The Promise (Wolfe Creek Duet #2) 32 50%
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Pushing open the door to the studio, I see Anthony and Cassie sitting in the waiting area. It’s been two days since their wedding and I still feel horrible for causing a scene, even if it wasn’t my fault. I throw my arms around my best friend, so thankful to have her in my life.

After a day of thinking on my next step, I realized that I would return the favor to Cole. “Thank you,” I whisper in her ear. I pull away, knowing that the camera and subsequently Damian might be watching us.

“Jesus. You smell like you smoked a pack of cigarettes.” Cassie grimaces as she says it.

I shake my head. “Fucking Adrian,” I grumble. The smoking isn’t only affecting him anymore. The smell is everywhere. I’m constantly reminded of him and it’s driving me insane. But I have more important stuff to worry about.

Damian asked me what was on the agenda today and I lied. I knew he could easily find out if my clients actually came into the studio, especially if Cassie and I aren’t here. So I told him that we’re going to lunch—as an apology for their wedding. Then, Cassie and I were going to do some shopping with the money she got as gifts.

“Give me a sec,” I say, pulling away.

Taking my phone from my bag, I send a quick message to the group chat.

Me: Just got to the studio, heading out to lunch with Cass.

I toss my phone back into my satchel and drop it onto a chair. He won’t be able to track me if I leave it here and I can claim it was an honest mistake. Cassie motions with her head for me to follow her. My brows furrow, but I don’t argue.

She leads me to the bathroom while Anthony follows behind me. Once we’re inside, Anthony whispers low, “Damian installed a camera in the parking lot. He might be onto you.” Fuck. “What do you have on you?”

I’m confused by the question, but pat myself down. “I have my keys and my burner phone. Everything else is in my bag, which I’m leaving here.” He takes both items and examines them.

“You’re sure no one knows about this phone, right?” He asks while he navigates through the settings.

I shake my head. “No, I’ve been hiding it under my mattress.” He seems satisfied and hands it back to me. Then he takes my keys and examines them.

“What’s this?” There’s a small black diamond shaped object on Damian’s Audi keyring.

I shrug. Anthony takes out his phone and takes a picture, then hits a button that brings up similar images. All the results have similar captions. Mini Smart GPS Tracker. “Goddamn it,” I mutter.

He sets the keys down on the bathroom sink. “We have to be two steps ahead of Damian. He’s probably been doing this kind of stuff much longer and he’s not expecting you to be looking for things like that.”

“Well, unless he’s planted a tracker in my shoes or behind my ear, I think I’m safe now.” As I say it, I immediately feel behind my ear, just in case. Cassie looks at my shoes. I take them off and search them just to be sure.

“Let’s head out,” Anthony suggests when we find nothing, leading the way out of the studio.

We’re in his car, heading to Cole’s apartment. Cassie’s tracking his location the entire time.

“I don’t know if I can do this,” I confess. I had no doubts until now. If anything, I’ve been eager for this moment for the last twenty-four hours.

Anthony looks at me in the rearview. “You can do this, Thea. It’s normal to feel nervous, but he deserves it… more than deserves it.” He reaches into the center console and pulls out a gold key. “Here’s the key you made an imprint of.” I take it, tucking it into my back pocket. Then, he pulls out something else. He grasps two clear vials in his hand. “This is Rohypnol. This is probably the same stuff he put in your drink.” I take the vials in my trembling fingers. “I’ve pre-mixed it so you won’t need to wait to make sure it dissolves. Dump it in whatever liquids he has in his fridge. That’s our best bet.”

I push the bottles into my front pocket. This could all be for nothing. The key may not even work. That thought makes my heart plummet. I need this to work. Cole deserves a dose of his own medicine, literally.

“I’m going to keep an eye on his location and I’m going to text you if he’s getting close.” Cassie assures me. She grasps my hand. “You’ve got this. Okay?”

I nod. “I’ve got this.”

Anthony pulls into a parking spot. “His apartment number is 4A, on the first floor. We’re here if anything happens. You’re not in this alone.” He gives me a tight smile and I return it.

I hop out of the car, giving one last glance back before making my way to Cole’s apartment. He deserves this, I silently chant.

I’m standing in front of a door with a gold plaque that reads 4A . Cole’s apartment. I dig into my back pocket and pull out the key Anthony gave me. This better work.

Looking around, I make sure no one’s watching. Sliding the key into the top lock, it catches and doesn’t move. Fuck. Jiggling it delicately, it finally turns and a breath of relief escapes me. I push it into the bottom one, unlocking it, then turning the handle. I’m in.

I look back at where Anthony and Cassie are sitting in the car. I can’t see them through the tinted windows, but I know they’re watching me open the door.

Inside, I take in the apartment. There’s not much. A simple couch and a dining room table. No extras or decor of any kind. I don’t waste any time. Pulling the vials from my pocket, I go to his fridge. There’s a half empty bottle of orange juice, coffee creamer, and a gallon of milk that’s nearly empty. My three targets. I want him suffering for days and to not know the source.

Careful not to move any of the liquids out of place, I unscrew them one by one and split the Rohypnol between the three, depending on how much liquid is in each one. I tuck the vials back into my pocket and close the fridge.

I should leave, but a half cracked door across the apartment is calling me. That must be his room. Glancing back at the front door, I decide to be nosy. Cassie hasn’t messaged me yet, so I’m still in the clear. I make my way to the door and push it open gently, peeking in, not sure of what I’ll find.

Cole’s room is just as bare as the rest of the apartment. There’s a bed and a dresser—nothing else. The closet next to his bed draws my attention. I don’t know what I’m looking for, but I can’t resist. I open the doors. There’s nothing of importance, only some shoes tucked in the corner and a few shirts hanging up.

I’m not sure how long I’ve been here, but I’m surprised Cass hasn’t called or messaged me. Pulling out my phone, I see three missed texts and a missed call. Fuck. I forgot to take my phone off silent. I open the messages. Cassie’s sent them back to back in the last minute.

Cassie: I lost connection on Cole’s location

Cassie: He’s at the door!

Cassie: Hide!!!

I hear the front door open as I read the last message. Opening the closet doors, I slip inside and close them behind me. I work on steadying my breathing while trying to figure out how to get out of this mess. What do I do if he finds me? He’ll kill me—there’s no doubt about that.

My hands quietly search my body for something I can use as a weapon. I have my phone, the key, and the two empty vials. Nothing that’ll protect me.

Footsteps echo against the wood floor as he comes into the room. I put my hand over my mouth to keep from breathing too loud, my fingers tremble against my lips. Through the closet slats, I watch him sit on his bed and take off his shoes.

He pulls the rest of his clothes from his body until he’s naked. Then, he heads toward me. I close my eyes, praying to whatever God is out there that this isn’t my time to die and if it is to make it quick. But nothing happens. The closet doesn’t open. I hear the shower turn on, though. I hold in the sigh of relief that wants to come out.

I faintly hear the shower door open, then close. It’s now or never. Slowly, I open the doors, taking soft steps into the room and closing them behind me. Peering around the corner of the closet, I see that Cole left the bathroom door open. Shit.

I don’t have a choice. Carefully, I put one foot in front of the other, making it past the bathroom door. Almost there. I take another step. Squeak. The floorboard beneath my foot creaks. My body stills and I can’t breathe. Then, the shower cuts off.

This is it. This is where my plan fails and I’ll have to fight for my life.

The front door isn’t that far. I could try to run for it. That’s what I’ll have to do. I get ready to sprint, but then the water turns back on. As relieved as I am, my breath is trapped in my chest and my heart’s thudding uncontrollably. I’m not out of the woods yet.

I tiptoe until I make it out of his room and then run for the front door. Opening it, I come face to face with Cassie and Anthony.

She grabs my arm and pulls me to the car. Glancing back, Anthony closes the front door gently and follows behind. That was too close. I can’t make any more mistakes like that.

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