chapter twenty-three
Merry Christmas, Gabe! Or should I say Feliz Natal?!
Maligayang Pasko
WHAT. Did you just use an emoji?? Why does this feel like a fever dream??
You dream of me sending you emojis?
That was NOT what I said!!!
Someone thinks VERY highly of himself
I’d been in Manila for two days, and I still couldn’t believe I was home.
The last time I was here, I was eighteen years old. It was only me, Mama, and Lonzo, and my biggest concern was whether I would make it to the US without being kidnapped or robbed and whether Ate would still be the same sister I had known.
Now, we were all together, yet we didn’t feel complete because Lola wasn’t with us. Every time I looked at Lonzo sitting beside me at the dining table, my chest tightened. That had been Lola’s seat. I’d spent countless meals sneaking glances at her as she ate, checking if she finished her food or needed help.
I swallowed the lump in my throat, but it only lodged itself deeper.
I thought I had already survived the worst of this loss. Those months of holding my breath every time I passed my parents’ room because it had been Lola’s too. Angling myself away from her chair because its emptiness wrenched the hole she’d left in my heart wider. Shutting down my emotions whenever I cooked because that had been our thing and crying through meal prep kept me from balancing flavors properly.
I’d trained myself to get used to having only three of us at the table—fed myself the story that Lola was just momentarily gone, like Papa and Ate had been. But with the table fully occupied and six of us eating dishes Lola had taught me how to make, it felt like losing her all over again.
Not even Jason’s presence distracted me from her absence.
“The spaghetti is delicious, Luna.” Ate smiled at me. “I missed your cooking.”
“Glad you like it. There’s more in the pot.” A glance at the serving dish told me it was nearly empty. Standing, I reached for it. “Let me refill it.”
“I can do it,” she said in unison with Jason, but I waved them away, already walking to the stove.
As I scooped pasta into the dish, I remembered doing the same thing last Christmas but for Gabe. How his brow furrowed the first time he tasted it because it went against his expectations of spaghetti. I smiled at the thought of cooking it for him again when I got back home.
Then I frowned. I was already home. Sterling was just the place where I studied and lived at the moment. Wasn’t it?
“Is everything okay?” Mama came to my side, carrying an empty pitcher.
My head shot up. “Yeah,” I said. “Here, I’ll do that.”
“You’ve done more than enough, cooking the entire meal.” She brought the pitcher under the water dispenser and filled it.
“I enjoyed it. I haven’t cooked for you guys in years.”
“Tala’s right—we missed your food. I try, but I could never come close to your lola’s cooking. I’m so glad you picked up her skill.”
“The arroz caldo you made yesterday tasted like hers.”
Placing the pitcher on the counter, she gave me a pointed look. “You fixed the seasoning.”
I grinned. “Oh, yeah. That.”
“That.” She cupped my cheeks in her palms, murmuring, “You remind me so much of her.” Her eyes watered as they traced my face, and mine stung too at her words.
It was the best compliment I’d ever received. Even if I couldn’t see it myself, I’d hold on to it and try to believe it until it came true.
Closing my eyes, I said, “I miss Lola.”
“Me too, Luna.” She enveloped me in a hug, and her familiar citrus-cotton scent brought back memories of being a child again.
No matter how old I was, I’d never get too old for hugs. And Mama gave the best ones.
As she tightened her hold, Inoticed she felt different. She had always been strong, in constant motion, yet she seemed frailer now. It reminded me that as I rushed to grow older, time dragged Mama and Papa along too.
The sobering thought had me snuggling my face deeper into her neck.
“I’m so proud of you,” she told me.
“Really?” To my embarrassment, my voice came out small. Timid. “Even though I’m not doing what you and Papa want me to do?”
Mama drew back, holding my shoulders with her hands, and my eyes with her gaze. “I never want you to do something just because someone tells you to. It’s your life to live. If you want to study management, then management it is.” She raised her eyebrows. “But is that really what you want to pursue?”
This was it. My chance to tell her?—
“What’s going on here?”
We broke apart at the sound of Lonzo’s voice. He stared at us with an expression that was half concerned, half weirded out.
“We were just talking,” Mama said.
Ate appeared behind Lonzo, shaking her head at him. “Way to ruin the moment, Lonz.”
“I was waiting for the spaghetti!” Lonzo protested. “They were taking forever.”
I handed the bowl to him. “Use your muscles and bring this out.”
He grinned. “They’re impressive, right?”
“If you start flexing—” I said, but I was too late. Lonzo raised one arm and showed off his biceps. I rolled my eyes. “There goes my appetite.”
“Jason’s been teaching me his workouts. Maybe I should join the PBA.”
“Alright.” Mama put an arm around his shoulders—a comical sight given Lonzo had to be a foot taller than her. “Can we have just one basketball player in the family?”
Ate and I looked at each other as they walked to the dining table. She pressed her lips together, but they trembled like she was holding back a smile.
Linking my arm with hers, I whispered, “Jason’s part of the family now.”
“Shh,” she hissed. “Don’t start, or Papa might ask us about getting married again . We’ve been together for just over a year!”
“You are practically living together, and this is the Philippines.”
She narrowed her eyes at me. “Should I mention how close you’ve gotten to Gabe?”
That had me clamping my mouth shut.
Throwing me a smirk, Ate pulled me back to the rest of our family. “Welcome home, Lu.”
How are things there?
Papa just asked Jason when he’s proposing to Ate
Who won the bet?
I did I said he’d ask during dessert hahaha
Congrats. What did Jason say?
Mama ordered Papa to get the gifts in their room before Jason could say anything
He must be relieved.
He’s just laughing. Ate’s pissed hahaha
“You guys!” I ran my fingers across the buttery soft fabric of the dress Ate and Jason gifted me. Not only did it feel heavenly, the design and cut were exactly my style. It featured dainty pastel florals and had spaghetti straps, a V neckline, and a flowy midi skirt. “It’s beautiful. Thank you so much.”
Leaning toward Ate, I gave her a hug, then reached across her to do the same with Jason.
“We saw it at the mall and instantly thought of you,” Ate said. “I hope I got the size right.”
“It looks perfect.” This was the first new dress I’d had in a while. I’d been so determined to cut down my expenses that I’d stopped shopping for myself unless absolutely necessary. I couldn’t wait to find the perfect time to wear it.
Mama lifted the vintage green and orange silk scarf I’d thrifted for her. “Luna, this is gorgeous.” Her smile held a touch of sadness. “Your lola would have loved it.”
That was exactly why I bought it. After losing her hair during chemo, Lola added scarves to her wardrobe. Mama did the same after Lola passed away.
Putting my dress on the sofa, I sat on the armrest beside Mama and wrapped my arm around her shoulders. “It will look great on you.”
She rubbed my forearm as I leaned my head on hers. “Thank you, Luna.”
On her other side, Papa cleared his throat. “This looks fancy,” he said as he studied the tie I got him.
“Try wearing it with a plain shirt,” I told him. “It will give you a very respectable vibe.”
His forehead creased as he seemed to weigh my words. Finally, he nodded, and I released the breath I’d been holding. “Okay. Salamat, anak.”
Papa’s gruff thank you put a lump in my throat. It felt like a badge of approval, though he hadn’t said so outright.
“You’re welcome, Papa.” I dipped my head at him because he had never been one for hugs. Then I returned to the couch and sat on something solid.
My phone.
“Oh.” I pulled it out from under my butt and the screen lit up, revealing I’d gotten a new message from Gabe.
I can imagine. I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself.
I grinned like I often did when he texted. But as I read his words, my smile fell. I pictured him working at his desk with a drink, and my chest squeezed at knowing he was celebrating Christmas on his own. He would have hated me feeling bad for him, but I wished he had someone to spend the holiday with.
Even if it were another woman?
A burning sensation settled in my stomach as I imagined him having an candlelit dinner with a faceless woman—someone older, smarter, more successful than I was. They could share his favorite alcohol because he wouldn’t have to worry about her age and maybe she’d spend the night because they were attracted to each other and there was nothing standing in their way.
A heavy elbow nudged my arm. “What’s wrong with you?” Lonzo asked.
Quickly turning my phone upside down, I smiled. “Nothing.”
His gaze fixated on my phone. “Are you texting that guy?”
“Shh!” I whispered, glancing at my parents to check if they heard him. Luckily, they were busy listening to Jason explain how to use the smart home entertainment system he’d got them.
Lonzo glowered at me. “What happened to he just drove me to Atlanta because of Ate ?”
“Lonzo, not now,” I hissed as my stomach full-on rioted.
“If Papa knew?—”
“I said, not now .”
“Lu.” Ate got up from the sofa where she’d been sitting next to Jason. “Can you come with me to our room real quick?”
Jumping to my feet, I said, “Sure.” As we left the living area, I gave Lonzo a look of warning that I hoped would keep him quiet.
“You okay?” Ate asked, concern furrowing her brow.
“Yeah, Lonzo’s just giving me a tough time over Gabe.”
“Why, did something happen with him?”
“We were texting and—” The vision of him with that imaginary woman returned to my mind, and I shrugged it off. “I’m just sad Gabe’s alone for Christmas.”
Ate nodded slowly. “I checked with him earlier, and he said he’s catching up on work. That’s his default mode, but at least he made birthday plans for a change.”
“I guess so,” I murmured, biting my lip. “Anyway, do you need my help with anything?”
“Ah, no—you just looked like you needed an out. But there’s another gift for you in the closet.”
I paused with my hand on the doorknob. “You didn’t have to get me another one.”
She seemed to be fighting back a grin. “It’s not from me.”
Huh? Who . . . ?
My eyes grew round as it hit me.
No. He didn’t.
“I need to pee,” she said, leaving me to open the door to our room in a jittery haze.
I headed straight for the closet and yanked it open. A large, flat present wrapped in gold rested on top of my suitcase.
My heart pounded in my ears as I unlocked my phone and called Gabe.
He answered after the first ring. “Luna.”
“We said we weren’t exchanging gifts till we saw each other,” I blurted out.
Silence. And then he said, “I thought it would be useful for your trip. Are you done celebrating with your family?”
“No, but Ate told me to check my closet.”
“Did you open it already?”
“Not yet.”
“Good. Go spend time with your family. Afterward, you can open it and let me know what you think.”
“I’m sure I’ll love it.”
“You don’t even know what it is yet.”
“I’ll love it because you got it for me,” I said with maybe more honesty and feeling than I should have. But it was the truth, and he deserved to know.
His breath hitched, and mine seemed to catch in my throat. “Just like that, huh?”
“I remember you saying something similar last Christmas.”
He chuckled, and I squeezed my eyes shut at the pure joy that shot through me.
I would give anything to hear his laughter multiple times a day. The lightness it carried made my heart expand.
“You should go back out.”
Definitely. Because if I talked to him any longer, I might just say things neither of us were ready for.
My loneliness disappeared at the sound of Luna’s voice. Every word she said danced in my ears after we hung up, warming me better than the bottle of cachaca I’d opened.
I refilled my glass and leaned back in my armchair. The leather upholstery molded to my body perfectly—a detail I had never noticed before but now screamed of how often I sat here. Working. If I were to clock in those hours, how many weeks, months, years of my life would they add up to? How much had I missed out on in the process?
My eyes lifted to the rocks glass sitting next to the books on my shelf. I hadn’t used it, though I caught myself staring at it from time to time. The gift was too important to risk breaking.
As I sipped my drink, I went through my emails and tried to ignore how my gaze kept flicking to my message thread with Luna. She hadn’t replied to my last message, so she was probably still with her family.
I couldn’t wait to find out what she thought of my gift. I would have wanted to see her reaction, but the timing worked out better this way. There was something satisfying about catching her off-guard. She never seemed to expect anyone to make a special effort for her, which was not what I had expected from someone I’d thought was a spoiled princess.
It compelled me to make up for every negative thought I'd had about her.
I just opened your gift!!
It’s so nice and light! And the yellow?? I love it, Gabe. Thank you so so much
Just texting coz Lonzo’s here in the room and my parents are still outside
No wonder she hadn’t called. I wished I could hear the breathless lilt of her voice and the stream of thoughts she unleashed when she was excited. Better yet, see the way her entire body lit up when she was happy.
But what mattered was that she liked the bag. I’d spent hours comparing models and reading reviews to find one that was not only sturdy and functional but visually appealing too. Something that suited her.
Your backpack needed a back-up. And the color is you.
That might be the best compliment I’ve ever gotten from you!
How pathetic was it that me equating the color yellow to Luna was the best praise I’d given her?
It was unacceptable.
I’ll do better , I typed out. Then I paused. Did it sound like I was coming on to her? It felt like I was treading the fine line between being a good friend and a creepy old man, and I didn’t possess the skills to distinguish which side I was tipping over to.
So I erred on the side of safety and deleted my initial message.
I’m glad you like it. Merry Christmas, Luna.
Maybe I couldn’t tell her what I wanted to. That didn’t mean I couldn’t show her instead.