The Secrets of the Glen (Scottish Highlands #2) Chapter 11 27%
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Chapter 11

Robyn stood on the other side of the door, wondering what she was going to say and how she was going to explain herself when she stepped out of the bathroom. If she’d known beforehand what type of conversation was going to take place on the other side of the door, she would have run out of that bathroom straight away and shouted her presence from the roof top.

Robyn twisted the handle of the door. She could feel her cheeks burning, her heart rate quickening. What she really wanted now was an invisible cloak to whisk her away.

Robyn took a deep breath, closed her eyes and opened the door. Keeping her eyes fixed firmly in front of her, she walked to the end of the bed and turned around, placing herself directly in front of him. He didn’t say a word. She touched the bed post with one hand and forced her eyes upon his; they were closed.

Robyn realised she hadn’t breathed since leaving the bathroom. She exhaled in relief. David was asleep. She glanced at the door, wondering if she should just leave. David had said to his father that he wanted no more visitors that evening.

Robyn took one step towards the door.

The bed creaked. ‘Robyn!’ David’s eyes opened, and he was struggling to sit up. His face beamed in delight. ‘Where did you appear from? I didn’t hear you come in.’

Actually I’ve been skulking behind your bathroom door, Robyn thought as she looked sheepishly in the direction of the bathroom, swallowing the urge to confess. ‘You were sleeping.’

‘I thought you were going home?’ David was now sitting at an awkward angle, trying to make himself more comfortable but not succeeding.

So did I . Robyn remembered the taxi as she glanced at the clock on the wall. She’d missed it. It was lucky she didn’t have a mobile phone, otherwise they might have called her number while she was hiding in the bathroom. Robyn glanced sheepishly past David at the bathroom door. It hadn’t been very mature, hiding like that.

‘Here – let me.’ Robyn helped him sit up. She plumped a couple of pillows while David leaned forward, holding onto her arm. He leaned back into the pillows gently. Still holding her hand, he said, ‘I see you missed me already.’

‘No, I just missed my taxi.’

‘Oh dear. How did that happen?’

Robyn smiled. ‘I’m joking,’ she said. Even though she had missed her taxi, she didn’t want it to sound as though she would rather not be there with him. ‘I know you’re tired, and you don’t want any more visitors, but would you like me to stay awhile?’

‘How did you know I didn’t want any more visitors?’

‘Oh, er …’ Robyn realised her gaffe too late. ‘You look tired and um I just assumed …’ she trailed off, avoiding eye contact.

‘It’s true. I didn’t want any more visitors. Until you showed up. Will you stay a little longer?’ He motioned at the chair by his bedside.

She hesitated. Robyn looked towards the door. What if Mr Gillespie returned?

‘You’re not leaving, are you?’ David asked.

Robyn turned around. She knew why he didn’t want her to leave. It was no fun staring at a blank wall. She could empathise, thinking back on her own stay in hospital. ‘Don’t worry. I’m not going anywhere. I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t come to visit me every day.’

Robyn sat down in the chair. ‘I’ve got an ulterior motive for staying,’ she said, smiling mischievously.

‘Oh, yeah. What’s that?’

Robyn took his hand. ‘I want to make sure my ride gets better really quick, don’t I?’ she smiled at him. It wouldn’t be the same, David not picking her up in the van and taking her places. She was going to miss his visits to Lark Lodge. When he was discharged home from hospital, she was sure Gayle wouldn’t mind driving her over to David’s house to see him while he recuperated. But there was a problem – it meant she’d most likely see Mr Gillespie too.

Robyn didn’t want to think about that. She decided to stay until David fell asleep, which she guessed would be pretty soon because she found she was doing all the talking. He just nodded as she chatted. She avoided any prickly subjects like Joe and David’s father. Instead, she talked about her new job; how things had gone that day at Rose and George’s.

That morning, when he’d taken her over to their house with all the swatches and fabric she’d bought the day before and had left in his van, seemed like a lifetime ago.

‘They loved the fabrics. I took measurements, and I’ve contacted a company who do made-to-measure curtains, blinds, and cushions. It’s all going so well. I’m going to start decorating tomorrow. But I’ll come and see you in the hospital first, I promise.’ She squeezed his hand reassuringly.

‘Did I tell you that it’s Gayle’s birthday soon? I’m not getting her a present to unwrap, though. I have something else in mind …’

David snuggled down under his covers, pulling them up to his chin as though he were a small child about to be told a bedtime story.

Robyn told him all about her plan for Gayle’s birthday surprise. David nodded and blinked back sleep. When she had finished, Robyn excused herself to use the bathroom. Unfortunately, Mr Gillespie came to mind as soon as she stepped inside. She was thinking about visiting David when he was discharged. She could time her visits when his dad was out, working in his shop. But she had a job to do herself, and although Rose and George were understanding, she couldn’t just flit in and out of their house, doing a bit here, a bit there when she felt like it. Besides, she imagined they’d want her to get on with the decorating, so the work would get done as soon as possible. That meant seeing David in the evening, after work, when his father was around.

Robyn had just thought of a way round that. She’d have to speak to Gayle. That didn’t stop her sharing her idea. She opened the bathroom door, and said, ‘David, I have the most amazing idea. Look, do you have to go home to yours after you’re discharged? I’m sure you don’t want your dad picking you up. Why don’t you stay at Lark Lodge? There’s a ground floor bedroom. And Gayle is – was – a nurse. She’ll keep an eye on you.’

Robyn suddenly had a feeling of déjà vu. She recalled inviting Nick to stay at Lark Lodge. That was so cheeky of her, when she hadn’t even discussed it with Gayle first. But Gayle had welcomed him, and the extra unexpected guest in the form of Olive.

But this was different. Unlike Nick, Gayle knew David. And now I’m earning money, I can pay for both our room and board , thought Robyn. She immediately could foresee a problem – she imagined David wouldn’t let her pay for his stay. Robyn dismissed that thought – for now.

When she turned around at the foot of David’s bed, wondering what David would say to her idea, he was sound asleep. Robyn looked at the clock, and decided that because it was so late anyway, she might as well sit for a few minutes more just to check he wasn’t going to wake and find her gone at the first opportunity before she left to phone for a taxi.

Robyn sat back in her chair and looked around the room before focusing on David. She watched the covers rise and fall with his every breath. She rubbed her eyes, feeling exhausted. It was now getting on for ten in the evening – well past visiting hours, she imagined. Any minute, a nurse was going to walk in and tell her that she had to leave. She couldn’t stay there all night.

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