Marci hardly slept. She tried to type but couldn’t think straight. She didn’t understand Walker’s abrupt departure. Who had texted him? What had gone wrong?
She stressed about her and Walker, and about Abuelita. She lay on her bed, then paced the floor, then hit her knees and prayed, then tried to lay on the bed some more.
At six a.m., she was up and in workout gear. Would Walker be ready to exercise? How many more days did she have here? Was Abuelita dead or still in those awful men’s grips?
She flung the door open. Even if Walker couldn’t lose his mind with her, she wasn’t about to give up. He was the hero she’d always longed for. Somehow, she’d trick him into practicing for more scenes. She’d be the pushiest author anybody had ever met. She was finally the heroine of her own story, and she had to get her cowboy hero to fall for her like she’d fallen for him. It was terrifying, but it had to be done. For once in her life, she wasn’t going to hide behind her computer. She was going to face real life and fight for the man she wanted. Abuelita would be so proud of her.
A shadow moved in the darkened hallway.
“Walker …” His name died on her lips. It wasn’t him. “Easton?”
“Yes. I’m back!” He hurried to her, grinning. Wrapping her up in his arms, he picked her up and spun her around. “Dang, girl. You look and smell like my version of heaven, a pina colada daquiri on a beach with the most beautiful woman by my side.”
“Oh … ha. You’re hilarious.” She laughed and as soon as he set her on her feet, she stepped back and looked over his shoulder. “Where’s Walker?”
“He got up early to do chores and let me sleep in and come wait for you. We texted about it last night. We’ll meet him at the gym.”
“Okay.” She darted a glance to the other bedroom. The door was closed, but she thought the shower was running. Why would Walker let Easton wait for her? Is that the text he had gotten? What if Walker couldn’t be with her and that was why he was so conflicted? Because he was tied to his ranch and his roping? She could travel. She would relocate here.
Once Abuelita was safe, they could work all of that out. The niggling fear that he didn’t love her and didn’t want to work it out turned her stomach. His dad had said he was getting over a heartbreak. She’d all but forgotten that. Now it hit her full force. Was she the rebound kiss and already he regretted it?
“Let’s go find him.” She had to see Walker and know if he would reject her or if together they could make all of her dreams could come true. She tried to walk around Easton, but he placed a hand on her arm. She stopped and turned toward him.
“Marci.” His blue eyes were intense. She almost backed up but stood her ground. She wasn’t afraid of life and could face it head on. With Walker by her side, she could face anything, even Abuelita’s kidnappers who wanted Marci dead.
“Being up in the mountains,” Easton continued, “a wildland fire rushing toward me ...”
“Oh no, were you safe?” He had her attention now, even if she longed for Walker.
“Of course. A little fire is no match for Easton Coleville.” He gave her a cocky grin.
Marci laughed and then she stilled. She could’ve sworn she heard the shower shut off and movement.
“That fire was a beast with a mind of its own,” Easton said.
“That’s terrifying. I have to hear all about this. I’ve done series with firefighters, but never a wildland firefighter. You’re so impressive.”
“Wildland fire is intense and unpredictable. A draft can rush down a chute and we have nowhere to go. There’s no way to fight at that point. You have to humble yourself and choose whether to deploy your shelter and pray or try to outrun a hungry flame front and realize you might be making your peace with the good Lord above very soon.”
“ Dios ten misericordia . How scary.” She listened to his words but had one ear cocked to hear Walker. All was quiet in Walker’s room. The shower must’ve been downstairs in Mama and Papa’s suite.
Easton said he was out doing chores. She wanted to see Walker, know what he felt and why he had to leave last night. She was going to be brave and tell him the magnetic pull she felt for him, how she admired his thoughtfulness, steadiness, and the way he seemed to appreciate her and make her feel special. He was the mountain and the family she’d dreamed about.
“Let’s walk toward Walker while you tell me more details. You were safe?” She turned to go but again Easton stopped her, his hand on her arm.
“Marci.” His gaze was intense, and he ran his hand down her forearm to wrap around her hand. It felt weird and she wanted to pull away. “The past couple of days … it was one of the most dangerous fires I’ve ever been part of. We got stuck in a narrow gorge and we had to deploy our shelters and let the fire rush over us.”
“No! Oh, Easton. I cannot imagine. I’m grateful you’re all right.”
“Thank you. I was facedown, praying my shelter wouldn’t get a small tear in it or be ripped off of me. I knew death could come any moment.” He swallowed and squeezed her hand. “All I could think about was the most special woman in the world to me.”
“First of all, I am so relieved you’re safe. Second of all, you have a special woman? Me encanto eso. I thought you were the player of the year, and Walker said neither of you have a girlfriend.”
“I used to date a lot, but now I only care about one special woman. If she’ll have me, I pray I’ll have a girlfriend soon.”
“Ah, that is muy bueno .” She clapped her hands together. “I’ll bet she’s darling. Do I get to meet her, or would that be a breach in protecting the endangered woman protocol? I got to meet Lily yesterday, but she knows all about your family’s secrets.”
Easton laughed, but he sounded confused. “Marci. You know the woman who I want to be with.” He eased in closer, and the look in his blue eyes was off. She felt like a hunted rabbit with a wolf coming after her.
“How would I know her?” she asked, her forehead wrinkling.
“It’s you, Marci.” His voice was husky, and the words would’ve been incredible if Walker had said them.
“Oh.” She tugged her hand free and backed away. “Oh, my.” Shaking her head, she forced out an unsteady laugh. “I’m interested in Walker. I’m sorry.”
Easton paused, as if uncertain about something, then he said, “I’m sorry, Marci. If you’re interested in Walker, I will back off. But he told me he’d support me in going after you.”
“He did? When?”
“Before I left for the fire.”
Things had changed since then, but still …
“Walker had his heart broken just two weeks ago. I don’t know that he’s healed enough to move on.”
“Who broke his heart?” And why hadn’t Walker told her? It made sense now. He couldn’t lose his mind with her because he still loved someone else. Papa had said something about a heartbreak, but she’d shoved it to the back of her mind. Walker had seemed too serious and hurt at times. No. She hated that for him.
“Lily Lillywhite.”
Did he really just say … “Wait a hot minute. The Lily Lillywhite? Clint’s Lily Lillywhite?”
“But that can’t be … we went hiking with them yesterday.” Horror rushed through her as the pieces clicked into place. Lily and Clint looking at each other. Walker’s awkward tenseness. The things that felt off about their story and the time spent together yesterday.
“Walker loved Lily, but she chose Clint,” she rushed out in a shocked gasp of words.
“I … I can’t believe it. I thought he was falling for me. Oh my. All my bravery. So stupid. I feel like such an idiot.” Why had she thought she could be Walker’s special someone? Why had she tried to enter the real world of relationships? He must still love Lily. Two weeks. He couldn’t heal in two weeks. He’d purposely hid it from her, which said a lot in and of itself, proving he wasn’t over the beautiful and sweet Lily.
Her chest felt splayed wide open with her heart dripping blood onto the hardwood floor. She’d never have Walker. She’d never have love, joy, and a family with him.
Oh, ouch. She rubbed at her chest. She needed to stick with her computer and imaginary world. It was much safer.
“You’re not an idiot, Marci,” Easton said kindly. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.”
She shook her head, tears stinging the corners of her eyes.
Easton gathered her close as the tears came. She leaned into him and let herself cry. Easton was a nice man, understanding and here for her.
But Walker … How had she let herself fall so hard and fast?
She’d fallen for her perfect cowboy. Walker was also kind and understanding, but his heart had been broken by Lily and Clint. Walker’s heart was unhealed and not his to give away. Everything she thought they had between them had to be one sided. She’d pushed him and teased him and begged him to kiss her. Humiliation at her na?ve pushiness only added to the agony.
Righteous indignation filled her for Walker’s sake, and she cried harder. How could Clint and Lily act so casual and happy, teasing, kissing, holding hands openly, knowing they’d damaged Walker?
She prayed for Walker and his shattered dreams, even as she knew her dreams would never come to fruition now.
Confusion filtered in next. How could Walker have kissed her like that last night if he still loved Lily? Marci might be an expert at romance on the page, but she was a child in matters of love in real life.
It was much smarter to hide behind her computer.
She would never love again.
More tears came as her heart broke for Walker and for herself.