The Rogue (Hideaway Springs #3) 2. Levi 9%
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2. Levi


“ T ell me again why you’re holding interviews for a new nanny at the Inn instead of, say…at the job site—a.k.a your house?” my father asks as I sneak behind his bar refilling my coffee after the first horrendous interview of the day.

I grunt. “Tried that last week. Cuts out the ‘ hey, if I’m going to be living here, I’d love a tour ’ part of the interview process.”

Dad chuckles. “Look, I’m all for you getting someone to watch over Jackson until school starts, but you need to be a little more open-minded.”

“Dad, she asked if ‘the kid’ had a regular sitter she could leave him with if she had a date or somethin’ better to do.”

Another laugh. “Yeah, heard that.”

The bell above the door jingles and a young woman steps inside, scanning the lobby bar before spotting me. She’s petite and perky with a wide smile as she makes her way over.

Keeping an open mind , I suppose “perky” is good for keeping up with Jackson’s energy .

“Levi,” she announces brightly, like we’re old friends. We only spoke on the phone once when setting up her appointment. Other than that, I don’t know her. “I'm Sophie.”

I shake her hand with a firm grip. “Nice to meet you, Sophie.” Then stretch it out to a nearby booth. “Please have a seat.”

Sophie settles in. “Thank you for meeting with me. At first, I was surprised it’s not at the actual home, but I can understand that.”

Intrigue captures my attention. “Can you?”

“Absolutely. And I totally agree. Bringing around random people talking about your son in front of him must be super uncomfortable for the little guy.”

I grin, impressed at her consideration—even if she is way off. She also clearly forgot his name since referring to ‘him’ and ‘little guy'. Giving her the benefit of the doubt—I drop his name. “Jackson’s with one of my brothers at his place right now.”

She bats her lashes at me.

“So, tell me about your experience with children.”

Sophie takes a breath and launches into a well-rehearsed speech about her time babysitting for various families in town. She seems enthusiastic. But I’m not loving the way she stretches her hand out to mine every few words expressing how hard it must be for me and how she’s looking forward to getting to know “him” and me.

It's forward and intrusive.

I sigh, glancing at Dad. His brow is perked almost as a reminder to keep that open mind.

“And what do you like to do in your free time?” If bar hopping or skinny-dipping is on this girl’s list, I’m saying ‘thank you for your time’ immediately.

“I’m really into yoga,” Sophie replies, her eyes twinkling with delight. “You'll have to try it with me sometime.”

I smile, and just for shits, I ask. “Do you have any questions about…Max?”

Sophie blinks, seeming momentarily lost. “Oh, right. Um, what’s he like?”

My jaw tightens. You don’t deserve to know what he’s like. I’m about to tell her exactly why she’s not getting the job when my father interjects.

“Hey, Levi, I think your next interview is here so you should probably wrap up. Now.”

With a tight jaw, I nod at his warning glare for me to take it easy. When he walks away, I thank Sophie without so much as a grin and tell her I’ll be in touch.

I rub my temples with a groan.

Fucking useless .

Am I the problem?

Barely a moment passes before the door opens again, and a stern-looking woman in her fifties walks in. Her posture is rigid as she approaches me with a brisk stride.

“Mr. Reeves? I’m Margaret,” she introduces, shaking my hand firmly—and briefly—before sitting down.

My eyes flash to Dad, and he presses his palms down, mouthing the words, “ Cool it .”

“Nice to meet you, Margaret. Thanks for coming,” I offer robotically. “Can you tell me about your experience?” I don’t bother masking my lack of enthusiasm.

Margaret opens with a detailed narrative of her years as a nanny and her strict approach to childcare. Including structure of the home, schoolwork and maintaining a schedule.

“I believe children thrive on routine,” Margaret says with a tight-lipped smile. “It’s important to set boundaries and consistency. ”

Somehow, I don’t think her definition of boundaries is the same as mine.

I nod slowly. “Jackson is very free-spirited. He loves to explore, ask questions, get a little dirty, and stay up late. How would you handle his energy and curiosity?”

“Curiosity is good, but it must be channeled appropriately.”

I frown at that. “In other words, you’d steer him away from being himself?”

Where are these people coming from? Really? Is someone playing a practical joke on me?

Margaret’s smile doesn’t reach her eyes as she regards my question. “Children need to understand their place. If his questions and curiosity fit into our activity, then I'll address it.”

She reminds me of the strict nanny Jackson had last fall. She was an acceptable temporary solution. But I knew Jackson didn’t like her. Only kept her around because I was desperate.

The last straw was at Jackson’s birthday party where a certain bartender went rogue and nearly killed the woman with alcohol poisoning.

Okay, so maybe Tessa knew exactly how much to give her to knock her out for a few hours, but she had no right to mess with an innocent woman like that.

Even if the innocent woman did yell at my son at his own birthday party in front of all his friends because he was having too much sugar.

Damn spitfire always causing trouble in this town.

I still remember the fierceness in Tessa's eyes when I confronted her. There was no remorse, just anger—but not raging anger—it was…protective.

For a kid she barely knew.

Hard to believe someone as destructive as Tessa Banks has a heart—but I won’t be fooled by a beautiful woman again .

Jackson’s mom was plenty for that. And I’m one wrong move away from a restraining order against Lilly.

“Thank you, Margaret, I’m afraid you and Jackson won’t see eye to eye on—well anything—but I appreciate your time.”

She blinks. “Mr. Reeves, I didn’t respond to your first ad three weeks ago—the one that just asks for experience, references, and immediate availability. Then I saw an updated version a few days ago—the one where you added ‘not looking for a real-life love story’. I can only imagine the type of candidates you’ve been getting up 'til now and I can assure you, that won’t be the case with me. You’re desperate to find a caretaker for your son—I’m more than qualified. You are clearly not looking for a woman looking to play wife—neither am I. But I will make sure your son has what you haven’t been offering him—a good dependable home.”

I perk my brow. Color me impressed. I’m about to extend an offer on the spot when my father cuts me off—a hard edge in his tone.

“Lady, you heard my son. You’re not fit for Jackson. Thanks for stopping by.” He points sharply to the exit.

She humphs and pushes to her feet. “Good luck, Mr. Reeves.”

Dad takes her seat as I stare in astonishment. He rubs his temples. “Please tell me there’s another one.”

“I was about to offer her the job.”

He looks at me like I’m crazy. “Because she was bullying you into it. The same way she’ll bully your son into seeing it her way. Is that what you want for Jackson?”

I drag a hand through my hair. “Fuck, you’re right. I’m losing my mind.”

“I said keep an open mind—not punish the kid.”

I stare blurry-eyed at my list. “There’s one more tonight, but I’m not sure I have the energy. She’s from out of town.” I check my watch. “Told her to meet me here at six. ”

A woman by the name of Bessie. She sounded nice enough on the phone. Sweet, actually. Early fifties if I had to guess. She’ll be my last for the day before I leave to pick up Jackson from Noah’s and head home.

Dad stands. “Leave no stone unturned. I’ll get dinner started for you and Jackson.”

“Thanks, Dad.”

“A fresh pot of coffee too. Looks like you might need it. And one for your candidate since she’s coming in from out of town. Where from again?”

I shrug. “I didn’t ask.” I look at my phone to check the area code, then flip it back to him. “Familiar?”

Dad frowns. “Think that’s Summer Hill. It’s about two hours from here.” His eyes flick to mine with doubt. “Let’s hope it’s not a wasted trip to Hideaway Springs.”

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