Two hours after being rescued, Marci was exhausted and wished the never-ending questions from the police would stop. They’d found Wilhelm’s rowboat in the mangroves. Even better, the Coast Guard had been able to board his yacht and capture four more men and two women they hoped would give them answers and lead them to Benjamin Oliver. They found most of Abuelita’s five million dollars. Thankfully, Abuelita had slept through all the danger and drama.
Wilhelm and Jonah were dead. The men had hidden under Marci’s bed with blankets and pillows stacked around them. Walker felt horrible that he hadn’t seen them, but nobody blamed him. Though Autumn teased that she wouldn’t have missed that detail.
Earlier, Walker and Easton had noticed some odd sounds and then silence. They’d knocked and called out and then entered her room. When they’d seen the window open and her gone, they’d called Nick and ran to follow her. The four of them had cautiously approached the trees from various angles. When the bullets started flying, they’d been able to take out Wilhelm and Jonah.
Marci was relieved it was over, and she couldn’t stop staring at Walker. He’d rescued her and kissed her. She wanted to talk to him about so many things and kiss him for a very long time.
Finally, the police left. Nick and Autumn turned to Easton, Walker, and Marci.
“Adam and Jose will help us monitor until Aiden’s tech people determine the risk is gone. Why don’t you all get some rest?”
“I want Walker to stay in my room with me,” Marci said boldly.
Everyone’s eyes widened.
“For safety?” Autumn asked, but her golden eyes were sparkling.
“No. We have a lot to talk about.” Marci was being extremely brave, but she’d almost died tonight and she wasn’t going to waste any more time. Life needed to be lived. With Walker.
“We do.” Walker’s blue eyes were focused on her as if she were his world. He walked to her and took her hand. “Goodnight,” he said to the group. “And thank you.” His gaze went from Nick to Autumn but then stuck on Easton.
“Anything for you and your perfect woman, little bro,” Easton said, saluting him.
Walker’s slow grin covered his face. “I know,” he said. He tipped his head to his brother and then led her up the grand staircase. “Where are we going?” he asked quietly.
“Right here.” She tugged him toward one of the guest suites. As tired as she was, she didn’t plan on sleeping.
Walker pushed open the door and escorted her in. They walked to the loveseat by the window and bookshelf and settled down side by side.
Marci turned to him, curled her knees up underneath her, and focused on his handsome face. “Walker,” she began without preamble. “I want to be with you. If you need time to heal from Lily breaking your heart, I can be patient?—”
“Excuse me?” He shook his head. “Who told you Lily broke my heart?”
“That punk.” Walker wrapped his hand around hers and slid his other arm around her back, urging her closer. “Marci. A few weeks ago, I thought Lily was the right woman for me. It turns out I was wrong.”
She liked where this was heading, but she had to ask, “Then why did you say you couldn’t and walk away from me last night after we kissed? You said families are rough.”
“Because of my twin brother. He was convinced you were the right woman for him and the woman who could help him heal from a ten-year-old heartbreak. I told him before he left to fight the wildfire that I’d keep you safe so he could pursue you when you got home. I thought I was betraying him by kissing you. He texted me. That was what interrupted our kiss.”
“He is a womanizer,” Marci exclaimed. “He doesn’t want me. He just wants to flirt with every girl.”
“I felt like he meant it, because you are so incredible and special I felt you could heal him.” He raised their clasped hands and brushed a kiss across her knuckles.
“Ah, that was sweet. But I’m not the one for him.”
He smiled. “I know. I’m sorry if I confused you. I was trying to be loyal to Easton and fighting my own feelings. Earlier, I knew I was done standing down. I told Easton off and told him you were the right woman for me. I was going to fight him if he wouldn’t listen.”
“Oh, no.”
“I would’ve won.” He gave her an overconfident smile. “But he finally registered what I was saying and stood down.” He swallowed, then admitted, “I told Clint last night that my feelings for Lily were like the stars, but my feelings for you are like the sun. You light up my world, Marci. You encompass everything. You bring life and joy to me.”
“Walker! Eso es asombroso .” She grabbed his neck and brought his head down to hers. “I know it’s too quick and I know it’s crazy, but I almost died tonight and that justifies me being even more outspoken and off the wall than usual.”
“I love everything you say. You’re never off the wall,” he told her. He released his grip on her hand and easily lifted her onto his lap. “ Fuera de serie , maybe.”
She trembled, in a very good way. Sliding her arms around his neck, she said, “Well, I hope you love this because I want to be with you, Walker Coleville. We can stay at your ranch, on my island, travel for research for my books, go to your rodeos, whatever you want. I will be glued to your side and all those cowgirls better back off of mi vaquero guapo .”
He chuckled. “Don’t worry. No cowgirl or any other kind of female stands a chance because my heart has been taken by the most beautiful, fun, and kind author on the planet.”
“Me?” she squeaked out.
“ Si. Tu .” He gave her that slow cowboy grin that left her speechless and made her stomach fill with bubbles.
“Look at you, Mr. Fluent in Spanish.”
“I’ve got a lot to learn, and a lot of books by my new favorite author to read.” The smoldering look he gave her set her body on fire. “But I did learn something else …” His voice dropped low and husky. “ Beso, mi amor? ”
She grinned. “A kiss? I think we can arrange that.”
Then he kissed her. Their future plans and everything else would have to wait.
Thank you for reading Walker & Marci’s story!
Ah, I loved them and pray you did as well. Don’t miss any of the Coleville Ranch Romances. Characters and a book list are below.