“Where is he?” I ask, getting out of the car, balloons in hand.
Damian’s out front, waiting for me after I texted him I was almost home. “He’s downstairs. Don’t worry, he has no idea.” He motions for me to follow him.
Opening up the gate to the pool, he lets me go through first. The motorcycle is easy to spot—stark black against the white patio. A thrill of excitement rushes through me. Sutton’s going to freak out.
I brought the idea to Damian a few weeks ago, knowing that it was only a matter of time before Sutton would get the approval from his therapist that he didn’t need the cane any more. Sure enough, yesterday, he was cleared. Thankfully, it didn’t take much convincing. Damian had a few bikes picked out already and even let me have the final say on which one we’d surprise him with.
“You ready to do this?” I can barely contain my eagerness. This is what he needs, I’m sure of it.
Damian nods and moves the bike out front. I tie the balloons onto the handle. They look cheesy, but I needed an excuse to talk to Cassie in private, so cheesy it is. “I’ll go get him,” he tells me. I think I hear the slightest bit of excitement in his voice.
The next few minutes are some of the longest of my life. I’ve never wanted to see the look on someone’s face as badly as I do right now.
When the front door opens, my breath catches. First Wes comes out, then Adrian, next Damian, and finally Sutton. I wait for the realization to hit him. His smile falls, then shock takes over. I anxiously want to jump up, hug him, tell him to come check out his new bike, but this is delicate.
Sutton’s been wanting another bike. However, the trauma of his accident is still fresh. I don’t expect him to jump on it right away. It’ll likely be a slow process. So I let him feel all the emotions in his own time. I won’t rush him or overwhelm him.
“I… I…” he tries to speak, yet the words escape him. That’s not an easy feat. I smile, unable to contain my happiness. “Why?” He finally gets out.
Damian comes up and claps a hand on his back. “Just a little congrats gift for completing therapy. Plus, I know how much you hated driving around in that car. I’m having it sent back next month. Think you’re ready to get back to riding?”
I watch a war of emotions play over Sutton’s face. He wants this, but he’s scared. “I think I am,” he answers somberly.
“Good,” Damian says. “But this gift is conditional.” Sutton looks at him with confusion. Wes, Adrian, and I wait nervously for him to drop the news. When Damian told me that this was the only way he’d buy the bike, I agreed. But I don’t know if Sutton will. “You have to stop drinking. I understand why you’re doing it and I haven’t said much because I know you didn’t have another outlet. Now, I’m giving you another escape. But I’m not going to watch you kill yourself by being stupid. So if you want the keys, you need to promise me you won’t drink anymore.”
Damian dangles the keys in front of his brother. I expect Sutton to take a minute or two to think about it. He doesn’t. He snatches the keys.
Damian eyes him. “Sutton, if I find out you’ve been drinking, the bike is gone. For good.” He nods in agreement.
Finally, he comes over to me. “I’m guessing you had something to do with this?” He cracks a smile.
“Maybe,” I reply coyly, studying those amber eyes. “Do you like it?”
Sutton takes a step back, admiring the sleek bike. His fingers trace over the seat and along the body. “It’s perfect. Although, the balloons aren’t my style.” I giggle and it strikes me that I can’t remember the last time I did that—the last time I was genuinely overcome with giddiness. It’s both beautiful and incredibly sad.
He must see the shift in my expressions. Sutton’s fingers brush lightly across my jaw. “Thank you, baby.” Looking back at his brothers, he thanks them as well. “Wanna ride?”
I can’t help the distrust that narrows my eyes. “Sutton… you heard Damian, no drinking. Do you want to give yourself a day or two?”
He doesn’t answer. Instead, he gets very close. His piercings graze my lips and then he kisses me. “I haven’t had a drink in three days, since you came to the store,” he admits as he pulls back. My mind tries to reconcile his words with my reality. I can’t remember if I’ve seen him drink or tasted alcohol on his breath in three days.
I bring his mouth back to mine, letting my tongue be the judge. I taste nothing, only him. Some weight that I hadn’t realized was there, lifts from my chest. “Sutton.” Throwing my arms around him, I hold him close. It’s something only he and I are aware of. His brothers have no idea what’s going on. Knowing that my words had that much of an effect on him makes me want to laugh, cry, pour out my love for him, and even drop to my knees and thank whatever higher being is out there for this miracle.
My sweet Sutton is healing. There’s no better feeling than that.
“I love you so much.”
He smiles down lovingly at me. “Baby, there’s no one I love more than you. On my life.”
My heart’s pounding so loud I can’t hear anything else. I’m fucking terrified to be back on a bike, but I’m also chasing the familiar rush of adrenaline I’ve been without for months. Thea’s arms around my waist are helping to ground me.
This woman is incredible. I would’ve expected something like this from Damian. Maybe not this soon. But Thea, I’m surprised. I know she’s been hesitant about me riding again and I can’t blame her. I’ve had to deal with the aftermath of the accident which hasn’t been a walk in the park. However, she came face to face with almost losing me forever. That’s a pain I can’t imagine. After all, I was unconscious the entire time she was kidnapped. How could I even try to put myself in her place?
I brush my thumb over her knuckles before clutching the handgrip. I’m still nervous to ride like I used to, especially with Thea on the back.
I promised Wes to take it slow and Damian that I’d be back before dark. Those were both easy for me to agree to. The road curves, I take it smoothly despite my pulse jumping as I lean with the bike. As the road straightens, I expect my heart rate to slow. It doesn’t.
Suddenly, my chest feels tight. Panic surges, making my blood hot and my stomach twist. I try inhaling, but I can hardly catch my breath. I feel Thea tap on my back. She must sense that something’s wrong.
My eyes scan the road ahead, looking for somewhere to pull over. I’m losing hope and my anxiety is making me feel lightheaded. Finally, I spot a narrow road shooting off the main one. I don’t know where it leads, but I don’t care. I just need a minute to collect myself.
I navigate the downward slope until we come to a small, empty parking lot. There’s a guardrail and a sign that reads Bear Mountain Overlook . Pulling into one of the spots, I turn off the bike and put the kickstand in place. I hear Thea slide up her visor.
“What’s wrong?”
The worry in her voice makes my eyes water. I try to steady myself—my entire body is trembling. When I don’t answer, Thea dismounts and comes around to face me. She slides up my visor, but I don’t meet her gaze.
“Hey,” she says softly while reaching for my hand. I hate that I’m so ashamed of how I’m feeling. She makes me feel utterly safe and I should be able to open up about this. Yet, I can’t.
Then, unexpectedly, she throws her leg over the bike so that we’re sitting face to face. Thea’s arms wrap around me as she tries to nestle her head against me. The helmet makes it difficult. She doesn’t prod anymore. She doesn’t ask what’s wrong. She’s probably figured it out. Thea just holds me and eventually, I melt into her embrace.
The steady rhythm of her heart and breath help to calm me. I work to match her composure. It doesn’t come quickly, but it does come. The panic fades first. Then my chest loosens and my pulse slows. I finally feel like myself again. Pulling away from her, I look into her eyes to show her that I’m alright.
“Thank you, baby.” The edges of her deep blue eyes crinkle as she smiles. Thea grabs the edge of my helmet, pulling my face to hers, never breaking eye contact.
Maybe it’s how she knows just what to do to calm me, maybe it’s the adrenaline from being back on a bike, or maybe it’s the gorgeous fucking sunset over the mountains, but whatever it is, all I know is I need Thea right now.
She must feel it too. She releases her grip and lets her hands drop to my chest, then lower. I catch that familiar sparkle in her eyes. She’s always been hesitant to get fucked in public, although deep down I know she loves the fear of possibly getting caught.
A car flies by on the main road above us. There hasn’t been much traffic on our ride, but that doesn’t mean the risk is non-existent. Thea’s hand dips lower, her fingers tracing the waistband of my pants. I arch into her touch automatically. Looking around, I search for a place I can give her what she wants, but there’s not a bench or even a sidewalk.
Then, the perfect idea comes to me.
“Wanna help me christen this bike?” I can tell she’s confused for a moment, then she gets it. I feel the uncertainty roll off of her and I think I might have to convince her. But she surprises me when she starts unbuttoning my jeans, but I stop her. I want something else first.
I’ve never been so thankful that she’s wearing loose sweatpants. With my palm on her chest, I guide her backwards until Thea’s resting her head against the dash. I hook my fingers into her waistband and shimmying her pants down. Grabbing her calf, I pull the cuff of her sweats over her sneaker to free one leg. That’s all I need.
I grip Thea’s hips and pull her into me. The muffled gasp that escapes her lips makes me smirk. She glances up at the road as a truck speeds by. “Sutton—”
That little protest she always does turns me on more. “Shhh,” I stop her. “No one’s going to see.” I run my hand over her thigh, that little crown tattoo catching my eye as I take her in. “But I bet you’re dripping at the thought of us getting caught. Aren’t you, baby?” Her eyes widen at my accusation. I don’t wait for an answer. My fingers push inside of her easily. Being right makes me chuckle roughly.
I expect her to scowl or scold me despite her equally participating in this. She doesn’t. Instead, Thea presses into my touch, pulls herself away, then pushes back into me. She’s fucking herself using my fingers. My head falls back in wanting, but my cock throbs, making my focus snap to her.
Thea picks up her speed and with it her panting. Her back is arched up, making her tits too enticing not to touch. I hook my thumb under the hem of the snug long sleeve thermal shirt she’s wearing, bunching it up to the base of her neck. Tugging her bra down roughly, I free her breast.
“Fuck… Sutton,” she moans out my name. I almost don’t catch it with the helmet covering her mouth. She’s getting close—I know her too well. She just needs a little help getting there.
Pulling my fingers from her, I risk her outrage. It’s only a momentary absence as I slick her clit with her wetness, then push back inside her. Thea’s eyes soften once she understands.
My thumb rubs over that sensitive spot as she thrusts my fingers in and out. With my other hand, I trace the soft curve of her cleavage before capturing her peaked nipple. I roll it between my fingers, pinching just hard enough to make her inhale sharply before whimpering.
“That’s my girl,” I encourage. “You’re going to come for me, baby. Isn’t that right?” I watch her intently. She nods. “As many times as I want?” Her movements stutter and her head lifts. My chin tilts down and my gaze hardens. I’m going to get what I want and she needs to know that. She nods again. “Good.”
Thea resumes her rhythm and my thumb circles her clit. I watch as her breathing picks up and her legs begin to shake.
“I’m close,” she cries out just as she goes over the edge. Slowing my pace, I take pleasure in the tension that overtakes her body, the way she clenches around me, and her muffled moans through the helmet. When her body relaxes, I don’t pull away, instead I keep teasing her. Each shudder and whimper makes my satisfaction grow. I know her whole body is on fire right now, every nerve ending is raw, and she probably feels like she needs time before she goes again. But I’m not going to give that to her.
“Give me another one, baby,” I coax. My finger curls over that sensitive spot deep inside of her while my thumb begins circling her again. Her thighs push together, instinctively trying to stop me, but the position she’s in doesn’t give her full range of motion. She grunts in frustration. I pick up my pace.
Finally, Thea lifts her head, shaking it. “I can’t. It’s too much.” I know that’s not true. She can give me more.
I’m about to tell her that when her head falls back and her breathing speeds up. There it is. It doesn’t take much to make her come again. And the third time comes so quickly that I nearly miss it.
I can’t take it anymore. I need to be inside her.
Reluctantly, I take my hands from her and finish undoing my pants before pulling myself free. My hands grip her waist, yanking her up so we’re face to face. Gripping my needy cock, she takes over, lifting herself and then sinking onto me. The feel of her tight pussy wrapping around me has me cursing under my breath.
Thea doesn’t need any motivation. She places one hand behind her on the fuel tank, using it for balance as she rides me while her other arm hooks over my shoulder. My hands slide over her hips to grip her ass, squeezing each time she pushes me into her.
Her head falls back as she moves faster. The sight of her parted lips and her tits bouncing as she rides me with the golden rays of the sunset shining through her dark hair is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. Thea is a fucking goddess and I’ll spend the rest of my life as her devotee, worshiping the ground she walks on. And honestly, that’s still not enough. This woman deserves to have the world bowing at her feet. She deserves monuments, statues, altars, and prayers.
She catches me off guard when her head falls forward and our eyes lock. The intensity of her stare bores right through to the heart of me. I swear I can feel her love in every fiber of my being. I can feel her light and her magic coursing through my blood—calling me to become one with her.
“Fuck. Thea,” I pant out. “You’re so goddamn perfect. Do you know that?” I don’t know if she’ll answer, but I can’t control the words spilling from my mouth.
“Perfect. For. You.” The words come out staggered. “Just. For. You.”
Just for me. I love that she’s making me feel like I’m the only one that matters right now. It’s just us. No sharing. No dividing our time. Just me and her in this impenetrable, idyllic bubble.
“Mine. All mine, baby.”
I feel it building, that pressure becoming almost unbearable as my skin tingles and heats.
Grabbing the hand Thea’s using for balance, I guide her between us and silently commanding her to play with herself. I’m going to need both of my hands to fuck her while she gets off a fourth time.
Looking down to where our bodies meet, I watch her fingers move in slow circles around her clit. Sliding my hands beneath her thighs and up under her ass, I lift her, then bring her back down onto me. I barely hear her gasp through the helmet and I have the sudden urge to take the gear off so I can kiss her, but that’s not something I can do right now. I thrust into her wildly, only wanting one thing—to have her ride the whole way home dripping my come.
That thought alone has me hurtling toward my climax. But it’s Thea coming once again that makes me spill inside of her. She pulls me in tight, her nails clawing at my shoulder while my fingers dig into her ass as I try to keep from falling over.
Minutes pass and still, we’ve hardly caught our breaths. Thea’s leaned back again, laying against the fuel tank and I’m slumped over, resting on her when she finally speaks. “Damian’s going to kill us.” She looks around and I notice it too. The light has disappeared. It’s not completely dark, but it will be by the time we get home.
“Yes he is,” I admit. “But it was worth it.” We both laugh. Despite the sun’s absence, I see that perfect sparkle in her eyes. Everything’s perfect in this moment. I don’t want it to end.