroking his nipple. “Like this?”
“Just like that.” Jake hummed, pleasure making him go up on tiptoes. “Damn, honey. That feels amazing.”
“I’m glad.” Samuel bit his lower lip, and Jake wanted to do the same thing, so he bent, licking at it so Samuel let go, allowing him to nibble.
Samuel’s lips parted, and he licked Jake’s in return.
“Mmm.” He eased even closer, his hands on Samuel’s ass, lifting him up so they could rub together and keep kissing.
Samuel melted against him, his hard cock evident through his soft pants, poking him and demanding his attention.
Jake pushed one hand around to touch through the cloth, eliciting a soft cry.
“That’s one of the best feelings, hmm?”
Samuel nodded and swallowed hard. “Uh-huh. Please. I’m going to make a mess.”
“Not yet, honey. We have a long way to go.” Jake stilled, letting Samuel breathe.
Samuel nodded, his breath coming fast, but a shudder went through him, and Jake could feel him taking the reins of control back a little.
“Let’s get in bed, honey. That way we can really explore each other and have a good time.”
“Sounds like the best offer I’ve ever had.” Samuel stripped off the rest of his clothes, which damn near had Jake swallowing his tongue, and then he climbed up on the bed.
Jake had to take a moment there, staring at Samuel, who was lean and lithe, silvery and perfect.
Samuel nodded, panting softly. “You have amazing hands, and I’ve been wanting you so long…”
“I’ve been so dumb, huh?” He grinned, pushing off his pants and kicking out of his shoes. “But I get it now.” And he was about to get more, to put it crudely. He crawled up on the bed, covering Samuel’s body with his.
“Oh.” That was a stunned, happy sound, and Jake soaked it up.
“Mmm. That’s perfect.” He rubbed some, taking a long, slow kiss that left them both breathless.
One of Samuel’s legs lifted, sliding up along his, offering him a little more access. He moaned, because that pressed their cocks together, and he could feel Samuel’s heat, his need.
Someone wanted him, badly, and he wanted Samuel as well.
He’d never expected to be here with his mate. Not this soon. Not yet. But it was amazing, and he wasn’t giving this up now.
But it also meant he had to do it right.
He slowly dragged his hand up and down along Samuel’s torso, touching in lazy, strong strokes, and Samuel moaned deep in his chest. He felt all those vibrations, his chuckle pleased and proud. He’d done that; he’d made Samuel feel good.
“Am I doing okay?” Samuel murmured. “I want to. Do okay, I mean.”
“You’re stunning. Touch me, sweet. It feels so good when you touch me.”
Samuel reached for him, hands warm and careful, but so very curious. They skated over his back and hips, then those lean fingers tested the muscles of his ass, and he grunted, his hips flexing.
“You like that.” Samuel grinned at him, then repeated the touch.
“I do. I bet you do too.”
“The way you’re grinding? Yes.”
Listen to that. He’d never expected that little Samuel would ever even think such things. But the way Samuel was smiling at him just made his breath come hard and his knot rise.
Naughty mate.
He dove back into their kisses, letting them deepen, grow a hint of teeth.
Samuel clutched at him, moaning, the sound free and loud and wonderful. He nibbled down Samuel’s neck, licking and biting.
“Oh!” Samuel lifted his chin, offering him more of the pale column of flesh, and he swore he could hear lightning crash.
He smiled against that smooth, sweet skin. Then he bit down right where neck met collarbone.
Samuel arched underneath him, legs spreading even wider to give him room.
“Be very sure this is what you want, sweet. I’m not sure that I can stop if I get to the point where we’re joined.” The warning was only fair.
Nodding, Samuel smiled up at him. “I understand. I do. I want to be yours.”
“I want that too.” Jake knew a lot of people would say it was too sudden, but it wasn’t. He’d been pushing away these feelings for his mate for weeks, and now it was time to do what they did as dragons. It was time for him to knot his mate.
Jake reached down, rolling slightly off so that he could slip a hand between Samuel’s legs and test his readiness. He knew Samuel was wet; he had felt it before, but he needed to see how open he was, too. He was never going to hurt his sweet mate. Not ever.
“Oh!” Samuel’s eyes flew wide as if he hadn’t expected that at all.
“Just making sure this is what you want.” He watched Samuel carefully.
“Yes. Yes, it is. It really is.”
“You’re so wet and hot for me.”
Samuel’s eyelids fluttered. “That’s because I like the way you touch me so much.”
Jake snorted. “I think like is an insipid word at this point.”
Samuel’s laughter rang through the house. “I suppose so, but I don’t even know what else to say. And everyone says I’m kind of fussy.”
“Oh, I think if they could see you now or hear what you’re saying, they would know better. Not that I want that, not one little bit. You’re mine.”
Samuel nodded. “I am. I’m yours.”
Jake pushed a finger inside Samuel, testing him, and then pressed another one in next to it. Yes, his mate was ready, and he would ease the way by giving a little bit of stimulation, but he didn’t think that it was necessary really for more than Samuel’s mental comfort. To give him time to adjust.
He touched Samuel until there was a frustrated noise, and Samuel smacked his back. “You don’t have to be so gentle. I need more!”
“Like what, baby? What is it you need? Tell me.”
“I need you inside me. All of you, not just your fingers.”
Body on fire from Samuel’s words, Jake leaned back and knelt between Samuel’s legs. “I can do that. I can so do that.” His belly was tight, his balls pulled up, and he knew that it wasn’t gonna last long once they really got going. But he thought Samuel was right there with him in that.
He could see it in those eyes. They were burning for him, and Samuel’s lips were parted, damp from their kisses, swollen and beautiful.
“I’m going to take you now,” Jake said, poised to breach that wet hole.
“Please.” Samuel grabbed his hips and yanked, but nothing happened.
Jake knew he had to control himself, so he only let himself move so much.
“I won’t hurt you.” He looked into Samuel’s eyes, his cock in hand, and pressed it against Samuel’s opening.
Then he moved slowly, pushing forward, not letting anything break the eye contact that they had.
Samuel made a noise, a long slow exhale of pleasure and just watched him, legs rising to cradle his hips.
“That’s it, baby. Take me in.”
“Please. Oh, please. Gods, that feels good.”
Jake nodded, unable to say anything else as he was sliding home into the hottest, wettest, tightest place he’d ever been. Jake tried to breathe, but all that would come were these great gasps of air, and his chest heaved as he tried to control himself.
Samuel patted his back as if he was comforting him, and Jake took a moment to get used to what was going on. He wasn’t completely inexperienced with sex, but this was like nothing else, ever.
“I feel you,” Samuel said, and the awe he was experiencing came through the bond they shared so clearly. “I feel you inside me, Jake.”
“Yes, and now I’m gonna love you like I’ve never loved anyone else. Going to knot you, Samuel. We’re going to mate.”
Samuel’s eyes filled with tears, but he was not unhappy, and he sang through the bond that he was thrilled. That he wanted this, and Jake couldn’t believe how good it felt, knowing that he was giving them both what they needed.
He started to move, his body sawing back and forth. There was no slow entry; it was just passion. All the way, hot and fierce. He couldn’t figure out how to parse everything that he was feeling, so he just let it go, and let the physical part of him take over.
His ass clenched, his thighs were like rocks, and he moved with the rhythm that every alpha knew. Something that was just primal, taking Samuel to the edge as quickly as he could.
Samuel sang for him, words and sounds that just blended into a litany of yes and please and pleasure.
Jake thrusted deep, his smile more like a grimace, but he loved this. Gods, he loved this, and he loved this man. He knew that now.
“Mate,” Samuel said it in a tiny voice that had hardly any breath behind it. “Please, mate, knot me.”
His knot swelled to immense proportions, and he knew they were going to be stuck together for a while. “I’m ready, baby. I’m knotting you now.”
“I feel it. Please, I need more. I need to come. I can’t bear this. It’s too much.” And to prove it, Samuel bit Jake just like he had bitten Samuel, right on his collarbone, leaving a stinging mark.
Jake shouted, slamming his hips down, and that was exactly what both of them required.
Samuel scratched down his back, leaving more marks no doubt, but then again maybe not. He had some hard scales back there.
Still, it didn’t matter. He could see Samuel’s scales rising on his face and neck. Jake could see the dragon coming out, and it was the most beautiful thing ever.
One more thrust, two, and then he could barely move and he was grinding down. Samuel was pulling at him, and they were groaning and kissing, and all of a sudden, he was there, right on the edge of the cliff. He jumped right off, coming hard, shooting deep inside Samuel.”
Samuel cried out, his whole body shuddering and shaking, and he cradled Jake with everything he had. Arms and legs and mouth gave Jake all the love that he’d been needing, and he felt it when Samuel came between them, hot and wet, so sweet that it filled the room with the most amazing scent.
“Uhn.” Samuel collapsed back down on the bed. “Oh, Jake.”
“Yes, love. Wow.” Well, talk about insipid, but it was all he could come up with, because his brain wasn’t working anymore. It was just on autopilot.
“Wow?” Laughing, Samuel kissed his neck.
“Very wow.”
“Oh, good.” Samuel patted his back. “I hope Grant slept through that.”
“Me too. Could be awkward.”
They chuckled together, and he settled down half on top of Samuel to wait for his knot to go down. “Thank you, love.”
“Anytime,” Samuel said. Then he frowned a bit. “Well, as long as it’s possible with Grant and all.”
“I’ll take that under advisement.”
“Okay.” Samuel yawned, and in seconds, he was asleep.
Jake laughed softly. His mate was a quick one. He’d have to remember that. That was okay. He could just watch Samuel sleep.
At least until he could get loose and grab the remote.