What the fuck?
The urgent pounding at the front door makes me jump. Pulling up the camera that looks out over the driveway, I see police cars. This is bad. Standing at the door is a man in a suit—definitely a detective. Behind him are four officers.
I hurry out of my room just as Sutton opens the door. A bald man with a smug look on his face flashes his badge. “Good afternoon. I’m Detective Williams from the Atlanta Police Department. I’m working on a missing person’s case and I have a warrant to search this residence.” He takes a step forward.
“Hold on,” I reply, moving toward the door to stop his entry. “I need to see the warrant. Who are you looking for, exactly?”
He reaches into his pocket and pulls out some folded papers. I take them from his outstretched hand, reading them over. Unfortunately, the warrant is valid.
“This says that you can search the room Thea Griffin is staying in, nowhere else.” The detective shrugs as if that detail was minor. I’m sure if I hadn’t caught that, he might’ve taken more liberties. “I’ll show you to her room.”
Nervously, I lead them downstairs. I sure as hell hope that Thea doesn’t have anything suspicious in her room. I know she’s not being completely honest with us, but I don’t know how deep that goes. I open up her door and let the officers do their job, making sure to keep a careful eye on them as they tear her room apart.
After almost an hour, they come up with nothing. Detective Williams’ smug face is now frustrated. “Satisfied?” I taunt.
Williams narrows his eyes at me. His mouth opens to say something when Jessie’s voice pipes in from behind me.
“Trust me, I’ve searched that girl’s room plenty. I’d gladly hand over anything that I thought might help.” My head snaps to look at her. She only raises her brows and crosses her arms in resolution. “But there’s nothing in there,” she adds with a touch of annoyance in her voice.
I look at Sutton. “Can you see the officers out, please?” He nods and makes his way upstairs, the detective trailing him.
“What the fuck was that, Jess? Are you trying to cause more problems for me?” I study her as she rolls her eyes. She knows she’s in the wrong and I don’t get this dislike for Thea. She hasn’t done anything to make Jessie hate her this much.
“She’s trouble. I don’t want to see the rest of you end up like Cole. I don’t want my family torn apart,” she says the last part while looking away, too proud to look at me while admitting that we’re like sons to her.
Resting a hand on her shoulder, I reassure her, “Jess, what happened with Cole wasn’t Thea’s fault. And I will never let anything or anyone tear us apart.” She looks back at me, a tinge of weariness has taken hold of her otherwise hardened eyes.
“You better not. I’m banking on my retirement package.” That’s my girl. I laugh and nod before letting her get back to her work.
Pulling out my phone, I shoot a quick text to Thea. She’s brushed this whole detective thing off as if it’s no big deal. A search warrant is a pretty big fucking deal—this didn’t come out of nowhere.
Me: Your detective showed up with a search warrant today. Get home ASAP.
I don’t wait for her reply. I know she’ll be eager to find out what happened.
Heading upstairs, I see Sutton sitting at the dining room table. “Family meeting?” he asks.
I nod. “Call Wes.” While I wait for him to get ahold of our brother, I spot Adrian across the kitchen. “You good?” Even from this far away, I can tell he’s a bit shaken up. Understandably so. He might not have done anything wrong, but that didn’t spare him from the fear that those officers might’ve been here for him.
“No answer,” Sutton mutters.
“Where the fuck has he been lately?” I pull up the calendar on my phone. No clients booked for today. “Keep trying. I need everyone home tonight. I have something to take care of, keep everyone here until I get back.”
I need to find out what happened to Gavin. Detective Williams is digging in too deep and I’m afraid he’ll come across some evidence of a crime we have committed if he keeps going. If I can find Gavin, or at least what happened to him and pin this on Cole, we could come out of this unscathed. But that hope is fading fast.
I’m grasping at straws these days, but doing nothing isn’t an option. The security camera footage at the hotel was a dead end. However, maybe someone who was working that night saw something. The only way to find out is to go down there and ask around.
Grabbing my coat, gun, and the keys to Sutton’s car, I head out the door, hoping like hell that I don’t come back empty-handed.
I’ve sped all the way home and now that I’m heading up the driveway, I’m accelerating at a snail’s pace. Damian’s text flashes in my mind again. Your detective showed up with a search warrant today. Get home ASAP. I’m in so much shit.
I need an excuse, some way out of this, but nothing’s coming to mind. I’ve downplayed the detective’s questioning. Explaining a search warrant isn’t going to be easy and I’m not sure anything other than the truth will be believable now.
The pit of dread building in my stomach turns to lead as the house comes into view. I don’t see Sutton or Wes’ cars. Something about only Damian being home makes it worse. At least if Wes or Sutton were there, they’d make him go easy on me. I think. Well, I guess Adrian’s there, but he might add fuel to the fire.
Turning the knob, I push the door open as quietly as I can. I’m not sure what that’ll accomplish. I’m sure Damian is pacing the floor, ready to lecture me. Instead, I find Adrian in the kitchen, sitting on the island while Jessie sweeps the floor. Both look at me.
“Well, look who it is—” Jessie starts, before Adrian interrupts.
“Havoc. Destroyer of worlds. Chaos incarnate,” he seethes.
I roll my eyes at his dramatic insults. “Look who opened a dictionary today.”
He hops down off the counter, coming closer to me. “Be a bitch all you want. You’re on D’s shit list after what happened earlier and nothing could make me happier.” Adrian’s chest to chest with me as he says it. I’m suddenly aware that he hasn’t been wearing things from Damian’s wardrobe anymore. I don’t pay much attention to him, so I don’t know when the change happened.
My eyes travel down the length of him, taking in his new look. He’s wearing a band shirt—oddly, it’s one I recognize. He’s paired it with black pants. A silver chain connects to his belt loops and lower, I see black combat boots. Adrian’s dressed like some kind of alternative emo teenager. I roll my eyes inwardly. So why does some idiotic school girl part of me find it so fucking sexy?
I bring my stare back up to find his dark eyes dancing with amusement—the tug of smirk catches my attention. The rage rolling off of me mixes with his smugness. I swear, if someone lit a match right now, the tense energy between us would combust. My logical brain wants to push him away. While my demented heart wants to tear his clothes off.
Jessie clears her throat from across the kitchen. “Why don’t you come clean already? I know you’re hiding stuff still, even if the cops couldn’t find anything in your room. You’re a shit liar, you reek of it.” Her face scrunches up in disgust. I want to say something back, but what? I am a liar and the detective showing up here today proves it. My jaw clenches. “You know, I take it back. I’ll gladly lose my retirement package if it means your ass is far away from the Wolfe boys. I’ll figure out whatever it is you’re keeping from them.”
I don’t know what that’s supposed to mean. Her retirement package? It doesn’t matter. Jessie has it out for me, which means more eyes on me when I don’t need that. She doesn’t say anything else and I don’t have a comeback this time.
She looks satisfied by my silence. I watch her walk away, broom in hand, into Damian’s room. Where is Damian?
I turn my attention back to Adrian, who’s still just barely pressed against my chest. I open my mouth to ask him where his brother is, but he stops me.
Pushing in closer to me, I’m forced to back up or be knocked down by him. I take a step back. “You know, I think Jessie’s right. You are hiding stuff.” He takes another step forward. I back up more. “More than just being drugged at the wedding.” Ice shoots through my veins at his words and my breath catches. Adrian takes another step forward. My back hits the wall. “You’re putting all of us at risk. You know that?”
“Where’s Damian?” I snarl.
He places his palm against the wall, so close to me that his arm brushes up against my ear. Leaning down, nearly nose to nose, he says, “He’s not here to take it easy on you. What else are you hiding, Havoc?”
I think I might actually crumble under his stare. I might just tell the truth. Maybe that would be easier. My lips part, but then I feel his warm breath dance over my lips and my eyes fall closed. I want that to be enough to chase this feeling away, but it only heightens my other senses.
I feel the rise and fall of his chest against mine. The faint smell of… cologne hits me. I’ve grown accustomed to his cigarette smell after weeks of being forced to endure it. But it’s not there, or maybe it is, although it’s so faint I hardly smell it. Instead, I’m surrounded by smokiness that reminds me of a bonfire with a hint of sweetness. It’s pleasant—almost intoxicating. Stop , I command myself. But it’s no use.
Memories of our first kiss, here in the kitchen, just like we are now, slam into me. And a pathetic fucking whimper escapes.
My eyes fly open just as it happens, although I’m not just met with Adrian’s hateful stare. No. It’s mixed with him looking like he wants to fuck me. My fingers curl into fists and my nails bite into my palms as I try to resist the compulsion to pull him in for a kiss like I did before. I can control this urge.
But this time it isn’t up to me. Adrian grabs me by the back of the neck, pulling me to his mouth. And I don’t stop him.
We could get caught at any moment. Someone could walk into the house. Jessie could come back. Damian could find us. I don’t care. All I care about is feeding this addiction to the drug that is Adrian. I want to escape my reality. I want to lose myself in the danger and delusion of him. At least then, I’m making a decision for myself, for my body. The power of that alone is hard to resist.
I pull away. “Come down to my room in half an hour.” His eyes are wild, but he doesn’t argue with me. “And no matter what, I want you to fuck me and don’t stop.” His eyes narrow in suspicion. “Promise that to me or don’t come at all.”
My breathing comes fast as I wait for his answer.
“Fine. I promise.” Relief washes over me. Adrian backs away slowly.
I head down to my room to get ready for his visit.
I’m pacing in front of Thea’s door. I don’t know if I can go in there. Of course I want to, but it’s a bad idea. She’s trouble. God, do I love trouble, though. Looking over my shoulder, I see the camera, knowing that D will probably see me go in there. He told me to do this. He told me to be an outlet for her.
I’m not doing this for her. I’m doing it for myself. He doesn’t need to know that. My selfish reasons aren’t anyone’s business. I wish it was as simple as just sticking my dick in something. It’s not. My dick wants her specifically. Fucking her felt… divine. That’s the closest to heaven I’ll ever get and I need a taste of salvation again.
“Let it burn,” I mutter to myself as I turn the knob and push open her door.
Thea’s room is a wreck. The drawers of the nightstands are pulled open, shit’s scattered on the floor, and clothes are tossed about carelessly. The fine work of that detective. Assholes.
Then, I see her.
She’s laying on the bed, face down and naked. Sleeping? Her eyes are closed and she’s snoring softly. One leg is bent at a ninety-degree angle, giving me the perfect look at her cunt. I groan involuntarily. As much as I hate this woman, her body is perfect.
I wasn’t able to fully admire her in the gym. Not that I didn’t try. I was staring at her ass when she caught me. I didn’t want her having that power over me then. But now… I can stare all I want. I can touch all I want, although she might wake if I’m not gentle. We don’t do gentle.
Testing the waters, I graze my fingers over her calf. Her body twitches slightly. She doesn’t wake, though. Higher. I move to her inner thigh and my cock stirs. I palm it as my hand traces the curve of her plump ass. Thea mumbles something. I really want to play with her tits, but they’re trapped against the mattress.
My eyes skim over her shoulders, then the curve of her neck until I get to her face. It’s a rare occurrence for me to have more than a few seconds to take in her features. She’s usually giving me the death stare and we’re at each other’s throats. But right now, I’m able to see her in a peaceful and delicate state. She’s not delicate in the way a flower or butterfly is. She’s delicate in the way a grenade is, I tell myself.
Still, I can’t help memorizing the sweep of her thick dark lashes or the purplish blue beneath her eyes as if she hasn’t slept in weeks. I take in the gentle slope of her nose and her full pink lips that are slightly parted. Snap out of it.
I lock the door, then pull off my pants and shirt. “And no matter what, I want you to fuck me and don’t stop.” Those were her words. That was the deal I made with her. Is this what she’s into? Getting fucked while she’s asleep? I mean, it’s hot, yet unexpected.
I wonder how far I can take it before she wakes up.
Crawling between her legs on the bed, I lie down. With every movement, I expect her to rouse. She doesn’t. My mouth is inches from her pussy and I have the urge to taste her. It’s a dangerous one.
My brothers keep telling me that Thea wasn’t at fault for Cole going off the deep end. They keep telling me that she’s a good person. I don’t see it. I don’t see her as anything more than a hole to stick my dick in. She’s just a good lay , I tell myself. My brothers must be biased. That I can believe.
They’ve told me I wasn’t at fault either. They’ve told me I wasn’t to blame for what happened that night ten years ago. Those are lies. I was at fault. It was my plan. Cole might’ve gotten carried away with it, but I wanted that man dead. I can’t believe my brothers, not when they refuse to hold me accountable for my wrongdoings.
So what is it about Thea that has them so blinded? Is it the taste of her? Is her pussy some kind of love potion that’s got them all twisted in the head? I shouldn’t want to find out. I should just fuck her and be done with it. But then she shifts and her legs open wider. It’s such an insignificant thing, so why does my mouth gravitate toward her with that little movement?
Before I can stop myself, my tongue is licking from her clit to her entrance. Her body shudders. Still, she stays asleep. I want to stop. Instead, I push my tongue inside, needing to taste all of her. She coats me and it’s not long before she’s dripping down my chin. Thea isn’t even awake and she’s so fucking turned on.
I want to deny how much I’m loving this. But I can’t. I could lie here all day and never taste another thing again. This elixir between her legs is poison. Not one that kills you, at least not your body. It kills your mind and your soul—it entraps you, makes you obsessed, and drives you to insanity. So why do I still want more?
Finally, I pull myself away. I don’t necessarily want to, but my cock is throbbing—needy for attention.
Pushing between her legs, I hook a hand beneath her hip, propping her up to get the best angle. Foolishly, my other hand slides up the length of her body, slipping between her and the mattress. This could wake her. But I can’t help myself.
My palm cups her tit as I seek out her nipple. A strangled moan comes from Thea once I find it. I ease in, rolling it between my fingers, seeing how much she can take. Then, I increase the pressure—pinching hard, expecting her to react. She does, but not in the way I anticipated.
Her breathes comes faster, in pants and gasps. Fuck. I can’t wait any longer. The fact that she’s enjoying this so much, especially when she’s not awake, is sending me over the edge.
I push my dick into her already soaking cunt. She feels so goddamn good that it makes me hate her more.
Pulling my hand from beneath her, dig my fingers into her thighs and pound her pussy relentlessly. That makes my senses return to me a little. The poison of tasting her wears off and the anger from earlier emerges. The anger at having my brothers wrapped around her finger and for the detective showing up.
Logically, I know I have nothing to worry about. Well, except that I’ve been carrying a gun illegally. I was more worried about my brothers. They’ve done their fair share of illegal activities and this puts a spotlight on them. Not to mention, I fucking hate authority in all forms, especially government.
These thoughts fuel my need to fuck Thea without any care for her wellbeing. She barely moves the entire time. Her rapid breathing is the only signal that she’s even alive. Eventually, she starts to come to, but she told me to fuck her no matter what.
So, I hold her arms down at her sides and keep thrusting into her until I come.
Pulling away, I chuckle as I spill out of her. Whore. Looking around, I try to find something to clean myself up with. Something catches my eye. Between Thea’s bed and the nightstand, I see an empty bottle. Standing, I reach for it. It’s a nighttime sleep aid with bold letters on the front that says Fall Asleep Fast.
Looking down at her, I smirk. She’s so fucked up that she has to drug herself to sleep with me. Then I wonder if this shit would help me sleep. My nightmares have been bad. It’s worth a try.
I pull on my pants and shirt after tossing the bottle back between the bed and nightstand. A thought hits me before I leave. And I hate myself for it. Thea drugged herself to fuck me. Thea was also drugged at the wedding. I don’t know why, but it doesn’t sit right with me. I try to shake off the feeling and leave her room.
I have enough shit going on in my life. I don’t need to worry about hers too.