I’ve been avoiding sleeping in my room since the night Cole tried to drown me. It’s a temporary solution, at least until I can formulate a plan that doesn’t get me killed or worse, imprisoned by him.
I know that he’s having the same thoughts. He’s trying to figure out how to get to me. I’m not sure how he’ll manage it, but I have no doubt he has something planned. I need to be ready for whatever he’s going to throw at me.
Two days ago, I bought a hunting knife. I’ve been keeping it on me whenever I go out. If he takes me, I’ll be somewhat prepared to fight back. And this time, he won’t get me to a second location. He’ll have to kill me.
I’ve done everything I can to make sure I’m never alone. My work schedule is aligned with Cassie’s so that I’m not at the studio by myself. Thankfully, we’re on speaking terms after that night at Wolf Creek. I apologized for being snippy, but I told her that I hadn’t changed my mind. She didn’t argue with me, although I could tell she wanted to.
The only other place I spend time is at home and there’s always someone there. It’s where I feel safest despite all that’s happened in my room. I haven’t even been back out to Olive Way since my date with Damian in the barn. It’s too risky.
Cole’s watching me wherever I go, but I’m watching him, too.
Anthony is still sending me his GPS data. It’s mostly the same, but he’s been coming by the house more. He parks there for hours at night, waiting for me to sleep in my room—waiting for his moment to terrorize me again. It’s not going to happen. Not until I’m ready, and on my terms.
Not only are Cassie and Anthony tracking Cole, they’re also tracking me. My confrontation with Damian the night I came home after digging up the bodies made me eager to check my burner phone. Sure enough, my location is being shared on that phone, too. Not to Damian like I thought. Cassie’s receiving my location. I wanted to be angry with her for not telling me, but I understand why she didn’t.
My first instinct was to turn it off, but if I did, she’d know and would probably find another way to track me. Also, if things go badly with Cole and he manages to kidnap me again, I want someone to know where I’m at. I can’t imagine being his prisoner without any hope of rescue. So, I left it on.
All of these small things are adding up, helping me to feel like I have some control over this situation. Helping me feel like I might have a chance at accomplishing what I’ve set out to do.
Exerting power over the guys last night gave me a boost of confidence in taking charge of a situation. Although, I could use some more practice. That’s why I’m sneaking my way through Damian’s closet into Adrian’s room.
Normally, I wouldn’t do this. I’d be too nervous that Damian would catch me. However, he’s been falling asleep on the couch more and more these days. That’s where he was when I went to get a glass of water and then the idea came to me to visit Adrian. One last time.
He gave me what I needed at the tattoo shop. This time it’s his turn and I’m hoping he wants me to restrain him again. I think that’s what I need before I go up against Cole. I need to be brutal and Adrian lets me.
Pushing open the door to his room, I see him lying half naked, tangled in sheets. I quietly close the door behind me and walk to the side of the bed where his head’s turned. His back rises and falls in a gentle rhythm. The women inked on his back look as if they’re moving with each breath he takes. It’s eerie.
I turn my gaze to his face. Wisps of his inky hair hang over his forehead. His dark eyelashes flutter as his eyes twitch. Adrian almost looks innocent. I push the thought away. He isn’t, not by a long shot, and that’s exactly why I’m here.
“Psssttt.” I wait for him to stir. He doesn’t. “PSSSTTTT.” Adrian’s face scrunches—he’s heard me. “Get up,” I urge.
“The fuck?” His eyes squint open. “What are you doing?”
Huffing, I roll my eyes. I don’t exactly come to him for any other reason than to get screwed. But if I have to say it, I will. “I need you to fuck me,” I say bluntly.
Adrian runs a hand over his face and shakes his head. “I’m tired, Havoc. It was a long day at the shop.”
I’m impatient. I’m not giving in that easily. “C’mon. You’re going to refuse me now? If you can’t get it up, just say so.” I’m hoping the barb might entice him.
“Thea, I’m not interested,” he resists, his voice hoarse.
“Is this because of what happened at the shop? It wasn’t a big deal. I’m fine.” My tone slowly shifts from demanding to persuading. “It’s your turn to choose. What do you want? I’ll do whatever it is.”
He eyes me suspiciously. We both know what I’m talking about. This back and forth of giving each other what we need isn’t exactly subtle. “Anything?”
The way he says it makes me nervous. “Well, I mean, nothing illegal. Don’t ask me to kill you or anything.” He nods as if he’s contemplating my offer.
“Okay. Get comfortable.”
Excitement rushes through me. I pull off my shirt and pajama bottoms, leaving just my panties on. I slide into bed with him. My mind races with the possibilities of what he might ask for. Adrian adjusts the covers, so there’s nothing between us. Then his arm snakes around my waist and he pulls me in close.
I wait and wait and wait. But he doesn’t do anything else. I’m pulled tight to his body, his face is buried in my neck and his leg is hooked over mine. Is he… Is he cuddling me? I don’t even feel an erection. I’m confused.
“Adrian? What are you doing?”
His warm breath tickles my neck, making me shiver. “You said anything, right?” I mean, I did. This wasn’t what I was imagining. I can’t even push him away. I’m frozen in place. Why? Why this? Anger flares. Is he doing this out of pity? Because he thinks I need this? As if reading my mind, he speaks. “This is what I need.”
My emotions calm a little. At least it’s not about me. Still, this is uncomfortable. We don’t do this. We aren’t tender or sweet or caring. We hate each other. I hate him. So why does that feeling not seem as strong as before?
I just wanted to have some rough sex. That’s all I wanted—now he’s taking it away from me. He’s taking away the one thing that gives me some control over all the chaos in my life. He’s taking away what I need to defeat Cole.
Maybe this is all a joke. Adrian could be luring me in, pretending to want this to catch me off guard. I’m convinced that must be it. He doesn’t have a soft side.
Holding my breath, I wait some more. My body is completely in tune with every movement he makes, expecting his true self to emerge any minute.
Nothing happens. He just holds me.
“I was fourteen the first time my uncle touched me,” he whispers against my skin—I almost don’t hear it. As quietly as he speaks, I don’t escape his confession. “My mom just died and he was the only family I had who could take me in.” He pauses and I want to tell him to stop. I can’t hear this. Once I do, I won’t view him the same. I’ll have compassion and sympathy. I’ll realize that he’s not a monster or an asshole just to be one. Something made him this way and I don’t want to know. So why do I stay silent? “If you don’t want to hear this, you can say something.”
How does he know what I’m thinking? Maybe he feels how tense I’ve gotten or that I’m holding my breath. Adrian’s giving me an out, yet I can’t take it. I don’t say anything.
“The first time wasn’t so bad, he was gentle even. I didn’t understand what was going on. I didn’t know how to say no. I couldn’t leave. I had nowhere to go. So, I let him. I didn’t tell him to stop. It only got worse from there.” His voice cracks and I feel a rattle in my chest. I don’t want to feel his pain. I have too much of my own. “The next four years were hell. Worse than hell. I would’ve rather burned alive. He’d get drunk and do things that were unspeakable. Things you should never do to another person.”
My mind thinks back to the day I restrained him. “There’s nothing you can do that I already haven’t experienced.” I wonder if that’s what he was referring to. I wonder if his uncle restrained him. I wonder if he hit him like I did. Nausea rolls through me. Jesus, what if I reminded him of his uncle?
“Then, one day, I couldn’t take it anymore. I couldn’t stand to watch him drink another beer, get lost in the alcohol, and touch me, then forget it ever happened. So, I told my brothers. I revealed my biggest shame to them. And they did what brothers do.” He pauses—he doesn’t need to tell me. I know what the Wolfe brothers do for the ones they love. “We made a plan. It was foolproof. Cole and I would wait until he was drunk. We’d carry him out to the van and we’d get rid of him, quietly. People would think he’d just left. They probably wouldn’t have even noticed for a while. We were going to bury him deep in the woods on his own property, near the creek we grew up playing along.”
Jesus fucking Christ. Wolf Creek. Their sacred place and their fucking dumping ground for bodies. I wonder how many others are out there. Then another thought hits me. The beer.
“Is that why you got upset on Thanksgiving? The beer?” I ask cautiously.
I feel him tense before he answers. “Yes. It’s the same kind my uncle used to drink.”
Adrian continues, “Things changed once we got inside. My uncle was passed out, but Cole… I don’t know what came over him. He told me to wait in the living room where my uncle was lying in the recliner. When he came back, he had a gasoline container in his hand. I knew it was a bad idea. I knew better. Damian had a good plan. But in that moment, I wanted him to suffer. I wanted him to feel every ounce of pain he’d caused me, and more. So, I didn’t stop Cole when he started dousing the place and I didn’t stop him when he lit the curtains on fire. Let it burn, that’s what I said. I didn’t stop him. It was my fault. I didn’t stop him. I didn’t stop him.” Each time he says it, his voice trembles more and I can hear the tears starting to come through. Each time he says it, I feel my own tears starting to come.
And before I know it, my arms are wrapped around him, pulling him tighter to me. Pulling this wounded man into me so that he might feel a little love. Because now I know. Now I understand why he’s an asshole. Adrian was tortured and abused and neglected and not given the love he needed, especially after losing his mom. He, more than anyone, deserves to be a fucking asshole. I don’t blame him.
Guilt hits me hard. When I first met Adrian, I thought he couldn’t possibly imagine what it’s like to turn into the very monster you’re trying to fight off. And he couldn’t have known what it was like to accept your fate and give up your freedom for the ones you love. I was so fucking wrong.
Somewhere in the midst of the agony inside of me, that pyre emerges. It’s burning bright in the darkness. Nearby, there’s something new. Something Adrian’s given me. Gasoline.
From the shadows, I see a figure come forward toward the flames, until it’s clear who it is. Then, I realize it’s me. I’m picking up the gasoline and pouring it on the pyre. The fire explodes, uncontrolled and angry. It wants to consume everything. I want to consume everything. Everything that has hurt Damian, Wes, Sutton, and now Adrian. I want revenge not only for myself, but for them too.
Suddenly, it clicks into place. Cole didn’t go crazy because he felt the judge and jury were unfair. He didn’t lose it because of what Adrian’s uncle did. Cole went psycho because of his own guilt. He knew what he did was wrong. He could have come forward at any time and spared Adrian, but he didn’t. And Adrian didn’t throw him under the bus. He could’ve turned him in. But he didn’t. Because he’s a good brother. He’s a good man.
Everything I thought I knew has been completely turned upside down. Taking Cole down is more important than ever. I can’t let him get away with anything else. He’s run out of chances and I’m his karma, here to return everything he’s ever done back to him.
He’s going to wish he died in that cabin.