The Puck Chase (Fairfield U #3) 13. Archer 30%
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13. Archer

M y friendship with Nova Darkmore is something I cherish deeply. Like, I love that fucker like he is my own brother, so to see him spiral into his own drunken destruction has been hard to watch. I saw his relationship bloom with Maddie so quickly, that I almost couldn’t believe it, so when we found out she was engaged to somebody else, it came as a bit of a shock. One I was easily able to absorb, focusing only on helping him through it, yet what I didn’t expect is to find out the whole fucking thing was bullshit.

I mean, who the fuck forces their child into a fucking business marriage? Mayor Hugo Peters, that’s who. I knew the guy was a grade A dickwad, but this is even worse than what I could have ever imagined. I'm not sure why, I grew up in similar circles in New York, surrounded by wealth and privilege, yet my parents would never do something like this. Hell, I know I could confidently call any one of them right now and talk out my spiral about my sexuality, and they wouldn’t even bat an eyelid. So to know there are people who not only don’t have that same level of love and support, but are also dealing with shit like this? Well, it fucking infuriates me.

After getting into a fight last night at the bar, I had no choice but to call Maddie in for reinforcements in helping us get Nova home, and the second she turned up I knew I made the right decision. Even before I knew all this getting married bullshit wasn’t her choice, I saw the way she looked at my best friend, the feelings she has for him. Feelings she probably hasn’t even admitted to herself yet, the same ones I see in him, and now I’m grateful to know I might be able to save them.

There is a level of relief flowing through me as I hand Nova today’s newspaper, relaying the events of my morning. From reading the article about Maddie’s future husband being exposed for cheating, to seeing Josh’s roommate in the gym, and being told that the whole thing wasn’t her choice. My best friend listens to it all, his eyes a mixture of confusion and regret, as he tries to process what I’m saying.

“I need to see her,” he exclaims firmly, moving to leave instantly, before Jake cuts in to stop him.

“Shouldn’t you shower first,” he says carefully, no doubt not wanting to rile him up more than he already is, and before Nova can respond, his phone begins to ring.

He dives for his so fast that I’m not sure how he doesn’t pull a fucking muscle, answering it instantly. “Maddie,” he breathes in greeting, not even bothering to check the caller ID, and Jake, Reign and I wait silently for her response.

There is a short pause before we hear a firm female voice reply, “Am I speaking with Nova Darkmore?” My frown is instant, as is his, as he pulls the phone away from his ear to check the screen.

Whatever he finds there clearly doesn’t give him an answer, because he puts the phone back to his ear, and replies, “This is he.”

“Mr. Darkmore, this is Jennifer, I’m calling from Fairfield Medical Center. It’s about your mother, Diana Darkmore.”

Panic floods my system at her words, as I try to recall every single thing Nova has told me about his mom being sick, yet I can’t remember any of it. Instead I feel the impact of her words like a knife to my fucking gut, and I know my best friend feels the same, as his face turns completely white. More words are shared between them, but I don’t hear a single one, already grabbing my keys and gesturing for Nova to follow me.

His entire body is shaking as he climbs in the car, and when a tear hits his cheek, it stings me like a shard of fucking glass. I drive across town like a mad man, running red lights and slipping in and out of lanes as neither of us says a word, and by the time we reach the hospital, Nova’s face is stained in tears. I find a parking spot, and we both jump from the car, storming towards the doors, until he stumbles slightly, and my arm reaches out to steady him.

“It’s okay, brother, I got you,” I tell him softly as his red eyes meet mine, and he nods, only once, before we push inside and go in search of his mom.

“I’m looking for my mother, Diana Darkmore,” he commands by way of greeting, when we find the desk we need, startling two of the nurses there.

“Nova?” A third one asks, looking between us both, until my best friend steps closer to her. “I’m Jennifer, we spoke on the phone, let me take you through so you can speak to the doctor, but it’s family only,” she tells him, nodding down the corridor, and when Nova looks back at me in question I am already shaking my head.

“Go on, brother, go and check on Mrs. D, I’ll be right here,” I force out, not knowing if I can face whatever the doctor might say, and he nods mindlessly, moving to leave, before pausing and looking back at me.

“I can’t lose her, Arch,” he chokes out, and I step forward and pull him into a tight hug.

“You are not losing her,” I tell him, needing to hear those words myself, as my best friend cries into my shoulder. “Diana Darkmore is as badass as her fucking son, and she isn’t going anywhere.”

“Thank you, brother,” he whispers gently, and I pat his back, letting him squeeze me as tight as he needs, before he pulls back and nods.

Then he is gone and I am left alone, already pulling out my phone and walking away from the nurses station, before the other two can try and talk to me. I find the contact I had to use only last night, and hit the call button again before I can even second guess it, and the phone barely even rings, before I am greeted with an exasperated sigh.

“I said okay, Josh,” Maddie snaps, and I don’t even have the energy to be confused as to why she thinks I am Josh right now.

“Maddie, it’s Archer,” I say softly, and she is no doubt once again wondering why the hell I am calling her.

“What happened, is he okay?” she rushes out in a panic, the same panic I heard in her voice last night when I called about the fight. The same one I am feeling burning in my gut right now.

“Nova’s fine,” I tell her, which isn’t technically a lie, he is fit and healthy, but I’m not sure if I would say the same for his mental state. “It’s his mom,” I add in a whisper, unable to even bring myself to even say her name.

“His mom? Diana? What happened, is she okay?” Question after question falls from her mouth, and I recall Nova telling me that Diana and Maddie used to be close before the fallout with her father, and it only makes me feel worse.

“She’s in the hospital,” I say even quieter than before, like just saying it out loud might make things even worse. “I know I shouldn’t be calling you again, but I think you should come.”

If there is anyone who can be there for Nova right now if things go south, then it’s her, because if something happens to Diana, I’m not sure I would be able to survive it, let alone help him do it.

“I’m on my way,” she snaps, before ending the call, and I find somewhere to sit and wait, and then shoot off a text to let her know where I am.

I’m not sure how much time passes, but the next thing I know Maddie is rushing towards me in a panic, and I smile softly as I rise to my feet to greet her. “I’m sorry about this,” I start, but then she cuts me off, as her body slams into mine, pulling me in for a hug.

“Thank you for calling,” she gasps, her words muffled by my chest, and unlike with Nova, I sink into her embrace, letting myself bathe in the much needed comfort.

“I didn’t know what else to do, he was in a bad way,” I grumble into her hair, letting the fear and panic consume me, as Maddie pulls away. “I knew Diana was sick, but I didn’t know how bad, he didn’t tell me.”

“Where is he?” Maddie asks, her eyes flying around the room, and I smile softly at seeing how much she cares about my best friend.

“He went back to her when we got here,” I nod in the direction he left with the nurse, and Maddie’s eyes assess the direction I gestured to, as I add, “I haven’t seen him since, but I couldn’t bring myself to leave, not without knowing if they are okay.”

When her eyes move back to me, I feel her watching me closely, before she forces a fake smile to her face and pulls my hand into hers. “Everything is going to be fine, we’ll just wait here for news together.” All I can do is nod, leading her to take a seat with me, and then we watch and wait.

Hours pass by and we continue to wait silently, Maddie ignoring multiple calls on her phone, and me shooting off texts to update the guys about what is going on. They all send their love for Nova and his mom, and Coach tells me to let him know if we need anything, and I wish it made me feel better, but until I see my best friend, I can’t relax.

By the time the sun sets, Maddie has fallen asleep on my shoulder, which isn’t surprising since she spent half the night looking after Nova at our house last night. And I should probably feel the same. I know I am tired to my bones, but I am too wired to sleep, my eyes watching those damn doors like a fucking hawk.

It isn’t until I am replying to a text from Alexander with no update, that Nova finally storms toward me, his eyes looking lighter as they flick from me to his girl.

“I called her, she’s been here for hours, wouldn’t stop talking and fidgeting, I’m glad she finally fell asleep,” I say with a soft smile, shifting a little to try and relieve some of the numbness in my body from staying still for so long, except it wakes her instantly, and I sigh.

“What happened, is he okay?” she asks frantically as my movement startles her awake, until she notices Nova glaring down at her. “Nova,” she chokes out in relief at just the sight of him, before she remembers why we are all here. “Is Diana okay?” she rushes out in question, and I see my best friend’s stare soften.

If he weren’t already gone for her, he would be now.

“My mom is fine, stable for now at least,” Nova replies, not realizing his words sew together the wound that has been forming for the last eight hours. “Maddie, what are you doing here?” he snaps, and I cringe a little at his tone.

“I just,” Maddie starts, glancing at me nervously, and I sense they need some privacy to sort out whatever the fuck is going on with them.

Rising to my feet, I clear my throat, focusing on Nova. “I’ll hunt you down some decent coffee, brother. Glad Momma D is doing okay for now,” I tell him with a solemn smile, squeezing his shoulder as I pass. And as I walk away, I feel like I can take my first real breath all day.

I make my way outside first, desperate for some fresh air, as I pull out my phone and dial my sister's number. I texted her earlier letting her know what was going on, and I had to get Everest to talk her out of coming down here. She has been bugging me for updates ever since.

The phone rings a couple of times, before I am greeted with my little brother’s gruff tone. “Hello,” he greets me, and I feel better just hearing his voice.

“Ever, it’s me,” I tell him softly, taking another deep breath, to try and collect my thoughts.

“Is she okay?” he asks instantly, just as I hear some movement in the background, and then the murmur of my sister's voice, as Everest quietly says to her, “Yes, it’s Arch.” Then he is back to me and adds louder this time, “Rora is here, I’m putting you on speaker.”

“Archer, what is going on? Is Diana okay? Are you okay?” My sister instantly asks, and tears burn at the back of my eyes at how much they care for her, and for me.

I’m lucky that I have such an amazing family, but all it does is remind me that Nova only has his mom, and hopefully now Maddie too.

“Diana has cancer,” I tell them both for the first time, and Aurora’s gasp of shock causes me almost physical pain. “I don’t know much about it, but Nova said she is stable for now.” It’s not much of an update, I know, but it’s all I have to offer them.

“She’s going to be okay, right? She has to be,” Aurora starts to cry, and I hear a shuffle, and I can only presume that Everest is comforting her, and it makes me miss them more than normal.

“I’m going to head back in and try to find out what is going on, and when I have an update I will share it, but…” I trail off not knowing what to say or how to say it, before I finally breathe, “I just needed to hear a comforting voice I guess.”

My honesty hangs in the air as my sister sobs, and I’m glad she and Everest have each other right now, wishing I had someone too. I swipe the tear that has now fallen from my cheek, before I clear my throat of the emotion building there.

“Ever, take me off speaker please,” I tell my brother, and there is a shuffle, as he does it, along with my sister’s outrage, but he ignores her.

“I’m here,” he tells me, as I hear the closing of a door on his end, and I’m almost certain he has slipped into the bathroom.

“Look after Rora for me, you know how much she loves Diana,” I tell him gently, and he scoffs at having even to be asked.

“Don’t I always?” he snaps back, and I can’t help but smile at his pissy tone, knowing deep down he cares for Diana too, but it’s nothing in comparison to how he cares for our little sister.

“From the moment you met her,” I reply softly, knowing even when he is being a little shit, he is always looking out for her. “Love you, Mountain Man,” I add, letting a nickname I haven’t used in years fall from my lips, and he groans into the speaker.

“Yeah, yeah, love you too, call me later,” he mumbles, daring to show affection for once, and I almost laugh as he hangs up on me before I can answer.

When I make my way back into the hospital, I grab some coffee and then head back to the waiting room. I find Maddie and Nova where I left them, except now she is cuddled into his side like she can physically hold him together, and he is holding onto her like he thinks she might run away. I hand over some coffee with a knowing smile, bringing out baby Peters’ signature blush, before my best friend stands and pulls me into another hug.

“Thank you, Archer,” Nova grumbles, and I’m not sure if he is thanking me for being here, or for bringing his girl here, yet still I pat his back either way.

When we pull apart, he updates me on what happened with his mom. Apparently, the cancer is attacking her lungs, and she collapsed at work, but they have done a procedure and she is stable again. Yet still panic curls inside my gut, but Nova assures me if anything changes he will let me know, and commands me to go home and get some sleep.

Reluctantly I follow his orders, bidding them both goodbye and making my way back to my car, and by the time I make it back to the house, it’s completely dark out. Exhaustion clings to me as I let myself into the house, but before I even have the door closed behind me, I am being accosted by my fucking goalie.

“What the hell are you doing home? Is Diana okay?” Alexander asks in a panic, looking behind me as if he expects Nova to be there, only to frown when he realizes I’m alone. “Where’s Cap?”

“I left him at the hospital with Maddie. His mom is stable for now, he will update us if anything changes,” I reply, shaking him off, as I head straight into the kitchen to try and find some food, knowing the refrigerator is probably empty, only to pause when I open it and find it filled with food trays. “What’s all this?” I ask, looking between the food and Alexander, and he shrugs with a frown.

“Jones dropped it off earlier,” he tells me, referring to our teammate Levi, who lives with Josh, and before I can question him further, he adds. “Apparently Forbes made it all for us, in case we were too busy with Diana to cook for ourselves.”

My eyes scan the fridge again in disbelief. Daemon Forbes did all this? There must be ten containers, all filled to the brim with different foods, and all I can do is stare in shock. I mean, I knew the word about Nova’s mom would have quickly spread across the team, but I never expected this, especially not from him.

When I don’t respond, he moves to my side and surveys them with me. “I know, it’s fucking weird, right?” he laughs, sipping on the beer in his hand, and my stare cuts to him.

“It’s not weird, it’s really nice of him,” I clap back, making his own eyes widen, before his mouth curves into a smirk.

“Alright, I didn’t realize you had a fucking hard on for the guy,” he jokes, and the tips of my ears start to burn beneath the accusation.

“I don’t have a fucking hard on for the guy,” I boldly lie, forcing myself to not think about the night a few weeks ago, where I definitely did have a fucking hard on for him.

Alexander holds his hands up in defence. “Okay, don’t get your knickers in a twist,” he coos lightly, and like I did with Nova, I find myself appraising my goalie with fresh eyes to distract myself from the fucking shit show of a day we’ve had.

At 6’4” he is the tallest on the team, and the most built, and let’s not even get started on the fucking monster he is toting around between his legs, but do I find him attractive? I mean, yes, of course he is attractive, with his fucking blond hair and chiselled jaw line, and he has the air of superiority that can only come with his parents net worth, but would I kiss him? Would I want him to kiss me?

I let my gaze travel over him, and when I don’t respond to his words, he turns to me, finding me watching him closely, and he frowns. “Have you ever kissed a guy, Alexander?” I ask him, and his confusion turns into a smirk.

“Is that why you’re staring at me so hard, Gray? Want me to kiss you?” he asks with a smile, taking another drink of his beer, and tossing me a wink.

“No, you prick, just answer the fucking question,” I demand, growing impatient, as my eyes flick back to the trays of food and in turn my mind travels to the teammate who fucking hates me, but also knows how to make me come.

“No, I’ve never kissed a guy,” Alexander replies more seriously this time, and when I focus back on him, I note he is truly thinking deeply about my question. “I would consider myself straight, although I’ve never thought to kiss a guy, so I guess I can’t truly be sure,” he muses, before placing his beer on the counter and straightening his shoulders as he steps towards me.

Before I can stop him, he kisses me, his lips moving against mine, and after the initial shock, I kiss him back, just to see if I feel anything. Yet I feel nothing. No flicker of lust, excitement, or even attraction, and when he pulls back, I stare at him wordlessly, but all he does is shrug. “Yep, I’m definitely straight, sorry friend,” he breathes, like kissing one another is totally normal, as he reaches for his beer again. “I still love you though, but I understand if you need some time to get over me,” he smirks with another wink, and I shove him away from me.

“God you’re a fucking asshole, I don’t know how you ever seduce anyone, you should keep your fucking lips to yourself,” I scoff, pulling out one of the trays of food in an attempt to distract myself, but it isn’t enough.

Alexander kissed me and I felt nothing.

Daemon kissed me and I felt everything.

My mind goes to war with itself at what that could mean, and I know I should be thinking about my best friend and his mom, but there is nothing else I can do for them right now. So instead, I think about Daemon Forbes and his fucking hands around my throat, about how he warned me away from him, but then was quick to ask if I was okay after Coach yelled at me for Nova missing practice. Why, out of everyone, do I feel something with him?

“I can’t help it if the ladies love me,” Alexander responds, cutting into my thoughts, his accent thicker than usual, and I shake my head as I place the tray of food into the oven to heat it up.

“I’m sure one of those ladies will castrate you,” I toss back, and my friend only smirks.

“Always thinking about my dick, Gray, you clearly have a problem,” he coos, and I shake my head in exasperation, grabbing myself a beer, and heading for the sofa.

“Alexander, one of these days you’re going to meet a girl who will bring you to your knees,” I tell him truthfully, as he follows after me. “And I’m going to hand her a medal for putting up with all your shit.”

My goalie only shrugs. “As long as I can bring her to her knees too, I’m sure I’ll be fine,” he smirks, and I shake my head again, before draining half of my beer.

I wonder what it would take to bring Daemon Forbes to his knees?

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