The Omega Archives, Part Three Chapter 2 11%
Library Sign in

Chapter 2




I was still in the city, or at least close enough to the main city that I could tell the further I was driven away in a van towards the closest, and from what I understood, most sought after, Omega Academy.

The iron gates cut the large expanse of campus off from the rest of the world. The grounds were like a campus, but more exclusive, hidden within swaths of trees as if some sort of fairytale or wonderland someone could dream up as a child to be whisked off to before going on a big adventure.

If I was a young, new omega, I wonder if my reaction would’ve been different. I wonder if my heart would’ve stuttered in awe and hope rather than anxiety.

The van door swung open and a gust of fresh air hit me.


Oh, right. Slowly I shifted out from my seat and stood on solid ground. Looking around, there were already a few people wandering the property, fluttering into buildings before disappearing again.

Except for the one older woman walking towards us. Her hair was slicked back into a tight bun and her clothes looked much like what the more senior librarians wore at work, though more expensive.

“Just on time!” she called. “I’m glad we could schedule getting you in so quickly before the final term.”

“Yes,” Jessica spoke for me. “It was a good thing that we managed to catch you on a good day.”

“Indeed.” Her eyes glanced towards me, narrowing. “Is this?”

“This is Omega Ella.”

She paused, still looking over me. “Ah.”

Clearing her throat, Jessica called the woman’s gaze back to her own. Unspoken words seemed to pass between them that I couldn’t decipher.

I narrowed my eyes at the exchange.

“Of course.” The older woman’s gaze turned to me now, taking a step closer. Once she did, I could smell it. It was odd to smell someone so instinctively, but I didn’t even try. I could detect the lightest small scent of an omega’s perfume. It wasn’t as potent I was sure as mine, but still there. This woman was an omega. “My name is Omega Olverti. I’m the headmistress here at the academy. If you have any problems, which let’s see that you don’t, you will report to me.”

I nodded.

“Good. Let’s get you inside and settled, shall we?”

Jessica followed behind as we walked, keeping a close eye on me.

Did she think I was going to run? I mean, it wasn’t completely out of the question, but the wrought iron gates would sure be a deterrent. But I wasn’t going to risk being taken somewhere else. I wouldn’t let myself become a drugged-up omega seriously pawned off to anyone who cared enough to have an omega for no reason other than the status of it.

To use me.

This place might’ve not been the best choice that I’d make, but it was the choice I was given. It was this and the chance of seeing Prestford pack again, or losing hope altogether.

I’d get out of here.


“You will attend classes throughout the day. You will have a schedule similar to other omegas at your age and we encourage you to catch up with them,” explained the Head Mistress as we picked up the pace, following her across the path as she waved her hand here and there towards different buildings. “As an omega, there are certain expectations. I am sure that you are unaware of them. Please. Understand them. Live them.”

I faced forward, continuing to walk as the small tirade of suggestions was tossed back towards me and Jessica who was continuing to follow at my back.

For a woman who wasn't very pleasant, she sure talked a lot. I followed the headmistress along until we came to one building and she turned back towards me.

“Now, these are the Omega dorms. We prefer to call them residence Halls as they will be your home while you stay with us.”

I looked up at the grand building another small castle in the land of many on campus it was pretty as if in a bubble pretty little prison following her inside the place was quiet save for a few voices here and there she didn't pause before leaving me up the stairs when we came to a door she turned back to me.

“Once again as I said you must follow our rules here. You will have a roommate until you decide otherwise and settle in as one of the older students we have here,” said Omega Olverti. “Usually that comes as a privilege of advancing as an omega, but you’re in a… different situation than we have had in the past.”

Open the door and she waited for me to step inside first.

I wasn't sure what I was expecting. It wasn't a cell exactly but I surely didn't expect what I saw in front of me. Two beds were inside the wide open room there was one window with heavy curtains as if to block the light two wardrobes and on the one bed, mine had no blankets or sheets except for the ones that were gently folded on the mattress.

On the other side of the room, it looks like an Omega Beyond Outlet threw up. There were tons of blankets comforters and soft blankets knitted blankets terry cloth towel-like blankets whoever was in this room with me, whoever my roommate was going to be surely had a fixation I wondered where she got them all.

Would I get some pillows?

I forced myself to stop thinking about it looking around the places I trailed my fingers across the desk and the books that were out there as well everything was here for me I couldn't think of anything I was missing there was even a toothbrush waiting for me as if they knew I'd need it the headmistress cleared her throat there are clothes and uniforms within the Wardrobe you will wear your uniform to classes as does everyone else other clothes may use during leisure time and if we go off the property.

I turn back to her. “Off the property?”

Oliverti nodded. “Another privilege as of now you will not have that privilege you may earn it just like anyone else your stature.”

Clearly, by the way, she said it. I was never going to earn that privilege. Not that I expected to.

Of course.

Because if I got off the property I would run. I’d have to. It would be all too easy to escape them then. I just had to figure out how to make it happen.

Make them trust me.

I shuffled my feet, biting my lip.

Jessica’s face turned concerned as she watched me with something akin to happiness a minute ago as if she could see my shock over the small yet generous room. “Omega Ella, are you all right?”

There was a commotion behind her and I quickly turned to look over her shoulder. She said I believe that's your roommate now. I waited as The Click and Clack of Shoes came up the stairs to the doorway and a petite, curvy omega stood in front of me.

Her eyes widened. I was pretty sure mine did as we saw each other for the first time. Or, not the first time.

Not at all.

Neither of us said a word.

“Please take your time to acquaint yourself with your roommate. Omega Ella, please meet Omega Wolf.”

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