T ish’s jaw drops. “Holy crap.”
“That’s so scary,” Mika says.
I sneak another sip of coffee. “The shop is completely wrecked,” I say, visions of smashed windows and paint-covered walls filling my head.
And Mark’s chilling message written on the door.
Stay away from my girl.
Mika shudders with one eye on her tables. It’s a slow morning at Bruno’s Diner, giving me plenty of time to update them — and there’s more than enough to gossip about today. “I can’t imagine if someone did that to the inn,” she says. “That’s awful.”
“And they’re sure it was Mark?” Tish asks.
“I saw the security footage myself,” I say. “It was him.”
“That’s wild. Like, we always knew Mark was crazy about you, but I never thought he was crazy , you know?”
I set my coffee down, my nerves jittery enough. “He’s never done anything like this before,” I say.
“How did he know Scott owns the shop now?” Mika asks.
Tish snorts. “The same way everyone knows everything about anyone in Small Town.”
I nod in agreement. “People have been talking about the hot new single dad for weeks,” I say. “Mark wouldn’t have to dig too deep to find out more about him.”
“Jeez,” Mika says, biting her cheek. “There’s something about this that doesn’t add up…”
“What?” I ask.
She cracks a grin. ”What the hot new single dad was doing at your place so early this morning.”
Tish gasps, her eyes sparkling for details. “Oh, that’s right!”
I blush. I fucking blush. “After Mark left, Scott stayed with us to make sure we were okay.”
They swoon.
“Oh, that’s so sweet of him,” Mika says.
“He slept on the couch,” I say, then... “Until the middle of the night when he totally crawled into my bed, but that’s so not important right now!” I say over their squeals of joy.
“Not important?!” Tish asks. “I’m sorry, ma’am, but that is absolutely the most important part of the whole damn story.”
“Is it?” I ask, still blushing.
“Of course!” Mika says, seeing my doubt. “What’s up? I thought this was what you were hoping for.”
“It was. It is! I’m just... nervous. You know? About Mark and everything. It’s like I can’t let myself enjoy this until he’s found.”
They nod, understanding.
“Well, I think we should celebrate,” Tish says. “It’s karaoke night at Sparks Pub this weekend. We should go!”
Mika smiles, but her eyes cringe with hesitation. “I’ll pass on the singing, but I can stop in for a drink.”
“Ditto,” I say.
Tish pouts. “Fine,” she says. “Bring your honeys. Y’all can get drunk and listen to me attract the love of my life.” Her mouth quirks. “Or... so I hope.”
“I’m sure you will, Tish,” Mika says.
“I better. It’s my turn! First you. Now, Lottie. I’ve gotta be next! Right?”
“Sure,” I say. “You or Pamela Palmdale.”
She gasps, offended. “You bite your tongue! Bite it clean off.”
We laugh as Bruno rings the bell by the window. “Order up!” he shouts pointedly. “Stop your yakking and serve food, ladies.”
The three of us approach the window.
“Sorry, Bruno,” Tish says. “We were just?—”
“Karaoke night, I heard.” He slaps the bell again. “Food.”
“You wanna tag along?” Mika teases him.
Mika grabs a plate and leaves to deliver it to the Sheriff’s table while Tish and I linger at the window.
“What do you do on weekends, Bruno?” Tish asks.
“Nothing,” he spits.
“Oh, come on,” she teases. “You got a girlfriend?” Her brow arches. “A boyfriend?”
He ignores her. “One of you needs to unload the shipment in the back.”
“Not it!” Tish shouts, volunteering me instead.
I deflate. “But I have tables.”
“So do I!”
“Lottie,” Bruno grunts. “You’re on shipment. Tish, you cover her tables.”
“Wha—” Tish pouts. “Fine.”
I chuckle teasingly at her before pushing open the door to the back. There are boxes stacked in a line between the alleyway exit and the storeroom and I sigh at the state of my work cut out for me.
I crack my knuckles and get to work, grabbing the first box of napkins and taking them into the storeroom.
I yelp in surprise, fear clenching every nerve as a hand slaps over my mouth. Something sharp digs into my side as the warm stench of booze fills the air by my head.
“Don’t scream,” Mark growls. “Or I’ll slit your throat.”
“Mark?” I tremble, too scared to move. “Hold on.”
“Shut up.”
“Lottie?” Mika calls out from the back room. “You okay? I heard something fall over.”
“Get rid of her,” Mark says, pushing the sharp edge deeper into my side as he lowers his hand from my mouth.
I wince, feeling it breaking skin. “I’m fine!” I shout. “Just dropped some napkins.”
“Okay. Scott’s here, by the way!”
Mark twists the knife a little. I instinctively lurch away from it, but he moves his hand to my throat, warning me to stay put.
“Okay!” I say.
“He’s got the kids, too! Want me to take over so you can say hi?”
“Get rid of her,” Mark growls again.
“No!” I say, blood trickling down my hip. “It’s fine, Mika! Hey, did we move the cajun ranch? Or did Bruno take it off the menu?”
There’s a short pause. I pray she heard me correctly. “Off the menu?” Mika repeats.
“Yeah,” I say, hiding my relief. “No worries! I’ll find it!”
Mark waits, listening closely as the door to the diner floor opens and closes again. “Move,” he says in the quiet.
“Mark,” I whimper. “You?—”
“Move.” He pushes me forward, but stays close, and we shuffle together into the back room. “Alleyway. Go.”
I stumble. “Where are we going?”
“Just go.”
“Mark, please let me go.”
He yanks me around to face him. “You thought you could take my son away from me and I’d let you get away with it?”
I pull myself from his grasp. “You had your chance to be a father, and you blew it!”
“Go.” He shoves me toward the alleyway door. “Now.”
I dig my heels in. “Where are you taking me?”
“To the fucking cemetery if you don’t move your ass.”
Mark pushes me outside and I stumble, falling to my hands and knees on the concrete.
“Get up!” he shouts behind me.
“Mr. Myers!” Down the alley, Sheriff Spelling points his gun. “Drop any weapons you have and put your hands on your head!”
Mark curses under his breath and tries to grab me. I slap his hand away, shuffling on my hands and knees to put as much distance between us as I can.
A shot fires.
I scream, frozen solid, as Mark rears back.
“Mr. Myers!” Sheriff Spelling says, his gun pointed at the sky. He lowers it again, taking aim at Mark. “Hands up or I will fire!”
I look at Mark and choke on a gasp.
He moves stealthily in our direction from the opposite side of the alley. As we make eye contact, he touches a finger to his mouth, signaling for me to be quiet. I shake my head, too scared of what will happen if Mark notices him.
“Mr. Myers!” Sheriff calls out again, keeping Mark’s attention.
Scott sneaks forward. Only a few feet away now…
My heart stalls. I sit still, tears falling down my face as Mark twitches on his toes, ready to run.
The back door flies open behind him. I scream, shielding myself as it all happens at once. Mark spins around in surprise, and Scott nails him in the chin with a right hook. Bruno charges out of the back door, flinging himself at Mark and tackling him to the ground by my feet. The knife falls and Scott grabs it before Mark can as the Sheriff runs in our direction.
“Lottie!” Scott rushes to me. “Are you okay? You’re bleeding.”
He pulls me to my feet and turns me to check the wound at my side. I cling to him, watching with wide eyes as Sheriff Spelling locks Mark’s wrists in handcuffs.
“Mr. Myers, you have the right to remain silent...”
“It’s a scratch,” Scott says, relieved. “We should get it cleaned up, though.”
“Liam?” I say, my voice shaking.
“He’s okay,” Scott says, holding me close. “He and Sonya are in the diner with Tish. He’s safe.”
I exhale, relieved, and bury my face in his chest.
“Lottie!” Mika runs down the alley toward us. “Oh, thank god! You’re okay.”
“I’m okay,” I tell her, safe in Scott’s arms. “Thanks for getting my message.”
“I’m just glad I remembered the code!” she says.
“What code?” Scott asks.
“Off the menu,” I say. “Saw it in an old TV show.”
“What does it mean?”
“Help me, help me, help me.”
Scott smiles and kisses my head. “That’s smart.”
Mika nods. “We came up with it months ago,” she says, exhaling hard. “I was just saying the other day that I was kinda bummed I never got to use it. Now I wish I didn’t have to at all.”
“Yeah,” I say as I watch Bruno and the Sheriff pull Mark to his feet. “Me, too.”
Mika shifts to the side to stand with us as Sheriff Spelling walks Mark past us.
“Lot,” Mark says to me, his lip swollen from Scott’s punch. “Lottie, come on!”
I glare at him. “Get a haircut, creep.”
Scott smiles.
“Lottie!” Mark shouts.
“Keep moving!” the Sheriff barks, pushing him down the alley toward his cruiser in the parking lot.
Scott runs his hand down my back. “You okay?” he asks.
I look up into his eyes. “Yeah. Thank you.”
He cups my face. “You don’t have to keep thanking me.”
I kiss him, safe and sound. “Yes, I do,” I say, finding my smile.