‘Th-thank you…’ I plastered on a fake grin.
I didn’t want to sound ungrateful, but there was no way I was accepting this prize.
Once Jasmine had congratulated us again and the guests had dispersed, I turned to face her.
‘Um, Jasmine, this is really kind of you, but I’m not having a couple’s massage with him .’
‘Maybe Stella can just use the voucher for two separate massage treatments or something?’ Max said.
That was decent of him to suggest. But he’d won the tournament too, so as much as I’d prefer to avoid him, it wouldn’t be fair for me to get all the benefits.
‘Or I could take one massage by myself and Max could take the other?’
‘Awww, I’m really sorry,’ Jasmine winced. ‘But this is a couple’s activity. It’s not a traditional massage. It’s a masterclass where you’ll learn how to massage your partner, so it won’t work as a solo activity. It’s not like you can massage your own back!’ She laughed as the blood drained from my face .
‘But… but… is it even appropriate ? I mean, strictly speaking all of the couples have only just met, so I doubt anyone who won this would feel comfortable taking their clothes off in front of a stranger.’
‘I understand you may have some concerns, but most massages are done by strangers,’ Jasmine said. ‘The focus will be on your back and shoulders and Olga, our Relaxation Facilitator , will be there the whole time. If it makes you feel better, we can arrange it for later in the trip so you have time to get more comfortable with one another?’
Even if she arranged it next century it wouldn’t be long enough.
‘Maybe we’ll let you know?’ Max said.
‘I’ll leave you both to celebrate,’ Jasmine smiled. ‘Today’s group activity is done. Feel free to dine together in the restaurant for dinner, oh, and don’t forget to submit your playlists. Enjoy!’ She walked off.
I’d forgotten about those stupid playlists.
‘I’m going to my room.’ I strode away quickly before Max had a chance to say anything.
Once I got inside, I jumped on the bed and screamed into the pillow. I was trying, but this was so difficult.
I couldn’t sit through a dinner with Max tonight. And I definitely couldn’t go to a couple’s massage lesson with him. Imagine a whole hour of him running his hands all over my back.
An image of his bare chest, incredible arms and his toned arse in those swimming trunks flashed through my head.
Then I thought about the way he’d looked out for me when my bikini top flew off. And the tingles that’d raced through me when our fingers intertwined after we’d high-fived. We used to always hold hands.
Then I remembered the way he’d yanked his hand away from me in the pool when he realised he was still holding mine. Like he was repulsed. My stomach twisted.
This was too much. I just wanted to go home.
I reached for my phone. I’d already had two missed calls from Mum. I had to call her back. She’d probably be worried.
‘Hi, Mum.’ I flipped myself over on the bed and stared up at the ceiling.
‘Hi! How’s it going over there? You having fun?’
‘It’s… the hotel’s lovely and the weather’s great here. Much better than in London,’ I said, trying to focus on the positive.
‘That’s all lovely, but tell me about your date! Is he handsome? Where’s he from? Tell me everything!’
‘It’s Max.’
‘What’s Max ?’
‘My date. They’ve set me up with Max. My ex.’
‘No!’ she gasped. ‘Oh. Wow. That’s… a surprise.’
‘Tell me about it!’
‘And I’m guessing you’re not thrilled?’
‘Nope. Mum, it’s so hard.’
‘I can imagine. But you were just kids back then. This doesn’t have to be a bad thing. He was always a sweetheart, well until, y’know, all that terrible stuff happened. What’s he like now?’
‘He’s… he’s aged well. We haven’t spoken much because it was such a shock. We played a volleyball tournament today. We won, but something embarrassing happened.’
I filled Mum in on the bikini mishap, which she laughed about, and told her how Max had stepped in. I also explained everything about the daily activities and our silly Love Tasks.
‘It all sounds great, sweetie. I know it’s difficult, but you’re doing really well. Despite your differences, you and Max worked together today and you won a whole tournament. That’s brilliant. People change. Just give it a few more days and then reassess, okay?’
‘Okay.’ My shoulders relaxed a little. ‘I’ll try.’
‘I’ll leave you to get on with your Love Task. Do you know what songs you’re going to choose yet for your playlist?’
‘I have an idea…’
‘Great! Have fun and speak soon.’
‘Love you.’
‘Love you too.’
I hung up feeling a little better.
There was a manual on the table so I got up to get it. Inside were instructions for the playlist. Although I was exhausted and wanted to have a nap before dinner, I decided it was best to get this out of the way first.
I’ll admit: Max did a kind thing today and I was grateful for his help. But that didn’t mean I forgave him. And Jasmine said that the first playlist was about our first impressions yesterday, right? Just like that a flurry of song ideas flew into my head.
As I launched Spotify and clicked on my first choice, I turned up the volume and danced around the room.
I couldn’t wait to see Max’s face when he heard what I’d picked.