chapter forty
Are you okay?
Me?? What about YOU?? Kai said people are talking about you
I knew I shouldn’t have asked you to go
I’m alright, Luna. I wouldn’t have missed your birthday for the world.
I had just sent Luna the message when the office door slammed open.
“You quit?” Max almost shouted.
Nora moved fast. Given the circumstances, I couldn’t blame her, though I’d wanted to tell Max myself.
I put my phone down and turned to him. “I resigned, yes. I’m sorry you found out before I could talk to you.”
Yanking over the chair next to mine, Max slumped into it. “What the hell, man? A heads-up would have been nice.”
His voice held a hurt tone that prickled at my conscience. “I planned to tell you in person, but it looks like Nora beat me to it.”
“She caught me coming out of class and told me. I figured that was why you wanted to meet,” Max said. “I know I questioned whether you really wanted this degree, but I didn’t think you’d resign . Who will I bother now?”
“I’ll still be around. I just won’t be on campus anymore.” Not in the same capacity, at least. If things went well with Luna, I planned to be a regular fixture in the parking lot.
“It won’t be the same.” He pouted. “I won’t be able to nag you about hanging out, and you’ll forget me completely.”
“I won’t. You still owe me an introduction to Paul,” I reminded him because he’d promised to, and also to distract him from becoming sentimental. After getting a dose of that from Nora, I wasn’t ready for more.
“Ah, that’s right! He’s been looking forward to meeting you since our master’s years. He’s not going to believe you quit,” Max said. “Hang on. Why did you resign? Nora told me she’d leave you to explain.”
Gratitude rushed into me at Nora’s discretion. It would have been easy to use my reasons as fodder for gossip, and I had no doubt other people would, but I’d been right to trust her. “Two things,” I began.
“Wait, let me guess. You realized you want to focus on your consultancy?”
I nodded.
“I knew it. You’re going to take over the investment world and become filthy rich.”
“I’m prioritizing my career fulfillment.”
His chuckle contradicted his head shaking. “That could be your tagline. So what’s the second reason?”
“Relational fulfillment.” That didn’t sound too sappy, did it?
Max stared at me, his eyes growing larger by the second. Then he gasped. “It’s true, isn’t it? I overheard some girls squealing about how you were making out with a student in a club.”
At least they’d kept it to kissing. That was tamer compared to the rumors I’d feared.
Max crossed his legs and swung the top one back and forth. “I thought it couldn’t be true because you’ve never struck me as an exhibitionist. You’re only the most private, self-controlled man I know.”
“I appreciate the vote of confidence.” I drummed my fingers on the arm of my chair. “The truth is, I went to a club for a student who was celebrating her birthday with her friends.”
“Don’t tell me. It’s your friend’s sister, right? Luna Reyes. You asked to switch our classes so she wouldn’t be in yours.”
“Good memory,” I murmured.
He burst out laughing. “You never did that before or since. How could I forget it?”
“Nothing was going on at that time.” We weren’t even friends back then. How things had changed—and thankfully so.
“No wonder you were so evasive about your dating life. Does this mean you’re together now?”
I rubbed the back of my neck. “We’re working things out.”
To my surprise, he didn’t press, only nodded. “I understand. Look, I know Nora probably asked this already, but just in case—are you sure about resigning? Miss Reyes wasn’t your student, and she’s graduating next year. It shouldn’t be an issue.”
“I’m sure. Whatever happens with me and Luna, it’s time.” I flattened my palms on the armrest.
Max gave a dramatic sigh. “You couldn’t wait until the semester was over? You had to dump more work on me?” His smirk told me he didn’t mind as much as his words made it sound.
“I wasn’t planning on it, but with the rumors, it seemed best for everyone involved.”
“Except me.”
“I’ll stock you up on enough beer to get you through finals week.”
He snorted. “That’ll do . . . to start. Damn. I still can’t believe it.”
“It hasn’t fully sunk in either.”
“It’s the end of the Professor Hottie era,” Max said.
A full-on shudder traveled through my body, and it set Max’s laughter off.
“That’s what Paul knows you as, by the way,” he told me helpfully.
I was never living that down, even after I left campus. “Forget my number, Thorpe.”
Still chortling, he said, “It’s just too good.”
As I waited for him to compose himself, I wondered how Luna’s shift was going. Tala’s experiences with the social media rumor mill came back to me, spiking my worries over Luna. Neither of us warranted that much attention, but who knew what college gossips were capable of?
“Okay, okay.” Max pulled himself together, running a palm down his chest. “How do you want me to respond if anyone asks about you leaving?”
“Just say that I have other priorities.” They could read what they wanted into it. They could run my name to the ground, for all I cared. As long as they steered clear of Luna’s.
“So since you’re retiring from academia, can I schedule that double date now?”
My nerves seemed to stretch tighter with every person who came into the store. Anytime someone looked at me weirdly, I wondered whether they’d heard about me and Gabe, and that set off another wave of stressing over the possibility of him losing his job.
Closing time couldn’t come soon enough. The minute I’d switched over the sign on the door, I yanked out my phone and checked my messages.
From my group chat with Kriz and Chloe?—
Lulu, don’t freak but people are talking about Gabe. Apparently someone stole a pic of him at the club?? But there’s nothing of you two so no need to worry!!
What are they gonna do, fire the man for having a social life?
From Kai?—
I’m sorry about earlier. I shouldn’t have gone off at you like that.
Even my brother threw something into the mix?—
Hey, can we talk? Lmk when you’re free.
And finally, from Gabe?—
Wrapping up in the faculty office. I’ll pass by for you after your shift.
Each message added more weight to my chest. I couldn’t seem to get enough air no matter how hard my lungs worked. I’d been looking forward to the walk home so I could clear my mind and pull myself together, only to find out that Gabe had a different plan.
As much as I loved the thought of him waiting for me, I needed time for myself, and I’d already told him I’d meet him at home. It felt like he’d disregarded my words. That, on top of everything else, made me feel smothered, and Chloe’s voice echoed in my head, reminding me to stand up for myself.
I rushed to call Gabe in case he was already heading here. The last thing we needed was for someone to spot us together and add fuel to the flame. He of all people should have thought of that, with how carefully he guarded his reputation.
“Luna,” he answered after one ring. “Are you okay?”
The worry in his voice tamped down my annoyance. “I’m fine, what about you? Kriz told me there’s a photo of you from the club—did you get into any trouble?”
“I’m alright. Let’s talk about it later. Are you done with work? I’ll go there now.”
“No, don’t,” I protested. “You can’t come here. What if someone sees you?”
“Then they see me.”
His nonchalance sent anxiety swirling in my stomach. “What do you mean? You’re the one who always wanted to keep your distance in school.”
“It doesn’t matter anymore. I’ll tell you everything when I see you.” There was the sound of a door closing, and he said, “I’m on my way.”
My hand tightened around my phone as if I could gain control of the situation by doing so. Logic told me to go along with Gabe since he’d already waited for me, but my instincts warned it was a bad idea. In the state I was in, I wouldn’t be fit for company, let alone a serious conversation.
“I want to walk home,” I blurted out before I could second-guess myself.
He paused and then answered, “Alright. If that’s what you want, then I’ll walk with you.”
“No, Gabe.” Frustration roughened my voice, making my words come out harsher. I sucked in a breath and tried to speak evenly. “Look, I appreciate you waiting for me, but I just . . . I need a breather, okay? I need to be alone for a bit.”
Silence thrummed across the line. “Okay,” he finally said, and I swore I could feel his confusion. “Of course. Do you still want to talk later, or?—”
“Yes, I do. I want to see you, Gabe,” I stressed because I didn’t want him to draw the wrong conclusions. “Can you wait for me at home?”
“Of course,” he answered right away. “I’ll wait as long as you want me to.”
His words wrapped around me like a warm hug, easing the knot in my chest. “Thank you. I promise I’ll be there in around thirty minutes.”
“Take your time. I’ll see you at your place.”
“See you.”
“Stay safe, Luna.”
Despite my earlier annoyance, my heart couldn’t help but melt because of this man and how he tried to take care of me. My feelings for him felt so much bigger than I thought possible that I wondered if I had the capacity to contain them without them taking over me entirely.
Whatever this was I had going with Gabe, I didn’t want to lose myself or my independence in the process. I just had to find the right way to explain my fears to him without sounding like I had one foot out the door.