I thought I had more time before Benjamin came back to the academy after the last event that I could tell in his and everyone else’s eyes, didn’t go the best.
At least, I hoped that I had more time to contemplate or fully accept that I was wrong about everything and any backup hopeful plan I had was over.
The only alpha now I could say that wasn’t screwing me completely over was Lucas, and even he wasn’t quite sure what to do beyond what I already knew.
I needed to get out of here.
The Prestford pack wasn’t coming for me. Yet another set of alphas proving me right all this time. They weren’t coming for me. And the way Demetri looked at me before looking over the rest of the omegas like he could hardly even notice me at all?
It felt like a knife was slid straight between my ribs.
Of course, unfortunately, it turned out that with courting, there had to be actual… courting involved beyond the events.
Benjamin Davinson was at the top of my list of potential suitors who had to follow through with his required dates to be properly seen as an alpha in the running for my hand or whatever they wanted to call it as if I had a choice one way or the other.
Who’d have thought?
Even Jessica standing across the room from me after the headmistress went to get Alpha Davinson looked a bit confused by the situation considering my reaction the other night and how Alpha Anderson appeared to be interested in me before he got wind of Benjamin.
Benjamin pushed open the door and stood for a moment. It took me that long to realize that I should be standing too.
I walked towards him. Jessica followed.
Benjamin glanced over his shoulder. “You’ll be accompanying us.”
“That’s correct.”
“There’s no need.”
Jessica cocked her head. “It’s protocol.”
"I am aware," Benjamin's response was curt, leaving no room for argument as he led the way down the dimly lit corridor.
I fell into step beside him, acutely aware of Jessica's presence trailing behind us.
I stole a glance at Jessica, but her expression was unreadable as she maintained a professional demeanor.
Were they going to let this alpha take me somewhere when he acted like this?
Were they really going to let him take me?
I had a feeling I already knew that answer.
As we reached the entrance hall of the academy, Benjamin's pace quickened, his long strides forcing me to almost jog to keep up. The cool air hit me like a balm, a stark contrast to the heated turmoil swirling within me.
His driver opened up the car door as I was ushered inside, and then, when we passed the gates of the academy, I expected to feel relief that I was finally out from behind its walls.
But I didn’t.
All I felt was dread.
The front door of the large home shut heavily behind the three of us. Jessica moved towards one side of the room, leaving us to have space, though her face remained pinched.
I was left to follow along, after Benjamin as he snapped his fingers at me to keep up like I was a dog until I was led into a den area with books surrounding an old-fashioned fireplace, though it didn’t appear to be used in years.
But you know what? I followed. I guess that’s on me.
“What is this place?” I asked.
“My home,” he answered with a scoff.
I blinked, looking around at every detail, trying to see if I’d seen any of it before.
“You still think I would stay back on the family compound when I grew old enough to handle myself?” he asked. “This was always the plan. And now you’re here to complete it.”
“You could have any omega,” I said, trying to keep the distaste that for some reason he still chose to torment me, out of my voice.
He didn’t seem to be looking enough to care. “I could.”
“Then why me?” I asked.
“Because you’re mine,” he said, a dangerous edge to his tone, turning back to face me. “You were mine and have always been mine since I first laid eyes on you. And that’s it.”
“That’s it.”
He rolled his eyes. “And what else would there be?”
“But it’s not like…” I drifted off.
“Like what?”
“Like we’re scent matches or something,” I finally said.
The corner of his lip curved. “Ah, poor Elena. You still believe in the fairytales?”
I was pretty sure that I almost lived one. I technically still could with Lucas which was crazier still. To have one scent match was one thing, but two?
“Scent matches are rare, but mostly fabricated. Anyone can pretend or say that they love your scent more than another. Would you like me to do that?” He asked me. “I’m sorry that I didn’t to begin with. Should I tell you that your thick cherry scent makes my mouth water? When you are around I can’t breathe because I can’t get enough of your scent in my lungs?”
I pulled my arm away from him. “I don’t want your lies.”
“Then let’s make a promise to each other.”
“A promise.”
“Not to lie.”
I blinked. “You wouldn’t lie to me?” I asked in disbelief.
“When have I?” he asked.
I paused, thinking again. “You said you’d take care of me.”
“Didn’t I?”
“You beat me?” I asked though it wasn’t a question.
“I trained you. At home. With my family. With your family at the time, if I’m not mistaken,” he said. An image of Peter flashed into my mind, though I wasn’t ready to bring him up. Not yet. Not when I knew that the moment I did, whatever progress I was making here at a chance for freedom–at least an ounce of it–could be forfeit. “What’s so different about that compared to the academy you’ve been at?”
“They don’t beat their omegas?”
“No,” he said. “They just put them into isolation if they misbehave. Correct?”
“I…” I wasn’t sure.
“They take away pillows and blankets and nesting items until they feel so unsettled that they have to do whatever they must to find some comfort again in such a strange new place they’d been put since they designated.”
“It’s not the same,” I said.
“Maybe not exactly. But it all ends in the same result,” said Ben. “Doesn’t it? But you wouldn’t know that would you? Because even if you misbehave constantly for me, you somehow have that academy wrapped around your finger already.”
I didn’t know what he meant.
“From what I understand you have been progressing well at the academy.” He said, “Well, what do you have to say about that?”
I didn’t know what to say. Usually, I thought when it came to Benjamin, saying nothing was nearly always the right answer. But he seemed unusually chatty today.
“Are you shocked?” I asked.
He shrugged, dropping back onto his couch. “You think I would be.”
“I wouldn’t attempt to know what you’d think.”
“Now, for the rest of the afternoon you are going to smile and behave and pretend like we are having a fine time so that when I deliver you a proper dress for the choosing ceremony in a few days where my family will be there among everyone else, you will look like the picture-perfect omega I was always meant to have or else anyone you have ever come in contact with over the past few years could very well be in a position you’d rather they not be in.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Now that the Prestfords are playing along nicely by the looks of things, I can’t do much about them. But I can do something about your little beta friend you had at the university. I hear that she's interested in a teaching position at some of the top universities. Unsure if that will work out of her.”
“And your other omega friend back at the academy and her disgraceful pack of alphas. Well, they’d be all too easy to wipe away. It wouldn’t take more than a wave of my hand to have them… removed in one way or another.”
He couldn’t even be suggesting…
“Oh and let’s not forget the young alpha I’ve been told has been spending more than enough time with you on campus lately,” he said with a raise of his eyebrows. “Now that just doesn’t sit well with someone of my satire to have my omega speaking to any other alpha but me. Did you forget that?”
I stared at him and before I could think of saying anything– he was threatening everyone including Lucas– his hand gripped the back of my neck, pressing me closer to him until I was nearly face down on the floor in a submissive pose.
“Let’s try again. Did you forget?”
“I didn’t think so. Let’s not forget again. Now what are you going to do at the choosing ceremony?”
“Wear the dress you get me.”
This one I knew by heart by now. “Not embarrass you.”
“Good girl,” he said, though it didn’t ring at all sweet. “Do we understand each other?”
Not answering, I nodded, feeling my breath against the hardwood.
My heart felt heavy as lead. I could hear every beat it made, pounding in my chest all the way back to the academy. Even Jessica looked concerned back at me a few times, trying to make small talk I didn’t return.
“It must feel nice, however, to get out of the academy. Though of course, it was an unusual situation for a courting date traditionally,” she mused.
I glared at her. “Stop.”
“I’m just…”
“No,” I said. “Jessica, you’re just trying to make yourself feel better and keep liking your job. I get it. That’s fine. But just be quiet.”
She remained silent. “I heard what he said to you. In the house, I was listening.”
I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a bit shocked.
“You knew him before?”
“I told you,” I said. “Some of us don’t get a choice. Mine was made when I was barely fifteen.”
“He beat you.”
I stared at Jessica, waiting for more. “And?”
“And?” She gasped as if startled by my answer. It was as if she was hoping that I was going to deny it.
“And…” I led on, continuing. “Would you like to hear the rest of what he’s done to me as well?”
She didn’t answer so I plowed ahead. I was miserable and confused and frustrated, and you know what? Misery really did love company.
“They paid for me. Like I was a prize cow or no better than some stray on the street. They promised me food, housing, and clothes which my family couldn’t provide me because we were desperate and then they kept me away from the world and from the sun and from my brother who was trying to keep me safe and thought we had everything under control.”
“They beat me when I misbehaved and wasn’t a “proper” omega. They made me watch them to know how to “properly” please them when I finally went into my first heat. They made me run for my life while I was in it and suffer through it alone because I sure as hell wouldn’t have wanted to suffer with them. They were the ones that made me live my life in hiding afterward because when I went to an Omega Haven, they only called them back up to come and get me like I was a lost animal. But I made it out even though it was hard. I somehow was doing ok for the past six years without anyone including Omega Services watching out for me.”
Jessica’s lips were parted as she listened to the shortened version of my story that maybe didn’t even make sense as it flowed from my lips in a waterfall of anger.
“I was happy–happy enough,” I muttered through clenched teeth and tears. I thought I was mad before after all this time, but this, this for some reason took the cake. “And then alphas ruined it. You ruined it. But luckily, soon whether I want to be or not, I’ll be off your caseload and out of your hands, but you won’t forget me. I’m certain of it. I hope I haunt your dreams, Omega Handler Jessica. You’ll haunt mine.”