The Lost Beloved (Pittsburgh Vampires #25) CHAPTER EIGHT 100%
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G age was given one of the SUV’s and sent home with his beloved. Dumas was also allowed to head home but chose to stay and assist with surveillance. They made a stop near where Harley had camped and hiked in to check if any of his belongings were there. The tent was shredded which gave Gage a spike of anger and fear for his beloved’s safety. “I’m so glad we found you baby.” He stated.

“So am I.” Harley responded emphatically. He found his backpack which was torn up but his phone and wallet were still in one piece and his car keys were there, so he considered it a win.

"Don't worry about your car, I'll have someone pick it up." He wanted to keep Harley with him.

"Thanks." He checked his phone and found that he had service. "I have a lot of missed calls and text messages from Ashton, but I really don't feel like reading them."

“Then don’t.” Gage held out his hand and Harley gave him the phone with a smile.

They were soon on their way, and when they were on the highway, Harley made a request. "Do you mind stopping at my apartment so I can pick up some personal things?"

"Not at all you can grab all your stuff if you want I'll help you." Gage was eager to have him move in.

"Yeah, we could probably do that. I don't have a lot of stuff. I work from home, so I have the computer equipment I need. I have a lot of books, but they're in totes." Harley ran through what he'd have to do, and Gage focused on the statement that he works from home.

"What do you do, Harley? I never asked you about your job."

"I do graphic design and marketing, and I also have a website where I buy and sell books, limited and first editions. It's small time right now, but it brings in a little bit." Harley was tempering his excitement, but it was obvious he liked his book business.

"That sounds interesting. I look forward to seeing some of your work." Gage would be supportive no matter what his beloved did as long as it made him happy. "The book business sounds like something you could grow." Harley's excited smile was all he needed. "I have a large apartment at the Center. You can use one of the spare rooms as your office, and there is plenty of closet space for your inventory."

Harley took Gage’s hand and held it tightly. “I am so lucky.” He said. “On Friday I thought my life was taking a serious downturn I was sad and lost and angry and then this monster chases me into the arms of the most handsome man in town.”

"Most handsome," Gage repeated playfully.

“The handsomest.”

Harley felt his excitement rising with each passing mile. They would get his things from the apartment, and he would move in with Gage Novak. He was moving into the Hadden Center, a beautiful building in the financial district, a posh section of town.

He was exhilarated by the changes coming into his life. Ashton had broken his heart, and he thought he would never get over the pain of betrayal, but the weekend he had and the love of a good man had muted that pain significantly. When Gage pulled up out front of his apartment building, he noticed Ashton's truck in the side parking lot. Gage recognized his tension instantly.

“What’s wrong?” He asked.

"That's Ashton's truck, but he shouldn't be here. They were going to New York for their honeymoon and leaving right after the reception. Maybe they used Ally's car, but they said they'd be out of the apartment by now." Harley wasn't sure what to expect.

“Let’s pack your things. Whatever they’re doing is no concern of yours.” Gage made things so clear and so easy. Emotions could cloud and confuse the simplest of tasks.

“Yeah, lets get this done and get out of here.” He said and they headed up to Harley’s apartment. He was surprised to see that none of Ashton’s things had been packed or moved. It was as if he still lived there but he said he’d be out by today. It took a couple trips, but Gage was amazingly strong, and they had his stuff packed and in the SUV in record time.

“I wanted to be out of there before Ashton happened to show up. I’m not ready to speak to him I don’t know if I’ll ever be ready.” He explained himself.

“That’s fine sweetheart you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.” Gage made his life seem so easy and he loved it.

Gage worked fast, not wanting to have to deal with that prick Ashton. He was not in the mood to listen to whatever excuses the man would use to try and ply his beloved. He betrayed a good friend and hurt him so badly that he took off blindly into the woods, and that was all Gage needed to know to decide he didn't like Ashton. Thankfully, they finished and were out of there before the man made an appearance.

"Thanks, Gage." He said as they made their way to the Hadden Center.

“Anything for you sweetheart.” Gage leaned over and kissed him gently on the cheek. They continued on their way and Gage found his anticipation was building and the need to mark and claim his beloved was an all consuming need. He pulled into the underground garage and parked.

They took the elevator up and held tightly to one another. "We'll get your things later," Gage told him. "Right now, I just want you. I have been craving you so hard since the last time we kissed." He then bent and took Harley's lips in an intense kiss, making himself clear about what he wanted. Harley reciprocated with the same heat, letting him know that he was on the same page. "I want you so bad," Gage growled.

He opened his door and then locked it once they were inside. "I usually don't lock my door, but I don't want any interruptions." He bent and kissed Harley again. The lead-up to what he was planning had him getting hot and hard to the point of frenzy.

He quickly directed Harley in the direction of the bedroom. Harley took note of the apartment along the way, but Gage had no time to discuss aesthetics that would come later. Right now, he needed to mark and claim his beloved, secure their connection, and complete their bond.

"Your home is airy and large, and it feels good," Harley commented.

“It’s your home too now Harley.” Gage reminded. “We’ll get you settled in tomorrow but tonight I need you.” He emphasized his words.

"I need you too. After watching that battle in the clearing, I want you in me and all over me." Harley was quite explicit. His baby had no problem making demands.

"This way," Gage stated, pushing him into the bedroom and shutting the door. "Let's start with a nice relaxing warm shower."

"I love the sound of that." Harley started stripping immediately, and Gage followed. It wasn't long before Gage was about to crawl out of his skin with the desire surging in his soul. He needed this little human, and he needed him now. Gage caught his beloved when he jumped into his arms and carried him into the attached bath. The shower was large and open.

He continued to hold Harley while he turned on the water and adjusted the heat. Harley trailed wet, heated kisses across his shoulder and jaw. The arousal was filling the room, stimulating Gage's excitement.

"You taste good, Gage." Gage turned his head and captured Harley's lips in a kiss that was scalding.

"Not as good as you," Gage responded and stepped into the shower with Harley still in his arms. He let him slide down his body to stand in front of him, and they continued kissing and touching and getting familiar with each other once again. Their last encounter had been wonderful, although rushed, but this time, they had all the time in the world to properly enjoy themselves.

Gage took the shampoo and thoroughly washed his beloveds lovely, silky hair rinsing and massaging his scalp. Harley held his waist and leaned back giving him his complete trust. He continued to wash them both loving the sensation of providing and caring for the man that was to be his body and soul.

“You have wonderful hands Gage so strong and yet so gently I love the feel of your touch.” Harley was singing his praises and eating up the care and the pleasure it gave him. Gage stepped under the flow with Harley secure in his arms and let the water rinse and relax.

"My turn," Harley announced softly and pushed Gage over to lean against the wall. He then slid down on his knees and started trailing kisses along Gage's hip and groin, teasing and tempting. Gage watched and didn't move, although his cock was throbbing with the need to be touched.

He didn’t have to wait long before Harley took him completely down his throat. The embrace was tight and hot, and Gage had to swallow the need to come instantly. He pushed back, and then Harley began to undulate with his tongue and massage with his soft hands, and Gage nearly lost it again. He held on, making shallow thrusts as Harley ate away at his constraint.

He glanced down at his beloved, who was staring up at him, and the vision was sinful and the most beautiful he'd ever seen and sent dizzying pleasure through his system. Harley gorged on his large cock while vigorously stroking his own hardness. That was too much, and Gage suddenly thrust hard, going deep, and came in stream after stream of pent-up need. Gage buried his fingers in Harley's hair, holding him fast.

Gage finished and pulled out, grabbing Harley under his arms and lifting him to his feet. He then slapped Harley's hand away and pumped Harley's hard cock until he threw his head back and cried out as he came against Gage's thigh. Harley's lips were parted as he panted softly and then smiled. "That was fantastic."

“That was just the beginning my love.” Gage said and after a quick rinse turned off the shower, toweled them dry and carried Harley back to the bedroom. He laid Harley on the bed and then followed him crawling over him and stretching out on top of him.

“I’m going to claim you Harley. Our bond will be complete, and we will be as one in our hearts and minds. Do you accept me as your forever lover? There will be no others for us just you and me. This is a commitment that is eternal.” He finished and watched as his words were processed and then a large smile appeared, and Harley’s eyes brightened.

"You're everything I've ever wanted in a partner. What we've been through in the last couple of days has shown me all that I need to know about you. You're one of the best, and I can't wait to be yours." Harley was not rambling. He was clear and honest, freely showing Gage what he thought and felt without fear. "Also, I don't want you feeding from anyone but me. It's an intimate act, and it belongs to me." Gage loved the possessiveness in his tone.

"Only you, baby, and no one else." Gage rained kisses on Harley's face and shoulders and used his knee to separate Harley's legs, seating himself between his soft, warm thighs. He rubbed his hard cock against Harley's, bringing their ardor back to a peak. Harley moaned and began to thrust.

Harley had started stretching himself in the shower which had been an absolute joy to watch but he still needed more. Gage covered his fingers in lubricant and started pressing and stretching preparing Harley for him and wanting him to enjoy with as little pain as possible. He was a large man and although Harley was pushing for more and faster he had to make sure he was ready.

He thrust and stretched, and the tight muscles yielded, allowing him to insert three of his large fingers. "I'm ready, Gage." Harley insisted. Gage removed his fingers and flipped Harley onto his stomach. This got him a soft giggle, and Harley cast a glance at him over his shoulder.

His intentions were clear when he took Harley's hips and pulled him back toward him and up onto his knees. Gage ran his fingers down the length of Harley's back, gently caressing the flesh and garnering a sweet but anxious moan. Gage felt his body vibrating with the need to be inside his beloved. His cock was engorged and throbbing painfully. He couldn't wait any longer.

Gage thrust inside fast and hard, going to base and holding himself there for just a beat before pulling out and thrusting inside once again. Harley was riding him, keeping the rhythm of his thrusts. Gage kept up the speed and began a forceful pounding that was heightened by Harley's own forceful thrusts.

He felt Harley's channel walls pulsating and tightening around him, and the need to come was overwhelming. Absolute pleasure spiked and slammed through his body and mind, and he came with a roar. He dropped down onto Harley, sunk his teeth into the tiny scar he'd made yesterday, and began to feed.

This wasn’t a taste this was a feeding a bonding of their souls this would seal their lives together. The taste was wonderful it was filling and rejuvenating so powerful he felt himself coming alive in a new way clear and strong. Harley gasped at first and then fell into a chant of more, more so Gage took his fill.

Gradually they came down from the peak of their satisfaction and Gage licked the wound closed and sealed it with a kiss before carefully pulling out and laying down beside Harley. He turned to look at him and Harley look totally spent but still wore a smile on his face.

He opened his eyes and then reached out to touch Gage’s cheek. “That was so much and so good.” He said and moved to snuggle up beside Gage who immediately wrapped him in his arms.

"We are one, my love. You belong to me." Gage whispered against Harley's cheek.

“And you belong to me Gage.” His eyes traveled over Gage’s face appreciation shining in his eyes. “I know I have an amazing adventure ahead of me and I’m ready for it as long as you’re by my side.”

"Always," Gage assured.

“Always.” Harley echoed.


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