The One That Got Away (Love Hotel #1) Chapter 4 8%
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Chapter 4



‘Have you arrived yet?’ Colton’s voice sounded down the phone.

‘Almost,’ I said, glancing out of the window at the clear blue skies. ‘The driver said we’re ten minutes away.’

I took in the sight of the pretty pink flowers in the centre of the motorway. It didn’t matter how many times I visited Spain, I never tired of seeing them. In the UK, motorways were just grey and depressing. But here, the central reservations on the motorway that took you to Marbella had a beautiful floral strip. It was like it was part of the welcome.

‘How you feeling?’

‘Apart from being pissed off about wasting two weeks of my life on this stupid holiday?’

I shouldn’t even be going. I was already scheduled to go to Dubai in a fortnight for a big beauty exhibition. Now I’d have to fly out the day after I got back from this trip, which was stressful.

‘No need to worry about that, bro,’ Colton laughed. ‘You never had a life to begin with! All you did was work, sleep, eat and repeat. You should be happy you’ll be doing something fun for a change. ’

‘There’s nothing fun about being forced to spend two weeks with a complete stranger. What if we don’t get on? What if I don’t fancy her? And what if she doesn’t fancy me ? This is gonna be so fucking awkward.’

I’d barely slept last night worrying about this damn trip. I hadn’t dated seriously in years, but even I knew finding that connection wasn’t easy.

‘First up, I don’t think we have to worry about her not finding you attractive. Annoyingly, I don’t think there’s a woman on the planet that doesn’t think you’re hot, including my wife and every female who works for us. And a handful of the guys too. It’s sickening that God gave you good looks and a decent personality.’

‘Cheers,’ I laughed. ‘Cheque’s in the post.’

‘Second, this company are experts in matching people so of course you’re gonna get on.’

‘Just because an algorithm says we match on paper, doesn’t mean we’ll have chemistry in person.’

‘Maybe. But let’s focus on the positive. Trust the process. You’re almost there now, so just make the most of it. What time’s your dinner date?’


‘Cool. So you’ll have loads of time to chill and get ready.’

‘I’d rather just meet her straight away, get the silly date over and done with, then get on the next plane to London.’

‘No! You agreed. Hold on one sec.’ The phone went silent for a few seconds before a request to switch to a video call popped up. I tapped the screen to accept.

‘Hello, Uncle Maxey!’ Betty’s cute face filled the screen.

That clever son of a bitch had drafted in my goddaughter again. And he’d switched to FaceTime. The man had no shame.

‘Hello, Betty-Boo!’ I smiled. ‘What you up to? ’

‘Just painting. Daddy said you’ve gone to the sunny hotel to meet your new girlfriend. Are you getting married?’

‘No, sweetheart,’ I said, trying not to show my frustration. I’d be having words with him later for filling her head with this nonsense. ‘I’m just going there as an experiment. It’s like a little test.’

‘Like a spelling test?’

‘Sort of, but it’s more like a speaking test. I have to talk to someone about different things and if we both pass, we’ll meet again and do another test.’

‘Oh,’ she said. I wasn’t sure she understood but it was the best way I could think to describe it to a child. ‘I hope you do well. Sometimes tests are hard, but my teacher said you have to keep trying and don’t give up until you get to the end. That’s what I did for my spelling test and I got eight out of ten!’

‘That’s brilliant! I’m so proud of you!’

‘Thank you! Are you going to do your best, Uncle Maxey?’

‘I will.’

‘Do you pinky promise?’

‘I do,’ I agreed before I could stop myself. I was putty in her hands.

‘Yay! Daddy wants to talk to you again. And can you bring me back some sweets, please ?’

‘If Mummy and Daddy say it’s okay, I will. See you soon.’

‘Well, that’s settled then.’ Colton came back on the phone.

‘What, bringing your adorable daughter back some sweets?’ I joked.

‘You can bring her a lollipop, but that wasn’t what I was talking about and you know it. You’ve just promised Betty you’ll see it through until the end, so there’s no going back now.’

‘So manipulative.’ I rolled my eyes .

‘Mr Moore,’ the driver called out in his thick Spanish accent. ‘We have arrived.’

‘ Gracias ,’ I replied. ‘Better go, Col. We’re here.’

‘Okay. Think positive and enjoy. This is going to be so great for you.’

‘Talk soon,’ I replied, beads of sweat trickling down my back.

As the driver pulled up outside a striking white building and a smartly dressed porter opened the door, the enormity of everything dawned on me.

This was it.

I was here at The Love Hotel in Spain.

This was really happening.

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