The Highlander’s Dangerous Bride (Sparks and Tartans #9) Chapter 32 75%
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Chapter 32


T he market was in full swing when she got there, and the place was packed with shoppers browsing the many colorful stalls surrounding them. She wandered about, lingering to look at a few bits of clothing, some warm woolen stockings for herself and socks and gloves for Arne. She came to a larger stall that was selling other items of clothing and began browsing through the wares.

It was while she was standing there, sorting through the men’s waistcoats that she felt someone come and stand next to her, brushing up against her arm. I kent it! She could hear their breath in her ear. She turned slightly and saw a tall man in a long, hooded cloak, his face obscured. She waited on tenterhooks until a low, deep voice hissed at her from the depths of the hood.

“The Laird MacDonald sends his greetin’s, melady. He asked me tae tell ye that if ye want tae see Thorsten alive again, then ye’d best come tae the old kirk at the end of the village at midnight tomorrow. Make sure tae come alone, and dinnae say a word tae yer braithers or MacLeod about it, or the lad will die.”

Raven stood open mouthed, her blood turning to ice as she listened, each word a blade in her heart. Thorsten! He has Thorsten! She knew what she was doing would be far from easy, but just hearing that was enough to take her breath away. She was so frozen in fear that when the man suddenly walked off and disappeared into the crowd of shoppers, she could do nothing for several minutes but stare after him in horror.

Then, she looked over at the guards, who were waiting for her less than twenty yards away. She could tell they had heard and seen nothing of what had just happened. And what could they have done? Nothing. Because if they had heard the man’s threat and acted upon it, Thorsten would have surely died as a consequence.

She felt the need to get back to the castle as soon as she could. She hurried back, with the guards following behind, her mind whirling with the thought of Struan having her boy. She had no doubt he would carry out his threat to kill him if she did not give herself up.

Arne can never ken! Once he finds out, he’ll go mad and insist on storming the island tae get Thorsten back. He could get both of them killed! I dare nae tell him.

At the same time, she knew she needed help. As soon as she got indoors, she went to find her brothers. She found them together in Everard’s study. When she knocked and Everard invited her in, she was relieved to find Arne had gone to do some training with the MacNeil soldiers. She quickly explained to Everard and Maxwell what had happened at the market. The only thing she left out was the time and place she was supposed to go to the rendezvous.

“Please, I beg ye, say naethin’ tae Arne,” she pleased with them. “I dinnae ken what he’ll dae.”

“All right, I dinnae like it, but we’ll say naethin’ fer the time bein’,” Everard finally agreed.

“But Raven, it could be a bluff. He’s likely just usin’ this threat over Thorsten as a way tae get ye tae dance tae his tune.”

“I pray so,” she replied, clenching her hands painfully.

“Did this man in the market offer ye any proof that Struan has Thorsten? A lock of hair, somethin’ like that?” Maxwell asked her.

She had not thought of that. “Nay, I was so shocked, I didnae think tae ask,” she admitted, frustrated with herself for being so slow.

Maxwell looked over at Everard and said, “Ye should write tae Haldor now by messenger, and find out if Thorsten’s really been taken. It’ll take a few days, but once we get a reply, at least we’ll ken fer sure.”

“Aye, and there’s nae chance ye’re goin’ alone tae this meetin’, Raven. We’ll follow ye and stay out of sight with some men. We may catch Struan himself, or at least some of his lackeys that we can interrogate,” Everard said decisively.

It was then that Raven realized she was going to have to lie to them. She might have no proof that Struan had Thorsten, but she was not prepared to risk her beloved boy’s life to wait for proof. She had to act on her own and find some way of carrying out her plan and staging her death, once she knew Thorsten was safe.

“Where is this meetin’ supposed tae be and where?” Maxwell asked her.

“By the old kirk in the village, at midnight, in three days’ time,” she replied, feeling terrible for lying to them. But she did not know what else to do. She left them busy composing the letter to Haldor, and as she returned to her chambers, the thought of having to get through that night and the next day keeping it all from Arne weighed heavily upon her soul. She sat down, terrified for Thorsten and worrying about how she was going to hide her fear in front of his father. The future looked bleak indeed.

Arne finished training and went to his chamber to clean up, shave and change. After that, he spent some time composing a message for Haldor, informing him of the latest developments and went out to find a servant to have it sent by messenger at once.

He did not go to Raven as he was unsure if she had returned from her trip by then, because he had something he wanted to do alone before he saw her again, and he did not want her finding out about it just yet.

He knew how shaken she had been by the guard’s murder and the threatening note from MacDonald. He hated to see her in such a state. It had made him realize how much she some needed security in her life, some hope that a happy future lay ahead for them and Thorsten as a proper family despite her evil husband’s machinations. He wanted to give her that security and let her know how much he loved her. In his mind, there was only way to do that right here, right now.

With that aim in mind, he ventured downstairs in search of her brothers. He found them in Everard’s study, and when he was invited in, he immediately sensed a strained atmosphere. They smiled at him and welcomed him warmly, but he could see the strain in their faces. They seemed almost shifty.

He was immediately on alert. “Has somethin’ happened?” he asked, looking from one to the other. “Another threat from MacDonald?”

“Nay, naethin’,” Everard told him after a short hesitation. “We’re still waitin’ fer the scouts tae come back with more intelligence about where he has his men stationed around here,” Everard explained. “We need tae get an idea of his strength and what we’re up against.”

“All right,” Arne replied, putting their unease down to the prospect of an imminent attack.

“What brings ye here, Arne?” Maxwell asked, making Arne wonder if he was trying to deliberately change the subject. Thinking he was imagining it, he took in a deep breath and prepared to ask the question that was uppermost in his mind.

“I need yer permission for somethin’, and preferably yer blessin’ as well,” he began, feeling unaccountably nervous as they both looked at him intently.

“Oh? What fer?” Everard asked.

“I want yer permission fer me tae ask Raven tae marry me when all this is over and she’s free again. If she’ll have me, that is.” He exhaled, glad it was out at last.

Silence fell for a few moments while the two men stared at him, and he started to fear Everard was going to refuse. When he saw the glance the brothers exchanged, he was certain he was right, and his heart began to drop.

But then, they smiled. “Of course, ye have me permission and me blessin’,” Everard told him, coming over to clap him the back and shaking his hand. “I’m very happy tae give ye both me blessing.”

“Aye, ye’ll make a nice change as a braither-in-law compared tae that bastard MacDonald,” Maxwell put in, going to pour them a dram each and bringing them over to them. He handed his brother and Arne a glass each. “Let’s have a wee toast,” he added, raising his glass. “Tae Arne and the success of his proposal, God bless him.” They clinked glasses and drank.

“Well, thank ye, lads, I’m very grateful tae ye. Ye ken I’ll dae everythin’ in me power tae make her happy and keep her safe.”

“We ken that right enough, man,” Everard said, “We’ve nay fears on that score at all.”

“That’s grand tae hear,” Arne said with a mixture of joy and relief. One part of his plan for the future had been successfully realized at least, even if so much was still up in the air.

“Obviously, I’m nae gonnae propose tae her until after all this mess is cleared up, and she’s rid of MacDonald for good. So, will ye keep it under yer hats fer the moment?” he explained.

“Aye, we will, dinnae worry,” Maxwell assured him before he drank his whisky down in one swallow and cleared his throat. Arne noticed how his brother followed suit, and though both of them continued smiling and congratulating him, he could not help but feel uneasy. It felt like they were keeping something from him.

As he took his leave to go and see if Raven was back, he tried to brush it off, telling himself they were worried about MacDonald’s threats, and rightly so. So was he, but at the same time, he secretly welcomed the possibility of a confrontation with the monster. He intended to put an end to him once and for all. Only then, would Raven truly be his.

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