Chapter Twenty
Autumn was concerned maybe she pushed a little too much. She already had Roth’s gift, but had decided at the last minute to see if his family could come over for breakfast. At the time, she didn’t know why he was reluctant to celebrate his birthday. She just thought it was a nice compromise to having a large gathering.
After their talk the previous morning, she was a little concerned, but didn’t call it off. It was time for him to stop isolating himself from the people who loved him. Birthday breakfast was a small step to reminding him he was still worthy of being celebrated.
Roth was staring at her waiting for an answer. Taking a deep breath, Autumn looked up at him, giving him a hopeful smile.
“It’s birthday breakfast?”
Taking his hand in hers, she led him to the seat at the head of the table. It was his preferred spot because the only thing behind him was a wall, and it offered the best vantage point to see the entire room, including the doorways leading in and out. Lifting the gift bag from his seat, she placed it on the nearby island.
“You can open this later.”
Following her example, his mother and Rhinehart also placed packages on the island. Butterflies beat their little wings in earnest in her belly. Autumn attempted to cover her nervousness with a smile, gesturing for everyone to sit.
“Son, I was looking at the grass in the southern pasture as we were driving in. Did you switch to Fescue?”
Nodding, Roth held out Autumn’s chair, getting her seated before taking his own.
“Yes, sir. It grows faster and we don’t have as many issues with bugs. I’ll get the herd moved over as it starts to cool down more.”
Autumn’s nerves gradually settled as Roth, his father and his brother lapsed into a conversation about the ranch. Below the table, Mrs. Stephens squeezed the hand Autumn rested in her own lap. Looking up, she mirrored the older woman’s smile.
As it turned out, her nervousness was for naught. Everything went off without a hitch. It was likely because the only time the focus was entirely on Roth was when it was time for him to open his presents. Rhinehart gave him a new pair of work gloves. Autumn had been away from ranching life for a long time, but she recognized the label and knew his brother had spent a pretty penny on the finely crafted gloves.
Before his parents gave him their gift, his father pulled out his phone and placed a call. Propping the device on the table between him and Roth, he pressed the icon to put the call on speaker. After two rings, Ryker’s face appeared on the screen.
“Hey, Pop.”
“Hey, son. I’m here with Roth and the rest of the family.”
The butterflies in Autumn’s stomach took flight again at his reference to them as the rest of the family . Somehow, she managed to keep from showing how the simple gesture affected her.
“Hey y’all. Happy birthday, Grouchy Smurf.”
“Fu—. I mean, forget you. You aren’t exactly the Jolly Green Giant yourself.”
“Yeah, whatever.” Ryker’s voice was muffled for a second, and he turned his head to the side. A moment later, Ensley’s smiling face was next to his.
“Happy birthday, Rothschild. And hey, Autumn. Hey, family.”
Ensley’s chipper greetings and obvious correction of Ryker’s goading made Autumn smile wider. Seeing Ensley and hearing her voice gave Autumn a wistful twinge. She’d had a few random conversations with her Vegas friends, but she hadn’t seen them since she’d begun her sabbatical. She didn’t miss everything from her life there, but she did miss them.
“Okay, that’s enough sweet talk, Darlin’. Roth, get your phone and check your messages.”
Pulling his phone from his pocket, Roth’s thick finger swiped across the screen. He stared at it for a few beats before he looked at his older brother.
“Are you serious?”
“Yep. I told you, that’s never been the life for me. But, you wanted it, and I think it’s where you’re supposed to be.”
Roth’s thanks were issued around what sounded like a lump of emotion in his throat.
“Do we get to know what Rye gave you for your birthday?”
Rhinehart asked the question on Autumn’s mind, but she wouldn’t venture to ask. Roth looked at his brother before sweeping his gaze around the table, then back to the cellphone.
“He signed over his portion of the Lazy Creek.”
“You’re shittin’ me.” Rhinehart’s outburst was immediately followed by the sound of his father smacking the back of his head.
“Watch your language.”
“Sorry, Mama. Autumn.”
“And Ensley.” Ryker added to Rhinehart’s list.
“Sorry, Ensley.”
Autumn knew better than to do anything more than nod in acceptance. Mr. Stephens was old school. Men didn’t curse in the presence of a lady.
Rubbing his head, Rhinehart looked at Roth. “If I’d known you’d accept it, I would’ve done that years ago.” His voice trailed off mumbling about Ryker always upstaging him.
They ended the call with promises to see Ensley and Ryker soon. They were all traveling to Las Vegas for the wedding. Roth and Autumn would arrive that Monday, but his parents were traveling a week before them. Rhinehart had business. So, he wouldn’t arrive until a couple of days prior.
Opening the remaining presents went quickly. His parents gifted Roth with a complete set of weatherproof notebooks. It was another perfect gift for him. He tended to carry a notebook in his back pocket all the time to jot down lists and other ranch related things. He rarely used the notes feature on his phone.
Autumn’s gift was last to be opened. Her bottom lip wouldn’t thank her for the way she nipped it between her teeth while she watched him pull the first item from the bag. His face stretched into a smile when he opened the monogrammed leather pouch and tipped out the pocket knife. The wood grain grip transitioned into black steel closer to the top.
Engraved in the wood were his initials. With practiced ease, Roth flicked out the blade, inspecting it. It appeared, once he was satisfied, he refolded the knife and placed it back into the leather pouch. One large hand cupped the base of Autumn’s neck pulling her closer.
“Thank you, Sugar. I love it.” A quick, but not chaste kiss was planted on her lips, causing heat to bloom in her cheeks.
Nodding toward the bag, nudged him. “You’re welcome, but that’s not all.”
Roth’s brow creased as he stared at the velvet box once he removed it from the bag. Flipping the lid open, he placed it on the table and lifted the item from the inside. From the outside, Autumn knew it looked like a pocket watch. However, when he pressed the button to open it, the true nature was revealed. It was a compass.
Using the tip of his fingers, he traced the words engraved inside the top cover. He didn’t read them aloud. Roth simply peered at her, then gave her another kiss. This time, she wasn’t as self-conscious. So, she was certain her entire face wasn’t flushed.
Once all the presents were opened and Roth had passed the pocket knife around for his brother and father to see it, what Autumn planned for his birthday breakfast was pretty much done. There was no cake. No candles. Simply enjoying a meal, talking, and bestowing gifts. She did notice Roth didn’t allow anyone to hold his compass.
They were forced to look at it while he held it in his hand. Afterwards, he attached the clip to his belt loop and tucked it into his pocket. The knife was attached to his belt. His other gifts were gathered and taken to his office.
Hand in hand, they walked his parents and brother out to their cars. As they drove away, the two of them moved to the porch. When Autumn went to sit on her own in one of the rocking chairs, Roth redirected her, settling her into his lap.
For a few moments, they sat there quietly absorbing the peacefulness of the late morning. Tucked into Roth’s lap, she felt the steady thud of his heartbeat. His beard tickled her forehead each time he moved and held her close with one hand at her back while the other stroked her from hip to knee.
“Thank you, Sugar. This has been the best birthday I’ve had in...years.”
Tilting her head to look up at him, Autumn kissed the base of his neck. “You’re welcome. But the day isn’t over. It’s not even lunch time yet.”
“As far as I’m concerned, we can sit right here with you on my lap until the moon comes up, and my statement will still be true. I don’t need anything else for this day to be perfect.”
“Well, it’s your day. If all you want to do is sit here and watch the world go by. I’ll sit with you.”
Squeezing her in his arms, his reply was the kiss he placed on her forehead. They sat in silence for an unmeasured amount of time before Roth spoke again.
“Hey, Sugar.”
“Hm?” Autumn slipped her arm around him, snuggling closer.
“About the inscription you put inside the compass cover.”
Sitting up, she pierced him with a questioning gaze. “What about it?”
“It’s really sweet, but there’s something you need to know.”
“What’s that?”
“I love it. Because you gave it to me. And I’ll keep it with me. Always. But I don’t need a compass to help me find my way home.”
Cupping her face in his hands, Roth gently kissed her lips. “Sugar, you’re my home. So, if I ever need it, I’ll use that compass to find you.”
A puddle. Autumn was a literal puddle after Roth’s declaration. He completely melted her with his words. Unable to form complete sentences, she simply pressed her lips to his, pouring all of her emotions into the kiss.