The Rogue (Hideaway Springs #3) 24. Levi 76%
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24. Levi


O n Friday, I set the alarm later than usual. Tessa’s been sleeping in my bed all week. And I wasn’t about to ruin it with a six o’clock wake-up call.

In the dead of night, I’d feel her jerk awake, often with a soft gasp. I’ve been keeping still, playing asleep. Not wanting to be another thing she’s gotta worry about owing an explanation to.

She doesn’t want to be my burden. And I’d die before I became hers.

Her appetite was good this morning. I left her and Jackson a bit ago. They were having eggs, bacon, fruit and cheese.

This woman is spoiling my kid. He’d better not be expecting more than oatmeal or cereal come school days. It’s all I’ll have time for.

Before checking off morning chores, I stop at the office to catch up with my ranch manager.

“Mornin’, Maggie.” I walk in and pick up the mail from the wicker basket. “Anything good?”

She tenses slightly—odd for her. “Just the usual, boss.”

I eye her. Something’s off. “That a new scarf? ”

“Oh yes.” She smiles, running her fingers through the silk. “Tessa bought it for me.”

The rumors about Tess and I have been spreading all over the ranch like a wildfire in a dry summer. And I’m not about to pour gasoline into the flames by commenting on that.

I clear my throat, shifting back to business. “Any more drama from the Barley family?”

“Now they’re asking to move the reception to the far side for a better mountain view for their photos.”

“Sure, why not?”

She lowers her glasses. “You’re serious?”

I shrug. “You only get married once—hopefully—if they want the mountains, give ‘em the mountains.”

“We’ve already given them two horses for shots, no extra charge. Moved the date twice and agreed to provide entertainment for the children. I really thought you’d blow a fuse with this family by now.”

I smile. “Lighten up, Maggie. The day will come and go and little Jessie Barley will have the best day of her life.”

She grunts. “Well since you’re in a good mood, here are the livestock sales from last week that need to be prepped.”

“Ah, thanks.” I take the stack of cards from her. “All cash?”

She pushes her glasses up the bridge of her nose. “One’s on a payment plan.”

“Sounds good. I’ll run these by Harry and get them prepped for pick up. Thanks, Mag.”

“Don’t mention it.”

I turn to the open door, flipping through the small stack. I approved four for pick up this week. I stop in dead my tracks when I count one too many in my pile.

And the name of the buyer on the extra card.

“Hey, Indie.”

Tessa strolls into the stables late that afternoon. Her auburn hair is down and wild over her shoulders. Her plaid red and white shirt is tied at the waist.

But it’s those goddamn short shorts that are going to make this so fucking hard.

Her rested eyes sparkle as she approaches. “You been hidin’ out here all day. You alright?” She glances at Willow like she didn’t just take her from us.

I set down the curry comb and stare her down. “Something you forget to tell me, Whiskey?”

Her gaze wanders, then flicks to the horse, eyes flashing with understanding. “What are you doing?”

“What’s it look like I’m doing? I’m getting your new horse ready.”

She steps closer cautiously. “Levi.”

“What the hell are you going to do with a horse? Where are you going to keep her?”


“You know I’ve still got the right to deny the sale. Return your deposit.”

“You can’t do that,” she stammers.

“It wasn’t an authorized sale,” I yell. I’ve been hiding out between here and the Wrangler Room all day, trying to cool off, but it’s been no use.

She rolls her shoulders back like I don’t scare her. “Would it have been for the little girl I saw riding her three weeks in a row?”

My brows twitch.

“I told you not to sell her, Indie.”

“You don’t get to tell me what to do. How to run my ranch. If you fell in love with every animal on the land, I’d be out of business,” I roar.

“Just the one. And I only love her because you do, Jackass.”

I stare at her. “So what is this? Taking a piece of us with you?”

Her eyes are fiery. “Is Willow a piece of you?”

This hits a nerve, and I lose it. “You can’t answer a question with a question, Tessa.”

“I wasn’t taking anything. I was going to leave her here . She’s mine so you can’t sell her. And stop calling me Tessa!”

“That’s your name .”

“You only call me that when you’re mad,” she shrieks, and it’s adorable as hell.

“Oh, you don’t like it when I’m mad? Then don't do this shit behind my back. First you make my son lie to me, now my staff?” I shout because I don’t know how to deal with what she did for us. I shout because it’s the only thing keeping me from going to her. I shout because I’m one week away from losing her.

Her eyes mist rapidly. Tessa steps back, blinking them away when her spine hits a stall door. She scares Anton—my rowdiest horse—and he snorts loudly behind her.

Tessa screams, the sound sharp and piercing. Eyes bulging, hands shaking, she leaps forward. I catch her and wrap her in my arms, pressing her head under my chin.

I glower at the uneasy horse as if he could read my warning .

I should settle him before he upsets the others, but I can’t let go of her. She trembles in my arms, gasps against my shirt, catching her breath. And I don’t know if it’s from the scare or my words.

Either way, it's my fault.

Anton paws in the stall, settling himself.

I hold Tessa, stroking the back of her head. When her breathing comes back to normal. I move my hands to the sides of her tear-stained face.

“It’s okay. He’s calm now.” Her eyes are glassy, distant. Like she’s not with me. “Tessa?”

“It was so loud," she whimpers. "And…behind me…” She shakes her head vigorously. “I don’t. Like it.”


I pull her against me. There’s no doubt in my mind that this is PTSD and I’m fucking responsible for the setback. For the tears I put in her eyes.

I lift her face and kiss my woman. Deep and soft.

Anger quickly replaced with gratitude for what she tried to do. “What am I going to do with you?” I ask softly.

She swipes her red eyes against my shirt and glares up. That stubborn fire calming me. “Yell at me some more? Call me a liar? Throw me out?”

I pull her tight against my chest. “Keep you. I’m keeping you.”

“Levi.” My name almost comes out as a warning. But I’m not ready to hear it.

She bought my horse. Mine and Jackson’s.

“Tess, we don’t have to talk right now—but you have to know I’m not letting you go. Not without a fight.”

She smirks up at me. “Like the one we just had?”

“If that’s what it takes.”

She swallows, then drops her eyes to my mouth and smiles weakly. “Looking forward to it, Cowboy.”

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