The Promise (Wolfe Creek Duet #2) 3 5%
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Rain splats against the wall of windows in the living room. I cozy up closer to Sutton, running my hand over his leg. “Is the rain making the pain worse today?” The worry for him hasn’t eased much since we got the call on the night of the accident.

I know he’s safe now. Well, sort of. Cole lurking around is a constant source of anxiety, leaving me wondering if he still has plans to off his brothers. Or if I’m the sole target.

Studying his face, I try to sense if he’s concealing his pain. My eyes take in the features of his warm brown skin. I wait to see if his brows furrow, his eyes wince, or his full lips purse. I try to see if his jaw tightens beneath his close-cut facial hair. I’ve memorized everything about him, so I’ll know if he’s downplaying it.

Sutton shifts uncomfortably, causing his propped up cane to slide to the floor. “Just a little.” He notices my brows crease. “It’s okay, baby. It’s nothing I can’t manage. Although…” he trails off, biting his bottom lip, drawing my attention to those two silver hoops. Those piercings he was able to keep after the accident. His tongue piercings, on the other hand, closed up after the doctors removed them in the hospital. “I wouldn’t mind a massage later.”

I crack a smile, knowing that I get all of five minutes into a massage before he’s trying to fuck me. “I can do that,” I reply slyly.

Wes and Damian come around the fireplace and take their seats on the sofa opposite ours. We’ve been lighting it as often as possible, taking advantage of the colder weather. The crackles and pops are one of the few things that seem to put me into a trance-like state—an escape from my thoughts.

“Alright, let’s make this quick,” Wes groans. He must be tired from his client this afternoon. They went climbing. It’s been a while since he’s done that, so it must have taken a toll on his body.

My gaze travels over him. He’s dressed in a tan fitted jogger set. It’s hugging every muscle, like it was tailored to fit his body. I admire the bulge of his biceps against the fabric and his muscular thighs leading up to… I feel his eyes on me, making mine flick up.

One side of Wes’ mouth tugs into a smirk. “Like what you see, blue eyes?” My cheeks heat. They shouldn’t. I’ve seen this man naked countless times. I’ve fucked him in front of and with others. So why does his smug comment make me blush?

I push the embarrassment away.

Leaning forward, I rest my elbows on my knees. “Obviously. After all, I do have good taste, but it’s that humble personality that really keeps me around, pretty boy.” I watch as Wes’ smile falls at the unexpected jab. Sutton lets out a low chuckle.

“She’s got a point, brother. You are so, so, so humble,” Sutton adds as I lean back into him.

Damian’s quiet, clearly not amused by our antics. Something’s on his mind. The realization grounds me. He clears his throat. “Let’s get this meeting started. This is Thea’s first family meeting, so let’s not completely bore her.” His icy stare hits me and softens a little. I’ve noticed this more and more lately, like keeping that mask up is getting harder for him.

He needs to let me in already.

I listen as Damian goes over all of their businesses, taking in the structure of the meeting and the things that seem important to each of them.

Wes’ business is a little slower this time of year with the colder weather approaching. Sutton’s business is picking up as the Christmas shopping season looms. Damian’s business isn’t much of a focus, but seems to be doing well. He doesn’t mention the bakery. I think it’s all still too raw—for all of us.

He closes the folder in his hands and leans back, crossing one leg over the other. “Yesterday I put an offer on the property Thea and Cassie have had their eyes on. It was accepted. We’ll close in about a week.”

The shock of his words hit me like a ton of bricks. I knew that he’d make it happen, but this is even quicker than I anticipated. “How? I-I don’t…” I can’t stop looking at him in wonder and confusion.

The faintest smile pulls at his mouth as if he’s proud of himself, or maybe that he did something I’d be proud of.

“All-cash offer with my request for a speedy closing. The seller would have been stupid to not take it,” he replies smugly.

Looking at Sutton, then at Wes, I try to find the surprise on their faces, but it’s only me who’s reacting this way. Wes has a huge smile on his face and Sutton is looking at Damian sweetly.

I don’t know what to say, so I push up off of the couch, walk to him, and settle into his lap. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I take in his sea breeze and citrus scent as I whisper into his ear. “Thank you so much, Damian. You have no idea how much this means to me.”

“We made a deal, princess. You don’t have to thank me.” I pull away and search his face. Why can’t he just take the gratitude? “There’s just one last thing to do, then it’s all yours.” Damian pulls out another folder and a pen from his pocket. “Sign these.”

I spend the next ten minutes signing pages of paperwork. Most of it is for the property, but the last page is the deal between us. A formal agreement that in exchange for the property, I’m giving him myself. Whenever. Wherever. The pen hovers over the line where I need to sign as I hesitate. Taking a deep breath, I will myself to scribble my name.

I trust Damian. And I really need this property.

I’m sitting next to Sutton again, practically vibrating with excitement. In a week or so, Cass and I will have our property. Our dream is coming true. I can hardly believe it.

“Cassie wants to get married on there. It’s only right that hers is the first wedding on the property and we’ll be able to get plenty of pictures for social media and a website to start promoting it as an event venue. I may need some help with renovations. Anthony can help, I’m sure, but…” I look over at Wes, meeting those sweet brown eyes.

He nods without me asking. “Of course. I’ll help with anything you need.” I smile at him.

“If you need workers to come help, let me know. I’ll get some extra guys to come out when Anthony and Wes can’t be there. I’ll take care of paying them as well. I don’t want you incurring any losses before you’ve started bringing business in,” Damian offers.

I want to tell him he doesn’t have to do that. But I know this is his way of helping when he can’t come help physically like Wes. “Thank you, I really appreciate that.”

“I’m not sure what I can help with on the property, but I can give you all the massages you need. Between your studio clients and working at the property, I’m sure you’re going to need a lot of stress relief,” Sutton says coyly.

“There’s one more thing we need to discuss,” Damian announces as Wes stands to leave. “You’ll want to sit for this.” Wes slowly sits back down, eyeing his brother apprehensively.

My stomach starts knotting and that familiar ache of anxiety in my chest surfaces—something’s off. I can feel it. I can’t do any more bad news. Shit, does he know about Cole or the letters? I watch as Damian turns the silver wolf ring on his finger. Fuck, he knows.

“Well, out with it,” Wes urges.

Damian sighs. “Adrian’s being released from jail.”

I eye Damian, trying to understand what those five words mean. Who’s Adrian? Why does him getting out of jail matter? What was he in jail for?

“Oh fuck,” Wes mutters, running a hand over his freshly shaven jaw.

Next to me, Sutton leans forward, placing his head in his hands. “Oh fuck is right.” I’m about to ask what the hell is going on, but Sutton speaks instead. “When?”

The silence coming from Damian makes the air grow thick with tension. “When, Damian?” His voice is louder now and filled with irritation.

“Tomorrow. We have to go get him tomorrow.”

I look between the three men, wondering if anyone is going to clue me in. I open my mouth, but I’m interrupted again.

“How long have you known?” Wes stands abruptly, towering over his brother, his messy dark brown hair casting menacing shadows over his face.

Damian takes a deep breath. He’s not even putting up a fight. This isn’t him. Even when he’s in the wrong, he has some spirit in him. Something’s very wrong. “Not long. A week, maybe.”

“Can someone tell me what’s going on? Who’s Adrian?”

They all look at me simultaneously, like they forgot I was here. My brows raise expectantly.

“Adrian is our youngest brother. He’s been in prison for the last ten years. He’s coming home. Here. And…” he pauses. I can tell something worse is coming by the unusual guilt wringing his eyes. “He’s a part of the pact,” Damian confesses, his gaze dropping. He rubs a thumb over his tattooed knuckles, avoiding my gaze.

My brain is trying to absorb and understand what he’s just told me. “A fifth brother? There’s five of you,” I say with finality, as if I’ve always known. “What did he do?” Somehow that seems like the most important question. I’m not sure if it is or not, I have a million running through my head. Ten years is a long time. What the fuck did he do?

“Voluntary manslaughter,” Wes admits.

“Manslaughter? Like he killed someone?” The words seep out like poison, making my tongue feel hot and thick. I close my eyes, trying to take it in.

I shouldn’t be surprised. I shouldn’t be fazed. They’ve killed for me. So why am I absolutely terrified of their brother who’s committed the same crime?

That’s an easy answer.

I know Wes, Sutton, and Damian. I know they did it out of love and protection. They weren’t carelessly taking lives. And even though I know fundamentally that killing someone is wrong, but they weren’t wrong when they killed Rob and Matt. And I’m not wrong about wanting to kill Cole.

But I don’t know this other brother. I don’t know the circumstances of his crime. Somehow, I can’t give him the same leniency I give to my boyfriends or myself. He’s a criminal and I know nothing about him. I don’t love him or care for him like I do for his brothers.

“Yes, he killed someone a very long time ago. It was dumb and reckless and justified, but I can’t tell you his story. I wish I could. That’s his past, I can’t breach his trust.” Each word that Damian speaks pulls me from my daze until I feel the first embers of rage.

“So, you breach my trust?” Anger fills my voice as I push out the words. “Now, I’m stuck in this pact with someone I don’t even know. And all of you knew it. You all kept it from me.” My voice cracks and I swallow down the weakness coming up. “You’ve all lied to me, over and over and over.”

My hard gaze sweeps over each of them. I see remorse and sadness on their faces, but it doesn’t matter. I take a steadying breath and stand. Logic pushes against the burning emotions consuming me. I lied too. I’m lying too. But I’m lying to protect them, not to hurt them. I want to believe that they feel like they are protecting me too, yet it’s hard for me to accept it.

Damian finally speaks up, meeting my unforgiving stare. “You aren’t stuck, Thea.” All eyes lock in on him. Wes and Sutton’s mirror the same look of confusion.

“Until death, right Damian? That’s what the pact is all about. Now and forever,” I recite his words spitefully. “So, what, you’ll kill me? That’s my other option? Is that what really happened to Victoria?”

“What?” Wes asks disbelievingly. “No. Victoria left. She’s living her life wherever. Just like we said.”

I shake my head. “So you’re going to just let me go, knowing everything I know?” I don’t believe it. Even though it’s gone unspoken, we all know that I know too much.

All of us stare at Damian, the rule maker, the enforcer. “Victoria didn’t know what you know. She wasn’t a liability. We never killed for her.” The confession takes me by surprise. This is the first time any of them have admitted to what happened that night after they dropped Wes and I off. I don’t know how to feel now that it’s been said out loud. “I know what I said. And normally, I’d honor the pact and keep you in it, no matter what. But, you’re right. We’ve lied to you too much. We’ve tricked you and didn’t tell you that someday there would be another brother, one that you don’t know at all.” Damian runs a hand through his waves. “So, I will make an exception. If this is too much for you, you can leave. No consequences. And we’ll trust you to keep our secrets. It’s the least we can do.”

Somehow that hurts more than anything—that he’s willing to let me go. I know it’s fucked up. I should be relieved. I should be grateful that he’s willing to do that and to trust me. I should take the out. I know I should.

But I don’t know if I can.

Sutton and Wes want to argue about what Damian’s offered. Their tightened jaws and angry stares boring into their brother tell me that much. Yet they know he’s right.

I imagine myself going down to my room and packing all of my things. I picture walking out that front door and getting into my truck. I think of never seeing any of them ever again. And I want to break down at the thought.

I think I’d rather die than leave of my own free will. But I know that I’m also not thinking clearly. I need a minute.

I need a day or a week. I don’t know. All I do know is that I can’t make this decision right now. I can’t decide if I should leave this all behind standing here in front of them. Is this the end of our chapter?

Maybe I just need to burn the whole fucking book.

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