. . .
I meet Leo’s gaze as he wraps his arm around my waist and know instantly that this is it, the moment we stop pretending.
We crash together, lips meeting in a bruising kiss, tearing at each other’s coats with fingers still numb from the chill outside.
But we’re warming up fast…
His tongue dances with mine as he backs me down the narrow hall, making my skin burn and my heart soar.
Our second kiss is even better than our first.
This kiss is personal, intimate, and for no one’s benefit except our own.
It’s also far too hot for public consumption, a fact Greg proves by letting out a judgmental yowl and racing into the living room.
“We’re traumatizing Greg,” I murmur, breath catching as Leo squeezes my ass through my dress in a possessive way that turns my bones to ramen noodles.
“Then maybe we should take this to my bedroom,” Leo says.
“We definitely should.” I shove his coat off his shoulders, desperate to eliminate all barriers between his skin and mine.
We really shouldn’t be doing this—it’s still the wrong call on so many levels—but it feels so right.
So right for him to toss my coat and his on the floor before pulling me into his room and slamming the door behind us. So right for him to cradle my face like a treasure as he kisses me slower, deeper, and we sway toward the bed.
So right for him to whisk my dress over my head, leaving me in nothing but my white lace bra and panties and soft cashmere socks that end just above the knee.
“Damn, Caroline,” he murmurs, stepping back, his gaze raking up and down my body in the dim light streaming in from the street outside. “You’re… I have no words, but I’m pretty sure I’m not worthy.”
“You’re the most worthy,” I whisper, reaching for the top button on his shirt. “You’re the sexiest man I’ve ever kissed.”
“Yeah?” he asks, holding my gaze as I work my way down the row of buttons, baring his lightly furred chest.
“Yeah. And I can’t wait to do more than kiss you,” I say, voice shaking with a mixture of nerves and excitement. “Will you do very bad, very good things to me in your bed, Mr. Fenton?”
“The very worst and the very best,” he promises, stripping his shirt off and tossing it to the floor.
Before I can properly admire his sculpted pecs or all the other evidence that this man clearly makes time to hit the gym, I’m back in his arms. He kisses me like he’s every bit as starved for me as I am for him, holding me so tight I can feel the steely length behind his fly pulsing against my belly.
He really does want me, and I’m more excited to finish getting naked with a man than I have been in a very long time. To be brutally honest, sex with Chris had come to feel like a chore, something to mark off my list once or twice a month to keep from feeling like the worst girlfriend in the world.
But with Leo…
With Leo, every inch of bare skin I uncover is my favorite, every kiss makes my heart beat faster, every touch sets my skin on fire.
I sigh as he rolls me onto the bed beneath him, a sound that becomes a gasp when he jerks my bra down beneath my breasts and sucks my nipple into his mouth. I tangle my fingers into his thick hair, arching into his tongue, his teeth, as he makes me burn. Electricity and longing flood from my sensitive skin to pulse between my thighs.
Soon, my panties are soaked, a fact that doesn’t go unnoticed by the wicked man doing wonderful things to my body…
“Caroline,” he murmurs as he glides one finger over the damp fabric, making me shiver. “We have a situation on our hands.”
“And what situation is that?” I bite my lip as I meet his heated gaze, holding it as he teases my clit in slow, insistent circles.
“Your panties are too wet to do anyone any good at this point.” His voice drops to a husky whisper as he adds, “More importantly, they’re in my way.”
“Then get them out of your way,” I say, breath catching as he curls his fingers around the drenched panel and strips my panties down my thighs with one smooth motion.
Then, he’s between my legs, kissing my thighs as he grips my ass in his big hands, shifting the angle of my hips until he has me exactly where he wants me.
And damn …it’s exactly where I want him, too.
I cry out, my eyes sliding closed as he pulses his tongue over every centimeter of aching flesh, exploring, tasting, teasing until my head spins and the tension gathering between my hips winds tighter.
“So fucking sweet,” he says, groaning against me, the vibration enough to make my hips twitch closer to his mouth. He responds by sucking my clit with slow, insistent pulls that drive me wild. Soon, all I can do is grab handfuls of the sheets and hold on tight as I spiral closer to the edge.
Finally, he pushes two fingers inside me, and I’m gone, coming with a primal cry unlike any sound I’ve ever made in the bedroom. But I’ve never experienced anything like the way Leo makes me feel, so wild and raw, but still so safe. As I dig my heels into the mattress, pressing shamelessly closer to his mouth as more sex goddess sounds rip from my throat, I have no doubt that he’s got me.
Boy, does he have me…
And I intend to have him . Right now.
“Now, please now,” I beg, clawing at the close of his pants as he rises over me, kissing me with the salty taste of my pleasure still on his lips.
“Condom,” he says, reaching for the drawer on his bedside table.
“Hurry. Fast.” I shove his pants and boxers down below his ass, freeing his cock. I take the hot length in my hand, stroking up and down every hard, glorious inch with an anticipation so powerful it feels like I might lose my mind if he isn’t inside me in the next ten seconds.
I’m so attuned to the about-to-shatter feeling that for a moment, I think the crashing sound is coming from inside me. That maybe my bones have all simultaneously splintered at once, unable to survive this ravenous hunger.
But then Leo flinches and pulls away, cursing as he glances toward the closed bedroom door.
Even worse, he pauses with the condom hovering over the head of his cock, making no move to roll it down.
“Let me,” I say, reaching for the bottom of the rubber.
“The cat,” he says, his jaw clenching as he watches me sheath him with trembling hands. “Sounds like he broke something.”
“I’m going to break something if you don’t fuck me,” I say, summoning a groan from low in his throat that assures me he likes dirty talk as much as I do.
“You’re right. Fuck the cat,” he says, kissing me hard as he surges over me.
“Yes, please. That. Now.” I wrap my legs around his hips, gasping as he fits his thickness to where my body weeps with need for him. And then, he’s shoving forward, taking me with a barely restrained urgency that echoes through my every cell.
Because I need him just as much, so much that I find myself digging my nails into his muscled ass, urging him to take me harder, deeper. I’m usually a slow and sensual girl, a romantic in the bedroom…or so I thought.
Turns out, I’m also a shameless sex beastie, capable of coming like a 747 roaring down the runway as I dig my claws into my lover’s skin, holding him captive when he tries to pull away before he loses control.
“Fuck, Caroline,” he says, cursing as he comes, his cock jerking deep inside me. “I usually pull out, even with a condom. Just in case.”
I respond by biting his shoulder as my second orgasm of the night rips through me with such force that I’m pretty sure I disrupt the space-time continuum.
When I’m finally capable of rational thought again, I’m on top of Leo, catching my breath on his chest with no memory of how I got there.
I lift my head, casting a sheepish look his way as I whisper, “So, that was…a thing… A thing that we did.”
He grins, looking unphased by my feral side. “It sure was.” His palm glides over the small of my back to cup my ass. “And a thing we should do again as soon as possible.” His tongue slips out to wet his lips as he shakes his head. “You’re incredible.”
“No, you’re incredible,” I say. “It’s never been like that before. I’ve never been like that. So…crazy.”
“You weren’t crazy. You were sexy.”
“Even when I scratched you like a wildcat?”
“Especially then.” He sighs, his smile fading as he adds, “But speaking of wildcats, I should go see what Satan broke. As annoying as that little fucker is, I don’t want him cutting his paws in the mess.”
“You’re a sweet cat dad.” I roll to one side, letting him up as I brush my hair from my still-flushed face.
“I am not,” he says, stepping into his boxer briefs. “I’m a primal sex god who intends to have my way with you again as soon as I put that turd in his carrier.”
I grin and shoot him two enthusiastic thumbs up, making his eyes dance as he lunges forward, pressing one final kiss to my lips. “Stay right there,” he whispers. “Naked and gorgeous and thinking frisky thoughts about me.”
“Will do,” I whisper back.
It’s a promise I intend to keep until I hear Leo curse loudly from the other room. He sounds really upset.
I jump off the mattress and throw on my dress, afraid Greg’s broken something special. But when I hurry into the living room, the only thing obviously amiss is the cat play structure lying on its side near the windows.
It doesn’t appear to be broken, however, just…horizontal.
I start forward, intending to help Leo lift it back into place, when he holds up a hand, fingers spread wide. “Stop. There’s glass on the floor. I don’t want you to cut your feet.”
I stop, my gaze lifting to the window, which is indeed shattered. I wrap my arms around my midsection, bracing myself against a gust of cold December wind. “Okay, be careful. Should I grab a garbage bag or something?” I ask. “Something to tape over the window?”
Leo drags a hand through his hair. “Yeah, that would be great. They’re under the sink in the kitchen, and there’s duct tape in the drawer closest to the dining table. But once we’re done, I have to get dressed and head outside. I’ve already looked everywhere Greg could be hiding in here, and there’s no sign of him.”
“Oh no,” I say, pressing a hand to my chest. “You think he?—”
“Went through the window,” Leo finishes, a worried expression clawing into his forehead. “Yeah, he did. The little shit is gone.”