The Myths of Ophelia (The Curse of Ophelia #4) Pronunciation Guide 1%
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The Myths of Ophelia (The Curse of Ophelia #4)

The Myths of Ophelia (The Curse of Ophelia #4)

By Nicole Platania
© lokepub

Pronunciation Guide

Characters who are crossed out were deceased prior to the beginning of The Myths of Ophelia.

Mystique Warriors

Ophelia Alabath (she/her), Mystique Revered: Oh-feel-eeya Tuh-vahn-yuh Al-uh-bath

Malakai Blastwood (he/him): Mal-uh-kye Blast-wood

Tolek Vincienzo (he/him): Tole-ick Vin-chin-zoh

Cypherion Kastroff (he/him), Mystique Second: Sci-fear-ee-on Cast-Rahf

Jezebel Alabath (she/her): Jez-uh-bell Al-uh-bath

Akalain Blastwood (she/her): Ah-kuh-lane Blast-wood

Alvaron (he/him), Master of Coin: Al-vuh-ron

Annellius Alabath, (he/him): Uh-nell-ee-us Al-uh-bath

Bacaran Alabath (he/him), Second to the Revered: Bah-kuh-ron Al-uh-bath

Collins (he/him): Call-ins

Danya (she/her), Master of Weapons & Warfare: Dawn-yuh

Larcen (he/him), Master of Trade: Lare-sen

Lucidius Blastwood (he/him), Revered: Loo-sid-ee-yus Blast-wood

Lyria Vincienzo (she/her), Master of Weapons and Warfare: Leer-ee-uh Vin-chin-zoh

Mila Loveall (she/her), Mystique General: Mee-lah Love-all

Missyneth (she/her), Master of Rites: Mis-sin-ith

Tavania Alabath (she/her): Tuh-vahn-yuh Al-uh-bath

Engrossian Warriors

Kakias (she/her), Engrossian Queen: Kuh-kye-yus

Barrett (he/him), Engrossian Prince: Bair-it

Dax Goverick (he/him), Engrossian General: Dax Gahv-rick

Victious: Vik-shuss

Nassik Langswoll (he/him), councilman: Nuh-seek Lang-swall

Pelvira (she/her), councilwoman: Pell-veer-uh

Elvek (he/him), councilman: El-vick

Celissia Langswoll, (she/her): Seh-lee-see-uh Lang-swall


Aird (he/him), Mindshaper Chancellor: Air-d

Ricordan (he/him): Rik-kor-din

Trevaneth (he/him): Treh-vuh-neh-th


Brigiet (she/her), Bodymelder Chancellor: Bri-jeet

Esmond (he/him), apprentice: Ez-min-d

Gatrielle (he/him): Gah-tree-elle


Titus Verian (he/him), Starsearcher Chancellor: Tie-tuhs Vair-ee-on

Vale (she/her), apprentice: Veil

Cyren (they/them), Starsearcher General: Sci-ren

Harlen (he/him): Har-lin


Ezalia Ridgebrook (she/her), Seawatcher Chancellor: Eh-zale-ee-uh Ridg-brook

Amara Ridgebrook (she/her), Seawatcher General: Uh-mar-uh Ridg-brook

Andrenas (they/them): An-dreh-nuss

Chorid (he/him): Core-ihd

Leo (he/him): Lee-oh

Seron Ridgebrook (he/him): Sair-on Ridg-brook

Seli Ridgebrook (she/her): Sell-ee Ridg-brook

Auggie Ridgebrook (he/him): Aw-ghee Ridg-brook


Meridat (she/her), Soulguider Chancellor: Mare-ih-daat

Erista Locke (she/her), apprentice: Eh-ris-tuh Lock

Quilian Locke (he/him), Soulguider General: Quil-ee-en Lock

Non-warrior characters

Santorina Cordelian (she/her), human: San-tor-ee-nuh Kor-dee-lee-in

Aimee (she/her), Storyteller: Ay-me

Lancaster (he/him), fae: Lan-kaster

Mora (she/her), fae: Mor-uh

Brystin (he/him), fae: Brih-stin

Ritalia (she/her), Queen of the Fae: Rih-tall-ee-uh

Animals and Creatures

Astania, Uh-ston-ya

Calista: Kuh-liss-tuh

Elektra: Ill-ectra

Erini: Ih-ree-nee

Ombratta: Ahm-brah-tuh

Sapphire: Sah-fire

Rebel: Reh-bull

Zanox: Zuh-nox

Dynaxtar: Die-nahx-tar


Ambrisk: Am-brisk

Banix: Ban-ix

Brontain: Brawn-tane

Caprecion: Kuh-pree-shun

Damenal: Dom-in-all

Fytar Trench: Fie-tar Trehn-ch

Gallantia: Guh-lawn-shuh

Gaveral: Gav-er-all

Lendelli: Len-del-ee

Lumin: Loo-min

Palerman: Powl-er-min

Pthole: Tholl

Thorentil: Thor-in-till

Turren: Tur-in

Valyn: Val-in

Vercuella: Vair-kwella

Xenovia: Zin-oh-vee-yuh

Angels of the Gallantian Warriors

Bant (he/him), Prime Engrossian Warrior: Bant

Damien (he/him), Prime Mystique Warrior: Day-mee-in

Gaveny (he/him), Prime Seawatcher: Gav-in-ee

Ptholenix (he/him), Prime Bodymelder: Tholl-en-icks

Thorn (he/him), Prime Mindshaper: Thorn

Valyrie (she/her), Prime Starsearcher: Val-er-ee

Xenique (she/her), Prime Soulguider: Zen-eek

Gods of Ambrisk’s Pantheon

Aoiflyn (she/her), The Fae Goddess: Eef-lyn

Artale (she/her), The Goddess of Death: Are-tall

Gerenth (he/him), The God of Nature: Gair-inth

Lynxenon (he/him), The God of Mythical Beasts: Leen-zih-non

Moirenna (she/her), The Goddess of Fate & Celestial Movements: Moy-ren-uh

Thallia (she/her), The Witch Goddess of Sorcia: Thall-ee-uh

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