The Nanny Next Door (The Forbidden Reverse Harem Collection) 13. Lila 35%
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13. Lila



“ T hank you!” I said cheerfully to Jerry, the guy at our local bodega counter, as I grabbed my bag of purchases and headed back home. After a nice day with the kiddos, it was finally my big night off, and once I’d gotten baby Jamie to sleep, I’d snuck out of Mr. Pierce’s penthouse with plenty of time to spare for my pre-date errands.

I’d taken the night off specifically for the occasion. This was the night I’d finally get to go on my first date with Felipe after what felt like eons of text-flirting and days of surprised butterflies and disbelief that he’d actually asked me out.

I hadn’t been on a real date in… well, ever, unless going to senior prom with a guy who later turned out to be gay counted. So, I needed to stock up on some essentials—hair spray, breath mints, and, on a wishful whim, condoms. I’d never bought condoms in my life, so I prayed they would be the right size and that sweet, sixty-something Bodega Jerry wouldn’t look at me differently from now on.

Truly, I still felt deeply unprepared for the date, even as I walked up to the apartment with my bag of supplies, facing down the prospect of getting ready. First of all, I had no idea what we were doing—Felipe had offered to plan everything, make it a surprise, and as romantic as that was, it was also a little bit anxiety-inducing. Or it would be if it didn’t feel like I already knew him pretty well.

Ever since that first text exchange, we hadn't stopped messaging each other, sometimes flirtatious, sometimes joking around, but usually, we just talked about anything and everything. Felipe told me about his work and his travels, what it was like growing up in Chile, while I told him about my Midwestern upbringing and my ambitions about being a children’s book author someday. That wasn’t something I talked to a lot of people about, and Felipe had been so kind and encouraging— if you ever let me read something you wrote, I’d be honored.

Throughout the day, we shared complaints about minor inconveniences, comments on the perfect or gloomy weather, and silly thoughts that popped into our heads—like what we’d put in our ideal vending machines (my answer: peanut M&Ms and glitter gel pens. Felipe’s: his Abuela’s empanadas, sour gummy worms, and free medical tests because he was an actual saint).

Throughout my days of nannying, I always told Felipe my best funny stories about Jamie and Olivia, who had quickly become fast friends. The two of them squabbled like siblings now and again, but watching them play together was too precious for words. Felipe always appreciated my commentary, asking thoughtful follow-up questions to every topic I presented and continuing the conversation long past the point when he could have stopped responding. He was always sending me heart emojis and signing off for the night with a goodnight, beautiful text that made my heart swell anew no matter how many times I read it.

Some nights, though, our texts were a little less… wholesome. Felipe maintained the flirtation that made my insights quake with masterful skill, and we’d even traded some slightly-saucy photos. He shared shirtless photos after he got out of the shower, and I’d tried my hand at taking a seductive selfie, cleavage visible over the low neckline of my sexiest silk pajama set. Only a few nights before our date night finally arrived, we’d reached a point of borderline sexting—or at least, Felipe had sexted, and I’d tried to keep my cool in response. He told me about how badly he wanted to know how I tasted, how he couldn’t wait to have me in his arms… and even though I knew that Gina and Christine were staying up late watching a movie in the living area, in the safety of my bedroom, I’d broken out my trusty vibrator and brought myself to a leg-quivering climax to the thought of Felipe following through with his promises.

It was so new, having someone to actually fantasize about when I was alone in my bed. And it was especially new to be faced with the very real possibility that I might finally get to experience the passion I’d had to ignore for so many years. What would finally happen when I was around Felipe in real life again for the first time since our interview-lunch? I worried I wouldn’t be able to control myself.

But there were worse things in the world than the prospect of losing my virginity to a gorgeous, kind, philanthropic billionaire.

Gina and Christine were stoked for my date, too, so of course, the second I was home from my errands, they went into full makeover mode. They helped me pick an outfit—a cute blue dress that felt a little fancier than something I’d wear to work, but not out of place at a casual restaurant, since I had no idea where Felipe would be taking me—and style my curls. Christine’s hair wasn’t quite as curly as mine, but it had a similar thickness, so she always had the best product recommendations. All the while, as I primped with my best friends at my side, they gave me the encouragement I needed to soothe my nerves.

“You look so pretty in this color! Billionaire Boy won’t know what hit him,” Gina told me as she helped me pick the right shade of lipstick.

“I just know you’re gonna have the most magical, romantic night you deserve,” Christine assured me when I worried aloud that after all of the build-up, our real-life chemistry might flop. I had the best friends in the world, and I’d always known that, but it felt especially true when they didn’t delve into the little white lie I told them.

“Remember, I’m staying at the Kramers’ place after, since we’re starting Family Day pretty early in the morning. But I promise I’ll debrief you guys the next time we’re all together, okay?”

The thing about my early start the next day was true, of course. But I really hoped—believed, dreamed, feared— that I’d be staying with Felipe tonight. Even though the one vaguely Miles-adjacent thought kind of threw a wrench into things. Ever since that hug, it’d been hard to let go of the attraction I felt for him , too. No matter how hard I tried to focus only on the idea of losing my virginity with Felipe tonight, I couldn’t shake a sudden, vivid image of myself naked in Miles Kramer’s arms, falling asleep in the sweaty, sexy aftermath of some moment I was dying to have.

All of this was so new to me. Even the fact that I had such an active sex drive was kind of a revelation. And I never would have thought I had the capacity to want two men at the same time.

“Somebody’s fantasizing about Felipe,” Christine sing-songed, pointing to my rosy cheeks and only turning them rosier. “I can practically hear the wedding bells in your brain!”

“Guilty,” I muttered, because the truth was way harder to explain.

Suddenly, my cell phone rang. I hurried to finish my last coat of mascara before I scrambled to grab it, expecting Felipe to answer me when I said, “Hello?”

“I need you to get back over here.” Aaron Pierce’s sharp voice cut through my lavender lust-haze, screeching the night to a halt.

“Uh, Mr. Pierce?”

“Yes, who else would it be?” he snapped. “You need to get back over here. Now. Jamie woke up screaming, and I can’t fucking think with all of this noise. ”

Now that he mentioned it, I could hear a grating, loud sound in the background of the call. I winced, but stood firm.

“I’m very sorry, Mr. Pierce, but tonight is my night off,” I told him quietly. Gina and Christine were both staring at me with confused concern, and my heart was starting to race with the stress of this situation.

“I know that, Lila. I’m asking you to come in anyway. What don’t you understand about that?”

His volume had grown ever louder, his tone cold enough to burn, and I winced. Gina mimed punching something, threatening to fight Mr. Pierce for me. Normally, I would have laughed, but I could feel the rising worry spiking into fear.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Pierce. Another night, I–I would probably help you. But tonight I have plans.”

“Fuck,” he swore. “That’s just unacceptable. What fucking plans could be more important than your job ?”

I held the phone away from my ear. He was basically yelling, now. Clearly, Aaron Pierce was not the type of man who was often told “no,” and in his desperation, he was taking it out on me. I could feel myself starting to well up with tears, and I didn’t answer his question. It didn’t matter. He had more to say, anyway.

“You know what? Fine. Don’t bother coming in for your next shift, either. I’ll have Holly watch the kid since you’re so goddamn busy.”

Panic struck through me. It came out in my voice, high and shrill when I asked, “Are you—are you firing me?”

“Not yet,” he snapped. And even though that technically meant no, that yet had me instantly bursting into tears. He heard my sniffle, and he said, “Oh, typical. I knew I should have gone with someone more mature.”

That struck a nerve. I Was great at my job, and the fact that I had feelings didn’t negate that at all. Plus, I was a grown adult. I paid my bills and took care of myself, no matter how hard it could be. I’d been underestimated, not taken seriously, by men like Aaron Pierce for my whole life because I was nice and had round cheeks and blonde curls, as if looking innocent meant I was naive and stupid. He was being a total asshole, and when a pause came over the line, filled only with the sounds of my hitched breathing as I cried, it seemed like he was realizing that himself.

“Shit,” he said, his voice having shifted entirely to something quieter and full of regret. In the background, Jamie still wailed the way I wanted to. “Lila, I?—”

“Goodnight, Mr. Pierce,” I managed to say through the choke of tears, and I hung up the call.

“God, fuck that guy,” Gina said while she now helped me fix the tear-streaked makeup I’d already applied. “You said he was a hard ass, but I had no idea he was a monster.”

“Yeah, that was uncalled for. You deserve a night off, and if he fires you for this, I feel like you should sue.”

“We’re here for you,” Gina said.

“We love you,” Christine agreed.

I still felt a little miserable when my phone buzzed again, this time with a text from Felipe.

Felipe: I’m here, gorgeous. Look outside.

When I scrambled to the window, I looked down to the street and saw my knight in shining armor—or rather, Felipe, looking dashing in a suit—standing in front of a shiny stretch limo. His smile was dazzling even from five floors below.

That image, full of hope and promise for the night to come, was just what I needed. Regardless of Aaron Pierce with his bad attitude and his unreasonable demands, I was going to have a good night. With Felipe, there was no doubt in my mind.

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