Marci Anne Richards hadn’t stopped flipping out about her Abuelita’s safety since yesterday evening when she’d returned home from the NINC conference, gone to check on Abuelita, and seen the horrifying note. She’d lost her parents and younger brother in a car rollover ten years ago. She couldn’t lose Abuelita.
The only time her stomach had stopped churning and her nerves prickling with anxiety about Abuelita being kidnapped, possibly tortured and murdered, was when she’d met the life-altering gaze of the insanely handsome cowboy Walker Coleville.
In that epic moment, everything had stilled around them and disappeared, even the breathtaking autumn colors and sky-high mountains. Her heart was the only thing moving, and it had sprinted. Walker was meant to be the hero who would rescue her heart and soul. The good Lord knew it and He’d shared that joy with her. She and Walker were meant to be; she knew it as deep as any book inspiration she’d ever had, and she’d had some brilliant inspiration from heaven over the years.
She hadn’t thought she’d get any writing done with her brain on stress overload at the danger Abuelita was in. Now she was even more grateful her laptop bag had been on her shoulder when she’d stumbled from Abuelita’s house, calling Aiden Porter as she tripped over bushes and looked over her shoulder for pursuers.
She’d written all manner of heroes over the years, including cowboys and many heroes similar to the charming and famous Aiden. But she’d never seen the likes of Walker’s slow, enticing grin directed her way, or the depth of expression in his clear blue eyes. He’d studied her as if she were the most important person in his world and every word that came out of her mouth was exactly what he’d been longing to hear.
She’d written about warm and tingly touches but had never felt one herself until Walker Coleville took her hand in his. Electrocuted, in the very best and most pleasant way. She wondered if her hair would frizz from that one touch, even in this dry air.
From his cowboy hat to his well-built body encased in jeans and a T-shirt to the gun strapped on his hip to his boots, he was an incredibly enticing hero. She’d call him vaquero guapo or handsome cowboy. But Walker was more than his good looks. His brother had been handsome too, very similar to Walker’s appearance actually. But Easton didn’t inspire her or make her tingle. Only her Walker could do that. She hated Abuelita being in danger, but the good Lord always had His purposes and Marci had been brought here, at this glorious moment, to meet Walker Coleville.
“ Oy ,” she squealed as she slid into jeans and a sweatshirt in the spacious bathroom attached to the beautiful bedroom ‘Mama Millie’ had directed her into.
“You all right in there, love?” Mama called through the door.
“ Si. Gracias .” Marci was always far too transparent and verbose around ‘real people’. She had enough restraint to stop herself from declaring to this lovely woman that she had a huge crush on her son. No, crush wasn’t strong enough. Walker was her future. She wanted to fall into the cowboy’s strong arms and never leave.
She brushed out her dark hair, then pulled some lip gloss from her huge purse and applied it. Studying herself in the mirror, she prayed she was the type of heroine a hero the likes of Walker Coleville would be interested in. His blue eyes had shouted interest.
If only she had time right now to type a plethora of words. She wanted to write all the details of the way Walker had looked at her, his words ‘a real pleasure to meet you’ and ‘anything for you, ma’am’, and the way his touch had made her feel. In her imaginary world, a fabulous place to reside, that perfect cowboy would protect her, light her up with his intense kisses, and make her feel loved.
Could that ever be her real world? She’d never experienced such a place, and his mama was waiting. She hurried out of the bathroom and set her large purse with the most important item she owned, her laptop, on a cozy armchair complete with ottoman. She also had her favorite ‘coconut sun’ perfume in her bag. She prayed Walker liked the scent.
“This bedroom is ideal,” she told Mama, thinking the lady’s son was more ideal. She loved the log bed frame, the rustic touches like the plaid bedspread, and the view of the mountains. “I’ve seen mountains on vacation but wow, to look at that picture every day.” She clapped her hands together. Being around such scenic views, and mostly the cowboy Walker, would be worth freezing and her skin drying up without the humidity of her island. “Thank you a million times over for letting me stay.”
“We’re thrilled to have you, dear. Now I need to rush down and get dinner on. Do you want to rest up?”
“Oh, no please. Let me help. I’ll go insane left alone right now.”
Truthfully, ninety-five percent of the time she preferred being alone and creating beloved characters and epic storylines. Right now, she crazily enough didn’t want to write, even though Walker had given her plenty of fodder. She certainly didn’t want to be alone and stew about what might be happening to her Abuelita. With no way to solve that heartache, it just made her sick.
She yearned to find Walker Coleville and interact with him some more. But it wasn’t simply book ideas and romance inspiration she was after. The ultra-appealing cowboy could push even the worry over Abuelita and the ever-present need to tap out words and create stories from her mind. That was miraculous.
Abuelita would be ecstatic if she knew her thoughts. She was always nagging Marci to date more, or at all. The single men on Key Largo were mostly old fisherman or tourists coming through. She hadn’t been on more than a date or two since college. The tourists didn’t stay long and she hadn’t felt a connection worth long distance. One look and touch from Walker Coleville and she would definitely commit to long distance.
“Ah, sweetie. I’m so sorry about your Abuelita. Aiden and his people will find her and keep her safe.” Mama Millie crossed the distance and gave her a lingering hug.
Marci clung to her. Abuelita hugged her every time Marci went to visit her in the main house. She really needed this mama hug right now. “Thank you. I’m terrified for my Abuelita and that they’ll hurt that sweet Autumn who volunteered to go to the meeting in my place.”
Mama smiled and shook her head. “The only thing sweet about Autumn is her face. She’s a feisty, tough fighter. She’ll be just fine.” Mama turned away, started for the door, and muttered, “If she keeps flirting with my boy, I’ll show her who’s feisty.”
Marci followed after her, wondering which ‘boy’ Autumn had flirted with. She’d seen family photos in the entryway with six handsome boys. What would that be like? A big loving family, two involved parents, raised on this ranch surrounded by protective mountains and thick pine trees.
Was Mama referring to Easton or Walker or one of her other ‘boys’? All grown men from the looks of the photos. She prayed it was Easton but could only imagine it was Walker. Easton was too flirtatious. An impressive lady like Autumn would want a challenge. Shoot. How many women chased after Walker? Probably a long string of them. Had he stayed here on this charming ranch safe from adoring females and waiting for Marci to arrive, or did he have a career that took him close to adoring and available women?
She followed Mama down the wide hall and the staircase. They walked through the front entry and through a large living room into a homey kitchen and dining area. It was spacious but felt intimate, warm, and comfortable. The light fixtures had antlers on them. How unique and fun. The views out every window featured trees with orange, yellow, and red leaves or the true green of the pine. She had loads of trees back home, but not the pine or aspen. The mountain range to the east towered over everything. She felt a sting of jealousy at more family photos, boys growing into men that appeared loved by their parents.
She wanted to stay in this rural splendor, be part of this family. Especially as one Walker Coleville walked out of a doorway that must’ve led to a laundry area and the garage and those blue eyes zeroed in on her, heating up the crisp fall day.
“Marci.” He said her name softly, but she heard it and felt it through her body.
She hurried toward him, intent on getting to know her cowboy better. She’d initially protested Aiden’s men taking her away from Florida as Autumn took her place to rescue her Abuelita, but Aiden knew what he was doing bringing her here. Everyone assured her Autumn could handle any ‘bad guy’ and now Marci had met Walker Coleville. Talk about heaven blessing her through a grueling trial. Abuelita would be hollering at her to pursue Walker and not worry about her.
Abuelita always bemoaned the thought of Marci being alone after she ‘croaked’. Her words, not Marci’s.
Marci offered another quick, heartfelt prayer.
Please, Father above, don’t let Abuelita croak at the hands of those monsters.
“There you are.” Easton stepped into her path. She hadn’t even noticed him in the room. She stuttered to a stop but still ran into him, her hands landing on his bulging chest muscles. “Ah now, sweetheart, that is fire.” He wrapped his hands around hers and held them against his chest.
Fire? Not with Easton. With Walker, she could imagine fire would be understated if she touched his chest.
“Forgive me.” Marci backed up and tugged her hands free.
“Nothing to forgive,” Easton said, all smooth and charming.
She was certain ladies the world over chased this cowboy, but she wasn’t interested in anyone but his brother. She looked around for Walker, but he was in the kitchen next to his mama, his back to her. She wasn’t certain why he’d turned away from her, but … sheesh! Every moment and look with Walker was zing! He had a mouthwatering-looking back—wide shoulders, strong muscles outlined by a soft T-shirt, and jeans that fit well. Too well. She blushed and looked away. She didn’t have a lot of experience around real men. It was quite different than describing a fictional character.
“I need to help Mama,” she managed to say to Easton, darting around him and running around the kitchen island. In her rush, she tripped over her own feet and literally plowed into Walker’s back. He turned in surprise and caught her, his large hands wrapping around her waist.
She went from flailing and awkward to grounded and lit up in an instant. Marci was almost a foot shorter than him, her eyes lining up with his neck. She lifted her eyes to meet his brilliant blue gaze, savoring his warm palms dwarfing her waist. She felt feminine, alluring, and safe.
“You all right?” he asked in that slow cowboy drawl. His warm, husky voice and the intense look in his eyes lit the fire inside of her Easton had mentioned.
“Sorry,” she managed. “Nobody ever accused me of being coordinated.”
He chuckled at that. “I can hold you up anytime you need.”
“ Chacho . I need you in my next novel,” she said breathlessly.
His eyes widened slightly but filled with a warmth that made the world spin. Good thing he was holding her up. She leaned into him. He was as solid and magnificent as the mountains surrounding his home.
“You’re going to write about handsome twin brothers in your next novel?” Easton asked from her elbow.
She smiled at Easton. She’d wondered if they were twins. It made sense. Though not identical, they fit. Easton was the alpha and Walker was the sigma, which in her research was much better.
Walker released his hold on her and stepped back. Disappointment swirled through her.
“Handsome cowboy twin brothers,” she emphasized. “ Dos vaqueros guapos .”
“I like it. Of course I’ll be the one the breathtakingly gorgeous romance author falls in love with,” Easton said, winking at her and folding his well-built arms across his chest.
“I don’t suppose you’ve read my work yet, but my books are heavy on the suspense angle. My character is just as likely to fall in love with you as shoot you. Only time will tell.” She blinked innocently and raised her hands, palms up.
Walker chuckled at that. Easton’s eyebrows rose, then he laughed too. “Sassy. That is Gucci.”
Abuelita was sassy, not Marci. She was only sassy on paper. What did the brand Gucci have to do with anything? He’d said that twice and it did not fit in with this homey mountain ranch. She loved the comfort and warmth here. She already felt like part of the family, something she’d longed for.
“Don’t go killing one of my boys,” Mama tsked at her.
“I was teasing,” she hurried to say. “No one could possibly injure these tough guys.”
Walker smiled at her.
“What can I do to help?” she asked breathlessly, focused on Walker not his mother.
“Now, you’re a guest and have been through something traumatic. You just sit on down and let us serve you.”
“It will help me if I’m up and serving,” she insisted. “If I sit, I’ll stew too much about Abuelita.”
“Okay, dear.” Mama pursed her lips. “You come help Walker make a fruit platter, then.”
Walker smiled even as Easton protested, “Mama, you know I am the expert at fruit platters.”
“Oh, hush you. You go on and take out the garbages like you were supposed to earlier. All of them, and get them to the dumpster, you hear? Tomorrow’s trash day.”
Easton groaned, but apparently Mama had trained these boys up right. He hurried to pull out the kitchen garbage and re-line it.
Marci eased over to Walker’s side and surveyed the pile of fresh fruit, her pulse racing from being near him. He offered her a cutting board and a paring knife. She smiled and tried to focus. No mangoes, papayas, or guavas in sight.
“You might need to explain what some of these fruits are,” she teased. “I don’t see any dragon fruit.”
“I wouldn’t know a dragon fruit if it fell off the tree and hit me in the head.” He grinned. “You okay to start with the apples?”
“Sure thing.” She washed and cut up apples, stacking them on a large platter. Their shoulders brushed as they worked side by side and Mama bustled around the kitchen doing everything else for dinner.
She had a million questions she wanted to ask him, but she wasn’t certain where to start. She wanted to know his world, see his world, be part of his world. What did cowboys do with their days? Ride around the scenic mountains on their noble steeds protecting fish out of the water writers from Florida?
“I was sorry to hear about your grandmother,” he said quietly as he cut grapes into clumps with kitchen shears.
“Thank you. I know if anybody can get her back safe it’ll be Aiden.”
“For sure. He’s incredible.”
“Does he bring protection details to your ranch often?”
“Recently he has.”
She tried to cut a peach in half but hit the seed. Walker smiled and showed her how to easily remove it.
“So you help endangered ladies often?” she asked.
“Yes, but never one as beautiful as you.” He gave her a slow smile that made her stomach flip over.
“ Ay, mi corazon no puede, ” she whispered. “I think I’m going to pass out.”
Walker released the grapes and the shears and wrapped his arm around her waist. “Do you need to sit down?”
She blinked up at him. All her dreams had just been accomplished. The most handsome cowboy in existence had his arm around her and he smelled like a musky cologne, leather, and even a trace of horse. She catalogued his muscular arm, his scent, those luscious blue eyes, the way his large frame overshadowed and surrounded her. She was average size for a woman, but Walker was a giant among men, in every aspect.
Of course she would write it all down, but right now all she wanted to do was savor this moment. She’d never felt anything so incredible.
“Sit down?” she repeated.
“You said you were going to pass out,” he reminded her.
“Is she all right?” Mama interrupted her frenzied preparations to check on her.
“I’m sorry,” Marci hated to admit. “I said I was going to pass out because Walker complimented me and gave me that sweet, sexy cowboy smile and then he held me close and I’m in even more danger of losing my mind.”
“Well, I never,” Mama huffed, but she was smiling. “Help her over to the table, love.”
Walker did as instructed. He kept his muscular arm around her, held her pressed against his firm side, and escorted her to the table as if she were royalty. She wrote about heroic hunks like him, but she’d never met one in person. It surprised her that she was enthralled with him but not tongue tied or embarrassed. Even though she wasn’t proficient at real human interaction and especially with superhuman hunky males, Walker made her feel confident, alluring, and more than enough.
He pulled out a chair and helped her into it, then placed one hand on the back of the chair and one on the table and leaned down closer to her. “Would some ice water help?”
A kiss would help, but she needed to slow down and not say everything she thought. Her heroines had to play a little hard to get. Unfortunately, she had no practice at that.
“I’m actually bien ,” she admitted. “Fine, not good in this instance.”
“I can see that,” he said in a teasing tone as his eyes swept over her like the best compliment she’d ever received. “Very, very fine.”
She grinned. She was going to arch up and kiss him in front of his mother and nobody in the world would blame her for it. Abuelita would be cheering. Wherever she was.
The thought of Abuelita being in danger slammed into her like a hurricane. Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes.
“Hey now.” His grin disappeared. “Did I say something wrong?”
“No. No.” She shook her head. “You say everything far too right.”
Aiden, Nick, and Jared Coleville came in from the front of the house and Easton burst in from the back door. Walker straightened away from her, regret in his blue eyes.
Everyone worked together to bring dinner over to the huge table. Dinner was delicious and loud, and Marci was the center of attention. As an only child raised by her grandmother the past ten years and a reclusive author, she was not used to loud, boisterous gatherings and handsome, accomplished men asking her loads of questions. It was to their credit they all made her feel comfortable.
Walker, Easton, Millie, and Jared all asked questions about her family, her writing, her home, her college experiences, why she spoke in Spanish but her name was American, and how she came up with the idea for the series that had the horrific son of the even more horrific King Frederick after her. Aiden and Nick already knew too much about her, so they listened or filled in details she missed.
The answers were easy—she had no family but Abuelita, at least none she was revealing tonight, her writing was her life, she’d built a guesthouse on Abuelita’s estate when she graduated from Florida State, she’d spent most of her university days with her head in the clouds composing stories, her name came from her father’s side not her Cuban grandmother, and all inspiration for stories came from heaven above, but everybody knew that already. They all smiled when she said that.
She couldn’t riddle out how King Frederick and now Wilhelm Frederick assumed she must have some spy in her back pocket to be able to write a story so eerily similar to King Frederick’s reign of terror. Stories flowed from her fingertips and inspiration from the good Lord as she got her ‘rear in the chair’ and tapped them out on her laptop. It wasn’t as if she planned to write about a demented military dictator overthrowing a country, invading other countries, murdering millions of innocents, and doing everything in his power to obtain a mighty secret weapon. The stories just came, and she was grateful for them. Except when they placed a target on her back from a scary dictator and now put Abuelita in extreme danger.
Aiden and Nick said their goodbyes after dinner. They promised to find Abuelita and come for Marci as soon as it was safe. She wanted Abuelita safe. She wasn’t so certain she wanted to leave this mountain paradise soon, not if the likes of Walker Coleville was here. Maybe they could just bring Abuelita here. She and Mama Millie would have a fine time together, if they didn’t get at odds because they were both feisty and ran things their way.
Marci helped the family clean up and then wondered what to do with herself. She wanted to ask Walker to escort her outside to see if the mountains were as big and intimidating and glorious as she thought. A horseback ride through the mountains? Oh my, she loved that idea. Sadly, the sun was already gone so they couldn’t see the mountains, but she could be with Walker and that was all that mattered.
Normally, she’d be itching to get to her laptop and type. She was itching to write down every detail of Walker’s words, blue gaze, unique scent, touch, and the mind-blowing connection she’d felt to him, but she didn’t want to be away from him, not for a moment. She could write all night long if needed. She couldn’t feel the crisp mountain air and gaze at the glorious mountains and more importantly have experiences and conversations with Walker all night long. She blushed at the thought.
“I’m sure you’re exhausted, dear,” Mama said. “Easton will escort you up to your room and be watching over you and sleeping in the room next door while you stay with us.”
Easton … Easton … What about Walker? One glance in Walker’s direction showed he didn’t like the arrangement any more than she did. She wanted to protest that she only wanted Walker and it was far too early to go to sleep, but what could she say that wouldn’t offend her hosts?
“ Gracias .”
Easton smiled and walked to her. He put his hand on the small of her back and escorted her from the kitchen. She glanced over her shoulder and saw Walker watching her go. His blue eyes called to her. Their connection was off the charts. Truly love at first sight. Did he feel it too?
She and Easton walked out of the kitchen area, through the living area, and to the stairs. She wanted to be a bold heroine and run back to Walker, throw herself into his arms. Sadly, she kept walking.
“You realize how lucky you are having me as your bodyguard?” Easton asked, all cocky and teasing.
“Very lucky.” She laughed. “You are full of yourself, aren’t you, my handsome cowboy protector?”
“Hey now,” he protested, also laughing. “I am your handsome cowboy protector, and you read me like a book.”
“Good one.” She laughed too, though she wanted Walker to be her only handsome cowboy, her vaquero guapo . “I am an expert at reading books.” She wasn’t trying to flirt with Easton; he was simply easy to talk and tease with. How could she ask him questions about his twin brother? She wanted to Google Walker Coleville and see what came up. Any question heaven above couldn’t answer her friend Google could.
They stopped outside her bedroom door. Easton pressed his hand against the wall next to her. He looked very similar to his brother—tall, handsome, dark hair, blue eyes, well-built body encased in cowboy apparel—but he wasn’t Walker. It was interesting that from first sight she’d been instinctively drawn to one twin and not the other. Everything Walker said and the times they’d touched reinforced the draw. Walker made her comfortable and all lit up inside. What a miracle he was.
She wrote about similar situations, a heroine irrevocably drawn to one man while another felt like a friend or brother. Sadly, she didn’t have real world experience. No handsome boyfriends to speak of and her only brother had died ten years ago. The dozen or so dates in college with nice boys and a handful of dates with flirtatious tourists couldn’t really prepare a girl for the likes of a stud like Walker Coleville. Ooh, she had so much to write about right now. Thank heavens for that as it would keep her mind off of stewing about what might be happening to Abuelita.
“So you’re sleeping next door. Where does Walker sleep?”
Easton arched an eyebrow. “In his cabin.”
He had his own cabin. She’d like to see that.
“At least tonight,” Easton said. “Tomorrow morning he’s flying to Amarillo for a rodeo.”
No bueno , she wanted to cry out. “Rodeo?” she managed. “Is he a bull rider?”
“No.” Easton grinned, easing in closer. “I’m the bull rider. We could Google some videos of me if you want to watch.”
“ Oy , I’d love to see them.” She clapped her hands together. “Could you demonstrate in real life as well? And teach me the ins and outs of a bull rider’s life and experiences? Wouldn’t that be delicious fodder for a book?”
“I believe it would.” He grinned broadly. “I’d be delicious fodder for a book as well. I’ll teach you everything I know.” His gaze dropped to her mouth then slowly lifted. “Everything.”
Marci laughed. He seemed like a great guy, but he was an obvious expert in seduction, and too bold for her. He might as well have written ‘player’ across his forehead in permanent ink. “Thank you. I look forward to that.”
“So do I.” His voice got deep and husky and he leaned so close she could smell his warm and spicy cologne.
“You’re the best, Easton.” She did a little dance that drew her back into the doorway and not quite as close to him.
He straightened, still smiling. “Has anyone ever told you that you are delightful?”
“No! Oh my, you are such a nice man.” She beamed up at him. She’d much rather be talking to his brother, but despite being a womanizer, Easton was very kind. He’d make a fabulous hero. She’d love to meet the woman who could tame the likes of Easton Coleville. “What events does Walker do in the rodeo?”
“Really?” Her heart took off at a gallop imagining Walker racing in on his huge black steed swinging a rope around his head. He could lasso her heart anytime. “And I can Google him and watch events?”
“Yes, ma’am.” Easton studied her. “But I’m sure you’ll want to watch me riding a bull first. I’m low-key incredible, and my sport is much more dangerous than roping.”
“That’s amazing you’re a bull rider.” Roping looked plenty dangerous, especially for her heart and so appealing, imagining Walker on the horse. She didn’t want to make Easton feel bad. “I do love danger. Well, not like being in danger and definitely not my Abuelita in danger, but in books I read and the stories I write.” She smiled but felt a bit squeamish thinking of all the horrifying situations she’d shoved characters into, and now her beloved Abuelita might be being hurt because of her. Even being uncomfortable would be awful for Abuelita. Her idea of camping was the Four Seasons.
“I’m sorry about your grandma.”
“Thanks.” She forced a smile. “You’ve given me lots to think about instead of moping. I’ve got to start my research, and I believe I’ll write pages of exciting material tonight.” She shoved open the door and rushed through, but then spun and looked back out. “Would it be an inconvenience for me to get a workout in tomorrow morning?”
“No, ma’am. You can work out with Walker and I. We’ll be lifting weights and sparring, or we could go on a run around the property.”
Her eyes widened. “I can watch you and Walker lift weights and spar?”
He nodded.
“Oh yes, yes, yes, yes. Inspiration galore. Thank you. I’ll have an entire book written by tomorrow.” She swung the door shut, hurried to the bed, and dropped to her knees. “Thank you, thank you,” she prayed. “You’ve dropped me into a bit of heaven. Except for the nightmare with Abuelita, of course. Please protect her and get her home safe. Thank you for Aiden Porter and all his brave helpers. And thank you a million times over for creating a man as glorious as Walker Coleville and bringing me to him.”
She stood, let out a happy cry, and fell back onto the bed. If Abuelita were safe and Walker wasn’t leaving for a rodeo in the morning, life would be perfect.