L idya helped Lucas and I find time to be together whenever we could. It was the only thing that was keeping me somewhat sane as the week went on and it was becoming more and more clear that after weeks of making fake plans that would never work, there was only going to be one thing I could do.
I was going to be Benjamin Davinson’s bonded omega.
And there was nothing I could do about it.
Maybe eventually he would get truly bored of me. Or maybe I could fake my death and run away or something. Maybe I could find a way to see Lucas who was getting more and more agitated as our fate we thought we could break was starting to become real the closer the choosing ceremony at the academy for alphas and omegas who made a connection got.
“What if we just go to the office and tell the headmasters.”
“Tell them what?”
“That we are scent-matched!” said Lucas one day as he paced back and forth. “That has to mean something, doesn’t it? It would be to Omega Services, right? They believe in that kind of stuff still.”
“Maybe,” I conceded, without emotion.
But then again, he didn’t know omega services like I do. Maybe it would make a difference like it did for Lidya, but for me?
I was pretty sure that at the end of this week, according to Omega Services, there was going to be no record of me ever again if the Davinsons had things nicely wrapped up in a bow the way they wanted to.
I didn’t want to think about any of this stuff, even though I could see just how much it was bothering Lucas.
All I wanted was to hold him and for him to hold me and make every second count since every time he left at the end of our sneaking visits, I sobbed for hours until Lidya was starting to look concerned, only able to offer me a cool washcloth to help with the swelling I caused before I sent myself into another heat flash which was getting more intense every time.
It wasn’t going to be long now until my heat was for real. And it was making sure that I knew, it was going to be a doozy.
My previously well-rested face returned to one with deep lavender circles under its eyes again. I hadn’t seen them in a while.
When the dress came from Benjamin Davinson, I stared at it in the box for a long time.
He probably had one of his assistants pick it out. Perhaps, his mother who I’d met long ago and couldn’t remember saying anything other than “yes, alpha” or “of course, alpha” had a hand in deciding.
But I didn’t expect it to be red.
Lidya helped me get the dress on after twisting my hair into a low chignon that was a little lopsided. A few strands of hair were already escaping over my ears. The fabric was snug and hugged my waist tightly until I couldn’t breathe.
“There,” said Lidya, quietly, once I was finally zipped in. She leaned over my shoulder and looked at us in the mirror.
The other day, she started to pack up her things on her side of the room. It wouldn’t just be me leaving once the choosing ceremony was over. Her time at the academy was finally up.
Soon, Lidya would be with her alphas. She’d be happy and healthy and living the life she should’ve been for a year now as an artist studying at the university every day instead of splitting her time. I bet she would make waves.
I bet no one was going to be able to stand in her way.
Eventually, the dread came on full force.
Already some of the omegas were getting louder, the doors slamming throughout the residence halls as they were escorted out from their rooms to the choosing ceremony where some would likely not be sleeping in their academy nests ever again after tonight.
At the knock at my door, three short and one long.
Lidya gave me a soft, sad smile, though I could see she was trying to hide it. “I’ll give you guys some time.”
“Thank you,” I said, watching as she moved across the room towards the door.
She opened it up to reveal the alpha that could much easier move about campus tonight with attention turned elsewhere, though I was beginning to see that Lucas was simply good at hiding no matter what.
My sly alpha.
My chest hurt just looking at him and now… I was going to have to say goodbye.
“Hey,” he greeted Lidya. “How are you.”
“We’re doing ok,” she answered, glancing over her shoulder at me. “I’ll leave you two to it.”
The door shut behind her, leaving Lucas and I in a stagnant silence for a period that could’ve been a minute or an hour. But I couldn’t take my eyes off him. I tried to memorize every little detail from the mess of his hair to the way his eyes still somehow sparkled even when they were pained.
“You look…” he drifted off, breath shaking.
“Thank you,” I said, knowing what he was trying to say. Appreciated the normalcy of it all. Especially since he was maybe one of the only people beyond Cal who said it outright to me before.
I did, after all, look beautiful.
I mean, who wouldn’t look at least a little stunning in such an expensive dress? It may not have been the garment I’d have chosen for myself, but I had never worn anything like it. It also felt like I was walking to my funeral in it.
A tight, red dress didn’t quite feel proper for this or that event either, however. Especially not as I looked towards the window where I saw the rest of the omegas rushing to the main building, their puffy tulle pink and yellow dresses catching under the last bits of daylight as the sun went down in streaks of color they mimicked.
Light and flowy and simply pretty. Romantic.
Like little fairytale princesses finding their princes.
Luckily, I was used to feeling out of place. And from this point on, romance would be the last thing on my mind.
I was trying to revert even as I stood in my scarlet red dress, imagining it as armor. I was going into the choosing ceremony not as an omega with hearts in her eyes, but as one who knew what it took to survive.
And would survive again.
“I should be going with you,” Lucas brought my attention back to him.
I shook my head. “No. We both know that we can’t do that.”
“I could. God, Ella,” he ran his hand through his hair, mussing it up straight at the front of his head even more than it was. A single curl twisted towards his temples.
The happy-go-lucky alpha I first met was no longer in front of me. Over the past few weeks he’d been torn apart, and I felt more than a little guilty about that and the part I unfortunately played in it.
He reached out and cupped the sides of my face. “I love you. I can’t imagine this life now without you in it. I know fate is funny and stupid, but I’m starting to believe in it, with you.”
“I…” I hesitated and shook my head. Unsure or not, I needed to say it. I was always unsure. Always hesitant. And for what? “I love you, Lucas. I’m so sorry. You’re going to make some omega happy someday. Any girl. But please, don’t waste your time on me. Who knows, you could have another scent match out there.”
“You think that?”
“Just be happy,” I said. “One of us has to be. Right? Scent match or not.”
“I don’t think that’s what it means.”
“Why can’t it?” He didn’t answer. His brow was creased and face drawn. “Promise me? You’ll let me go and choose life and happiness?”
He paused and nodded. “I’m going to choose happiness. For you.”
I held his hands tightly, biting the inside of my cheek to stop the emotions from surfacing for him to see. “Good.”
The room looked like a dark romantic ball where people were dancing and there was a stage at the center where I had been told that alphas would publicly proclaim their claim upon an omega if she would have them.
As if they had a choice.
Or I guess I should rephrase that. As if I had a choice. There were likely many omegas here who were happy about how things turned out for them. Maybe they even met an alpha they had easily fallen head over heels for in the past month when they were taken out on courting dates and delivered expensive gifts. Perhaps that is why there were so many dimly lit corners in here as well as air circulation to keep scents from lingering too long for which I was sure we were all grateful.
Especially me, considering every scent made me want to sneeze or physically revolt the past few days as my heat grew closer than ever.
But I tried not to think about it still. As much as I could, anyway.
I itched at the back of my neck, trying not to fidget uncomfortably as I walked into the main building of the academy where even more people were than usual. The courting ceremony wasn’t just a celebration for those involved. It was an alpha and omega community event with most families also here to fawn over their children and praise them for what would end up more like an engagement or even a marriage depending on how they felt about hosting a big wedding.
Which, most of these families would likely have in the end for more pomp and circumstance.
I already heard some omegas back at the hall talking about what kind of dress they planned on shopping for and what kind of flowers would best enhance their scents the day of. They were also speaking about other things for tonight and the many nights after when they couldn’t wait to begin serving and being with their alphas at last.
The moment they had been waiting for since finding out they were omegas, most of them.
“There you are.”
I was taken further into the room by none other than Benjamin Davinson. I knew to expect him, but I hadn’t expected to be assaulted directly at the door.
“You couldn’t stand to be on time. You make me look like an idiot,” he scolded me.
I didn’t know what to say, so I just blinked.
“At least you look presentable tonight,” muttered Ben, throwing back the tumbler of whatever he was drinking in his hand. Yanking me towards him, I smelt the thick coating of alcohol still on his breath along with the rest of him.
I fought not to gag.
“Now can you make sure that you do what you need to do and not cause me problems?” he asked me as if I had done something already terrible.
“When have I ever done that.”
He gripped my arm harder.
“I’m serious. You pull through tonight and maybe I won’t lock you in your room and make you regret ever running away,” he said through grit teeth before taking a deep breath. He paused.
What was he doing?
“Though, by the looks of things, I don’t think you’d want to be alone during your heat.”
“Any moment now I bet. You stay next to me,” he instructed sternly. “I don’t want any of these other alphas trying to get their hands on you. I don’t take soiled goods.”
Oh, if only he knew.
The corner of my lip curled, luckily he was too busy straightening himself out as we approached one of the tables near the side of the room with a view overlooking the courtyard outside. At the table were a few of Ben’s friends I recognized from the last courting event. And then there was also a face I hadn’t thought I’d see.
Alpha Davinson, Benjamin’s father, remained visually to be one of the most formidable alphas I had ever seen.
He was exactly what you’d imagine when you thought of an alpha with stark lines and a tight jaw. He was big and wide and filled out his suit in a way that didn’t appear natural.
He also looked exactly what you’d imagine when someone said, “Villain.”
Benjamin Davinson’s father looked me over with nothing but distaste before it dissolved into something even more uniform. “Nice of you to join us.”
I didn’t say anything.
He smirked looking at me from the very top of my head and lingering down as he ran his tongue over his canines like I was some kind of meal he planned to partake in.
Would I have to hold back more than a dozen gags this evening?
“At least you haven’t forgotten it looks like how to be a proper Davinson omega. Might not be the worst decision you made yet.” He directed that part at Benjamin. “Perhaps we did break you in better than I believed we did after you pulled that stunt. Trust me when I say that it won’t happen again. Correct, son?”
I glanced towards Benjamin’s mother who was sitting with a blank expression on her face in the seat next to where her husband was standing. It was like she wasn’t even there. She was a shell of a perfectly painted omega with perfectly placed blush and false eyelashes.
Benjamin nodded easily towards his father. “Oh no. I’m going to have my eye on my omega from here on out.”
“Indeed, you will.”
It sounded like nothing other than a threat. I watched the exchange closely.
It looked like Benjamin was no longer his father’s prize anymore that he was coming up in the ranks and taking over the family business. Or was he ever?
I guess having an omega purchased for you outright because he liked the way I smelled runaway didn’t exactly show his great decision-making skills. Child or not, I doubted Alpha Davinson Sr. liked that.
“Did you hear that?” asked Ben. “You are not going to make a fool out of us tonight. It’s done. Over. Anything you thought about your ridiculous life when you ran away is over. Think of it as one of your silly little daydreams and we can move on the moment we are called to that stage and I claim you as mine. Is that clear?”
I stared at him.
Honestly, out of all the plans I once had. I was all out of them. At least for now. I needed to get out of the academy and safe, away from Omega Services and everyone. I could survive until then. Then, I’d reassess.
“Crystal clear.”
He reached for another drink that was replenished on the table. “Better fucking be.”
Was that worry in his voice?
Sitting at the table, people were dancing, but the stage was set up where they would announce the alphas soon and who they’d be claiming. Everything was so elegant and perfectly planned. I wondered if it was like this every year with the food that my mouth watered for and the decorations hanging from chandeliers and in every corner–
I swung my head back around towards the spot I was just looking at, my hair catching on my one dangly earring as I stared towards the potted plant across the room with wide eyes.
Was that? I stared at the spot where I thought I saw him.
No. It couldn’t be. He wouldn’t be here even if Demetri was. This was an alpha and omega event. But I swore I just saw… I was certain I just saw…
I swore I just saw Cal with his roguish grin and easy slouch, always leaning against walls or chairs wherever he went.
“What are you looking at?” Benjamin took a look across the room before continuing his trajectory across the choosing ceremony room. He tugged me along.
I tripped over my shoes but didn’t falter more than that. I let him pull me towards wherever he wanted me.
“Nothing,” I said.
Because there was nothing, even as my mind spun with the insanity of even my brain playing tricks on me like that.
No one was there.
My skin felt tight and itchy. My throat was dry.
Yet, when Benjamin whispered in my ear a threat not to dare wander off from him again before scraping his sharp canines over my neck in a way that should’ve made any omega cry out with glee?—
I wanted to vomit.
If only it was the winter holiday. I’d look more festive in red and green.
“You are not going to embarrass me,” he warned. “It’s over. You’re mine now, Elena. At last, one might say. Once and for all.”
He sounded as if he was going completely insane.
“Be happy. Smile. Everyone expects you to.” He nearly shook me, making me want to be sick all over again.
“Smile,” he insisted.
I forced a small one.
“A hundred girls want to be you right now, you must be aware.”
“Then choose one of them” I whispered right as the tightly laced Headmistress made her way up to the stage to welcome everyone to the official claiming ceremony of the academy. It was a grand and pivotal moment in an omega’s life as an alpha’s to proclaim that he was ready to claim his other half.
“You should just let me go.”
“No. I am going to win,” he snarled at me.
“You are a coward.”
The Headmistress chuckled as if she made some kind of joke.
I tried to take a deep breath, but it was hard to swallow.
All too quickly, she was recognizing alphas who declared they were ready to claim an omega this season. Some omegas were grinning ear to ear as they were publicly claimed by their alpha they were courting. No packs. One omega squealed with delight.
I waited for names I recognized like the male omega Lidya introduced me to, or even Isaac who I hadn’t seen since the last courting event when Benjamin and the rest of the Davinson I was sure, finally scared him off.
Eventually, all the names started to feel like they were melting together, the scene in front of me flurried as my heart rate spiked.
Sweat pricked at the back of my neck.
I almost didn’t even pay attention to the chattering around me as my heart pounded and my head raced with nonsense about what was going on and what had been happening.
I wasn’t supposed to be here. I should be at the library or with the Prestford Pack.
I shouldn’t be here. This wasn’t right.
But this was it.
This was about to be my life.
I was about to become Omega Davinson. I was going to be locked away. Would I ever see any of the city again? Would I ever have another chance to roller skate? Would I ever go to the library? Would I even ever be able to read again?
I couldn’t imagine Benjamin doing anything that would make me happy let alone have the tiniest bit of pleasure from life.
There would be no more sweet treats or wildly inappropriate amounts of pillows or blankets in my bed. I wasn’t even sure the Davinsons believed in the traditional old-fashioned nests just for an omega.
Not like the Prestfords did.
My nest, where they would hold and lavish me.
My nest.
I whimpered before I could fight back the sound.
But I was already being hauled to my feet. Was this it? Was Benjamin Davinson already called to the front of the room?
My voice was cut off as a deep pain in my stomach rolled through me and nearly sent me falling over my own feet.