Only one more thing to do. I pretended to call Cassie the other day. Now, I’ll actually have to reveal my plan to her.
Grabbing my phone, I switch to my messaging app and find her name.
Me: Tonight’s the night. I’m so sorry. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you and I’m sorry for everything that’s going to come after this. I’m sorry for ruining your holidays. I wish I’d been a better friend to you and that we had more time together, like we were supposed to. Whatever happens, there are letters in my desk that I need you to give to the guys. I need you to do that for me, just this one last favor. I love you so, so, so much. You have been the greatest person I’ve ever known. My sister, my best friend, my soulmate. Keep doing everything right, keep being you. I’m so sorry. I hope you can forgive me.
My shaking finger hovers over the send button. Once I hit it, that’s it. There’s no going back. Tears stream down my face. I don’t want to do this to her, but I don’t have a choice. If she knew everything, the truth, I think she’d understand. I hope she will. I hit the send button and turn my phone on do not disturb. Then I toggle back to the recording app.
I glance at the time. It’s been hours since the guys left. I know Cole’s waiting until they’re far enough away before he comes here. I need to get in position.
Leaving my room and closing the door behind me, I head to Cole’s old bedroom. Next to his door is the crowbar I purchased yesterday. Taking it in my hands, I pry the locked door open. Every move I’ve planned is strategic. I couldn’t very well go through the closet in my room—Cole would see me on the camera. So, I’d have to break into his room and access his closet that way.
The crowbar doesn’t leave my hand. I’ll need it for this next part, too.
Opening the closet door, I assess the large area, making sure he’s not already in there. It’s clear. I close the door behind me and take up my position near the opening in the floor.
I’ve already scoped it out. I’ve opened it and figured out exactly how he’ll enter. I place myself so that I’ll be behind him when he comes through it, so he won’t see me.
I’m not sure how long I stand there, but my legs start to ache and my hands go tingly from holding the bar. I shift restlessly, waiting. Then I start to wonder if he’ll even come. Just as doubt creeps in, I hear it. The faint sound of feet against the wood ladder leading to the doorway.
Bracing myself, I take a deep breath and hold it. My entire body stills. I wait until I see the floor move and his head emerge from the hole. I thought I’d be more scared, but I’m not. I only see red.
Cole hoists himself inside, letting the door thump back into place. Now! My arms push back and then I swing that fucking crowbar as hard as I can, keeping my eyes open and focused on my target. He must hear me because he starts to turn just as the metal connects with his skull.
His body crumples to the floor. I did it. I’m in shock. I did it. I can’t believe it. Cole’s lying in a pool of blood and I wonder if I’ve already killed him. Shit. I can’t dwell on meaningless details. If he’s still alive, I can’t have him unrestrained. He’ll definitely kill me after this.
I drop the weapon and open the hidden door that leads to my closet, then slide open my closet door so that I have a clear path to my bathroom. Grabbing Cole by his wrists, I start pulling him toward the shower, leaving a trail of blood along the way.
I’m sitting on the edge of the tub, keeping a close eye on Cole. His head hangs with his chin touching his chest. His breathes are shallow. He’s still alive despite the head wound. I’ve set him in the chair with his arms and legs tied.
Although I’ve left streaks of blood across my bedroom and bathroom floor, the shower will contain any real mess that will take place once he comes to.
Surprisingly, I thought I’d be more shaken up. I thought I’d second guess my plan or regret hitting him. I don’t. There’s not one part of me that feels bad. Cole’s a monster, and he doesn’t deserve to roam free.
A pained groan comes from his lips, making me stand quickly. He lifts his head slowly, letting it fall backwards as he winces in agony before opening his eyes. This all feels so familiar, although the roles are reversed this time. I let Cole figure things out on his own, like I had to.
His head rolls as he takes in the shower. I notice the slight tug against his restraints as he realizes that he’s tied up. Then, we lock eyes and he starts laughing. I try to keep my face blank, but I’m in shock.
“Untie me, love. We both know you weren’t made for this. Nice attempt, though.” He’s smirking like he has some kind of power here. I don’t think he understands that he’s killed whatever shred of humanity that might’ve had empathy for him. That part of me is buried and I’m not digging it up tonight. “Untie me, Thea,” he says more sternly as his hands yank against the rope that’s keeping them together.
I shake my head. “I’m not going to untie you. There’s too much we have to do and I need you focused.” He looks around and I can see the moment he notices the gun and knife on the counter. Any amusement on his face fades quickly. Cole’s eyes shift back to me.
“You don’t have what it takes to do this,” he claims. “The corkscrew was self-defense, but you don’t have the balls to actually kill me. You’re too nice. You’re too scared.” I’m not sure if he’s trying to convince me or himself. It makes me smile a little and a wave of confidence washes over me.
I move toward the shower, grabbing the handle of the knife before stepping inside to join him. “You know, you’re right. Killing you might be scary. It’ll probably be hard. But you’re also very, very wrong. I’m not so nice anymore, I haven’t been for a long time. And technically, this is still self-defense. You’ve tormented me enough for me to be okay with this.” I run the edge of the blade over his cheek and I crack a wide smile, then lean down to whisper in his ear. “I’ll just build up to killing you. I’ll try my hand at torture first.”
Cole begins to thrash against his restraints, making the chair legs lift and smack down onto the tile. “You can’t do this,” he screeches as he finds that the rope won’t budge. “You don’t even know what you’re doing. I’ve been doing this much longer. Let me go and we’ll call it even,” he bargains.
“That’s not going to happen. And you might have more experience, but I’ve been doing my research, Cole. That rope you’re trying to get out of won’t budge. I’ve planned everything out perfectly.” I lean against the back of the shower, taking in all of his emotions as he realizes that this wasn’t his ambush. It was mine. He doesn’t give me the reaction I expect, though.
Cole levels his gaze at me. “That may be true. However, you weren’t the only one orchestrating the events of this evening.” My eyes narrow. “You didn’t think it was strange that you happened to end up all alone tonight? You assumed that was a coincidence?” He waits for me to answer. He knows I’m interested—this is a way for him to gain back some power.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, Wes and Sutton are probably on the side of the road fixing a couple of flat tires. Pesky nails,” he casually says as he shrugs. “And Adrian will probably be gone almost all night. I heard someone paid extra for a last minute large back tattoo.” Jesus, he’s not lying. “Then there’s Damian. He’s in for quite a surprise when he gets to that storage unit in Tennessee. But bravo for tracking Gavin down. He was so desperate to make sure you didn’t go to jail that he didn’t even question when a tip for Gavin’s location just fell in his lap. He’s losing his touch.” Ice runs through my veins. I don’t have time to respond—he keeps going. “Of course, he’ll find what he’s been looking for, although he won’t live long enough to tell anyone about it.”
The ice in me thaws as that pyre flares. Cole’s unraveling my plans and the worst part is, he didn’t even have to try very hard. My whole reason for doing all of this was to protect them and I’ve failed. I don’t know what Damian’s up against. I don’t know if he’s alive. I haven’t heard from him since this morning. “You’re a monster,” I snarl, coming in close again with the knife pressed into his neck.
Cole presses into it. “Let me go, Thea, or the location of the evidence from the night we rescued you from those guys will make it back to that detective who’s been sniffing around. My brothers will be put away for those murders if you don’t listen to me.” Now it’s my turn. I giggle and his face twists in confusion.
“That evidence doesn’t exist anymore. I’ve burned it all. Pick something else to use as leverage.” He shakes his head. I’m more than happy to prove it. “What? Don’t believe I could do it? Can’t believe that sweet Thea could dig up two bodies out at Wolf Creek and take back that pill bottle? Can’t believe that innocent Thea could sneak into your car at the gas station, make a copy of your key, break into your apartment, and find the duffle bag under the floorboards?” I say it so purely and with big doe eyes as I stare at him before letting my mouth pull into an evil grin. “Are you still sure that you know what I’m capable of?”
That’s when I see the shift. True terror fills his eyes as the color drains from his face. The feeling is so god damn satisfying. His mouth opens and closes a few times before he finally speaks.
“Thea… Love, we can work something out. What do you want? Want me to leave you all alone? I can do that.” The desperation in his voice makes power surge through me—it goes right to my head. “I’ll call off the hit on Damian. Right now. My phone’s in my pocket. I can do that.”
I churn his offer over in my head, but I already know that I can’t let Cole go. I’ll never sleep peacefully. I’ll always believe there’s a chance that he’s out there watching or plotting against me. I can’t let him go. Damian could be dead already, and if he isn’t, I trust he knows how to protect himself. I have to see this through to the end—for all of us.
I shake my head. “No, Cole. I’m not letting you go. It’s time to pay for your crimes. All. Of. Them.”
His body starts to shake and he tries harder than ever to escape his restraints. I watch as tears fill his eyes. And it only fuels me to keep going.
It’s time for my revenge.