The Shadow of a Laird (A Highland Ruse of Love #3) BONUS SCENE 92%
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The orphanage was running well, and Maura was run ragged most days, collapsing into bed at night from sheer exhaustion, but it was a tiredness she relished because it was born of love. The facility now served the children from Duncairn and Carmalcolm, although thankfully many were adopted into loving homes. When a child left, despite the fact that the orphanage had been built for just this purpose, it still saddened Maura to see one of her charges go.

She tried to tell herself that they were better off with loving families, which of course they were, but after having been a mother to them in all but name, it hurt her deeply, and she missed them for weeks afterwards.

However, despite the emotional ups and downs, she would still not have done anything else with her life. This was what she had wanted ever since she saw the first poor child sitting on a doorstep starving, even before she knew what it was to be an orphan herself.

Bettie and Catriona, two of the women she had hired to help her with the children’s schooling, had begged her many times not to do menial work in the kitchen.

However, their appeals had fallen on deaf ears because in a strange way, Maura enjoyed the hard physical labour; she had always done it, and knew she would not have been happy with a life of leisure. She derived a great deal of satisfaction from seeing the children’s meals dished up in sparkling clean bowls.

She had sewn all the tablecloths, curtains, and napkins herself and had the whole building painted in the bright colours they liked. Their beds were covered in fluffy woollen blankets and there were enough toys for a small army.

Maura breathed a sigh of pure contentment and smiled as she looked out of the window to see the children kicking a ball around the grassy stretch of ground they used for games. She had never been so happy, but a moment later she was happier still as a strong pair of arms wound around her waist and she leaned her head back against Gavin’s hard chest.

“How are you, my blue-eyes?” he asked as he kissed the side of her neck, making her tremble in delight and pleasure. She had been in awe of Gavin’s lips since the first night she had felt them pressed against her own—how long ago? It was only a year, but it seemed longer, since so much had happened during that time.

“I am well, you rascal!” she replied affectionately, then turned in Gavin’s arms so that her breasts were pressed against him.

She gazed at him, her eyes shining with love. How could she possibly have lived without this great, rugged, protective man till now? Maura reached up and brushed a lock of hair away from his forehead, then ran her hands over his rough, bristled cheeks, which always made her palms tingle.

“I am a rascal?” Gavin said in mock indignation. “I am not the one who is working so hard, she does not have time to set a date for our wedding!” He took her hand and led her over to the fireplace, then sat down and drew her onto his lap.

“You are quite able tae set a date as well, ye know,” Maura replied.

“But what if it is too soon and the dress is not ready?” he pointed out. “There would be pandemonium—chaos! Everybody knows that the groom only shows up to be married, but the bride must be seen, and worshipped. She must look like a goddess. You will become Lady Forsyth, after all.”

Maura laughed and put her head on his shoulder, feeling his strong arms going around her. She could have stayed like this, warm and secure, forever, but Gavin wanted more. She could feel his arousal underneath her body, and she wiggled her hips to tease him. Gavin groaned, then turned her around to face him and whispered, “You witch,” before capturing her mouth and kissing her as though his life depended on it.

Maura felt his hand cupping her breast, as she returned his kiss with all the passion and love she had in her.

Gavin was in heaven. He was here in the embrace of the woman he loved more than life itself, showing her how much he cared about her. Although he would love to have gone much further than a mere kiss, he was aware that one of the children could walk in at any moment. He fought his frustration as he reluctantly drew away from her.

“Have ye thought o’ a way tae secure an alliance wi’ the Jamiesons?” Maura asked suddenly.

Gavin felt himself jerked back to reality. “Is that all you can think of when I am doing my best to kiss you senseless?” he asked.

Maura looked into his resentful green eyes and giggled. “Men an’ their pride,” she said, shaking her head. “There will be plenty o’ time for kisses,”

“Promise?” he asked.

“Aye!” Maura put her fingertips on his lips and smiled. “Hundreds o’ kisses.”

“Thousands?” Gavin took her hand and kissed her palm, something he knew she loved.

“Ye havenae answered my question yet, ye besom!” she cried, banging his chest with her fists in mock rage.

He caught her hands, laughing. “I suggest we marry our firstborn to Elspeth’s.”

“What if they are both boys?” Maura objected. “Or both girls?”

“I am sure we will have more than one child each,” Gavin replied.

“An’ what if we dinnae have any?” Maura asked mischievously.

Gavin sighed wearily. “Then we will sign another agreement,” he replied. “Saying that we will fight for each other if we have to. Do we have to talk about this now?”

“An’ what if they fall in love wi’ an ordinary lass or lad?” Maura asked triumphantly. “You did.”

She had finally posed a question to which she thought Gavin had no answer. Except that he did.

“If we are not married soon, there will be no baby,” he pointed out. “So the question will be pointless. So the sooner we get married and start making this baby, the better.”

Maura looked thoughtful for a moment, then her eyes lit up as she said, “Dae ye think the minister could marry us now?”

Gavin was astonished. “Now? This minute?”

“Aye,” Maura answered. “It is as good a time as any.”

“What about your dress?” Gavin wondered whether Maura had thought of this.

“Pfft!” She flapped her hand at him. “Since when have I ever worried about what people thought o’ the way I look? Dae ye want tae get married or not?”

Gavin jumped to his feet and gave Maura a hungry, passionate kiss. “Come. The sooner this is done, the sooner we can start making babies!”

“I love you, Gavin,” she said, her eyes shining.

“And I love you, beautiful lady,” he replied. “I only hope that the minister is home.”

Thank you for reading my story!

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