T he courting days were arriving faster than I ever thought before.
If not for the constant reminders in all of the classes that seemed to be wrapped up like the end of the year in a normal school, then the chattering omegas were another sign.
All of them were excited. They were hoping to see what was outside in the world by finding an alpha, and hopefully quickly when courting came.
They murmured about all the things they would do and how they would never become a courting repeater like some of the outcasted omegas who overstayed their welcome at the academy which truly made little sense to me.
Sure, alphas were rare, but omegas were even more so.
How were omegas not being paired? Chosen?
That question swirled through my mind along with the question everyone mostly spoke of. What they planned to wear for the first day of courting.
Traditionally, it was just a day of omegas slowly gathering their bearings and starting to speak to alpha suitors, as I was told.
What I wasn’t told was that my handler who promised me the best experience ever at the Omega Academy to also be glued to my side.
The moment she saw me standing in my pressed slacks and a flowy lilac blouse that Lidya let me borrow, she made her way to my side and hadn’t left since everyone started to go outside onto the grounds.
“You look so healthy,” Jessica said upon seeing me.
Staring at the ground, I narrowed my eyes. “Thank you.”
“I just mean,” she shook her head. “I’m happy to see that it appears that you are in good health and doing well here at the academy,” she said.
I nodded, looking around as she continued to ramble. But, it didn’t look like Jessica was at all out of place at this event. There were more than a few handlers it looked like from Omega Services in their pressed dress shirts and sleek hairdos.
“You know…” said Jessica, leading me further down the path. I didn’t pay attention to what she said.
In the near distance, I could see a few other omegas already set up on what looked like picnic blankets. All of them were out of uniform in soft pinks and blues. Many of them were wearing dresses and sweaters layered over their shoulders, perfectly put together. They were snacking on what was likely the most delicious chocolate cakes that were perfectly bite-sized.
I eyed them closely.
The woman next to me chuckled. “Let’s find a spot so you can get comfortable.”
“Get comfortable?” I asked.
“Didn’t they go over the expectations of the day with you?” Jessica asked me. Clearly, my face said it all. “It’s okay. Like I said a minute ago, this is my first courting season too. Everything is new and exciting. Today is sort of the first look between courting alphas and omegas who are coming to the school.”
“They know who is courting?” I thought this was a blind sort of meeting.
“Some more than others, of course,” Jessica said.
Of course, they did. Just like Benjamin Davinson would know that I was here.
“Many of the alphas might’ve briefly met the omegas in the past while they were home with their families or through some of the outside showcases that the school opens up to. I believe that is how your roommate got into a bit of trouble with a few alphas.”
“Wolf Pack.”
“Yes. They came to see the art show the school hosted,” said Jessica, as if I didn’t already know the story.
The longer I spent around Lidya, the more she didn’t shut up about her pack.
I was certain that once this year was over and she didn’t have to be stuck behind the school walls, she would be in utter heaven fawning over her alphas to her heart’s content, just like she wanted to from the moment she scented them at her art showcase where Rylan had first been admiring her art.
And the rest was history.
“Here we are,” Jessica said, waving me down towards one of the picnic blankets that was a light blue gingham spread out over the grass. “You will remain here.”
“I don’t have to do anything?”
“Not today,” Jessica said with a smile as if I was amusing. “Today you get to sit back and relax. If anyone is interested in talking with you based on your scent or maybe just because you look like a very fetching omega with plenty to chat about, they can approach you. If you dislike them or would like them to leave, that is why I am here.”
Huh. For some reason, I didn’t think this entire thing would be so… calm. Easy?
At least for now.
And maybe it would be for the rest of the afternoon because as I sat there where I was told with my legs crossed out in front of me, I couldn’t help but feel nice. The sun was on my face and there was a gentle breeze that kept me cool, which lately felt like a feat.
I was constantly in and out of my heat flashes– though I didn’t want to talk about that.
I didn’t want to think about it. I refused when I knew what it meant. That the real heat was bound to happen and likely sooner rather than later and when it did.
The memory of the pain I endured as a child, locked in my basement as I suffered and felt like I was being boiled alive from the inside out before running from the Davinson’s flashed in my head.
I quickly shook myself out of it, trying not to stress.
“Are you alright, Omega Elena?”
I nodded.
I glanced up to where the voice came from. A man stood in front of me wearing, of all things, a suit. Or at least, it was a suit. At some point, he must’ve noticed that he was a bit overdressed compared to everyone else and lost the jacket which was now slung over his forearm.
I blinked at him for perhaps a moment too long. “Oh, hi.”
He offered a small smile. “May I…”
May he? Oh, right. Could he sit?
I didn’t know… Inhaling a deep breath, I caught the alpha’s distinct scent of eucalyptus mint which was somehow sweet and also calming at the same time.
Jessica next to me cleared her throat. “Would you like Alpha Anderson to sit with you, Omega Elena?”
Before I realized what I was saying, the answer was already out between us. “Sure.”
Alpha Anderson smiled, happily, yet awkwardly, bending down to sit on the blanket with me.
“My name is Issac,” he said. “But if Alpha Anderson makes you more comfortable, Omega Elena, that is also fine. I have to admit, I noticed that you aren’t sitting with the other omegas.”
Unsure what to say, Jessica spoke up again for me. “Omega Elena has had a bit of a different upbringing that has brought her to arrive at the academy a bit later than most of her peers. She has only recently begun her education here and hasn’t formed a group to court with.”
Some omegas courted together? How did that even work? I wanted to ask but didn’t want to seem completely ignorant.
Even though I was.
“Would you like any refreshments?” Alpha Anderson asked me.
I appreciated that he was asking me directly.
His eyes were a remarkable, soft gray shade that seemed bright in comparison to his nearly pitch-black hair that was swept back from his forehead. “I suppose I should’ve done that before sitting down.”
“I can go and do that,” Jessica was already getting up with a smile. She looked between the two of us before her gaze settled on me. “As long as you are alright here, Omega Elena?”
I studied Alpha Anderson again, but he looked… harmless. “Yes.”
Jessica made her way towards the center where everyone was sitting around on the grass, leaving me alone with the alpha, but oddly enough, my heart wasn’t racing like it used to.
I felt oddly normal.
Where I once would feel like I went into fight or flight at even the mention of an alpha being close to me, suddenly, I didn’t feel that way anymore.
Maybe it was after all the exposure being with Cal and scenting his alphas to actually being with the entire Prestford Pack or talking with Lucas here, but now… I wasn’t as frightened of the word alpha anymore.
Maybe, it was becoming more and more clear, that I was frightened of a very select few alphas.
“So you’ve only recently arrived at the academy?”
“Yes,” I answered, clearing my throat. “I didn’t plan on ending up here.”
“No, I… I worked before I came here.”
“You must’ve been living in a much more…” he sought the right word. “Open area.”
As a beta? “Yeah, I guess you could say that.”
“What were you working as?” Alpha Anderson asked.
“I worked in a library, actually,” I told him. “Mostly away from everyone in the basement. I did a lot of archive projects. They were my favorite.”
I nodded.
“Why is that?” he asked, resting his chin on his first as if genuinely interested.
No one had ever asked me that before.
“Oh. I guess… I liked the history and the details of it all. I love to read too, though I don’t get to do as much as I used to, and making sure that everything was in its proper order and made sense required a lot of reading. Or at least it did for me. I sometimes got a bit distracted by all the stories.” I smiled, thinking about it. Working at Prestford University Library felt like an entirely different life.
“I like to read as well.”
“What do you like to read.”
At that, Alpha Anderson– Issac– hesitated.
“What?” I asked.
“I’m debating if I should be honest.”
I barked a laugh. He grinned at the sound as I quickly contained myself. It was odd, how easy our conversation was. “What? Are you one of those people who know their favorite book but always have a more appropriate classic at the ready to say so people are impressed.”
His smile was almost infectious with hose his cheeks produced thick creases, as if he must’ve smiled and laughed often. “Yes.”
“Give me them both then,” I said.
“Is that an order?” He raised his eyebrows.
At that, I paused, and opening my mouth I hesitated. “Oh, I’m…”
“No no. I’m sorry, I was teasing,” he quickly said. “I apologize if that didn’t come out correctly.”
I shook my head.
“I have a feeling that you have a bit more of a story beyond working in a library on how you got here, huh?” he asked.
“Sort of.”
“Hm,” he intoned. Was this where he got up and walked away? It would probably be a good place. “Well, for now, if I tell you my actual favorite book, you have to tell me yours. Fair?”
Oh. Shock pulsed in my chest. “Yeah, ok.”
“Ok. Should we do it at the same time?”
I nodded.
“Good,” he said. “One… two…”
“ The Artemis Legends ,” he said.
Just as I said, “ Knot For You .”
Both of us paused, and then, we laughed.
“The Artemis Legends?” I asked. They were kids books. Or could be considered kids books. They also had a whole movie franchise.
“I like space. You have a penchant for romances.”
I shrugged. “We were being honest.”
“We were.”
“And it was an easy question. I don’t believe in holding back my favorite books. Less of a chance someone else will find and enjoy it just as much if you don’t talk about it, which would just be sad,” I said. “How else will another sci-fi-loving child fall in love with Artemis for the rest of their lives?”
“This is very true.”
“It’s not like you were asking how I’d solve world peace or raise a family,” I said, remembering one or two of the random questions I read through with Lucas this past week in class.
“You are interested in kids?” he asked, eyebrows raising but not in a frightened way. More like he was deeply interested in my answer.
“Oh, I didn’t mean to bring it up.”
But he waited.
“I mean…” I never really thought about it before, which was likely extremely un-omega of me. “I think I would. Maybe not right away since I am getting settled but eventually yes, I do think I’d like to have one or two.”
He smiled widely. “Being a dad has been a dream of mine. Not that I’d ever push someone to have children just because it’s something I’ve thought of. There is much more to it than that.”
I chuckled at how he tried to talk.
“Here we are,” Jessica said, a plate of sweets down on the blanket along with some lemonade. It was an omega paradise of sugar.
Issac gestured for me to take one.
I immediately reached for one of the double chocolate brownie cake things I saw the other omegas snacking on earlier. I moaned the moment it hit my lips.
This might’ve been one of the most delicious things I have ever eaten in my entire life.
Issac’s cool eyes somehow turned molten as he looked at me with a smile, taking a sip of his lemonade while I continued to gorge myself on chocolate.
The rest of the afternoon went rather quickly. I expected this first courting event to drag and feel like I was a bundle of nerves, but Issac spent most of the time with me before getting up to leave, I noted, not stopping to chat with any of the other omegas which made my omega want to preen with pleasure for some reason.
However, I wanted to remind her and Jessica that I wasn’t courting exactly, even when a few other alphas paused to offer me introductions and casual “how are you” greetings.
“How much longer?” I asked Jessica.
“Only about ten minutes. If you are uncomfortable though, no one would stop us from going back inside for you to rest early,” she said.
I paused. While I had calmed down through the whole process, there was one thing I hadn’t been able to escape, and now it was coming straight for me.
The inevitable. The dreaded, Benjamin Davinson.
Almost pretending as if he was going to wander right by my spot on the grass, he turned back to look at me with a wide smirk. He leaned down as if he was going to sit.
Jessica cleared her throat. “Excuse me, Alpha Davinson, I know it is late in the day but you must ask the omega’s permission before coming into her space during the first courting.”
“Ah, right. Of course,” Benjamin said, but in a way that spoke volumes of, I couldn’t care less.
Still, Jessica waited. And I… I suddenly felt parched even though I was certain I drank probably a quart of lemonade this afternoon. Could I fake that I really had to pee and run right now?
I swallowed, knowing that maybe with Jessica, I could buy Ben… If I tried to escape this now, there was only punishment waiting to happen. So it was a choice.
I could choose this pain now so that I could stay at the academy longer, or for Benjamin to pull the funding to me being here and just taking me immediately, pretenses of class and formality be damned.
I was surprised he was still even putting up with them. Maybe it was his father who was making him.
“It’s fine,” I spoke up. “You can sit.”
With a roll of his eyes so small I knew that Jessica hadn’t seen it, Benjamin sat down in front of me. “Well, well, Omega Elena. How good it is to see you again.”
“Oh,” Jessica spoke up much to Ben’s irritation. “You two know each other?”
“Yes,” I said softly.
Benjamin agreed. “Very well in fact. I’m looking forward to getting to court Elena this season as we are both finally appearing to be on the search for our other halves. And it looks like I finally found mine after what has it been Elena? At least six years?”
Someone made an announcement back towards the center of the path and field as a final call for courting.
Jessica stood up to listen before turning back to us. “Unfortunately, we do have to get going for the day. It was good of you to stop by and properly introduce yourself to Omega Elena, Alpha Davinson.”
“Of course.” His green eyes crinkled and I swore I could smell his acidic scent grow even deeper as I stood up and promptly tripped–right over his legs.
He had just tripped me, and now, his arm had grasped mine as if saving me and pulling me against him.
“Oh gosh, aren’t you clumsy,” he said, lips against my ear. “You better remember who you are, Elena. Already today you’ve shown me what a disgrace you have become. Maybe you’ll need a few more lessons on how to be proper again once we get out of this place. Won’t we?”
My lips parted, but no sound came out.
Like the lessons I was once subjected to by him and his father when they were feeling particularly giving. Lessons where he made me watch him with other women and lessons that involved his hands on me in much worse ways than this.
“Hmm,” he breathed me in. “Looks like I might not have to wait long to break you in either into shape, Elena.”
I felt a cool hand on my elbow.
“Are you alright, Omega Elena?” Jessica asked, helping me to my feet and away from Ben. “There you are. No scuffs?”
I shook my head.
“Again, it was a pleasure, Alpha Davinson.”
He nodded, turning to walk away, but not before one more pointed look towards me.
Jessica didn’t speak until we were almost halfway back to the residence hall. “You’ve already met Alpha Davinson?”
I paused, then nodded. “We are acquainted.” I looked at Jessica again, seeing just how much of her question was honest.
Did she really not know what was going on here? With me being here? The rest of the upper staff of the academy did so I just assumed that she did as well.
“Well,” Jessica took a deep breath. “It was a long day, but I must say, I’m very proud of you.”
She was proud of me?
“You introduced yourself to some find alphas and I think the first one, Alpha Anderson seemed like a good fit. I can help you set up some courting dates if you are interested.”
“Of course,” she smiled. “That is half the fun so I hear the courting process is being courted. You go on dates and many omegas appreciate courting gifts as they decide who will best suit them before a final decision is made–”
I tried to imagine it, going on a date with Alpha Issac Anderson. He’d probably take me out to eat, or maybe to a museum since he seemed very interested in the fact that I enjoyed the history and stories during my time working in the library. He’d pay me compliments and likely start the night with flowers…
Like Cal did.
Like Cal, who had been taken away from me.
Like everything had been taken away from me.
I glanced up at her. “You really don’t see it, do you?”
“Excuse me?” Her forehead creased.
“I know you’re new and it’s not the case for everyone, but you got stuck with me.”
“I didn’t get stuck–”
I cut her off. “You got stuck with me, because your boss likely knew that you would do anything to see me off and courted so you’d have a good track record in your new handler position,” I put together. She didn’t correct me. “But there is more of a reason than just that, Jessica. So think.”
“Elena, you must be over-tired. Courting can be very stressful, especially to an omega in your predicament.”
“No.” I mean, yes, I was tired and could use a nap, but that wasn’t the point. I couldn’t stand for her to continue to lie. Not when I had to get real with myself now. I had to come up with a better plan than just, hopefully, be saved.
Because at this point, I didn’t know if my alphas were coming.
Maybe ever.
I swallowed the thickness in my throat that built like the tears behind my eyes. I wouldn't– couldn't let a single drop of water fall onto my cheeks if I was going to hold it together and get at least one person here to take me seriously.
“Just look. Look closely. If you do, you’d realize that I don’t get to have a choice.”
And I didn’t have much time any longer to hope and wait that I would be saved anymore. Not from the Prestford Pack. Certainly never from the mystically sucky Omega Services.
My forehead turned damp with sweat as I shivered.
My heat was going to come sooner rather than later.
Quickly, I turned away from the confused omega handler and headed inside to where Lidya was hopefully waiting for me upstairs.
I needed to make my choices. I needed to make a plan and a routine to get the ball rolling on whatever I had to do to make it through courting and the rest of my life, somehow.
Even now, they were all just a chance at surviving.